• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 570 Views, 7 Comments

The Stranger - Kaptein

The Princesses puzzle over a strange mare with no memory and two large horns growing on her head. Meanwhile, a reclusive stallion haunted by his past realises that it has come to catch up with him.

  • ...

Chapter 4

The night was Luna’s domain - and by extension so were the dreams of all who slept. The dreams of strangers were no exception to that rule.

Entering the dreamscape of ponies was like meeting with an old friend - the simple introductions and that warm feeling of familiarity as you shared old and new memories alike. Traversing the dreamscape was much akin to reliving those old memories.

But the strange emptiness that surrounded Luna sent a deep worry to her core. There were no memories or experiences to share here - not even the subconscious held anything to dream about. Devoted Shield's mind was an empty expanse of sheer nothingness. Soaring across her mind, Luna found absolutely nothing - she couldn’t even find the pony who’s mind she was exploring.

There were ways around those who didn’t dream. Closing her eyes, Luna reached further into her own dreamscape and pulled out a scene. A simple moon-lit forest, one of Luna’s favourite scapes. Opening them again, she looked around to survey her creation: dim shafts of light filtered through the canopy high above her head, dried twigs and leaves crunching under her hooves as the forest extended for as far as the eye could see.

Perhaps something peaceful like this could draw the horned mare out from her subconscious.

Her twisted her ears around, allowing her near-omnipresence to detect any other strangers. A slight shuffling brought a smile to the alicorn; she was here.

Slipping into a pocket of shadow, Luna stepped out from behind a tree.

“Hello, Devoted,” she greeted, walking up to the pony lying in the foliage. The horned mare picked her head up, turning it to look at Luna. The princess frowned slightly - Devoted's image shimmered lightly, and her left horn was broken off half-way up.

“I didn’t know I could dream,” she said, a mask of confusion on her face.

Luna bent down and nuzzled her slightly. “All things can dream, little one. Even those as lost and empty as yourself.”

Devoted brought herself unsteadily to her hooves, offering a slight bow to Luna before speaking. “Why did you come here, Princess?”

Luna tapped a hoof to her chin for a moment, pondering the best answer. “I came seeking a way to help you - I wish to know your mind better so I can better restore your lost memories.”

“You saw nothing but emptiness.”

“I saw what your mind wanted me to see,” Luna countered. “I could not find you in the first expanse - so I had to draw you out.”

Devoted remained silent, her ashen eyes just staring blankly at Luna.

“Why did you hide from me, Devoted Shield?” Luna asked gently, taking a seat next to the pony.

She hung her head low, her body starting to shiver. “There is far too much pain,” she whispered meekly. “I remember nothing but burning and pain.”

“Show me, and perhaps I can help you with it.”

Devoted Shield closed her eyes, her image shimmering again before the forest faded around them. They were back in the empty expanse. “Princess, I - I’m sorry…” she breathed before allowing the expanse to fade once again.


Luna awoke with a start, sitting bolt upright in her bed. She drew in deep, sobbing breaths as an unfamiliar wetness trailed down her cheeks. She touched her muzzle, wiping the tears and staring at the wetness on her hoof.

So much pain,’ she thought. ‘So much...

Devoted Shield had a mind like iron - but the sheer agony her memories had vomited forth was enough to violently force the Lunar Princess out of the dreamscape.

Out of her dreamscape.

It was...impossible - unfathomable. The terrible burning loss that Devoted was suffering. A fire brighter than any sun had licked at the mare’s very soul. A divine fury and anger had dismantled and destroyed her essence piece by piece.

She didn’t even bother notifying her personal guard or even getting out of her sleeping-dress. Arcane magic enveloped her as she cast a short-range teleportation spell, planting her directly in the middle of the throne room.

“Oh, good-morning Luna,” Celestia greeted warmly, unable to hide the surprise in her voice. “To what do I owe the pleasant surprise?”

“Balefire,” Luna blurted out, ignoring the confused looks of the guards and nobles around her.

Celestia’s eyes widened, before she motioned to her guards and the nobles. “Will you please excuse us? I need to have word with my sister.”

A few whispers simmered around the room as the nobles murmured to each other. The steely glare Celestia shot them quickly brought in a hushed silence. Beckoning for Luna to follow, the two went into one of side chambers directly off of the main court.

