• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 1,725 Views, 22 Comments

My little pony: Equestria's beckoning - GuardianEternal

A human who ends up in Equestria and find strange new friends and his coping with Equestria

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Chapter 3

My little pony: Equestria's beckoning

Chapter 3 : Winds of change

"...as a new day comes, we learn a little about ourselves every time, though it may not be much, we do and with that, we build our future from an uncertain present."

As the morning approached, more and more of the townsfolk in ponyville and animals that inhabited were waking as the sun started to rise, but not Siris, he and his sister still slept, deep in their dreams, they were playing a strange and violent video game with his sister in their joint dream together.

in the space where the beautiful meadow they once played on was gone, instead, it was a wasteland, burnt trees,thunder roaring in the distance, fire raging all around, and strange sinister daemons blood red in color stood in the thousands or millions around them, though they stood on a decimated land and outnumbered greatly, Siris and May stood amidst them all, in the middle standing atop a large hill, smiling seriously, when he broke the silence "HAHA, man...I've never though i would play this game in real...well...uh...semi..real life!" May turned to her brother and laughed and replied equally enthusiastic "yea, this is why it's rated "M" for a reason. because IT'S SUPER AWESOME! and since we don't have parents we couldn't get it...but this works fine though!" Siris nodded and pulled out two large great swords the size of at least 5 men.

May turned back to her brother and whined irritatedly "why do YOU get the "heaven's fury" swords and all i get is this dumb old dagger of Ra?" Siris laughed as he slew ten thousand daemons in one cleave of the ground, which, sent out a HUGE shock wave creating a massive fissure in the ground and then turned to his sister once more "it's a dream, we can do anything...and it's called "remembering the name, shape and properties of the weapons, b'sides that "dumb old dagger" you're referring to, calls down a god for assistance in times of need AND does ninety percent critical damage every time, do the math!".

May turned around and looked at her dagger smiling deviously then shouted to the sky as she lifted the dagger to the sky "RA! come forth!"...only silence ensued afterwards,

Siris then, began laughing hard, and looked at his sister afterwards "you can ONLY call down Ra when your Mana and life are low enough, dum dum there's just-!" remarked Siris but was interrupted, May infuriated then initiated the transference of three quarters of her mana and heath to her brother, bolstering it beyond it's max amount, then with joy and anger in her voice she made the call once more "RA! COME FORTH, I CALL YOU IN MY TIME OF NEED!"

this time, though, there was a answer, the sound of thunder rang out and the clouded sky then started to shoot lightning everywhere, then, a massive bolt of lightning struck a closely group cluster of daemons and a great avatar of Ra, embodied as a human-eagle deity. Siris's jaw dropped in shock of the power and carnage that ensued, as Ra created a war hammer of fire, earth, and lightning which obliterated the ground when it struck with the force of a magnitude 80 earthquake, causing everything for many miles to fly high into the air, including May and Siris, "w-wow t-that's some force, i-it's incredible!" remarked Siris out loud as he acceded upward from the power of the blow, as all the daemons flew up Ra created a sun above them which cover the horizon all around and grew in intensity, Siris and May then started feeling a severe burning sensation from the sun, which they were not supposed to feel while they were supposed to be dreaming.

He then noticed he and his sister were being pulled into it by an unknown force, Siris's protective instincts for his sister kicked in as he then shouted a protective spell in an ancient language known in the game they played "protege nos ab iniuria!" which translated was "protect us from harm!" and as he spoke it a ball of light appeared and encased Siris, then, flew over to his sister with him in it and encased her too.

after it enclosed them both within it, it shot straight down and stuck itself to the crumbling ground.

"WHAT'S GOING ON S-SIRIS!...I-I'm scared!" said May whimpering and holding onto her big brother's arm, but in all his thinking he couldn't explain why it started affecting them as in real life "i-i-i don't know May, but what i do know, is something... s-somethings gone wrong with this dream, it's turning on us, mixing our dream with reality"

he mediated the most probable answer to his sister trying to make sense of this bizarre and deadly situation. their situation grew more dire as the ground which they were tethered to began to crack and crumble, then, with one great pulse of gravity, the ground gave way to the ball of light, flinging both of them towards the massive sun "AHHHHHH!" screamed May with great fright as they hurled out of control towards the sun, Siris turned to his sister and placed a charm of unknown origin in her hand, then hugged her "May...my sister...I can't let you be harmed...I just can't allow it!" said Siris with complete seriousness and love, but something strange possessed him, whether it was love or something else his sister did not know. as they approached the sun they hugged each other and closed their eyes to their coming doom.

then, when all seemed lost,something over took him and a glimmer of light shined through Siris's heart and then a voice spoke outward from it "from the bottom of my heart and on my dying breath, I shall NOT allow the innocent to be harmed!" then, with one great burst, the glimmer of light shot back down into Siris and he then lept out of the disappearing sphere of light with power,cradled himself, he then exploded outward with great light and power that outshines even the massive sun.

after it...nothing... a person floated in the darkness that almost encircled all around, it was Siris. He floated unconscious towards a large portal, to where, no one knows, when a man wearing a cloak and hood walked towards him, paused his decent downward, while smiling peacefully.

