• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 1,725 Views, 22 Comments

My little pony: Equestria's beckoning - GuardianEternal

A human who ends up in Equestria and find strange new friends and his coping with Equestria

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Chapter 1

My little pony: Equestria's beckoning
CHAPTER 1: the stranger and a stranger world


"...Winds of change are on the horizon, the foolish whom ignore it shall be swept up with it, those who learn find truth, those whom do not are sent unto oblivion."

The sun shines on a smog-filled day in large city called "New York City" people are walking here and there, some for jobs, some for family and for the rest, doing other "activities". But a single teenager of 15 years of age is elsewhere, he walks down a pair of worn stairs that anyone heavier than a feather would dare to walk on and he stepped near a gate and flipped the gate lock and he stepped outside to a street which would have a car or two pass by, most of the time, a taxi or a Cadillac with rusted bumpers or perhaps an occasional uneven paint finish, he looked around for a second and turned right and began to walk down the street from his cruddy apartment, which was conveniently positioned near a park more up kept than most if not all the buildings it was around, the teenager is out on an errand he normally takes ever so once in a while. As he walks down a not so bustling street which didn't see very much attention, he stops near a rundown and quite outdated pharmacy, as he enters he is greeted by an old man leaning on a counter, whom of which has seen better days.
The old man smiles and waves to the young kid "Why hello again Siris, how is your sister?"
The teenager named Siris smiled and waved at him replying with a cheerful tone "Good Greg, the medicine is working wonders; the sickness seems to disappear every time she takes it!".
Greg nodded and got up from the counter and went into a back room meant for holding the store's supply of medicines and prescriptions for its occasional patron. Siris walked over to the counter and leaned on it, tapping his fingers as he waited, then the old man came out from the back after 5 minutes, holding a fist sized box of pills and handed it to Siris.
"Here, this should last your sister a while, now git'outta here before I get into trouble ya'whippersnapper!" Greg yelled jokingly, shooing him away.
Siris smiled, he nodded and went on his way.

Siris began to head back when he stopped suddenly by the sight of a gang of at least 10 gangsters mobbing a young kid. his anger stirred, he took a better look at the kid, he looked at least 12 or 11 and had some bruises on his left eye and a busted lip, he then preceded to walk over to the group with ignorance to how bad the situation really was.
"Hey! Don't you have something better to do than harass this kid!" Siris said with annoyance, the group stopped they're beating on the kid then turned their heads.
They looked at Siris then paused for a moment, then laughing heartily.
An abnormally large man with arms the size of a large baby spoke "who the hell do you think you are! This is our hood, y'all don't come up walking in our territory and preach to us bout' our s***!"
The beaten kid got up slowly and Siris noticed he had a broken and bloodied nose, the kid then shook his head sideways implying "No" to Siris. Knowing what will happen next.
The black man continued his illiterate rant "Dumb***, you better be on your way before dis gets ugly!" the rest agreed as well.
Siris stood there contemplating his next move 'should I fight?... No it won't work; I'll just end up like that kid, busted up bad if I'm lucky…hmm...ah! I got it! I'll lure them away and lose them by heading in a circle and hiding after they lose sight of me, YES I AM A GENIUS!' he thought, smiling at his plan.
The gangster spoke again "Hey dumb***! Get the hell outta here already!"
Siris smiled and laughed, making them all quite mad, in turn they all lunged for Siris, but he jumped back and taunted them as he started running away from them.
"HAHA you guys are the lamest gang I'VE ever seen! Come on, can't catch a kid!" he yelled at them.
At this point they went ballistic; the gang started charging after Siris. He turned his back at the kid once more giving him a wink. The kid nodded his head back happily and took off.
Siris began running faster and faster to the point of sprinting, but still the group was unrelenting to give up "Dang! They're so much faster!" he said to himself.

