• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 1,847 Views, 46 Comments

Gazing at the Sky - Fullmetal Pony

Sequel to Cloudy Star's, follows the exploits of Star Gazer

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Test Day! Finale: Date Night

“You look magnificent,” Blueblood said with a grin that would wilt flowers. “You almost look as good as me.”

Star was glad she’d already been sick twice today, otherwise she’d be losing whatever was left in her stomach. “Oh why thank you... my prince.” Just remember Dream’s pointers! Get him enamored and he’ll do whatever I want... oh sweet Celestia! Why am I thinking like that?! I’m a stallion!

“Well, shall we clear out the rest of the restaurant?” Blueblood looked around Le Hoof. It was packed, but then again, it was the place to be. Celebrities, nobles, and even the Princesses themselves were said to dine here. One usually needed to make reservations months in advance to get in and even then you still needed a shipload of bits to get through dinner. Blueblood must have thrown his weight around to get in, as had Fancypants to get himself and Dream a table. Star couldn’t currently see them, but they said they’d be somewhere where they could watch the dinner unfold.

“Oh Blueblood,” Star cringed a little as she cooed, “the atmosphere makes everything so much better though. I mean, it’d be great if we were alone, but with other ponies around it helps... highlight your status.” Hmm, wonder if I could incite a mob to beat the snot out of him.

“I see your point. I suppose it does take others to show how amazing I am. With all these hussy mares here, I could say the same for you.” Blueblood trotted over and sniffed Star’s mane. She nearly passed out. “Strange, I feel I’ve smelled that perfume before.” Blueblood shuddered a little. “It reminds me of... uncleanliness.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, my prince.” Every word Star uttered made her want to rip out her vocal cords. “Perhaps some food will clear up the smell?”

“Anything for you, my dear.” Blueblood stomped a hoof and a skinny unicorn matradee instantly rushed to greet them.

“Ah, P-prince Blueblood, r-right this way,” the matradee stuttered as he led Blueblood and Star to their table. The duo proceeded to take their seats. There was an awkward silence as Star just gazed at her menu while Blueblood gazed at her.

“Well?” Blueblood broke the silence.

“Well what?” Star replied.

“Aren’t you going to ask me about myself?” As Blueblood spoke he flexed a little in the white tux he was wearing.

“Oh my prince, everypony already knows so much about you.” Time to get some dirt on him. “There’s hardly a secret to you.”

Blueblood sighed a little. “The pain of being royalty. It’s only natural that everypony knows of my greatness. Though I suppose...”

“Yes...” Star’s eyes started to fill with delight.

“I suppose I should tell you that my favorite place in all of Canterlot is the royal library.”

“Really?” Ha! He’s secretly an egghead! So much for the macho man shtick.

“Yes,” Blueblood said as he pushed back his hair. “I love going there, expelling all those ‘scholars’, and having the whole place to myself. They have quite comfy chairs there.”

Star nearly facehoofed. I should have known that was too good to be true. Star’s brooding was broken by a waiter approaching the table.

“What can I get for you to drink this evening?” The waiter asked.

“I’ll have your most expensive bottle of champagne... and I’ll be buying the rest of your wine stock to take home as well.”

The waiter’s face turned white for a second, but he gritted his teeth. “An... an excellent choice sire, and what will the lady of the evening be drinking?”

“The strongest thing you’ve got!”

“A fine choice madam,” the waiter flashed Star a sympathetic look. “One sunshine liquor then.” With that, the waiter rushed off.

“A mare with such a fine taste in drinks,” Blueblood mused. “You just keep getting more and more fascinating.”

Star’s eyes nearly rolled to the back of her head. But then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Dream and Fancypants. They were holed up in a corner of the restaurant. Star noticed that Dream’s horn was glowing and that a cable was running from her table across the restaurant to Star’s. Good, the table’s bugged. I just need him to say or do something embarrassing.

A glass filled with ice flew in front of Star. It began to be filled with an amber liquid that seemed to glow as it fell onto the ice. “Your drinks, sire and madam,” The waiter unicorn said as he finished pouring Star’s and Blueblood’s drinks. “Are you ready to order?”

“I’ll have the jewel of canterlot salad,” Blueblood said as he slammed his menu into the waiter.

“I’ll, um, just have the lunar casserole, please,” said Star.