"you, have proven your mettle dealing with supernatural events...but now is not the time to pass-on...no!...your journey has not truly...yet begun" the man then lifted his arm and, with a single great beam of energy he then returned to him to a state of normal dreaming. The man now alone spoke once more, before disappearing back into the darkness which he came, his voice filled with echoes of 'others; "this was one, of many challenges you shall face... if you keep strong, and do not falter, you shall overcome anything and overcome the greatest fight and challenge of all...go now, and return to Equestria and begin your life anew..."

Siris asleep, began sweating bullets across his body and shifted constantly, when a knock on the door made him shift and turn upward, facing the ceiling. A pony then came in, it was the nurse pony, she trotted up to him, now sleeping peacefully when he muttered something in his sleep "hey...toss it...over here" the nurse giggled and gently shook him awake. he slowly opened his eyes and took a deep breath then took a deep breath and yawned, sitting up slowly "was that a...dream?...or something more?...hm!...what smells so good?" he then turned to the nurse whom, had something on a platter "good morning sleepy head, since you seem thin, I brought you breakfast".

Siris looked to the platter of food and his stomach growled, there was [two pieces of toast,a cup of orange juice, scrambled eggs, and a bowl of apple scented oatmeal] the nurse then asked "you don't have any allergies do you? " he smiled and gestured his head 'no' and she walked over and placed it down to him from a two sided tray holder, that was placed across her back. "I never got around to your name, what's your name miss?" she smiled and told him "it's nurse redheart, now, when you finish your breakfast just leave it on the counter there, I'll get it later OK?" he nodded and said "thank you" and picked up the spoon and started eating the oatmeal then Siris stopped immediately and his eyes shot open, alarming the nurse " oh no! is it too hot! after the bite he spoke" n-no...it's so GOOD!. one bite after another, slowly the oatmeal started vanishing then, after about five minutes the oatmeal was finished, then Siris started on the eggs, which he finished quite quickly and voraciously w-well I'm glad you liked the breakfast so much" she smiled happily.

After he finished drinking his orange juice they heard a gentle knock on the door, and the nurse walked over and opened the door. "O-oh Twilight i wasn't expecting you to bring, so many guests! well, welcome everypony come on in, please mind your voice and be respectful"

the nurse picked up the tray and walked out, Siris jumped at the amount of people Twilight brought, but when he looked at them, he saw their expressions, a bit nervous, except a pink pony who was smiling cheerfully, Twilight then walked up to his bed and greeted him "hey there Siris!..how are you feeling?"

"oh, I'm feeling MUCH better than yesterday and uh...not...um"
he smiled then nodded, Twilight let out a big sigh of relief "well that's good, i was afraid something bad could have happened over night"

He stopped "but something did happen..." remembering what happened with his sister in that dream-turned-nightmare with that sun. Twilight tilted her head in confusion "whats the matter?" she asked, he turned to her and tried to reassure nothing was the matter, she looked at him suspiciously with concern,

when suddenly an energetic pony started bouncing up and down, around the room quite vigorously "oh! oh! does he like parties, does he like parties! oh! i hope he likes PARTIES!" yelled the energetic pony, he shifted backwards and all he did or all he could do, was blink and shift one his eyebrows up, but stifled a light chuckle slightly at the pink pony's antics, trying to hold it back.

"Pinkie! p-pinkie pie, try to calm down, we'll get to that later, OK?" said Twilight attempting to calm her quite hyper or just Excited friend, she then turned back to Siris and chuckled a bit "sorry about that, but allow me to introduce my friends, "this, is pinkie pie" Twilight then pointed her hoove at her. Nurse Redheart popped her head in through the door and gave pinkie a glare, then a quieting 'shush' pinkie smiled at nurse redheart meekly and nodded then nurse redheart left once again.

