• Published 20th Apr 2012
  • 1,847 Views, 46 Comments

Gazing at the Sky - Fullmetal Pony

Sequel to Cloudy Star's, follows the exploits of Star Gazer

  • ...

Seeing Stars Part 1: Change of Plans

“Guh, how do mares deal with this?” Star shifted her dress around as she sat next to Dream. “The dress is too long to walk around in and it keeps getting tangled in my hooves .”

“Sorry Star,” Dream said as she used her magic to untangle Star’s dress. “But my parents flipped when I said I’d be bringing a stallion to the wedding. I even told them you weren’t my coltfriend or anything, but they just kept yelling.”

Star sighed. “I should have just brought a suit to change into after we got here.”

“It’d work if my parents weren’t here.” Dream looked across the aisle at her two unicorn parents; a grey stallion with a white mustache and a pink mare with a yellow mane. “My dad should just change his name to hard a–” Before Dream could finish, the doors to the hall opened and Cadance walked in. “Wow, she looks amazing. What I’d give to have a gown like that.”

“What is she muttering?” Star wondered.

“I bet she’s just having some pre-marriage nervousness.”

“You’re probably right, if I was getting married with this large of a crowd, I’d probably be a little nervous too.” Star watched Cadance walk by. Her white gown, golden hoof shoes, and shining tiara cemented the regal feel of the wedding. Shining Armor’s quite the lucky stallion. Star looked up at the stage where the groom, along with Celestia and the bridesmaids, was standing. Geez, dude looks absolutely awestruck. Can’t really blame him though. Odd that Twilight never really brought him up. Still... Star looked over the wedding’s bridesmaids. He’s got a good ensemble.

“Jealous?” Dream teased.

“I think you’d have to be crazy not to be jealous,” Star said as Celestia started the ceremony. “I’m just happy Twilight and her friends could help with the ceremony. They’ll probably be the best bridesmaids ever.”

“From the stories you’ve told me, they really do sound nice.” Dream blushed a little. “A shame I only got to meet Pinkie, she can be a little crazy though.”

“Heh, you should have seen how I acted around her before well...” Star passed a hoof over her dress. “This.”

Dream giggled a little. “Come on Cloudy, you wear the dress well.”

“You’re a cruel mare Dream,” Star playfully replied. Then he looked back at the stage. “Although, it’s strange. I see all of Twilight’s friends, but where’s...”

“Stop!” Twilight’s voice yelled from the back of the room. Star and Dream, along with everypony else turned around to see Twilight and...

“Cadance?!” Star and Dream said simultaneously as Cadance walked down the aisle to face the other Cadance.

“You confused?” Star asked Dream.

“I don’t think you’re the weirdest thing I’ve seen anymore.”

“Hey! Just cause I turn into a mare doesn’t make–” Star was interrupted by a burst of green magic at the front of the room. Suddenly, in one Cadance’s place, there was now a horrific looking creature. It had a black body and legs that looked like burnt wood. Its horn was warped and crooked, like a disfigured tree limb. Bug-like wings sprouted out of its back and its mane looked like it was made out of spider webs. The eyes were the worst part. They were like a pony’s, only over the normal pupil was a reptilian slit.

“And now I’m terrified,” Dream said while instinctively backing away.

“My changelings will devour all of Equestrai’s love!” said the terrifying creature as it came face to face with Cadence.

“They’ll never get the chance!” Cadence screamed back at the monster. “Shining Armor’s protection spell will keep them from ever reaching us!”

“Is that a good thing?” Star asked Dream.

“I don’t know, but hopefully it means that–” Dream was cut off by the monster.

The monster jumped to the front to stand by Shining Armor. “Even now my minions are chipping away at it.”

“That’s not good.” Star started to back away towards the door.

“Really not good,” Dream started to follow. “Mom! Dad!” She whispered as loud as possible. “Let’s get out of he–”

Dream was interrupted this time by a blazing light. Celestia was making her move.