“That dish is quite big, madam,” the waiter said as he began to levitate Star’s menu away from her.

“She said she wants the casserole, give her the casserole,” Blueblood complained. “Or do I need to talk to management about customer satisfaction?”

“N-n-no sire.” The waiter began to sweat. “T-that won’t be necessary. I... I’ll place your order right away!”

“Good. Also, for dessert we’ll be having the amore souffle.”

“Impeccable taste as always sire.” Star could have sworn she saw the waiter scowl as he turned to place the order.

“So, I’ve told you about me. Now I want to hear about you.” The stare Blueblood was giving Star made her skin crawl.

“Oh, um...” Star took a sip of her drink; it felt like her mouth was on fire. She started to violently cough. “Sorry *cough* this drink is really *cough* good! You should *hack* try it!”

“Not familiar with magically enchanted drinks, are we?” A glow surrounded Star’s glass as it floated over to Blueblood, who took a sip of it. “This one has a particular edge to it, it’s enchanted by aunt Celestia herself.”

“Oh, well,” Star smiled a little deviously, “you should have it then. You seem to know the drinks so much better than I do.” Geez! I only had a sip and that made the room spin. If he has the whole thing then I’m sure to get something embarassing out of him.

“You’re too kind, Cloudy,” Blueblood said with glazed over eyes. “I really think you’re the girl for me... something wrong? You look a little pale.”

“I, uh, just think the drink got to me. It really was a good idea for you to drink it.” Ugh! There won’t be enough bleach in the world to remove this horror.

“Oh don’t worry about that, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to get you used to Canterlot once you move in with me.”

Star laughed like a madpony. It was lucky that when Star laughed as a mare it came out as a giggle, otherwise Blueblood might have thought something was up. Ha! After tonight, Cloudy will just be the one that got away. A broken heart will do Blueblood some good. Shame I won’t be around to see it. As Star was thinking this, the food arrived.

Despite all the horror this night contained, Star couldn’t help but admire the food. If there was one thing Star could get behind, it was good food, and this was the best food in all Canterlot, probably all of Equestria. Star dug into it without any care. Eating was at least an excuse to temporarily get away from Blueblood. Plus, Blueblood had just said Star had to go to dinner with him, he never said anything about how Star behaved.

“Oh... oh my,” Blueblood said as Star chowed down on her food. “You, um, certainly have an appetite.”

“Oh yeah,” Star replied with her mouth half full of food. “That’s not a problem is it?”

“Er, uh...” Star was happy to see Blueblood wiggling in his seat a little. “It is no problem at all. Your... tenacity to eat just highlights how voluptuous you really are. I’ll teach you some proper manners sometimes. I’m sure your crassness just comes from your home life.”

Star stopped eating for a second. “About that, you weren’t really going to fail my brother and all the other applicants were you?” Come on! Say you were just bluffing so I can smack you!

“Well those who pass the exam need the royal seal of approval, and since I presided over the exam, that responsibility is also mine. Honestly though, I think you should just leave your brother in the dirt where he belongs. You can live with me in the palace and live like a princess. One day, when you marry me, you will be an actual one.”

Star nearly choked on her casserole. “Marriage?! I... *hack* think it’s a bit soon for that!”

“Well I can’t have that guard captain showing me up. He and his little foal of a princess think they’ll have the best wedding in all of Canterlot. Did you know I haven’t even gotten an invitation yet?”

Oh, seems I’ve found a nerve. “Why don’t you tell me more about it?”

Blueblood slicked his mane back again. “It’s this stuck up captain of the guard, Shining something whatever, everypony in Canterlot has been making such a big deal out of it. It’s not even for another month and all I hear is ‘shining this’ or ‘Cadence that’. Nopony even noticed the new statue I had erected in the royal garden. They’re all too enchanted by this stupid spectacle of a wedding, and the bride she...” Star swore she saw a nerve visible on Blueblood’s head.

“Something wrong?” This should be good.

“She used to foalsit me.” Blueblood took a swig of both the liquor and his own drink. “It’s not something I like to think about. Aside from aunt Celestia and aunt Luna, she’s the only pony I have to fully respect. It’s just weird for me to have to bow to somepony, they usually all bow to me. When I think that she only holds the same standing as me...” Blueblood slammed a hoof on the table. “She irritates me almost as much as that hussy from Ponyville!”

