• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 3,372 Views, 39 Comments

Transformares Fall of Ponytron - Hairy Konquerer

You've wondered what the final days of Ponytron were like? look no further than here dear reader.

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Chapter 1: Prologue to it's Fall

Many Eons ago on a distant planet, but this planet was not like the one you know about. This was a planet with ponies of 3 commonly known races: Earth, Unicorns, and the Pegasi. They were a much larger size than even horses, but kept the same shape that the ones you know about, but they were still much different. Their bodies were made entirely out of metal and could even move it around and change their shape, they could…Transform. They thrived in harmony with a fellow race called the Wirewolves on the distant planet of Ponytron. But this would not last, as with all great civilizations, this one’s came to a mighty end. A Civil war broke out resulting in friend against friend, sibling against sibling, even child against parent. Eventually, the war took it’s toll on Ponytron itself as it’s core shut down, cutting off the flow of Energon that sustained the life on it’s surface. This forced the warring factions to flee to the stars, to not only find a new home, but to find a way to restore their old one. One was left and was just leaving it’s surface, inside it was the defenders of Ponytron who had hopes of saving Ponytron before it’s core shut down, The Autoponies.


In the corridor leading to the bridge of the massive ship two ponies were walking, both were alicorns, the most rare of species among the ponies. Ironically, despite their wings they could only use them in their normal mode while in their alternate mode they folded in with the rest of their parts.
One was light purple with dark blue mane and tail, a single line of pink and violet in both, and a symbol on her flank that was a six-pointed pink star with six white stars around it. Her armor, which was just another part of her, covered her legs looking like straps, and armor on her back extending to her wings protecting them better when she was in combat. The Autopony scout, Twilight Sparkle.
The Alicorn next to Twilight was two heads over her. She was white with a mane of light blue, light green, and pink, which flowed in the non-existent wind, her wings like those of a swan, making her look elegant, despite having armor in places we won’t go into. The parts of armor on her legs were significantly larger than Twilight’s, she had wheels in between the space where her spine was between her wings, and wore gold horseshoes on her hooves, a necklace on her neck, a gold crown on her neck, and the symbol on her flank was a rayed sun. She was the very reason the Autoponies made it this far into the war and managed the keep the ship intact, She was Celestia Prime.
They both had arrived at the bridge, greeted by the sights of Wirewolves and stallions in gold armor alike. Near the command chair was a dark blue alicorn of a tight lean build, she was almost at eye to eye height with Twilight and her mane flowed like Celestia’s, only it was a dark blue like the night and twinkled. She wore horseshoes, a necklace, and a tiara also similar to Celestia but the crown and necklace were black with a crescent moon on them and the horseshoes were silver. The symbol on her flank was a polar opposite to Celestia’s: a crescent moon in a black background. Around where her right bicep would be was a white strap with a first aid symbol on it. She was the sister of Celestia, Luna, and The Medic of the Autoponies.

“We have no other option,” Celestia than looked at the hole in space the ship was flying towards. “Whatever lies beyond that portal, is our best and last hope my friend.” Celestia said to Twilight said continuing the conversation she had with Twilight. The relationship she had with Twilight ran way before the war, Celesta cared for Twilight like a daughter, and she had a vast knowledge with a love of learning. The years she spent seeing the filly indulged in countless books at the ending years of the golden age showed her that. Twilight did not speak and only nodded in agreement.

Luna got her sister’s attention as the lights sounded off in alarm. “Sister! Kul’asepticon signature detected!”

The Kul’asepticons were the reason the Golden Age and it's technologies were all but lost to war. Celestia and Twilight ran to see the signature but saw something on the view window of the Ark. It was a colossal ship, no question at least a little bigger than the Ark; it’s colors a familiar gold yellow and sea green. As if on cue for when it was seen, cables from the ship extended down than struck the bridge at the front.


Twilight was coming to from the explosion that knocked her back and was greeted by the sight of Luna with a drone by her side shining a light, and Celestia over her shoulder, a worried look on her face. When she came to, Celestia spoke. “Is she alright Luna?”

Luna looked over Twilight and gave Celestia the status. “ She’ll make it. Voice Chip is still crushed, nothing new there. She may have trouble going into alt mode though.” Twilight was annoyed at this as she remembered when she lost her voice all too well. Luna turned back to look at Twilight with drone on her right, while Celestia went to help put out fires that were caused by the blasts. “Alright Twilight follow the light.” Twilight turned her head to follow the light as it moved up to the middle than to the left. “Good your optics are A-okay-”


Both Luna and Twilight were startled by this shout and turned to see 2 wirewolves and a bat pony, which hailed from the Kul’asepticons based on the dark colors they sported.