A quick silencing spell enveloped the room as soon as the door clicked shut, Celestia turning to face her sister. The calm mask she wore earlier fell off completely, concern and shock now etched into her features.

“What did you say, Luna?” Celestia asked, her voice mirroring her face.

“Devoted Shield was burned with Balefire,” Luna said.

“Are you certain?” Celestia asked. “Balefire was banned -,”

“Almost two thousand years ago, I know,” Luna interrupted. “I am certain, sister.”

The white alicorn began to nervously pace around the room. “But...how? How is she even alive - how is there even a soul left to inhabit her body?”

“I do not know, Tia,” Luna breathed. “I delved into her dreams - asked her to share what memories she had with me.” She shivered. “The unrelenting agony - that lingering magic around her?”

Celestia nodded grimly, her pacing coming to a stop. “Lingering remnants of the Balefire.”

“Sister, I worry that there may be no longer be any memories left for her to recover…”

Silence filled the room as the two sisters began to ponder their own thoughts. Luna closed her eyes and repressed another shiver as the memory from the dreamscape resurfaced.

“Sister, there is another thing…”

Celestia looked up at Luna.

“I was able to sense the being that did this to her - I could not make out who or what it was, but it burned her with a fierce determination and pure hatred. I haven’t felt that much hatred since…” she trailed off. “Since one thousand years ago.”

Celestia’s eyes went wide before she quickly moved in and pulled Luna into a powerful hug with her wings. “Luna, I thought we discussed that it wasn’t your fault.”

“I know, Tia…But such hatred…”

“Then we must safeguard her so that whatever did this doesn’t come to finish the job.”

Luna nodded, before returning the hug and nuzzling her sister back.

“We will get to the bottom of this, Luna. I promise.”


“Funny, you don’t look much like a griffon.”

Adrias gritted his teeth before grinding out a reply. “No - that’s just my name because I didn’t grow up around these parts. Okay?”

The Ponyville customs officer stamped the paperwork before giving it back to Adrias. “Alright, it looks clear to me. Proceed.”

The earth-pony let out an irritated groan. “I’m actually getting sick and tired of this - why on earth is there such a heightened increase in security everywhere?”

The pegasus on the other side of the window gave him a deadpan look. “Have you been living under a rock? With the recent events involving Tirek national security has been increased. Now, if you’ll please move along, you’re holding up the line.”

Adrias shot a cold glare at the ponies behind him before shuffling out of the way. The train platform here wasn’t nearly as busy as the one in the Crystal Empire but there were still more ponies around than he felt comfortable with.

“Huh - I have been out of it for a while,” he muttered to himself as he exited the train station. Near the edge of Ponyville, towards the Everfree forest, was what he could only describe as a giant crystal-tree-castle. It looked awfully tacky compare to the rustic charm the rest of the town gave off.

He shrugged before heading out towards the residential district. Ponyville was always such a quiet town in between repeated dragon attacks, rampant Ursa Minors, parasprite infestations and the incessant antics of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Scratch that - Ponyville would be a quiet town if it weren’t for all of those.

How did the residents ever get through the day without having a panic attack from something not happening? Disaster was as common as the common cold here.

Adrias shooed the thoughts away from his mind - he had more important things to worry about. The dilemma of the common pony was not one of them.

He made his way to a moderate house painted cream with a charcoal grey cross gabled roof, a smaller building with raw brickface and thatch roofing built next to it. A small vegetable garden lay planted in one corner of the property with a few smaller rock-gardens littered around it. The entrance path branched off, one to the main house and the other to the study on the side. All in all it was quite charming, and in a different life Adrias would have liked to live on a property like this one.

Adrias trotted up to the door of the main house, lifting his hoof to knock before hesitating. He sighed, resolving himself to get it over and done with.

Knocking twice, he braced himself and waited.

Author's Note:

A bit more character development for Adrias here.

I have two running gags planned for him - the first is everypony is going to comment on his griffon-sounding name. And I mean EVERYPONY. (Almost)

The second I'll reveal in due time.

And a bit more revelation to Devoted Shield and what actually happened to her. How she got here? That will be revealed eventually...