“Hmm?” Star raised an eyebrow.

“Yes! That’s right, that’s where that horrible smell come from!” Blueblood glared at Star. “Tell me you didn’t go to Ponyville for that dress?”

“Well one of my good friends made it, she’s really a generous unicorn. She didn’t even...”

“She’s a cur! An uncivilized brute who had no idea how to treat a stallion.” The other patrons of the restaurant were staring at Blueblood now. “I can’t believe you’d sully yourself by wearing one of that foal’s dresses. Her stink is all over you!” Blueblood slipped back into his chair and took another sip of his drink. “You look better without the dress anyway.”

That’s it! He’s insulted Dream, degraded me, and now he’s shamed Rarity! Star looked down at her empty plate. Damn! I don’t have any food to throw at him! Er! The way he’s talked about me behind my back is also so... so... An idea hit Star. It was the perfect idea and she was willing to suffer for it. “Oh Blueblood, I’m sorry, I just thought you’d like the dress. I’ll go take it off right now.” Star got up to go use the bathroom. As she did, Blueblood graced a hoof over her flank.

“I can’t wait to see your cutie mark.” His voice could have made flies pass out.

“Oh... yes, I’m sure you’ll like it.” Star quickly walked past Fancypants and Dream’s table and signalled for Dream to follow her to the bathroom.


“That rotten scoundrel!” Star yelled in the bathroom.

“Take it easy, Cloudy.” Dream patted Star on the back. “You’re almost done. Also, the Princess he mentioned, I...”

“No!” Star yelled. “He’s gone too far! Nopony and I mean nopony lambastes Rarity like that! Not after what she helped me through!”

“What exactly did she help you with?”

Star sighed as she looked around the bathroom. “You know, I really hate having to go in here. It just feels wrong, I don’t belong in this place.”

“I know Canterlot can be intimidating for out of town ponies, but aside from a few jerks like Blueblood, it’s not that bad,” Dream said as she gave Star another pat.

“Dream, you don’t get it. I haven’t been completely honest with you. Buck, I’m sorry, but I’m gonna fix that all right now.” Star started taking off her dress.

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ll see in a second,” Star said as she handed off her dress to dream. “Do you still have your camera?”

“Yeah, but could you just explain what you’re going to do?” As she spoke, Dream magicked the dress into her purse and levitated out her camera. “You’re making me a little nervous.”

“Don’t worry,” Star said as she opened the bathroom door. “You’re gonna pass your exam... I’m just never going to be able to show my face in Canterlot again.”

“Cloudy, wait!” The door slammed before Dream could stop her. “Oh Cloudy, don’t do something stupid.” Dream rushed out the door.


“I know you’re supposed to be dressed up for a place like this,” Blueblood said as he ogled over Star’s body. “But seeing you walk around naturally just makes you look all the more attractive.”

“I’m sure it does,” Star said in the best seductive tone she could as she trotted closer to Blueblood. “I’m sorry.”

“About what?”

“I’ve probably been acting very unladylike tonight, but I’m willing to make it up to you.” Star kept getting closer to Blueblood.

“How so?” Blueblood’s face started to get dotted with red.

“I’ll tell you a secret and give you a treat too.” Star was now face to face with Blueblood. The prince didn’t notice her grab the pepper shaker.

“I like the sound of this.”

Star looked out the corner of her eye and saw that all the patrons were looking at them. Dream had her camera ready. “I’m sure you do.” Star looked over at Dream. “Now!” Star poured the pepper over both of them.

“Cloudy? What in Equestria are you do-” Blueblood was interrupted by a sneeze and then he felt something touching his lips. He backed away with a stunned look on his face. “Oh yes, I knew I picked the right one with you Cloudy. You really are the mare of my...” Blueblood’s face went from stunned to horrified as he saw who had kissed me.

“Hey Blueblood,” Star scowled, “my name isn’t Cloudy. It’s Star and I’m no mare!”

“But... but you... I...” Blueblood looked like he was about to faint. Star rushed up and grabbed him by the collar.

“Now you listen to me. Remember Dream? The unicorn you made cry in the exam!?” Star pointed his free hoof at Dream. “She’s got pictures of everything.”