“Holy crap!” Star hit the ground out of fear. “Dream get down! This can’t be good!” Dream and her family hit the deck too. Star then heard a thud. Celestia was on the ground. “No!” Star looked up in horror as the monster flew into the air and gloated over her victory. Star saw Celestia whispering to the girls before they rushed out the door. The monster laughed maniacally. “Dream!” Star yelled at her friend. “I think it’s time we–” There was a terrible shattering sound. Star and everypony else watched as the dome that was protecting Canterlot broke into millions of little pieces. “Oh crap.”

Star was caught in a stream of ponies fleeing the hall. “Dream!” She yelled while trying not to get trampled. “Damn it! Dream!” In the ocean of panicked ponies, it was impossible to find her friend. “Crap! I need to get out of here!” Star went with the flow of the crowd and fled the hall.

The streets were in chaos. All around, demonic creatures were falling from the skies and attacking anypony they saw. It was like something out of a horror novel. Star just ran. But the dress was her undoing and after a few minutes of running, it tripped her up. She fell, but a hoof was extended to her. “Thanks,” Star said as the hoof helped her up. “I was really worried for a... second.” Star saw that she had been helped up by herself. “W-what?”

Her double just gave her a sadistic grin as it advanced closer to her. “S-stay back!” Star yelled at the doppelganger. “I-I’m warning you!” The copy kept advancing. “Okay fine! That’s how you want to play it! Too bad I know I’m not that strong when I look like that!” Star brought a feather to her nose and sneezed. Darn! Rarity worked hard on the dress!

The destroyed dress fell to Star’s side as he landed a swift upcut to the imposter who smacked into a nearby wall. “Ha! That’ll show you to mess with... me.” Star now saw he was surrounded by dozens of the demonic creatures. Star backed over to the wall as they encircled him. “Heh, um, we can talk this out, right?” The creatures kept getting closer. They had him completely covered, he couldn’t even use his wings to escape. They all lunged at him simultaneously. “Oh buck.” He closed his eyes.

Star was whacked in the side by something. His world went dark for a few minutes. When he next opened his eyes he saw that his double was on top of him. He pushed her off and noticed that all the other monsters were gone. “What... what happened?”

“Muh,” the double cried.

“Oh crap! It’s still alive!” Star backed away from the imposter as it slowly opened its eyes. They were exactly like his, only the pupils were slitted.

“You...” It even had Star’s voice. “You...” It was starting to get up.

“Now look, I don’t want any t-”

“You saved me!” The mare jumped on Star. “Oh thank you so much! I saw all those monsters surrounding us, but then I passed out. Thank you so much for fighting them off! My hero!” She bent down and kissed Star on the mouth. Star’s eyes nearly popped out of his head. He pushed her off and tried to crawl away.

“Ugh! Mouthwash! I need mouthwash! I thought it couldn’t be any worse than Blueblood!” Star fought back all his urges to throw up. “Celestia! Luna! Somepony! What did I do to deserve that?!”

“Oh, I’m sorry mister,” mare-Star said. “I guess I just got a little caught up in the moment.” She trotted closer to Star. “I’m just glad such a big strong stallion saved me.” She nuzzled Star. In response, his eyes turned to the back of his head for a second.

“Star!” Dream broke Star out of his blackout. “Star! She galloped over to him. Her dress was now ripped and torn in places. She had a few scatches of her own, but overall, she looked fine. “Thank goodness! When I lost you in the hall I was so– huh?” Dream did a doubletake between Star and mare-Star. “Geez, I must have really bumped my head, am I seeing double?”

“I wish,” Star said as he looked back at his double. “I’m still me, but she thinks she’s me as a mare, and that I saved her.”

“She’s not one of those things is she?”

“I think she is.”

“But...” Dream looked to the sky. “I saw them all get blasted away. It was actually pretty cool. Shining Armor and Princess Cadance...”

“Dream! We have bigger issues to deal with. For whatever reason, she’s not attacking me any more... at least not in the physical way.”

“What do you mean?”

“Star, right?” Mare-Star cuddled next to Star. “Who’s this cheap looking mare?”

“Cheap looking?” Dream’s face contorted in anger. “Why I should...” Before Dream could finish, the loudspeakers over Canterlot blazed to life.

