• Published 8th Apr 2015
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The Secret of Sheldon Clopper. - theanonymousbrony

Sheldon Clopper: eight years old, mute, a child prodigy, and the number one threat to Equestria.

  • ...

A Dance to Remember

Rumble thought that mine and Apple Bloom's relationship wouldn't last for more than three months; it's been ten years since I'd moved here, and all the way up to high school, Apple Bloom and I were still together. We were all seniors at this point, and pretty much all the Cutie Mark Crusaders had finally gotten their Cutie Marks. Apple Bloom's was a purple apple with a little pink heart inside while also within a striped shield, Sweetie's was a purple star with a little musical note inside within the same striped shield as Apple Bloom's, Scootaloo's was a purple wing with a little lighting bolt inside along with the aforementioned striped shield, Rumble's was a tornado, Button's was the buttons on his gizmo, and Pecan's was--ironically--a pecan.

Anyway, it was now lunchtime, and I was sitting with Rumble and Pecan--who both just got back from hoofball practice. As we were eating, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had eventually joined us as well. It was at that moment when we were greeted by the rich kid and the head cheerleader (better known as Highbrow and Diamond Tiara).

"Well if it isn't our favorite team of misfits," Highbrow said in a--not so--mocking tone. "Where's the one who likes to stare into that little gizmo?"

"Button's at home fixing up my surprise," Sweetie explained. "Today's our anniversary."

"How lovely," said Highbrow, "I came to wish you all good luck at the dance tonight; although it's pretty obvious that my Diamond and I shall be crowned Prom King and Queen."

Diamond Tiara then said to Sweetie Belle, "And Sweetie, I heard that you'll be singing. I just hope that you pick a good song for when Highbrow and I dance."

"Well, see you all tonight." With that said, they both walked away.

To think those two used to do nothing but get on everypony's nerves. Sweetie Belle then said, "So, do any of you have anything special planned for tonight?"

Rumble was the first to answer, "Oh just dance around with my mare, and then maybe watch the stars on top of a cloud."

"And I can finally fly now," Scootaloo added, "which means I won't need you holding me."

"But we can still cuddle though, right?"

As they both inserted each other's tongues in their mouths, Sweetie said to Pecan, "What about you, Pecan? is there a certain mare that you're planning on taking?"

Pecan tilted his head down as he said, "No, still can't seem ta work around the mares."

"But you're in the hoofball team," Sweetie pointed out. "Surely some cheerleaders are interested in you."

"Well, they mostly prefer Rumble."

At the mention of his name, Rumble said, "Oh yeah, you can't imagine how many of them cheerleaders just stop and watch me practice."

Scootaloo was giving him a death stare as she said, "Don't be getting any ideas, buster!"

"Of course not, babe; you're the only mare for me."

And that's when Sweetie turned to me. "And what about you, Sheldon? are you planning on taking Apple Bloom with ya?"

"Where is she, anyway?"

"She's in the gym, setting things up for the prom." A playful smirk had started to form on her face. "Why, are you hoping for some alone time?"

"What we do alone is no concern of yours." I erased that sentence, "Besides, I just want to see if she wants me to walk her home."

"You sure do like walking her home a lot, don't you?" said Scootaloo.

"What's wrong with walking with your girlfriend?"

"Nopony's saying that it's wrong," said Rumble. "It's just that you're now at an age when you and Apple Bloom should be doing more than just sneaking in the barn and play kissing games."

"You mean like foalplay?"

"Exactly," Rumble clarified, "it's time for you to stop being a colt and become a stallion; like me."

He then started to slide his hoof down to Scootaloo's flank. But as soon as she felt it, she immediately smacked it away and said, "Knock it off, Rumble! I told you we're not gonna do that sort of stuff until we graduate!"

"Come on babe, we're not little foals anymore. So let's go up to the next level."

"Gees, it's no wonder your brother didn't want you looking at his magazines."

I then heard Sweetie's inner voice eagerly say, "Ooh, maybe that's what Button has planned for our anniversary!" and I just continued eating my lunch as I tried to put these thoughts aside.


When school was officially over, I went to the gym to check on Apple Bloom. She was standing on top of a ladder, fixing the lights, when she saw me walking towards her. "Howdy Sheldon!" as she was coming down, the ladder looked like it was about to tip over. So I quickly used my Mind Powers to hold it still for her. After she got off, she gave me a kiss and said, "So, are ya ready fer tonight?"

I nodded my head as I wrote on my board, "Would you like me to walk you home?"

"Like I would ever say no."

As we were walking out of the school, I saw Spike--who has become quite taller and muscular after these years--come running towards me and said, "Hey Sheldon, Twilight's got something for ya."