Then he thought 'This might not end well if they catch me, not at all!' he yelled in his mind, Siris pushing himself to his Max.
Siris was now exhausted, he looked behind him and some stopped from exhaustion but most of them kept on running after him. Siris then spoke in between breaths "I'm...running...outta...steam!".
He noticed an empty garbage can and immediately hopped in, placing the lid on top. Siris, still tired, tried to restrain his need to breathe until they went past him. A trample of steps came close to the trash can that Siris is in, by accident he let out a deep exhale, the steps stopped which made his heart drop.
He heard footsteps coming closer to him, Siris heard the faint sound of someone breathing in front of himself, he held his breath "…" hoping it will give enough time for them to leave without being noticed. Siris began to feel dizzy and light headed from holding his breath, then before he let out a deep gasp for air, he heard a familiar voice in the distance. Though it was muffled and he couldn't make out words...
Siris listened closely and heard the voice more clearly 'It's that kid! He came back!' thought Siris; he then heard sirens in the distance closing in and VERY close footsteps that seem to fade rapidly.
After the sirens past, Siris began breathing heavily, filling his lungs with much needed air, he then felt an arm grab his shoulder, pulling him from the trash can.
But to his surprise he then felt jagged nails digging into his arm, Siris then let out a rant of pain "GAH! OW! OW! OW! OW!" and turned to look at whom it was.
When he turned to see it was, the person is cloaked, though not like the gangsters and car jackers in the city, this one wore a blue hooded cloak made out of a soft material. The figure stood Siris up on his legs and removed his hood; it was a man with long platinum blonde hair.

Siris backed away as a reaction and spoke defensively in-turn as well "W-who a-are you!"
The man smiled for a bit then spoke "Yes...yes, you're special, I can see it in your eyes".
Siris turned his head in confusion and spoke equally confused "Dude, what are you blabbing about?" Siris heard his voice, though he looked seemingly young. He sounded like he was as wise as an old man.
The man then turned to Siris, walking over to him and spoke "You...you have greatness deep within, something...No...Someone. I have been searching for many years".
Siris was taken aback by the man's sudden seemingly kind compliment "I know I'm an awesome guy but...why exactly are you looking for someone like me for, it's kinda creepy" asked Siris.
The man seemingly ignoring Siris's question, answering it with a question of his own "Have you ever want to see other worlds, have adventure in other universes and other galaxies?".
Siris started becoming nervous though, it also gained his curiosity and spoke with both "u-um...yes I have, but I have a sister to take care of and if I don't then she'll die...I can't afford day dreams or wishes."
The man nodded in agreement and putted his hand on his shoulder then spoke again "You also have a kind and faithful heart, that's what counts in a world like this, now listen. Head home and take care of your little sister and...Sleep over it alright?" Siris nodded and walked away.
But he heard the man once more calling out to him "But...there is more to dreams and wishes...sometimes THEY are more than menial thoughts or ideas...".
Siris turned to ask the platinum blonde what he meant but he was gone, he looks back at the spot where he stood and looked at it with confusion 'did i just hallucinate it or something? but sure as heck...that was weird' he thought to himself as he turn and began his walk home.
An hour had passed and Siris was back home at the cruddy apartment which he and his sister call home. As Siris opened the door he called to his sister jokingly "MAY I'm back! Time for drugs".
He heard a faint call in a room that was left in a hallway in front of the door "I-I-I'm in h-h-here".
Siris peeked and walked in "May...I've..." he stopped and then remembered the medicine and frantically patted himself down for it "no no no...NO! I've lost it!" whispered Siris worriedly.
May smiled at him and laughed gently, she pulled out a box already opened with a pill bottle in her other hand and spoke "Siris y-you dropped this. A nice robed man came by and helped me take my medicine".
Siris seemed to jump with a surprised and shocked reaction "W-WHAAT!...grrr...THAT CREEP! the heck was he doing here?!...well, I GUESS I should thank him for helping me..but i swear if ever see him here again...grr!" muttered Siris disappointingly.

A few hours passed and Siris finished putting his sister to sleep, as he walked over to the clock he saw it was 12:25am and stumbled over to his bed which was in the room across from his sister. He collapsed on his bed, tired from his busy day "ugh...May might be..*yawn* sick, but she's still got the energy of a...chip...munk...ZzzzZZzz...".
Siris then awoke in a dark place after he went to sleep feeling tired still, he looked around and noticed that the room which he was in, was seemingly lit with tiny stars everywhere. He wandered around then asked himself "what...ehh...WHERE am I, In space or something?".
Then a large voice boomed from what seemed like everywhere "thee hath been chosen to transcend, what do ye say chosen soul?"
Siris jumped by the volume of the voice and managed to work up the courage to reply "I...don't know..."
The voice this time became more calm and quiet "choose wisely, for what you choose may decide your fate".
Siris then asked the voice a question in response "then what of my sister will I just leave her there, here, where ever she is? I said to that old man, I can't just leave her because I want to dream and wish!".
The voices went silent, and then answered in reply with assurance "ye chosen soul needn't worry of your kin where you shall go…she shall be taken care of on your request, no harm shall come to her under our ever vigilant watch!" it thundered, we are not ones of perfidy nor betrayal!".