“Attention citizens!” came Celestia’s voice through the speakers. “The threat to Canterlot and Equestria has been defeated! Today is a joyous day not only for this reason, but also for the wedding of my niece Cadance and her husband-to-be Shining Armor. While the ceremony was disrupted before, it will proceed in a few hours. I invite all of Canterlot to attend this festive occasion. However, in light of this recent attack, I also invite anypony who needs medical aid to the castle. My sister will be there to help.”

“That sounds like a plan,” Mare-Star said as she rubbed her head. “I think I might have gotten hit or something.” Star and Dream looked at each other than back at mare-Star.

“You don’t remember anything?” Dream asked.

“Nope!” Mare-Star said with a smile. “Not even my name.”

“Let’s just go with Cloudy for now.”

“Aw Dream, come on!” Star complained. “Don’t encourage her!”

“Mr. Star,” Cloudy looked up at Star with puppy dog eyes, “do you not like the name?”

“Ugh,” Star started walking in the castle’s direction, “let’s just go get this all resolved.”

The castle was overflowing with ponies. Most just had minor scratches, but a few looked pretty beaten up. “Oh my,” Cloudy said as she brought a hoof to her face. “Did those monsters do all of this?”

“You tell me,” Star said as he trotted to where all the other ponies were heading. She’s probably trying to trick me. Some evil monster after my blood! I can’t let my guard d Cloudy nuzzled him again. “G-get off me!”

“Sorry Mr. Star, it’s just that when you walk you look so... dazzling.”

“Pfft,” Dream chucked. “This is too rich. Star, I think you found the perfect mare.”

“Just... just shut up Dream.” Star’s face was tinged red. “This is weirding me the buck out. Hopefully Princess Luna can sort everything out.” The trio entered into the courtyard. Luna was currently floating in the middle of the courtyard, trying to help out ponies recover from their wounds.

“Do not worry citizens! I shall tend to as best I can!” Luna’s horn glowed more and her aura surrounded more injured ponies. Star, Dream, and Cloudy walked over to Luna and Star gave her a hoof a poke. “I am busy at the moment. I shall get to you so– Star?” Luna looked down at the trio. “It is good to see you again, I hope your gender issues are not being too cumbersome.” Luna noticed Cloudy. “I think I spoke too soon. Forgive me, I must be more tired than I thought, but it appears I am seeing you as both a mare and a stallion.”

“Princess,” Star sighed, “I wish you were just tired. But she’s here, and she’s in love with me.” Star shivered as he spoke.

“How in Equestria did this happen?” Luna stopped using her magic and floated down to the trio.

“I was being attacked by those monsters and one of them looked like me as a mare, but I caught it off guard and gave it a good smack,” Star explained. “Then they surrounded me.” Star pointed a hoof at Cloudy. “She flew into me into and when I came to, all of them were gone except her.”

“I see,” Luna replied. “I was asleep for most of the commotion, but sister informed me of what happened. It seems that all the changelings were blasted out of Equestria, except in this case.” Luna bent down and glared at Cloudy, who hugged Star tight. “Her eyes are definitely those of a changeling, but I do not see what she can gain from keeping up this ruse.” Luna’s glare sharpened. “Changelings feed off the love of others, I do not know what she is trying with you, but I won’t allow her to hurt any of my subjects!” Luna’s horn started to glow.

“P-please Princess! I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Cloudy stuttered and hugged Star tighter. “T-those monsters were scary! If it hadn’t been for Mr. Star, I... I...” Cloudy cried into Star’s shoulder.

“This is most curious.” Luna’s horn stopped glowing. “I do not sense any malevolence in her. You said you hit her, correct?”

Star looked down at the crying mare and back at the Princess. “I mean, I was scared and she was trying to hurt me back then... I acted on instinct!”

“But it was just one strike?”

“Well she also hit a wall afterwards.”

“Hmm,” Luna tapped a hoof to her face. “Most likely she lost her memory.”

“Yes,” Cloudy sniffled, “I don’t remember anything except for those horrible creatures surrounding us and Mr. Star standing firm against them. It was so...” Cloudy moved her face closer to Star’s.

“Ahh!” Star jumped up into the air. “Why does she keep trying to kiss me?!”

“Changelings, by nature, thrive on love,” Luna explained. “She may look like a pony, but even now, some of her basic instincts remain.”

“What do we do with her then?” Dream asked.

