• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 1,726 Views, 22 Comments

My little pony: Equestria's beckoning - GuardianEternal

A human who ends up in Equestria and find strange new friends and his coping with Equestria

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Chapter 2

My little pony: Equestria's beckoning

CHAPTER 2: Crash course into the strange world

Siris floated in a dream-like state for what seemed like an eternity, feeling the strong

sense of being lost...

when he thought he was to stay there forever, he heard the faint sound

of someone's voice, but he didn't know who's is it was, he then heard what seemed to be

the sound a door close, he then drifted off once more into a sea of dreams but this time it was different, much different

there were images, images of his sister laughing, playing, singing and doing other merry things a young girl of ten does, then an image of a tombstone marked with his sister's name phased in the image a single figure dressed in black, it was the only person standing in front of it...him.

these sudden, horrible images brought an uncontrollable sense of sadness and fright that of which made him start to cry , in his sorrow he manged to mutter something of his sister "may...i can't believe I just left you alone...like... like that!..how could I call myself your older brother!?."

the horrifying images then shifted, this time it was blurry and no sound came with this image or memory the blurred picture came into focus and he saw himself, but to his shock and amazement it turned to him and spoke with a great confident voice

"don't let sadness overcome you!, she'll be fine, just keep yourself resolute to what you believe and everything will be fine..trust in destiny..." after he finished the more confident Siris disappeared before he could ask a single question and then yet once again he was alone in his mind.

For the next hour Siris floated in the black, endless space in confusion,

and in wonder of what he meant, Siris then thought to himself aloud, freaking out "what in the WORLD IS GOING ON? loud voices, falling into a random lake and into....some random place...where...am I?
some kind of dreamland gone wrong or something? or perhaps I'm just insane and just don't realize it?" he then let out a deep sigh.

he strangly began to feel a sensation on his body and he knew the feeling was his body & mind coming too, because he felt a sudden cool gust of wind breeze gently through his legs, startling him.

the next thing was his sight started coming back as well, though it was still very blurry...it was still coming back

as his eyes started to adjust he noticed he had some kind of blue medical gown on and was laid on a rather soft bed, Siris looked up and saw a white ceiling and looked left and right and saw medical equipment placed here and there, neatly put away "am I in a h-hospital?... I knew it, I hit my head while running away or something." Siris thought to himself, afterwards he then preceded to get up, placing his bare feet on the cold ground, sending a freezing shiver up and throughout his body

"brrr! it's, it's cold..." said Siris shaking and holding his arms, he then heard a knock on the door, and Siris covered up with the blanket, but much to Siris's surprise though, a white pony with pink hair with blue eyes wearing a nurse's hat and a red cross sign and her hind leg peeked her head in then walked in slowly "ah your awake uhh...sir, how are you feeling?" asked the pony, Siris jumped with fright and staggered, close to passing out again but he fought through it and kept awake "whoa whoa, you should sit down, you might hurt yourself!" said the pony motioning her hooves to lay down.

Siris sat back down on the bed in complete shock that a pony was speaking to him, after a minute he managed to studder a reply "y-y-you ca-can t-t-talk!" the nurse looked at him with confusion, walked over and placed a hoove over his forehead "lets see...ok, no fever" and she stepped back and tilted her head in confusion "of course, everypony can talk around here, who or what are you exactly sir?" asked the nurse

Siris froze for a second but snapped out of it and calmed down enough to talk back to the nice pony nurse "uh, i-im hu-" a knock on the door cut him off, and the nurse walked over to the door and opened it, but not before she said a few words before leaving "i'll be right back, please...don't leave your room" Siris answered back calmly "alright then..." and sat quietly as she closed the door behind her.

a few seconds past by then the door opened, a female purple horse with a horn on her head entered the room with a small purple scaled creature that was riding on her back, it looked seemingly like a dragon with green rounded spikes on his head and green reptile like eyes and a tail.

"Is this him?" the nurse nodded and spoke "yes try not to be too long twilight"

she nodded and turned her attention back to Siris and smiled "greetings and salutations!, I'm twilight sparkle and this is my friend and number one assistant "Spike" the dragon and this town your in is called "Ponyville", the dragon turned to the side and waved to Siris and he waved back to him nervously, twilight then preceded to ask Siris a TON of questions "this is so interesting, what are you exactly? I've never seen a pony like you before, OH are you from a foreign land or a different dimension?...are you a different type of pony or perhaps some kind of strange and unknown species just waiting to be discovered!?!" she was right in his face with a large and excited smiles and Siris, looking nervous gestured his head "No" and replied back to twilight "n-no I'm what you call a human, and I'm not definitely not a horse or...pony, I'm from a city in the U.S.A called "New York City" the pony named "twilight sparkle" walked up to him and examined him closely such as looking in his eyes, tapping his knees and moving his arms and legs, but Siris slapped her hoove when she tried lifting the gown where his privates were, seeing as he was wearing ONLY the gown. she remarked with shock "what?" Siris then remarked defensively "that private property lady!"