Luna put her wings up in a manner of surrender. “Don’t Shoot! I’m a medic!” with her magic, she grabbed the drone and tossed it at the Cons, blinding all three. “Now Twilight!” A fifth leg appeared at Twilight’s right side and changed into a upgraded Neutron Assault Rifle, which she than shot at the 3 cons getting a headshot on one of the two wirewolves, while the other and the bat-pony fell. The drone flew in front of Twilight giving her ammo. “Take this, and reload, more are coming in.”
Twilight reloaded and hid behind cover, which was near Celestia. More Kul’asepticons flooded in from the broken bridge window the cables smashed through. Twilight made aim and fired. Headshot on wirewolf, holes in chest in bat-pony, vice-versa. A Bat-pony was reloading behind cover; Twilight used this as her chance and snuck around her and mêléed her as she turned around slicing her in two. Twilight turned to Celestia and Luna, who got to the controls, and the ship’s security voice called out. “Firewall breach!” than a face appeared on a hologram above the controls and it was a face that made Twilight’s Energon boil, the reason Ponytron is dead now, the reason this war began, the one who took her voice: Nightmare Moon, Leader of the Kul’asepticons.

Celestia did not hesitate to demand answers. “Nightmare why are you doing this? What do you hope to gain?”

Nightmare smiled revealing her serrated evil smile. “Simple, I get two benefits out of this, a new world to plunder for Ponytron, and the end of you.”

“You’re the reason we’ve had no choice but to leave!”

“One must destroy in order to create. You will be the Prime example.” At that last comment Nightmare chuckled than the hologram left as the cables also left.

A Wirewolf yelled to Celestia from across the room. “Celestia, one of our engines has lost power!”

Celestia growled at how pointless the fighting and lives wasted by now were. “We need those engines.” Celestia turned to Luna and Twilight. “Luna, you and Twilight stay and guard the bridge in case they go after it again, I’ll go to help defend the engines still online.” Celestia ran to a door across the room next to where she and Twilight entered. A fifth leg appeared at Celestia’s side and changed into a fully upgraded Path Blaster as she ran into the corridor and the door closed behind her.

Not at least 2 micro-cycles after she left, an explosion was heard than the ship computer’s voice was heard again. “Ark Defense systems offline.”

This disgruntled Luna. “No! Without those turrents Celestia won’t stand a chance. ” Luna and Twilight ran to a nearby console and Luna pressed a few buttons on those controls. “Twilight, take this Moleculon Fuse and replace the one that goes to the turrets.” A shaft next to Luna opened up and a Moleculon Fuse was inside which Twilight grabbed with her magic than put it on her back and she than ran to a door across the room with a Wirewolf and a guard armed behind her giving her back up in case there was trouble along the way.

Twilight jumped over a piece of the floor as it was damaged and was elevated than made a right at the corner. She was distraught at the sight of the door jammed as she could see the sparks emanating from it. This was replaced by relief as an Earth Pony held the door open using her front hooves to hold the door open.

“Twilight hurry through! This won’t hold forever!”

Twilight acknowledged the mare’s words and used her boosters to dash through the opening. Just as Twilight made it through the door, a Kul’asepticon drop ship crashed into the window of that hallway, causing the unfortunate Autoponies next to it to be sucked into the vacuum of space. Twilight held on as long as she could and still managed the save the same mare that helped her get through by holding her in her magic grip she let go as soon as the blast doors sealed up were the hole was. Now that she had a moment Twilight could look at the mare for a minute. She was Orange with some weird tan helmet on, blonde mane and tail, and three apples on her flank. The mare couldn’t thank her enough. “I owe you mah spark, name’s Applejack, already know you Twi. You mind if Ah call you that?” Twilight shook her head, as she liked how it sounded. A fifth arm with a Scatter Blaster attached appeared at Applejack’s side. “C’mon let’s get to those guns.” Luna’s voice was heard on Twilight’s Comm-Link.

“Twilight, the power to the guns is back on but the Cons’ have the controls and fried the Fuse to the lift going to it. Maybe you should use the one I gave you to get it up and running again.” Twilight nodded agreeing than made her way towards the Turrent controls, now with Applejack at her side. They approached the lift to the controls and Twilight saw a broken Moleculon Fuse by an open port. She put the fuse Luna gave her into it and got on the lift. Luna’s voice was sounded off again on her Comm-Link.
“The locks are jammed. You might destroy the power lines in it if you use your gun. Try a more manual fashion.” Twilight ran to one lock and hit it, her blade hidden under her right foreleg coming out to do more damage, and the lock shattered. Applejack thought ahead of her and did the same thing to the other lock breaking it, allowing the lift to start moving. They past a door allowing them to see a Dog’o War charge at several Autoponies firing at it, all shots just bouncing off it, most of those several losing their sparks to the Con. They passed another door and Twilight couldn’t help herself as she somehow fired her Neuron Assault Rifle at the White, Blue maned unicorn as She directed her minion to their next duty in a cold metallic, yet harmonic musical tone.