"OH we've gotta throw you a "welcome to Equestria" party after you here! we just GOTTA!" said Pinkie pie that suddenly and mysteriously had a a party cannon that shot out confetti, he finally let out a light chuckle.

pinkie pie was almost completely pink with a pink coat, a pink mane as fluffy as cotton candy and cyanish blue, with a mark of balloons on her hind leg "and this, is Rainbow Dash" spoke Twilight, Siris looked to his left and saw the pony, she was ture to her name, she had a vivid rainbow colored mane and tail, aggressive red, calm blue, energetic yellow, strong orange, cool green, and "sky high" cyan with a coat as blue as the sky above, all Siris could do was stare lightly "ha, yep, and I'm the fastest Flier in all of Equestria, and the first to do a "sonic rainboom!" spoke the pony proudly, Siris could tell by the way she spoke and sounded, she was a tomboyish pony, he didn't speak for he was deep in his imagination, for each color, she smirked at Siris's looking dumbfounded "remember, rainbow dash, he's not from this world, we still have to explain many things to him, ahem, this is "Rarity"

Rarity was a more refined pony, that even her colors showed it, she had a light azure grey coat, her mane was an dark purple with other shades of purple and was also curled perfectly, showing much time spent on hair care and preparation, she also had royal blue eyes and the sign of diamonds imprinted on her hind leg.

"why, hello dear, i would like to let you know that, took the liberty of washing your clothes and put them in this bag here, but i want to ask, do you like that gown your wearing now?" Siris shrugged his shoulders and gestured his head "yes" "wonderful! i thought it would be difficult, making something for an unknown species, such as yourself, now here, darling here are clothes" Rarity's horn then shone with magical energy and the clothes lifted up to him quickly, the only reaction he could do was back up until he hit the wall with his back causing a sharp pain to shoot up his back.

Rarity then placed the clothes on his bed then turned and looked at him concerned "w-what's the matter dear?, i wasn't going to hurt you, i was just giving you your clothes, I'm so sorry if i startled you!" said Rarity with guilt Siris back off from the wall rubbing his back while holding one of his arms up gesturing with his hand that it was fine "o-ow...i-it's fine, you just startled me with my clothes! hehehe...ow"

afterwards, he realized that a awkward silence set in, everyone just stood there looking at each other pony. Twilight decided to break the awkwardness by introducing the next pony "ahem...let me introduce you to "fluttershy" shes great with animals and is a Pegasus, like rainbow dash, but isn't quite AS outgoing as rainbow dash" Fluttershy was another pony with wings, her coat was a light amber yellow, with totally cyan blue eyes and had a light pink mane with the sign of flowers on her hind leg, she only made eye contact once or twice with Siris, but for a reason, she didn't quite trust him due to her shyness, which explained the name she had "h-hello...n-nice t-to meet you" as she looked at Siris's blue eyes, she kept looking at them intensely as if she was reading his mind

Twilight looked at them confusedly and curiously, then shook her head out of confusion and pointed her hoove at the last pony " and this is applejack

Siris looked at her curiously, as if he had seen her somewhere "w-wait...i remember you...it's a bit hazy but i remember you standing there before i passed out next to that tree and the barn" the attention shifted from him to Applejack and as if the world held it's breath for her response she replied nervously laughing at the unwanted attention "hehehe...Eeyup t-that was me, but...what doesn't make sense is, is that you didn't pass out near my barn" Siris cocked his head back from the confusion "what...do you mean?" he asked seriously, he then started feeling applejack get more nervous but before he could, Rainbow dash changed the subject's original direction back on track "yea, applejack told us about you, but we didn't understand what she was trying to describe to us, and we though she was crazy...well that after we found you in ponyville all circled by the other ponies" said rainbow dash tauntingly "hey, i tried mah best!" replied applejack defensively "OK, OK girls calm down now" spoke Twilight defusing the argument. He looked at his strange visitors and smiled, feeling a warmth in his heart that he had never felt before "they're nice people..uh, ponies, is this what it feels like to have friends?" Siris thought happily.

"hey, I'm curious, where did you come from, and what IS your name?" asked rainbow dash, the other turned around and wondered the same thing "his name is "Siris" and...uh..he's from..um, where did you say you were from again?" asked Twilight in a confused tone, Siris wasn't one for being on the spot and became a bit nervous, but he still spoke with detail and no studdering "my name is Siris, as she said, i am 15 years old and live in a city called "new york" with only my sister whom is 10 years old" while he was talking Twilight interrupted his explanation "only your sister? what about your parents?"

