• Published 11th Sep 2014
  • 568 Views, 7 Comments

The Stranger - Kaptein

The Princesses puzzle over a strange mare with no memory and two large horns growing on her head. Meanwhile, a reclusive stallion haunted by his past realises that it has come to catch up with him.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The Palace Gardens were always beautiful this time in the morning. They had been designed to allow just the perfect amount of sunlight into the main patio, trees trimmed and maintained to provide adequate shade at all times.

There was a small time window between Celestia’s wake-up cup of tea and Luna’s cake-before-bed that the two Royal Sisters always liked to share. It was their ‘sister-time’, as Celestia had dubbed it.

“Sister, I cannot help but feel we are misjudging Devoted Shield.”

Princess Celestia looked up from her teacup, an eyebrow raised. “Devoted Shield?”

“The horned mare.” Luna jabbed the pastry fork back into the rather hefty wedge of cake. “Sister, remind me who invented chocolate? They deserve a royal commendation.”

Princess Celestia suppressed a giggle. “Chocolate was discovered by explorers some six centuries ago. It wasn’t till a few decades afterwards they thought to sweeten it.” Celestia set down her tea mug onto its saucer, levelling a questioning gaze at Luna. “I see you’ve also taken quite an interested in this ‘Devoted Shield’ Luna. Considering you saw fit to name her.”

Luna gave an indignant huff, turning her head away. “She requested a name - after some careful thought we decided one for her.”

Celestia gave a knowing smile, her magic levitating the teacup back up to her lips as she drew in a dainty sip. “It seems the only pony who’s misjudged her is you, dear sister.”

“She is dangerous, Tia. She was able to make an astute observation with very little information regarding pony’s cutiemarks.”

“Being able to deduce something as fundamental as a pony’s biology warrants having a minimum of two guards assigned around the clock?”

Celestia’s question hung in the air like a knife ready to come down. Princess Luna closed her eyes, rubbing at her temples. “You felt the magic. It was abnormal - I have never encountered any such force.”

Celestia didn’t move at all, the teacup still hovering close to her muzzle. “We have the best scholars and scientists studying...Devoted’s entry point. I’m sure we will have an answer soon.”

“The magic still lingers around her,” Luna sighed, gazing out into the gardens. “We need to be careful. I have a feeling she is far more than she seems.”

There was the soft clink of the teacup setting down on its saucer again. “Luna, please. You’re worrying too much. Give it a few days - our best ponies are working on finding out where she came from.” Celestia shifted, standing up from her seat. Her wings spread out and shuffled slightly before folding back inwards. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to prepare for the Day Court.”

She leaned forward, planting a light and sisterly kiss on the dark alicorn’s muzzle. Luna recoiled slightly from embarrassment, her dark coat hiding the blush.

“And you, dear sister, need to get some sleep,” Celestia finished. “Give it a few days. Everything will be fine, I’m sure of it.”

Luna looked down at the remainder of her slice of chocolate cake. She pushed it away with her hoof before standing up herself and leaving towards her bed chambers. Celestia was right - a little sleep would help clear her mind.



“Adrias Kalte.”



“Coming from?”

“Crystal Empire.”



The rather grumpy-looking stallion behind the ticket-counter looked up from the paperwork in front of him, shooting an unimpressed look. “You don’t look much like a griffon, what not with a name like that.”

A fairly lean-built earth pony stallion with a dark tan coat and ice-blue eyes stared back, just as unimpressed. “I have a griffon name. It’s not unheard of.”

The customs pony nodded. “Yeah, yeah. Sure, whatever.” He pressed down on a stamp, a green ‘granted’ sign being inked onto the paperwork. “You’re good to go - just stay out of trouble.”

“About time…”

Adrias boarded onto the train, pushing past the small horde of other ponies also trying to get on. He had only a single saddlebag’s worth of possessions - there was very little to his name. He prefered it that way. Fumbling around in the bag, he pulled out a small book and a quill. “Of all the damn things…” he grunted, taking the quill in his teeth and jotting down into the book.

I’m surprised they haven’t monetised unicorn teleportation yet,’ he thought idly to himself. Train rides were a boring and long-winded form of transport. The only real advantage to it was its ability to mass-transport ponies on the cheap.

He grunted, folding away his book into the saddlebag. A lot of the other travellers were Crystal Ponies - most likely exploring the world after their recent return into existence. Those poor souls - missing a thousand years of history must have been a crushing culture shock.

Much like it was for me,’ he thought bitterly. He shrugged off the thought. ‘I adapted - so will they.

The stallion reached back into his saddlebag, pulling out a different book. He flipped open to a bookmark, heaving a content sigh as he leaned back in his seat.


“Absolutely not!”

Lyra collapsed to her knees, offering a praying motion to the incensed earth pony. “Aww, c’mon Bon-Bon! Please?”

“No, Lyra!” Bon-Bon asserted heatedly. “I will not let that uncivilised brute in this house again!”

“But Bon-Bon! it’s been so long since we saw him!” Lyra begged, now clinging to the earth pony’s legs.

“The last time we let him inside our house it was demolished. I’m not taking that risk again!”

“That’s because of reasons out of anypony's control! And at least he personally helped to build us a new one!”

Bon-Bon didn’t reply, just raising her snout indignantly. Lyra crawled and wormed her way in front of the mare. Her eyes grew wide as she pouted her lower lip, giving it the slightest of trembles and unleashing the best puppy-dog eyes she could muster.

“Pleeeaase Bon-Bon! He single-hoofedly carved all the ice sculptures at the wedding! He even managed to help with the planning!”

Lyra could see the angry façade start to crack. The gears worked in her head, having to come up with a final decision. Eventually, Bon-Bon rolled her eyes, giving a sigh clearly showing her lack of enthusiasm. “Okay, fine. But no adventures or dangerous activities! I don’t want anypony going out there and getting hurt, okay?”

Lyra was on her hooves instantly, bouncing around the room. “Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou Bonnie!” She grabbed the earth pony in a powerful hug before planting a loud and wet smooch on her cheek. Lyra bolted out of the room before she could even see the slight blush forming on Bon-Bon’s cheeks.

Lyra bounced out towards her study - there was so much to get ready; so many books and ideas she wanted to ask Adrias. He was a wealth of knowledge and cynicism that Lyra had often relied on in the past.

“Hmm...I wonder if he’ll know anything about that Lösen Sphere thing?”

Author's Note:

A short chapter just to try and keep the flow going.

I almost had an action scene at the train scene but decided against it. I need to do a little more foreshadowing before I get into any serious stuff.

As always, any comments are more than welcome.