“Rumble, Clear an Entrance.”

Applejack managed to calm down Twilight as Twilight remembered that Unicorn looked at her with a smile on her face as Nightmare made sure if she couldn’t get Twilight to tell her the Autopony secrets, she wouldn’t tell anyone anything again. Twilight came out of her brief anger, They turned to the hallway seeing a cable in pierced in it’s middle but they looked up and saw a aqua-green jet blow up the line of it, causing a chain reaction and the explosion from there stemming to the cable’s end blowing it up, and causing several pipes in there to ignite, spewing out flames.

“Those flames will fry your coiffure, I’d suggest you dash for it.”

Twilight and Applejack Nodded to each other and full on sprinted to the other side, Luna’s advice proving right as they could feel themselves getting more fatigued as they reached the end.

“You’re near a ration area, Take a Energon Cube than move on.”

Twilight did not hesitate as she felt like one more hit and she would go offline. Applejack however took her time and grabbed one, as she had gotten a upgrade, so now it would take twice as much to take her down. She turned to Twilight as her breathing calmed down as health returned. “Remind yourself to head to Teletran 1 when this is done.” Applejack said to Twilight as she opened the door revealing a Kul’asepticon Wirewolf manning the gun controls.

Luna was monitoring her progress and noted where they were. “Any shots at him could fry the controls. Try jumping him.”

Applejack ran for the Con and grabbed onto his head, causing him to flail trying to get her off. Twilight followed, running towards the both of them an to the side, ramming into him as Applejack jumped off him, unbalancing him, as her fell into the shaft on his left down below. Twilight went to the controls and turned them on again, causing the guns at the outside windows in front of her to turn on then proceed to fire at the ship next to them, which Twilight could now get a better look at. The thing that surprised her was the color: it was the Exact same shade of Dark Green and Gold Yellow as Saddle Rager Station that she faced With Celestia and Spitfire before the Core shut down. Applejack than touched her ear to her Comm-Link to talk to Luna. “Luna, the guns are online. Where’s Celestia? We’re heading to her now.”

Luna knew what Applejack was thinking of doing and wasn’t going to help.“ I’m not searching Applejack. You’ll only get hurt or worse, and Celestia blames herself enough as it is.” Twilight knew Luna was wrong in one way, as she could sense Somehow, Celestia needed her help it was like something a child could sense about a parent.

“We need to help her. She’s the only reason we’ve even made it this far.”

“Yes but the toll it’s taking on her is worse. I’m not going to--”

A voice could be heard that interrupted Luna’s sentence but this voice sounded like someone’s voice in a front of a fan and with a hint of static. Luna knew this voice all to well to ignore it. “Luna…Please… I need to help her.”

Luna couldn’t ignore this, as she knew she was wrong on one point. “Alright Twilight… For you.”

This shocked applejack as not only did she hear the voice on the Comm-Link, but saw the same uttered words leave Twilight’s mouth as where her Voice Chip sparked as she spoke. She went to hug Twilight, as she felt more sorry for Twilight than she has ever felt for a Pony or Wirewolf in her Life Cycle and broke the hug as Luna’s voice spoke. “Found her! She’s taking Nightmare head on!” A cable was outside the window and prepared to strike. Twilight saw this and tackled Applejack into the shaft next to her as the cable smashed into the room. Twilight and Applejack got up and looked around seeing the Metallic corpse of the Kul’asepticon they just took out.

Luna’s voice was heard again. “Found you! You’re near a door that’ll lead you straight out side and an archway that should be a technical shortcut to the engines. Twilight, the fall must’ve kicked you’re T-Cog back into place, that’ll get you there faster. You girls know the drill, Transform and Roll Out!”

Applejack grinned at this than looked to Twilight. “Race ya?”

Twilight showed the same sentiments as her voice chip sparked a little. “You’re on.”

They ran to the door as it opened and both girls transformed. Twilight into a small oval-shaped car with four wheels that hovered forward a she moved. Applejack transformed into a bigger oval-shaped truck. And both of them accelerated causing the four wheels on both of them to shift in and spin as they boosted. As the other Autoponies like Cadence found out, they could project holograms to help blend in when on another world. Twilight made a very interesting design: it was a biped with a purple skirt and the mark on her flank on it’s corner and a light blue top with the same pattern in the middle of it and two dark purple boots. Her face was more flat and the color was many shades lighter than her coat so it looked more pinkish purple and she had no horn, the only part that remained from her Pony Mode was her hair. Applejack was a similar story: she had jean skirt, top looking similar to Twilight’s shirt only it was white with her flank’s mark on it and her skirt and she had leather boots on with the hat from her Pony mode on top of her hair.

