• Published 8th Apr 2015
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The Secret of Sheldon Clopper. - theanonymousbrony

Sheldon Clopper: eight years old, mute, a child prodigy, and the number one threat to Equestria.

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A Date and a Surprise Visit

After Apple Bloom had succeeded in crushing my heart, I was just heading back home with depression weighing down on my shoulders. The only thing that would make this worse would be if those two snobs were to just bump into me; and to my dismay, that's just what happened.

"There you are Sheldy," cried Silver Spoon. "We've like been looking all over for you!"

"What's wrong Sheldon," Diamond asked, "were you so worried that you wouldn't see Silver again that you just had to break down in tears?"

No, that's the least of my worries. "Well don't you worry Sheldy," Silver cooed, "because I will never let you out my sight like again." If I could speak, I'd let out an annoyed sigh right about now.

Now I know what you're probably thinking, "Can things get any worse at this point?" well, how about an unexpected date with a pony you don't love? Yeah, the next thing that literally popped out of Diamond Tiara's mouth is, "And I know just the thing to lift your spirits; a romantic dinner with your girlfriend!"

As they were both squeeing in excitement, I took the time to write down an excuse. "I'd love to, but I can't really afford a meal at the moment."

I was hoping this would change her mind, but instead all I get is, "You won't have to worry about that, I'm paying your meal for you. My daddy is best friends with this pony who owns the finest restaurant in Ponyville, and it's the perfect place for you two lovebirds."

If there was one thing that I didn't miss about Canterlot, other than the uptight snobs and uniforms, it was the fancy restaurants. I should've expected that dating a snob would require me to go to where only a snob will ever eat at. And this restaurant is pretty much like any other fancy restaurant you've probably seen; from the waiters with the gelled hair and thin mustaches, all the way to the violin music playing in the background.

While we were waiting for our food, Silver tried to strike up a conversation. "Isn't this romantic, Sheldy? I've been wondering when we were going to have like a proper date."

"And now your wish has come true."

"Yeah, but you like don't seem to be too happy."

"Well to be honest, I'm not really a fancy food type of pony."

"You sure it like has nothing to do with Apple Bloom?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Sheldy, I knew that you were like having feelings towards her; and I also knew that you've been hanging with those Blank Flanks. Me and Diamond just had to get you away from them somehow."

"You mean you and Diamond had planned that challenge the whole time?!"

"It was for your own good, Sheldy; I thought I was like going to lose you. Besides, at least now you know that she's not interested in you." A scowl was slowly forming on my face. "Now Sheldy, don't give me that look. I was only thinking of you. Besides, there was never a chance that you and that Blank Flank would ever be together; why waste your time trying to get something you can't have when you can just stick with something you can have?"

First she forces me to be her boyfriend, and now she made the filly I love hate me; now I have more than enough reasons to not love her! as my anger started to rise, so did that beeping noise that I used on Twilight. But it soon went away the second our food was brought to us. While Silver Spoon was eating, I thought I try looking into her memories like I did with Diamond Tiara.


She was on her bed, looking at some photo that Diamond had gave her. Then out of her pillow, she took out a big scrapbook and in it she placed a picture of my flank! as she was staring dreamily at it, she said to herself, "One day, that flank will be all mine."

"Silver, time for dinner!"

"OK Mom!" she then hid her scrapbook back under her pillow as she went to have dinner.


And there went my appetite. Come on, you have to admit that if you knew someone who keeps a collection of pictures of ponies flanks, wouldn't you lose the urge to eat at that point?

After dinner was finally over, I was having to do what most boyfriends are clearly expected to do after a date, and that's walk his girlfriend to her house. When I took her to her doorstep, she said, "I had a great time tonight; I hope we'll get to do this some other time." As I was about to head back home, she stopped me and said, "Aren't you forgetting something?" I just drew a big "?" on my board. "You're suppose to kiss your girlfriend goodnight after walking her home."

She then positioned her cheek for me to kiss. You'd think that forcing me into a relationship, ruining my chances of winning the heart of the filly I love, going on a boring date, and then taking her back to her house would be enough for her. But nope, she decided that I got to suffer some more. I hope nopony can see this. And so with a forced pucker of my lips, I grudgingly kissed her cheek. And the second she finally went into her house, I immediately ran straight home (and the first thing I'm probably gonna do is get the taste out of my mouth).

The second I opened the door, I was soon barraged by the same lecture every parent gives a kid when they're not back home on time. "Sheldon, where were you? We were worried that you wouldn't come back."

Seeing as how nopony else is around I moved my chalk with my mind and wrote on my board, "I've had a rough day, don't ask."

"Well I hope that you're not too grumpy for a surprise." My mom said.

"What surprise?"

She and my dad led me to the living room, and that's when I saw my grandparents and Dr. Egghead! I of course rushed onward and hugged them. "How's our favorite grandson?" my grandma asked.

"What do you mean 'favorite grandson'?" my grandpa inquired, "He's our only grandson."

"I know Sheldon, I just like to make him feel special."

"He already has brain powers, just how special do you want him to be?"

