• Published 8th Apr 2015
  • 1,051 Views, 20 Comments

The Secret of Sheldon Clopper. - theanonymousbrony

Sheldon Clopper: eight years old, mute, a child prodigy, and the number one threat to Equestria.

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Flower Petals and Magazines

The sun was blazing in a great radiance that pretty much lets everypony know that the weekend has begun. On this bright Saturday morning, I was lying on my bed as I was levitating the petal that pretty much holds the fate of my potential love life with Apple Bloom. But it soon landed on my face when my concentration was broken by the sound of my mom calling me.

"Sheldon, one of your friends is here!"

After grabbing my chalk and board, I trotted down the stairs and found Pecan standing by the door. "Hey Sheldon, I was about ta head over ta Button's place. You wanna come?" after receiving permission from my mom, I didn't waste any time at all as I went and spent my first weekend with my new friends.

It didn't really took us that long to get to his house (we were all neighbors, so it basically only takes us a couple of seconds just to hang out). The second Pecan knocked on the door, we were of course greeted by Button's bewitching mother. "Hello boys."

"Hi Mrs. Mash," said Pecan. "Is Button home?"

"He's upstairs playing his video games."

"Can we join him?"

"Of course you can, sweetie." While Pecan just rushed onward, I was slowly walking past Button's Mom as I tried my best not to make any eye contact. "Are you all right, Sheldon?" I couldn't help myself; I just had to look at her when she referred to me by name, and of course my face was about as red as an apple. She then placed her hoof on my forehead as she said, "Oh, your face feels warm. I hope you're not catching a fever." If you keep touching me with those graceful hooves of yours, I might. Luckily Pecan came back and dragged me away before her beauty could take full effect on me.

After that brief encounter, we both found ourselves in Button's room (who of course was playing another one of his video games). Something wrong must've happened while he was playing, because next thing you know he throws his controller away and starts throwing a hissy fit.

Pecan went up to him and said, "What's wrong Button? Creepers killed ya again?"

"Yes," Button groaned. "As much as I love this game, they're the one thing I hate about it."

I looked at the screen and noticed that the game he was playing seemed to consist of nothing but weird, mutated blocks. I took my chalk with my mouth and wrote, "What kind of game is this?"

Button was able to forget his little tantrum from before as he eagerly explained to me. "This is Manecraft; and it's possibly the best video game ever made."

"What do you do, exactly?"

"Well you mostly just roam around the world, collecting and mining materials in order to survive. But never mine at night, because that's when the creepers like to come out of nowhere and kill you."

"If this game is mostly about mining, then why don't they call it Minecraft?"

"Because then it wouldn't sound like a pony-related pun."

While we were having this discussion, Rumble came sliding into the room with a prideful grin on his face. "Hello fellas, enjoying yourselves?"

"Yep," said Pecan, "but what took ya so long?"

"Let's just say that I had to get something that'll make this weekend even better." He then placed his backpack on the floor, and out of it he took some kind of magazine. It had a picture of some mare dressed like a bunny, and over her were big letters that spelled out: PLAY PONY.

Pecan's eyes started to wide up as he looked upon the magazine. "Is that...?"

"Oh yeah," Rumble gloated, "I went into my brother's room and I just snatched the first one I could come across. I figured since I get to look at pictures of hot mares, it only seemed fair that I share them with my buds." And without wasting anymore time, Rumble flipped some of the pages and started to show some of the pictures to me and Pecan--while Button went back to playing his game. As we were gazing upon picture after picture, Rumble was just going over the basics. "Yes fellas, this magazine has just about every beautiful mare you can think of: from Ms. Ponyville, Ms. Cloudsdale, Ms. Winter Wrap Up, including...Button's Mom?!"

He wasn't lying, there really was a picture of Button's Mom in there. It showed her stretching herself upon a bed while wearing a very risqué outfit and a lot of makeup. We were all just as shocked; except unlike Pecan and Rumble, the sight of that picture had caused blood to spurt out my nose!

While I was trying my best to block the bleeding, Button just let out a sarcastic laugh as he said, "Very funny guys; like I haven't heard any of those jokes before."