"Can't it wait?" I erased that question, "I'm kinda in the middle of walking my girlfriend home."

"It's OK Sheldon, I don't mind walkin' by myself this time." Said Apple Bloom, "You just remember ta pick me up tonight."

After kissing my cheek, she went back to Sweet Apple Acres while I was following Spike.

When we were in the castle, I saw Twilight talking with one of those mutated monkeys that I saw not too long ago. (Only this time, I was able to get a much better look at him.) This one had on a red shirt that had the words "Star Wars" written on it, some blue pants that looked like it was squeezing his lower section, and these weird things that were covering his feet. It also had short black hair, and a black mustache on its face. While the mutant was chugging down on a can of Colt, Twilight said, "Oh good Sheldon, you're here!"

The mutant then turned and said, "Is this the pony you were talking about?"

"That's right, Jeffrie," said Twilight, "this is Sheldon Clopper."

The mutant known as Jeffrie then said, "Not related to Sheldon Cooper, I hope." He then started to do this laugh that sounded like a castrated dolphin.

As much as I wanted to question his sense of humor, I had something more important to ask. "So what is it that you want me for?"

Twilight then told me, "Well Sheldon, I know that you're unable to speak; which is why I've been working on something that can fix that." She then wrapped this weird cowbell around my neck.

The mutant known as Jeffrie then blurted, "Oh God, please tell me you're not making him wear those things that make him sound like a robot."

"What's a robot?"

"Try it and see for yourself."

Spike then flipped some switch that was on it as Twilight was instructing me. "Now say something." I was about to write on my board, but then she pulled it away with her magic. "No, don't write what you have to say. Speak."

I then opened my mouth, and what came out was this weird techno sound. "Hello, I am Sheldon Clopper."

Spike and Twilight seemed to be thrilled by this, I however was not amused in anyway. I snapped the thing off of my neck and tossed it aside. "Sheldon, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

Picking my board and chalk up, I wrote down, "I'm not wearing that thing!"

"But you can talk now." Spike pointed out.

"I'd rather be mute than sound ridiculous!"

"You didn't sound ridiculous." Twilight tried to assure me.

But the mutant known as Jeffrie had a different opinion. "What do ya mean he didn't sound ridiculous? he sounded like fucking Stephen Hawking."

"Jeffrie, you're not helping."

"Don't get mad at me for telling the truth, Twilight; honesty is part of friendship, remember? well, I better get going before Jonathan and Andrew do something stupid. See ya Spike."

As soon as he left, Twilight said to me, "You'll have to excuse Jeffrie; he can be a little abrasive sometimes."

That's when Rumble came flying through the balcony. "Sheldon, Spike, you guys have got to see this!"

"What is it?" asked Spike.

"It's Button and Sweetie Belle; come on!"

As we were running off, Twilight gave her invention to Spike and said, "Hold on to this in case Sheldon changes his mind."

When we entered Button's house, we started to hear somepony arguing. "I can't believe you've forgot our own anniversary!"

"I didn't forget, honest!"

"Don't lie to me, I saw you doing nothing but playing video games!"

"It was part of the surprise, Sweetie!"

"Oh, I suppose that breaking your own girlfriends' heart was all part of the surprise?!"

When we came in the room, we saw Pecan and Scootaloo watching Sweetie Belle and Button having a fight. "What's happening?" Spike asked.

Pecan then told him, "It seems that Button here forgot his own anniversary."

This caused Button to shout, "For the last time, I didn't forget!"

"Don't bother denying it, Button!" Sweetie cried. "It's obvious that you love these video games more than me!"

"That's not true; I've always loved you!"

"Then how do you explain those times when you're staring at your stupid JoyBoy while I try to share a romantic moment with you?! if I had known that allowing you to be yourself would lead you to ignoring me, then I would've just let you sell your stupid video games from the start! at least you were actually interested in me when you didn't have any video games near you!"

"Sweetie, you don't really mean that?!"

"Yes I do; and if you expect me to keep being your girlfriend, then you better choose: me or the video games!"

After an uncomfortable silence, I tried to write something down on my board. But what I had to say to them couldn't fit on my board. (Which means that I have no choice but to use Twilight's invention.) After slamming my board and chalk down, I strapped the device to my neck, switched it on, and everypony stared at me awkwardly when they heard the techno voice.
"Sweetie, Button, I might not know how your relationship is suppose to work, but after all the years of dating Apple Bloom, I've learned that you each have to give eachother a chance. Button, it's OK if you play video games, but you also have a wonderful marefriend who just wants your attention. So you gotta start making some time for her. And Sweetie, don't be so hard on Button; he's trying his best. If you were to allow him to explain himself, then maybe you both can fix this problem together."