Applejack complimented about this. “Ah like how this looks, it’s always interesting to know their may be a species that looked like this.” Applejack looked at Twilight and saw her staring at her head than figured out what she was looking at. “Ah know what yer thinking. This isn’t a helmet like you think it is. It’s a hand-me down from mah-” she looked forward, her expression changed to one of panicked then she turned as a piece of debris landed where she just was. ”Yaah!” Twilight looked forward and did the same as she turned, she could see out the window the Combaticons Combined and their leader looking as blood-lustful as ever before Twilight corrected her direction than looked forward.

Applejack yelled to her over the Comms. ”Twilight! More cables coming in! We’re gonna have to Nitro-Boost!” Both of the holograms hit were the accelerator would be and the cars boosted across the way and slowed down as both of them jumped of the way as it came to an end, than transformed mid-air an landed on the floor and looked up to see a large Earth Pony Titan followed by another that were about to attack until they saw who it was. “It’s Twilight and Applejack stand down.” The first one spoke to the other. The other one saw whom he was talking about than she looked to the other Autoponies. “Twilight and Applejack, Coming through!” Twilight and Applejack ran past them and to the door at the end, and two joined them as the door closed.
When they entered several Autoponies both Pony and Wirewolf greeted them alike, one Wirewolf directed the two of them to some stuff. “We have Ammo and Energon over here in case you need some.” Twilight and Applejack walked to the guns and cartridges and refilled on what they needed than headed up the stairs to where other Autoponies were standing, about to go through the door than a Armor Recreator rose up from the middle of the room and in it was a Thermo Rocket Cannon.

“Ah got this Twilight, you provide back-up.” Applejack said to Twilight, grabbing the Rocket, which intergrated into her Scatter Blaster and the Rocket took it’s place. The door opened and all the Autoponies in that room ran out into the battlefield, with Twilight And Applejack taking the lead. Several Kul’asepticons were already advancing but all it tok was for Applejack to aim her Rocket, and already a Wirewolf and a Unicorn were all that was left. Twilight quickly took out the Pony, and ran to the Wirewolf, quickly delivering a melee to her, resulting in a decapitation. Twilight and Applejack moved into the room the Kul’aseptions were just in, the Autoponies behind them stayed to hold the line incase a dropship came in. Applejack filled up on the Yellow ammo marked specially for heavy weapons, than she and Twilight walked onto the next battlefield, the engines of the Ark and were greeted by two Autopony Titans. The cover to the engine on the right let off an Explosion than its cover flew off into the portal. Luna spoke into the Comm-link channels of Twilight and Applejack. “You girls are nearing Celestia position but I’d suggest you hurry it up, More Kul’asepticons are coming.”

Luna was correct as more of them came in, blocking the way to the engines. The Titan closest to noticed this. “You guys move forward, we’ll cover you” She said than turned to her partner than they both proceeded to lay down fire on the Kul’asepticons distracting them long enough for Twilight and Applejack flanked them and made it to the other side, but had to squeeze through the as some of the piped were wrecked and blocked a bit of the way. Luna found their location than tapped into their channels. “The scans should show Celestia is right on top of you.”

Twilight and Applejack looked around not seeing her, than were hit as Nightmare Moon threw Celestia through the smoke. Applejack fell to the side of a crashed dropship, while Twilight almost fell into a spinning turbines but managed to grab onto something to prevent that. She dragged herself up and out, and saw Celestia and Nightmare sword fighting, Nightmare certainly looked different, she looked as though she trained harder than any gladiator of Kaon ever did, and she was still the slender demon Twilight remembered but she was larger than before and had little armor on, before she had lots of armor to make herself look more menacing, but this was on a whole new level as she was the same, but the armor was smaller. Nightmare managed to knock Celestia back than took a Missile launcher attached to the Damaged dropship.

“This oughta do the job.”

Celestia warned Nightmare as what was about to happen. “Beware Nightmare, even if you succeed to end me, others will rise to end your tyranny.”

“Than I’ll just have to KILL you all!”

Celestia braced herself as the blast came, but opened her eyes as she heard a static voice cry out, than something jumping in front of her.


As soon as the object got hit, it rammed into her and she fell to the ground she got up and was horrified as her fear was right when she saw the Purple Alicorn on the ground with a deep wound in her chest.


She ran to her and lifted her from the ground, an orange Earth pony joining her. Everything flashed before Twilight’s eyes, Her birth, the time in the library she spent, the laughter she sometimes shared with Celestia, the war, Nightmare changing her life Forever, it all went by so fast, but than it slowed down as the final days of the war came…

Author's Note:

The next chapter will come soon so don't fret. Chapter 2 will feature the Origins of Fluttershy and her anger giving her the role of Grimlock.