After much thought and his own debate of this situation, with resolve in his voice, Siris finally answered "I will put you on that word, you giant voice guy!....I choose to transcend?" after he answered, for a minute there was no answer no sounds not even a stir, and he began to wonder if he was just having a vivid and somewhat bizarre dream when things began to happened, the stars around him began fade and the feeling of vertigo and wind rushing through his short yellow hair followed shortly after. Siris turned himself around to notice he is falling from the sky above a lake.
"HOLY CRAP, I'M FALLING!" he yelled with great fright, when he descended downward he felt an unnaturally strong updraft pushing him up against gravity which when he hit the water, softened the blow of the water greatly but hit it with quite some force still. Siris now underwater felt something bump his back but all he did is look around in the water dazed, and in the water this is dangerous as you can drown and be unaware of it, still underwater and losing consciousness; he panicked and swam as fast as he could to the surface.

After Siris reached the top he gasped for air and swam to the shore and crawled hazily out of the water and stumbled toward a forest nearby. As he wandered through the forest and the trees, he hoped he would run into someone familiar, someone he could ask for help as he could feel his fading grasp on reality, he tripped over his feet and he looked up and laid his eyes upon a barn filled with hay and animals making various sounds and noises and as he turned to his right. Siris saw what seemed to be a field of apple trees neatly placed in rows, as he walked closer, he felt the sense that someone was there, he then turned back to his left, where the barn was and saw a formless yellow figure standing a few feet away.
But because of his fading consciousness, Siris couldn't make out what it was or who it was, but with his last burst of consciousness, managed to sputter a plea for help to the figure as he fell to his knees leaning next to a tree "P-please...I-I n-need...help...call…9…11" as he fell down to the ground he heard the figure gasp and he saw it come closer, then everything went black.

As he fell unconscious, a still darkness encircled everything around him, he opened his eyes finding himself feel something, a sensation that made him feel light or dizzy, he felt himself being lifted up towards seemingly nowhere, a spine chill gale blew at him, the feeling was like that of death, the smell of stagnation almost overwhelming to him "w-what's...what is this?...May......where are you?...your big brother's in t-trouble..." he said in a weak and dazed mutter not struggling against the ominous pull that had him going somewhere, to a place he didn't know, he only felt the faint sensation of disbelief and shock.

after what seemed a long and pointless accent he felt himself stop and he slowly opened his eyes slightly and looked around "why...what, what is happening to me?....where am i?" the black void broke it's still form and began to shift like thick tar seeping down a wall and pooled below him "h-huh?" he looked down to the black tar that had formed below and it steadily began to raise more and more up to him, he looked at it but he could not move or fight to get away. as the dark tar sudden took a viscous grip of his leg then traveling up his leg then taking hold of lower legs, all he could do was look at it as it slowly reached his chest, the feeling was suffocating the smell of death burned deep in the black mass that had consumed half of his body and was steadily reaching his upper chest, he coughed and with all his will he tried to pull away, but as he did it seemed to make the black tar creep up faster and faster, he looked down at it, it had reached his shoulders and he sighed with a saddened tone of voice "this isn't real....it can't be, i should have woken up....this is just, impossible...this only happens in movies, and stories...d-dreams....can't be this real......May...please be ok" the tar reached his throat and a gentle increasing pressure begin to surround his throat, tightening by what seemed to be the second, he began to cough, and he spoke in a pleaful voice of hurt "i'm just a kid....p-please, whatever this is, don't...kill me..." the tar reached his chin and he uttered the last audible words he could "please...my sister needs me..." the black bile seemed to finally achieve it's seemingly intended goal of covering or consuming the child.

After, all that remained in that place of darkness was a symphony of silence. the shifting mass that had brought the dark place to live had frozen in place and everything that was moving or shifting was still once more in that place of darkness. then came a gentle solemn voice of song that seemed to bear similar tone to the monotonous void around until it began to flow into a rhythm of serenity, of blessed respite that seemed to chip and burn away the darkness into blacken ash that had consumed the child, in little time his face, his chest, his arms and legs slowly began to show, his eyes closed and breathing normally, slowly a light in the darkness showed itself to the void, a shapeless light that slowly appeared as a speck, then grew and grew until it was a great light that sang a symphony of light, of love, of life and soul, burning away the darkness until a gentle meadow remained, the grass slightly long and feathery soft to the touch
and flowed to a small gale of wind below a sun the shined on the grass, it was a meadow that only could only but in a dream. the light sang on as gently died down until it faded away entirely and it's song a faint whisper in the wind that flowed. the human lay peacefully and calmly in the realm once ruled by the dark soon to awake...

To Be Continued