"He's not lyin', Button," said Pecan, "it really is yer mom!"

Button then paused the game as he turned and said, "Look guys, I may not be a momma's boy, but I don't appreciate it when any of you are saying..." the second he laid eyes on that picture, he just froze in place as one of his eyes started to twitch. "What am I looking at?!"

"You're looking at a picture of your very attractive MILB." Said Rumble.

Even though blood was still oozing from my nostrils, I was still able to write down, "What's a MILB?"

"You know, a Mother I Like to Buck." Rumble explained. "And judging by this picture, I'd say she fits that description rather well."

"Shut up, Rumble!" Button cried.

"Button, keep it down! It's hard for my band to practice when you're yelling!" I then saw what looked like an older version of Button--only without the propeller hat. When he came in and saw all of us, I could hear his inner voice saying, "Great, as if one annoying colt isn't aggravating enough." But the second he saw the magazine that Rumble was holding, he immediately swiped it from his hooves.

"Hey, give that back!" cried Rumble.

"What good will it do for you?" asked the older Button. "Aren't you too young to be looking at dirty magazines?"

"I don't know, aren't you too much of a dork to be starting a band?" Rumble retorted.

"Oh go hug a cactus you little runt! At least I do other things besides hanging in my brothers room, looking at pictures of...mom?!"

Ah, so this must be Button's brother. Before I could get into much deeper thought of this new discovery, we all heard somepony shout, "RUMBLE!" and that's when Thunderlane came in. "Rumble, have you been going through my stash again?!"

Rumble shrugged that statement off as he tried to look innocent. "No, of course not, bro. I would never invade my awesome brother's privacy."

"Is that so," that's when Thunderlane snatched the magazine from Button's brother. "Then why is this issue not in the pile with my other magazines?!"

Feeling that he's been caught red-hoofed, he quickly resorted to blaming. "Gibson was the one holding it; so it could've been him."

"Oh don't you dare try to drop this on me," said Gibson (AKA, Button's brother). "I saw you holding it."

Thunderlane took the time to scold Rumble some more. "Rumble, what did I say about taking things that don't belong to you?"

"What are you so mad about?" asked Rumble. "You have Cloudchaser; so in all fairness, you don't even need those magazines."

"That's not the point, Rumble." Thunderlane said through clenched teeth. "I promised mom and dad that I would take care of you while they're working at Cloudsdale; and the last thing they need to know, is that my little brother has been looking at pictures of..." and that was when he saw the picture of Button's Mom. Without taking his eyes off of the picture, he said to Gibson, "Dude, is that your mom?"

To that, Gibson said, "I'm just as shocked as you are."

And as if things couldn't get awkward enough, we were soon blessed with the presence of the mare in the picture herself. "Hi Thunderlane, have you come to check on Rumb..." what followed next was a long, uncomfortable silence.

"Mom, why is there a picture of you in that magazine?" asked Button.

With an embarrassed expression on her face, she said, "Button, Gibson, could I talk with you two, privately?"

The second they left, Thunderlane grabbed Rumble by the ear as he dragged him out as well. And that only left me and Pecan. I took my chalk and wrote down, "I'm guessing that playtime is over?"

"Pretty much," said Pecan. "Well, see ya later Sheldon." And with that said, we both left the house as we went our separate ways.

After the awkward occurrence from before, I was trying to head back home, but the amounts of blood that I've been losing was starting to make me lose focus--so I was pretty much just wandering around. And while this was happening, I was soon approached by a certain purple dragon.

"Hey there Sheldon, how's your...?" the second he laid eyes upon my bloody nose, his pupils seemed to have shrunken. "Sweet Celestia, what happened to you?!" I tried to lift my chalk, but the loss of blood was beginning to make me lose my grip as well. "Come with me, Sheldon, I got some stuff that could help you." Seeing as how I had little options, I decided to let him take me back to that castle.


After a couple of minutes of Spike blocking my nostrils with some balls of cotton, I was lying on his bed with my head raised up. "So what caused this?" Spike wondered.

Seeing as how the bleeding was finally stopping, I was able to write on my board again. "You know about the magazines Rumble brags about?"