“Fear not!” Luna took a bold pose. “My sister and I shall handle her. It would be cruel to send her back to the other changelings as she is now, but she can’t be allowed to roam free either. I do apologize for any awkwardness this may have caused though.” Luna looked at Star.

“You have no idea Princess,” Star replied.

“It is no problem. We know you already must go through a lot of odd moments. I shall spare you a few.”

“Thank you Princess.” Star bowed his head and then started to fly away from the Princess.

“Will you not be staying for the wedding?” Luna asked.

“Unfortunately, no. It’s been a very long day and I need some rest. I don’t think I could survive a party in this state, especially if Pinkie’s there.”

“Well, I wish you well then,” Luna replied.

“See ya at work,” Dream said with a wave.

“Mr. Star!” Cloudy tried to fly after him, but Luna’s magic held her down. “Wait! Don’t go! I want ot know more about you! I want to be with you, please!” Star took to the sky and flew off at fast speed. “Don’t go!” Star couldn’t see it, but it sounded like Cloudy was crying.

“Shh, child.” Luna bent down to look at Cloudy. “It’ll be fine, ponies will treat you much better than changelings did.”

“But... but Mr. Star,” Cloudy hiccupped as tears rolled down her face.

“Hey,” Dream patted Cloudy with a hoof, “he lives in Canterlot and works with me. I’m sure you’ll see him around.”

“Shut up, hussy.”


Star slumped into his hotel room. Normally, he'd just fly back to Ponyville, but since he'd be in Canterlot for the whole weekend anyway, he had decided to stay at the Mareriot again. It was nice that Fancy offered him a discounted rate. But right now, all he wanted was a good drink and some sleep. “Ugh, I’m never going to any Royal Weddings again!” He went to his fridge and pulled out a bottle of cider. He didn’t even bother pouring it in a glass. He walked over to a chair and slumped in it.

“Guh, I can’t believe one of those things tried to imitate me and then came onto me. That’s just... ugh!” Star knocked back half of the bottle in one gulp. “That is wrong on so many levels! She couldn’t even act like me! I don’t act that girly when I’m like that, right?” Star asked the empty room. “Hmm, still felt a little bad when she cried though.” Star brought a hoof to his head. “Guh, what am I thinking? I shouldn’t feel bad, she’s an evil succubus that thrives on love... maybe I should hook her up with Blueblood.”

With a little laugh, Star chucked the empty bottle in the trash and went to his bedroom. “It was just a bad, very weird day. Wonder if anypony else will have any strange stories at work on Tuesday. Oh well,” Star yawned as he lied down on his bed and pulled up the covers, “I’m just glad we get tomorrow off. I’m gonna need to recuperate.” Star dozed off into slumberland.


Star felt much better in the morning. It was always nice to have an extra day to sleep in and Star had definitely need the rest. He sat up in his bed, stretched his wings, and got out of his bed. “Hmm, wonder what I should do today? I think I’ll go to that nice cafe, read a book, or maybe do a little work there.” Star scratched his head and realized his mane was in disarray, as it was want to do while he slept. “Shower seems like the first order of business.”

Star trotted over to his bathroom and stepped into his shower. “Why do the simple things in life always feel so good?”

“I guess a shower is pretty nice,” Cloudy said.

“You bet your...” Star’s eyes bugged out. Cloudy was standing in his bathroom.

“For the love of Celestia!” Star yelled as the shower water fell down on him. “Get out!”

“I just want to be with you, that’s all,” Cloudy said. She then moved to embrace Star. Star in turn punched a hole through the bathroom window and flew at top speed away from the nightmare he’d awakened to.

She was in my room! What is she was in my bed?! Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! This has to be a prank or someth– “Dream! She must have wanted to play a prank on me. That’s it!” Star sped off towards his destination.

“Oh dear.” Cloudy looked at the hole Star had made in the room. “I knew I should have just made breakfast.” Cloudy unfurled her wings and rushed out through the hole. She didn’t notice that the mirror behind her was now dark and pulsating.

A pair of eyes with both normal and reptilian pupils appeared in the mirror. “It seems I still have a drone in Equestria. Excellent, she can collect love from that foalish stallion and then Equestria will tremble before their new queen! Muhahaha!”