After that--somewhat--awkward speech, Button took the time to explain himself. "Sweetie, I understand that I wasn't exactly the best stallion for you, but if you were to at least look at your surprise, then I'll be OK if you don't want to go to the prom with me."

He then turned on his game box and on the screen, Sweetie's jaw dropped when she saw a pixelized message that reads: Happy Anniversary! Around that message were giant, pixelized heads of Button and Sweetie, while also surrounded by pixelized hearts.

She was shedding some tears of joy when she said to Button, "You made all this...for me?"

"Yes Sweetie, I know that I never seem to truly appreciate all those times when you were willing to waste your time with somepony like me instead of doing something else. Which is why I wanted this one surprise to be very special for you; and after all these years we spent together, I can honestly say how lucky I am to have you for a girlfriend. I might not be able to take back the times I took away from you, but can you ever forgive me?"

"Oh Button!" she then wrapped her hooves around his neck as they both passionately made out.

Well I guess that fixed their problem. "I'm guessing you're gonna start using Twilight's device more often, huh?" asked Spike.

I just gave him the dreaded device back as I wrote on my board, "Never again!"


Later that night, I was donning a tuxedo while my mom was taking pictures. "Ooh, my boy's going to his first prom!"

My dad then added as he straightened my hair, "Yep, I still can't believe how fast you've grown."

My mom handed me a corsage to give to Apple Bloom and said, "Now you go have fun, sweetie."

As I was walking out the door, my dad said, "But don't be out too long, Sheldon; you still got graduation tomorrow."

When I came to Sweet Apple Acres, I knocked on the door and was greeted by Apple Bloom's brother. "Ah, you finally arrived. Had it been much later, I would've assumed ya stood her up." When I entered, he had more to say. "Ya know, you've been datin' my little sister fer the past ten years, and I keep havin' my doubts about you."

"If you're worried that I'm hurting your sister, then I assure you that I'm treating her like the mare she is."

"I hope you are; because if you're not, then it would seem that my sister would be in need of a new stallion."

"Big Mac, leave Sheldon alone," said Applejack. "Ya know dang well that he'd never take advantage of Apple Bloom!" she then turned to me, "Hope ya ready sugarcube, because here comes yer date."

I was then in complete awe as I gazed upon Apple Bloom in her light purple dress! After giving her the corsage, and taking a quick picture for her family, we were on our way to the dance.

The dance was just what you would expect; ponies dancing, loud band music, and tainted punch (which I of course didn't drink). Rumble, Button, and Pecan--and any other stallion for that matter--pretty much had on the same tux. Scootaloo had on a yellow dress and gold earrings, while Sweetie Belle had on a slick blue dress and pink eye shadow. But the ones who stood out the most were Highbrow and Diamond (what with him wearing a dark purple tuxedo, and her wearing a poofy dress). They of course were crowned Prom King and Queen, and Sweetie got to sing them a slow love ballad as they danced.

As for Apple Bloom and I, we both got to have a few dances with each other with little to no problems interfering with our enjoyment. Although, there was a certain orange pony by the name of Tender Taps who almost spoiled this night for us when he took to the dance floor and began to show off his tap dancing moves for everypony. I spotted a few mares swooning and sighing as they gazed upon this dancing stallion; but what really struck a nerve in me is when I head Apple Blooms' inner voice say "That Tender Taps sure has some nice legs." Fearing that this tap dancer is attempting to steal my girlfriend from me, I carefully used my Mind Powers to make a banana peel fall from a nearby trash bin. Then I waited until Tender had moved close enough for me to slip the peel into his direction, resulting in him tripping and injuring his knee. The moment he was taken to the clinic, I took this chance to share one last dance with Apple Bloom.

When it was over, we each went to a big lake. Button and Sweetie were riding on a boat, Rumble and Scootaloo were making out on a cloud, and Apple Bloom and I were lying next to each other, gazing at the stars. As we were nuzzling next to each other, Apple Bloom said, "Sheldon, I had a great time tonight."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." I erased that sentence and written a joke, "I just hope your brother doesn't kill me afterwards."

She let out a giggle as she then told me, "Sheldon, do ya think that maybe we can try takin' our relationship ta another level?"

"You mean like doing what Tex does with your sister?"

"Exactly. We're grown ups now, so we should love each other like grown ups. And what better night ta foalplay then on prom night?"

"Why not until we're married?"

She was very surprised when I brought that up. "You-you're actually thinkin' about marryin' me?"

"Why not? You are my special somepony; so it only makes sense that I spend the rest of my life with you."

"Ya mean it?" I nodded my head. "Well, I guess foalplay can wait fer now; but until then, this'll have ta do." We then just passionately made out under the night sky. (For little did I know, that it may be the last moment I'll ever spend with her).