Siris looked out the window and towards the sun smiling "me and her are alone, our mother died 2 years ago, and even our own mother never knew whom our father was, thus i never knew him and nether did our sister, we survived for he years she was gone because we had each other, money wise, we came by, we were watched over by the owner of the place we lived , gave us money and a free place to live" he explained with great appreciation "it sounds like you had a good live back there" said Twilight "yea...that's until...my sister came down with an incurable and if not treated or cared for constantly everyday, an unsurvivable disease..." he replied with a sorrowful tone, the others including spike and Twilight gasped in horror "a-are you sure?" asked Twilight in shock, he nodded without a word, afterwards he continued about himself and avoiding the situation about his sister altogether after trying to change their moods from sympathetic to happy and curious again, he spoke with happiness and bravado "anyway, it doesn't matter because I live NEXT to a research facility that give her an endless supply of meds, as long as she takes it she'll live a happy and fulfilling life!" Twilight and the rest's mood changed from sad back to happy "that great news! please continue about yourself!" said Twilight interested, Siris nodded and continued " i also live in a place which my city resides, which is called "America" it might be equivalent to your Equestria" an where i come from is a planet called "earth".

All the ponies jumped in amazement from the information he gave them, pinkie pie then started hopping around excitedly "OH WOW! we have a connection to you, your from this planet called earth and i'm an earth pony! oh this is exciting!" Siris looked at Twilight and razed his eyebrow, she leaned forward a bit with a look of 'sorry' to him "um, i'll explain the horse races later" she said smiling happily "how long have you been here, but by my guess you probrobly haven't been here long" continued Twilight,

Siris nodded "yea i think i just got here yesterday, how long have i been out Twilight?"

he asked kindly, then another pony push through them all gently. it was nurse redheart "you arrived here yesterday, as you said, you just got here most likely...from the time of arrive to the hospital and a strange warped feeling all the town got a few minute before you came into town...roughly...at 10:50 am" explained nurse redheart stunning everyone, "well we better find you a place to live then..." said twilight looking while looking at the girls " ho!we have a space in the barn if yer' up for it" said applejack "oh, i think not applejack! he's JUST the challenge i need for a new line of fashion and he looks much too civil to be sleeping in a barn!" argued Rarity testily "oh! OH! he can stay with ME! we'll throw parties EVERYDAY and make sweets and throw MORE parties!" said pinkie pie ecstatically jumping up and down adding to the growing argument.

"i-if you don't h-have a home...t-t-then i-i-i suppose you c-could stay....with m-me" spoke Fluttershy in a whisper "ha fat chance any of you guy, he looks all flabby, he should stay with me! I'll whip him into shape!" outspoken rainbow dash pushing Fluttershy to the side and standing in front of Twilight, just adding to the fast escalating argument over who he will live with. Siris blushed lightly and nervously, Twilight then walked next to him and spoke "girls, girls!...calm down now, he going to be staying with me for a while, until we can sort out this mess" the arguing calmed and there was silence among them again, "a-are you sure! i d-don't want to be a mooch or a burden!" exclaimed Siris "of course!, and you won't be a burden, "a friend in need is a friend indeed!" he was taken aback by the ponies complete willingness to house him and care for him, and made him think with melancholy " sigh...i don't know why they're being so nice to me...despite the fact i'm from a completely separate planet or universe..not only that, they barely know me but yet ther're still being kind and hospitable? it's all so confusing..." applejack turned her gaze on Siris, whom was looking upset and distant "hey there, what's the matter? you seem to be buggin' out, somethin' on yer mind partner?" asked applejack, he turned and looked at her, she had a concerned look on her face "oh it's nothing applejack...really!" she looked at him sharply and with a look, he knew that she wasn't buying the lie "it's fine partner, you can tell us when you want" whispered applejack whom was close enough to not be heard or noticed by the other ponies "well i do believe from observation, that you are O.K to leave whenever " spoke nurse redheart smiling happily, poking half her body in the door, he nodded and she left the room once again "i can't believe he stands with only two legs" said rainbow dash blindly, eveyone stared at her "...what?" she asked confusedly "rainbowdash he's not a pony and doesn't need four legs and four hooves or uh.."feet" he calls them, to walk, despite him being tall" explained Twilight, spike then jumped off of Twilight and stood on his feet as well "see, i can do it too rainbow dash" said spike "but hey do they, like, change to using four when you get older?" continued spike asking Siris, he chuckle a bit and explained to spike and the ponies about the age system and how that when a person reaches a certain age they stop growing and developing and that humans don't have magic abilities

"wow!...but then how could they build and do so much without magic?" asked all the ponies and spike, he turned back to them this time with a low and unproud tone "war...in old times we used to destroy neighboring kingdoms and towns...killing, looting and taking anything they could...even today, those!...those!..same type of people exist today from their descendants...but me and my sister...we're the ones that are different...we fight against tyranny and cruelty ANYWHERE and don't stand for it!" Twilight gave a acknowledging nod to him "you two must be great heroes in your world!" said Twilight "yea! like beating the snot outta bad guys and saving the day!" added rainbow dash, he gave a modest look and shook his head and arms gesturing 'no' "I'm not a hero where I'm from, more like a..." then Siris remembered what he did for that kid, he lead the cruel gang away from him and possibly saved his life.