twilight turned her head in confusion but listened anyway "a human you said?... hm, i never heard of a "human"before, let alone a human in equestria, EVER!" Siris flew up suddenly and asked a question startledly "WHERE AM I!" twilight and spike jumped with the sudden question and looked at Siris and answered his question "your in the land of Equestria and this town your in is called "Ponyville" as i said before, and just north of here is a castle city called Canterlot where the fancy and distinguished ponies live, we ponies live under the joined rule of princess Celestia and princess Luna, formerly night "mare" moon " Siris gently hopped off the bed and stood up, twilight then looked at Siris whom was taller by two or three feet, Spike, the dragon on twilight's back remarked with great admiration "wow your so tall!" Siris looked to Spike and smiled "thanks i guess" he then thought to himself deeply "oh GOD, what happened!, did i really get transported to a new world or am i just dreaming this?" Twilight tilted her head and began to make a lollipop float in mid-air, as Siris was deep in thought the lollipop covered in the strange purple energy floated up in front of him,

when Siris looked up seeing the floating lolli he jumped back, "wha-what! what is that on that lollipop!?" Siris replied with much surprise "wha- how, are you doing that?!" twilight furled a brow at his reaction and thought for a minute in confusion of his reaction then the idea pop into her head "where you come from, your don't have magic abilities, do you?" Siris Gestured his head "No" and replied " um, no the only thing close to "magic", are magicians, and even then it's just illusions, you know "smoke and mirrors" kinda thing" he scratched his head as if admitting something of a painful truth, Twilight sparkle nodded with a sense of disappointment that something wonderful like magic is devoid in the land or place he is from; she continued and told Siris about these magic powers of which she used "well, you see ponies with a horn, like mine have the ability to use magic, such as prestidigitation, levitation and teleportation and many other wonderful things!"

Twilight seeing his hesitation to the lollipop began moving it back down to the bowl when Siris decided to grab hold of it instead "I'll eat it miss Twilight, b'sides....i haven't had sweets in a LONG time and I think I'm overdue" twilight released the lollipop with surprise and Siris takes hold and placed it in his mouth and frowned, Twilight with a bit of concern and asked Siris "what's the matter, is it your home?" Siris nodded and spoke "yes......you see, i have no idea how i got here or why I'm here, do you possibly know what happened or why this happened?" Twilight gestured her head "No" and replied "sadly, i don't know how you ended up here or why...but perhaps princess Celestia or princess Luna would know more!"

Siris lept with excitement and then spoke "r-really? you'd do that for me?" twilight smiled and giggled at the strange "Human" and replied happily "of course, no-pony left behind, we're all friends here! but in time though, you just got here and you must be tired, you need your rest to recover and then you can get to know everypony" twilight looked at the clock and flinched a bit "oh well it's time me and Spike get going, we have to go home and take care of errands and do cleaning, I'll be back tomorrow so you can meet my friends!".

Siris shuddered at the thought he might be some kind of freak show or possibly be some kind of test subject for experimenting "why are you bringing more over?" he said defensively in response to her statement "well you kinda zonked out in front of one of my friend's homes and they want to see if you are ok and carrying you made it to the nurse and hospital that were able to get you back up and running, as you are now, so they just want to meet the um...pony the saved" she said in a explainitive and surprisingly gentle tone "...well we gotta get going, see you tomorrow!" she continued as she turned to the door.

Siris's fears calmed a bit and he sat back down on the bed when he threw away the finished lollipop The little dragon turned around and waived his hand good bye to him and spoke as twilight walked out of the room "it was nice meeting you! see ya later!" and they left.


the nurse came in with a clip board held on her side by a pouch she wore with her suit and pen in front of her , as she walked up to Siris she pulled out the clipboard and pen "excuse me, Mr?..." Siris finished her sentence with his name "Siris, my name is Siris, and just Siris please?" the nurse nodded and continued "excuse me, uh... Siris, it's getting late, and since your still a new patient, i advise you stay one more night here, just to be sure your OK" Siris thought it over for a minute and then decided "ok, it's sound fine with me Mame!" the nurse nodded happily and said one last thing before she closed the door "good night Mr.Siris, sleep well"

Siris's expression drooped and he thought to himself 'should'a known she'd say it like that anyway'. he then walked over and had laid down on the bed and looked up to the clock and found a bit of humor in what time it was..."12:25am huh?...hehe" he blinked blankly at the ceiling and attempted to drift off to sleep. for a minute everything thing was calm and peaceful but his attempt to sleep was in vain; too many thoughts ran through his head to sleep

"what did i do to deserve this" "why are these ponies so Kind to me?"

"does me being here mean anything?" or "what happens now I'm here" but one particular thought kept Siris pondering "how will I leave or do I even wanna leave here?" Siris tossed and turned but eventually he couldn't hold the restlessness back and he sat back up, and thought to himself "i need fresh air and a place to think!"