"Who doesn't?"

"Well let's just say that I saw a very striking image."

"Yeah, that does tend to happen when you're looking at a beautiful mare. Speaking of beautiful mares, did you tell Apple Bloom how ya feel about her?"

"Not exactly, but you remember what you said about flower petals?"

"What about 'em?"

"Well last night, I got a flower and I pulled some of the petals off."

"And what did it say?!"

Seeing as how eager he was, I figured that it was best not to keep him waiting. "Believe it or not, it said she loved me."

He then leaped up and hugged me as he said, "That's great man, that means there's a chance for you! This calls for a celebration; I hope you like cookies, because I've just made a batch just now and they're perfect for this sort of occasion."

And with that said, he went out the door to retrieve the said cookies.

As I was waiting for him, I heard a feminine voice say, "Spike, are you in here?" and to my horror, I saw Princess Twilight enter the room. When she saw me, she put a smile on her face as she said, "Oh hi there, I didn't know Spike invited one of his friends. Oh dear, what happened to your nose?" the second she got a few inches closer to me, I immediately got out of the bed and tried to bolt out of here!

"Sheldon, wait!" she tried to grab me, but I was able to dodge her and make it out the door. But as I was running through the hallway, I saw Twilight teleport herself in front of me, and I immediately turned back. That's when I felt something pulling me back; I looked behind and saw a pink glow pulling my legs.

I was then lifted into the air and was in direct eye contact with Twilight. "Sheldon, what's wrong with you? I'm just trying to make sure that you're OK." As hard as I tried to struggle, I couldn't get loose out of the pink glow that Twilight was casting upon me. I was so terrified at this point that I stopped hearing what Twilight was thinking and instead heard this loud, abrupt beeping noise as my inner voice was crying, "Put me down!" then suddenly the pink glow had disappeared, and I found myself being slammed face first to the floor. I felt a bit exhausted after that loud beeping, but I couldn't really say the same for Twilight. She was lying on the floor while making some kind of painful moan. As much as I wanted to get away from her, I couldn't just leave her in pain. So summing up as much strength as I had left, I lifted Twilight with my Mind Powers and carried her back to Spike's room.

As soon as she started to recover, she found herself on Spike's bed, and noticed that I was right beside her--recovering my strength. "Sheldon," she said while moaning, "what happened? I remember chasing you, and then I started to have this headache."

"You did," I wrote on my board. "You collapsed, so I brought you in here."

"Thanks Sheldon, but that doesn't excuse you running away from me. That was the second time you ran away from me; what is it about me that you fear?"

"It's not you I'm afraid of." I erased that sentence and wrote down, "It's Celestia."

"What does she have to do with you running from me?"

"Because you might tell her where I am and she'll take me away."

Starting to notice the glint of fear in my eyes, Twilight gave me an assuring pat on my head as she said, "Sheldon, you shouldn't feel that way towards Celestia. There were times when I thought she might give me an unspeakable punishment; but I soon learned that she's more merciful than I'd expected." If she's so merciful, then why did she kill an entire society of ponies? "In fact Sheldon, if she ever comes by for some celebration, I can let you meet her yourself."

After mentioning that, I frantically wrote on my board, "Please don't do that!"

"What reason do you have to fear her?"

"I just am, OK! So please don't tell her about me!"

She then tried to comfort me some more, "Sheldon, princesses don't want you to be afraid of them; they want you to love and respect them. I'm a princess, and I don't see any reason for you to be afraid. If you're scared of Celestia so much, that's fine. But don't be scared of me; I would never do anything to hurt you." After that she then gave me a hug that in a way that made me feel safe. And when I looked at her again, I didn't seem to be afraid of her anymore. So after giving her a hug in return, I got up and went back home.

After I left, Spike came back with the cookies and was surprised to find Twilight in my place. "Twilight, what are you doing here?"

"Well first off, I live here Spike. And second, I had a headache. Are you gonna share those cookies?"

As Spike was delivering the cookies to her, he asked as he was munching, "Where did Sheldon go?"

"He was here with me," Twilight said as she took a bite, "and I think that I was able to reach him."