“You... you wouldn’t! If those pictures get out your reputation will be just as ruined as mine will be!”

“Passing this exam is my life goal! I’ve got nothing to lose!” Star increased his grip on Blueblood’s collar.

“But... you can’t...” Blueblood had now lost all his bravado.

“Oh yes I can! The only reason I didn’t beat you up before was because it wasn’t just my exam on the line. Now, are you gonna pass those exams or am I gonna have to show where your love interests really lie?”

“No! Please! I... fine!” Blueblood snorted as Star released his grip on him. “You’ve forced my hand. I won’t forget this though!” Blueblood galloped out of the restaurant in a huff.

Star trotted over to Dream and Fancypants. “I’m sorry.”

“Cloudy... I’m mean Star. I... I’m confused!” Dream’s eyes went crooked for a second.

“I know Dream, I’m really sorry.”

“No, it’s just that this is...” Dream’s face reddened. “What you said in the bathroom makes a lot more sense now.”

“That is quite a, er, remarkable skill you have there.” Even Fancypants seemed a little flabbergasted at the whole ordeal. “I’m a bit curious as to how such a skill was acquired.”

“Ask Rarity about it sometime over that tea you promised.”

“Oh dear, Rarity knew about this the whole time? Yet you were willing to wear that dress for the sake of the other applicants? You really are quite the gentlecolt.”

“Well,” Star let out a big breath, “I’m just glad those who passed the exam are now sure to become ambassadors, right Dream?”

“Yeah... just one question though.”


“Were you really a mare the whole time? It wasn’t just an illusion?”

“I- atchoo!” Star was back to her mare form. “You tell me. Do the eyelashes or the... other things look fake to you?”

“I’ll take your word for it. Plus, I think I got a good enough look at you while you were getting fitted.” Star’s face reddened at the comment. However, a waiter walked up to break the awkwardness.

“Um, madam- I mean sir, uh, whatever you want to go with.” The waiter naturally looked a little flustered. “You are the first pony Le Hoof has ever seen show up Blueblood. He often frequents our establishment. Needless to say, he hasn’t been the best for business. So in honor of your services tonight, we’ll be floating your bill, and you and your friends may enjoy the souffle.” The crowd erupted into cheers and claps, now that the wet cloth that was Blueblood was gone.

“Wow, you took care of Blueblood and you get a free dinner.” Dream wrapped a hoof around Star’s shoulder. “Guess it really is your lucky night.”

“Guess so, wish I could have heard the stories Blueblood had about his foalsitter. I’d pay any price for those.”

“Hmm, maybe you could ask her yourself,” Dream let go of Star and tapped a hoof to her chin.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s what I wanted to tell you in the bathroom.” Dream’s horn glowed and a piece of very fancy looking parchment flew out of her bag. “I don’t have a special somepony to go with, but I’d love to go with you as a friend. Consider it my way of thanking you for everything you’ve done. Plus, it’ll be a good way to celebrate become ambassadors, hopefully.”

Star pushed back her glasses and read the parchment that was floating in front of her. “Dear Dream Weaver, you are cordially invited to the Royal Wedding of Shinning Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. You are allowed to bring one other guest. Attire is formal. Reception to follow ceremony.” Star pushed the letter aside and looked at Dream. “Seriously?”

“Yup.” Dream nodded.

“Jolly good!” Fancypants smiled. “I’m sure you two will make the wedding even more delightful. I can’t wait to see you there.” His horn began to glow. “But now that tonight’s fun is over, I must go to tend to Fleur. See you at the wedding. Oh and enjoy the souffle.” In a flash, Fancypants was gone. Just as he left, the souffle arrived.

“Wow,” Dream drooled a little, but she brushed it away with a hoof. “Sorry, I have a thing for sweets.”

“Stop by Ponyville sometime then.” Star smiled as she took a bite out of the souffle. “I know a pony who makes the best desserts.”

“I’ll have to make a visit then.” Dream smiled back at Star.

“Still can’t believe I’m going to a Royal Wedding,” Star mused.


“Eh,” Star took another bite of the souffle, “what’s the worst that could happen?”


Next time...

For the love of Celestia!” Star yelled as the shower water fell down on him. “Get out!”

“I just want to be with you, that’s all,” Cloudy said as she moved to embrace Star.