So after quite a few minutes passed, he gently crept to the door and opened it gently and looked around and saw only the nurse napping on her desk, tons of papers messily scattered about. He then gently closed his door and began creeping out and towards the door exit and trying to avoid any guards that might throw him back into his room. as he slowly made his way right next to the nurse's desk he heard how loudly she was snoring 'geez! even my sister doesn't snore as loud as this pony!" thought Siris loudly as he crept by her and walked out the door

when he looked outside he indeed saw "Ponyville" though it was midnight and no-pony was outside, which he preferred as it would only bring strange stares and defeat the purpose of this little excursion, considering how they must have reacted when the "friends" of Twilight brought him into the hospital.

he looked around and saw a fountain gently streaming water outward, he walked over, feeling the cold dirt ground on his feet every step he took and sat down on the ledge of the fountain, he then began pondering his situation unrestrained by the walls of the hospital Siris then looked up at the star filled night "sigh...it's a...a beautiful night...i wish May could be here to see this" this though triggered an emotionally reaction, due to the fact that he loves his sister greatly

and would die for her at a moment's notice if he thought it was necessary to save began to shiver as the wind picked up and became MUCH colder "brr!...i think i-it'd be best if i head back inside soon" He thought to himself, suddenly Siris then heard the sound of hooves approaching and turned around to find the nurse standing behind him, Siris turned red and chuckled nervously, the nurse then pointed inside with her hoove and spoke " you can't be out here wearing that, you'll catch a cold" He nodded and got up then began to walk with the nurse back inside, but before he went in Siris took one last look outside...up to the stars and mumbled to himself

"i guess you weren't crazy after all". Siris turned back and the nurse entered the hospital and closed the door, she then stopped in front of her desk and turned to him "what were you doing outside at a time like this? wearing something like that, look at this, you have no fur, no mane, no nothing, you'd catch a cold faster than a wonderbolt!" the nurse said, scolding him like a mother would a willy teen. Her expression changed from a mad stare to a more concerned look

"is there something bugging you sugar? if there is, you can tell me" he turned away from her but explained still "yea, it's my sister...not a day goes by where i don't worry about her going to sleep and not waking up in the morning...it's s-scary..." he couldn't speak another word, the only thing the nurse could do was give him a hug to console him in his sadness.

After 1 minute of sobbing Siris pulled himself together and the nurse floated a tissue to him, and he then wiped away the tears and blew his nose "thanks, um...can you-" the nurse interrupted him knowing what he was going to say "don't worry hon, not...a...pony" and she winked to Siris,

he smiled and thanked her, then walked back into his room and closed the door.

he looked around the room and walked to his bed, laid down and this time, went to sleep soundly and peacefully.

But this time while Siris slept, the terrible images that plagued his dreams before disappeared, an instead a montage of happy memories and wishes flowed all around him, enveloping the black space in a peaceful dreamy meadow with the sun gleeming gently upon it, he floated down and placed his bare feet on the grass, it was a soft and comfortable texture, "it's like touching a pile of feathers dipped in extra softness" said Siris with a comforted voice, he laid down on the soft grass

and suddenly an image of his sister appeared next to him, laying down next to him, she then started humming a gentle tune that sounded familiar to Siris, he turned to his sister direction and asked her "what's that tune you're humming May? it sounds familiar" she stopped humming, looked at Siris and giggled "it's a special lullaby mom used to sing for us when we were babies i memorized, word for word, here's how it starts" soon after May began singing a gentle melody

"~win-er is done...spring appro-ches...sleep my lit-tle~ ba-bies...when you wake, the dawn of the spring day shall~ be there, to greet you, to help you, to be there for~ you-u-u...when the coming of winter, approaches yet again, do-o-o not fear! do-o-o not cry! know that coming of WIN-ER means~ Spring is o-o-o-o-on it's w-a-a-a-y...once again!" .

by this point, May was standing next Siris together, May then hopped upward and soon after, hugged her big brother then asked him something while curiously observing everything "where are we big brother?" Siris looked at his sister, looked around turned back to his sister and shook his head side-to-side and shrugged his shoulders, implying he didn't know where they were.

he then gave his sister his sister a playful proposition "well we are dreaming, why not enjoy the freedom of our imaginations for the time we're here?" May smiled and happily agreed as she hugged her big brother once again, this time much harder "well let's play Siris!" shouted May towards her brother's area. he laughed and found comfort and peace for the many hours they both were asleep, playing fun games and activities, though somewhere else something was watching from a "higher" view point.

"may this gift of happiness allow you to find the path to unlocking your true potential...young one"


PLEASE NOTE I'M NOT VERY GOOD WITH GRAMMAR and you might find many mistakes i might have overlooked, try to not point it out, instead R&R about the story itself and i will try my best to review and correct mistakes, so as to not make them in the future THX!

forever, guardian