"Well technically it's Mindbending." Dr. Egghead corrected him.

"Mindbending, brain powers, same difference." My grandpa declared.

Dr. Egghead knew it was best not to argue with my grandpa, so he turned to me and said, "So how're you liking public school, Sheldon?"

"It's definitely better than my old school." I erased that sentence. "The teacher gave me a sticker just for passing a test."

"Just a sticker?!" my grandpa exclaimed, "when I passed a test, I got to buy something out of a comic store!"

"You mean your teacher would actually let you do that?"

"Oh no Sheldon Clopper II, that's something that only my mother would allow me."

Dr. Egghead then said, "Now Sheldon, did you actually study for this test or did you just get the answers out of your teacher's head? because you know that you're not suppose to be using your powers in public."

"It's not like I was waving my board in front of her." I erased that sentence. "Besides, they can't tell when I'm reading their minds."

"Well be that as it may, you need to be more careful. You haven't forgotten why you'd moved here in the first place, have you?"

"He's fine, Egghead," my dad said, "nopony here seems to be suspecting anything yet."

My grandma then tried to change the subject. "So Sheldon, your parents told me that you have a crush on some filly."

My crestfallen mood suddenly came back to me as I wrote down, "I do, but she doesn't like me that much."

"And why's that?"

"Because this filly that I'm being forced to date just happens to be her bully." I erased that sentence. "And now she thinks that I'm just like her."

"You mean some other filly is forcing you to be her boyfriend?" my grandpa asked.

"That about sums it up."

"There, there, Sheldon Clopper II, I know just what you're going through. Before I met your grandmother, I too was the unfortunate victim of a forced relationship. I was just a young genius--still attending university--when this mare with orange hair and tanned fur had offer me free dinner. And little did I know that by accepting that offer, I was soon bounded by some relationship contract. At first she seemed OK; she'd get me food and pretty much assist me with my work. But whenever I just wanted to do something fun with my friends, she would always be there to prevent me."

"Did it ever stop?"

"You bet it did; when I finally did finish my work, she had the gall to demand to take credit for it! and so I told her to get out of my sight and I've never seen her again to this day."

"You mean I can just put an end to it whenever I want?"

"Of course you can; you just go up to this filly and tell her it's over."

My grandma however seemed to have a different opinion, "Come on Sheldon, this filly you're having to date can't be that bad."

"Would you ever want to date somepony who keeps a picture of your flank in a scrapbook?"

"That's nothing. When I was a filly, I used to keep jars filled with the saliva of colts I used to crush over."

After wiping that disturbing image out of my head, I turned to my parents and wrote down, "Family Appreciation Day is tomorrow." I erased that sentence. "Can one of you come to school?"

"Sorry son, but my boss doesn't allow any employee to miss work over anything."

"I'd love to sweetie, it's just that the Cakes have to make a delivery and Pinkie will be too busy looking after the twins to run the store. Why don't you ask Grandma or Grandpa?"

When I asked them, my grandpa said, "And what does one have to do on this 'Family Appreciation Day' that you speak of?"

"You just go in front of everypony and tell them about yourself."

"In that case, count me in! I'm always eager to enlighten young minds of my brilliance!"

"Don't we know." My grandma's inner voice said.

The second I went to my room, everypony started to discuss more serious matters. "Has anypony noticed anything about Sheldon's secret?" Dr. Egghead asked.

"I told you that he's fine Egghead," my dad told him. "We've taken every precaution we can take."

"He didn't meet anypony that's close to Celestia, did he?"

My mom then told him, "Well he did get to meet Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"You mean Celestia's former student? oh no, how could I forget her?! if I had remembered that she lived here, I would've suggested that you three move to Vanhoover instead!"

"Don't worry, Egghead," my mom assured him, "she's in no way suspicious of Sheldon; in fact, he's already become friends with her."

"You let him be alone with her?!"

"Calm down, Egghead, it's not like she interrogated him." My dad commented.

"It's hard to stay calm when your Mindbender son is rubbing hooves with Celestia's former student. What if she were to see Sheldon moving something with his mind? what if she tells Celestia about this? for that matter, what if Celestia already knows?!"

"Egghead, I know that you're only thinking of the well being of our son, and we appreciate it, but you have to relax. Sheldon has been keeping his powers very well under control; and until somepony does find out, we got nothing to worry about."

My grandpa then tried to lighten the mood, "Things have been more exciting since Sheldon Clopper II found out what he really is. I feel like I'm in some kind of suspense, thriller, serial comic."

My grandma then said, "You seem awfully OK that our grandson's life is at stake."

"Oh he's a big boy now, there's nothing he can't handle." He then let out a yawn. "Well, I better get some shut-eye; if I'm going to present myself at Sheldon's school, I'm going to need all the sleep I can get."

Everyone just yawned in agreement. As Dr. Egghead was about to leave, my mom told him, "Won't you like us to set up a guest bed for you?"

"Thanks Diane, but I'm sleeping at an inn tonight." And so with that said he went out the door, and everypony went straight to bed.