Twilight then change the subject back to living arrangements "so anyway, you'll be staying with me for the time being"she said, then. suddenly an idea popped into her mind "oh i have an idea, we can have a sleepover over at my house tonight! for his first official time here in Equestria!" everyone, including Siris, nodded to the idea.

"alright, but hold on i need to get un-..." He stopped in mid-sentence, blushing so much blood practically came out of his nasal area, where most blush, "what? aren't you going to get dressed Siris?" asked Rarity Siris then became more red as his cheeks started blushing as well, Twilight remembered how he reacted to her attempt to lift his garb "y-your g-girls a-an-" Twilight and Rarity gave a small gasp in sync and Twilight looked at Rarity and nodded "come on girls, let's give this poor boy some privacy" spoke Rarity with a demanding tone, all the girls nodded and left and before Rarity left she said one thing to him "just come on out when ever you are ready darling" he nodded and she closed the door, and the girls waited outside talking amongst themselves "HE needs privacy?, why would he need privacy? i mean we don't fuss about our clothes let alone putting them on or taking them off "

said rainbow dash with a brash tone, but is quickly reprimanded by Rarity and Twilight " it's probably a human thing. besides they probably wear clothes, because they don't have a coat like us to keep warm during cold winter months and days, but...there's something about a spot between his leg he guards sharply for some reason...must be some kinda weak spot" spoke Twilight shrugging her shoulders and speaking with conviction "not to mention he's a boy and boys can be weird like that rainbow dash" added Rarity, Rainbowdash shrugged her shoulders and they all started giggling. after Siris put on his dark blue boxers he walked up to the mirror and looked VERY closely for any scars or injuries, as he turned to his back he saw a large patch on his back which showed that blood did run quite profusely at one point, this frightened Siris and by accident he let out a yell which could be heard by anyone inside the hospital, the door swung open as the girls (including spike and the nurse) raced in with panic "what! what's the matter!" said Twilight and the nurse, he didn't answer at first as he stared at the injury with total shock "...w-w-whoa-what...happened when i came into town?" he said with petrification, he then started turning pale white as blood started flowing from his wound overpowering the bandage and started going down his back all the girls drew back in fear and fluttershy fainted "n-n-nurse! whats happening!" said Twilight as she attempted to revive her. nurse redheart then shouted to the doctor in the next room, treating a little filly or a little female pony whom had a fever and raced in, seeing Siris bleeding out on the floor going into shock and fluttershy coming too "doctor whoove!, it's our human patient, he's losing a dangerous amount of blood and might be going into shock!" ran over to Siris that was now barely conscious on the floor "w-w-who..-" before he could continue his whisperous voice the doctor interrupted him " shhh,don't talk now, just try and stay conscious alright?" said the doctor, he then nodded weakly. Doctor whooves then shifted his attention to nurse redheart "...nurse! get him on the medical table, we don't have much time!" he then looked at Twilight and friends with a completely serious face "you gotta move your friend out of here, I'm sorry, I'll alert you to what happened" Twilight nodded with confidence and her and the others lifted fluttershy and left the room but while the shifted over to the next room, but Twilight didn't notice Rainbowdash and Spike run over to the door and watch as they started the procedure to save him.

"what's...happening?" whispered spike as he tried getting a glimpse at Siris "i-i dunno it's too hard to see.." replied rainbowdash squinting as she looked in as well the doctor and nurse lifted him up, his back facing the ceiling and placed on the table, and with one great gasp the doctor ushered out a torrent of orders, which the nurse followed quickly for the next hour the work on sealing the injury and mange to stop the profuse flow "i need metal lacing...clamp..blood regu-" then it hit him, "doctor whooves...he's doesn't have another human donor!.." then he threw his head down away from Siris in anger and disappointment, The blood lightened up to a moderate flow "then...there nothing we can do at this point, he's a mystery species, i've been luck so far but without a blood donor he won't make it past the hour!" then Siris began losing consciousness and the doctor turned in panic and fear "no! NO! you gotta stay awake!" yelled the doctor, then they heard the door creak open

"...I'll give him some of my blood, doc"


i dedicate some of my inspiration from my friend SHONENJUMPBOY

i'm currently working on chapter #4 currently, though due to holidays may take longer to make

but expect it out in the next week or sooner to find out who