• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 3,372 Views, 39 Comments

Transformares Fall of Ponytron - Hairy Konquerer

You've wondered what the final days of Ponytron were like? look no further than here dear reader.

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Chapter 9 Combaticon's Combine!

Midnight Shine flew up to the Transport, dodging the occasional falling Kul’asepticon Ship. She made it to an engine room. She was going to move across but the engine blast blocked the way. She turned her Riot Cannon to the gears of the engine causing the flame to simmer down, allowing her to fly across. She saw a shaft above her than used her grapple to go into the shaft. She looked down and saw an Autopony below her. She grinned and jumped down breaking his spine. Autoponies on her right hid behind cover and an alarm went off, but that did not protect them from the Glass Gas Cannon as she shot at the area allowing her to see several Autoponies be lifted up from the ground, and one of them fell off the platform but still under the guns effects so when all of them were slammed on the ground, she was sent plummeting down to the lands below. Midnight than turned her attention to the alarm. “All right that’s giving me a headache.” She looked around and found the alarm than shot it with her Riot Blaster destroying it. “Much better.”

Midight than flew up to the next level and found a way to reach the engines. She placed a DetPack on the wall, destroying the wall and found a way to an outside engine which she than grappled onto than back to the transport at a higher level but stopped as something popped up in her head. “Wait a minute, if the Transport could fly, why didn’t it do that to begin with?” Selene than responded thinking it would satisfy Midnight Shine’s curiosity and hopefully get her to shut up. “Probably because it uses more Energon than on the ground.”

“Not really, if you calculate the total mass and-”

“Midnight shut it and take out those guns.” Midnight than made it to the guns but was flustered as she had no clue how to take it down without any heavier firepower.
She found a switch and made her way to it. The protective shield was removed and pulled the hatch exposing the shells. She shot her Riot Cannon destroying the Shells, than moved on the second hatch easily taking it out and destroying the turrents. She did not forget about the one on the other side and stopped at a higher ledge with Two Shotgunners aiming at her. Suddenly a barrage of missiles blew them to pieces.
“Thanks Rush.” She than dashed through the back as the engines began to warm up than release a barrage of heat and barely managed to make it to the other side. She saw moved across the platforms and stopped as a dropship crashed in front of her almost crushing her. “They’re still trying to board it with Dropships? I still need to take out the other gun.”

“All the more reason for you to HURRY THE SLAG UP!!” Selene shouted those last 4 words in the Royal Kaon Voice, which almost blew out Midnight Shine’s audio receptor. She than heard Tirek’s voice over the Comms. “Kul’asepticons, the mission is lost! Abort! Abort!” She made her way to the switch but found it smashed. “Uhh girls? I need to take out the Turrent but the switch is jammed.” She turned around and saw her teams drop-ship hovering above. She grappled to the top and took control of the gun turrent on top. She directed the pilot to move to the left and the right at certain times to prevent and damage to the dropship, she than proceeded to fire and did not stop. The turrent blew up and than moved to the top of the ship.


The ship’s rear hatch opened and Selene stepped forward while Midnight Shine and Pinkimena jumped onto the roof, the latter smiling as she knew there was only one way to complete this. “We need to take control of the ship. Combaticons combine into Valkyrie!”

Midnight and Pinkimena both transformed but than both spun around and took on the appearance of feet. Selene did the same and became a torso, Female Wirewolf head appearing and giving out a moan filled to the brim with lustful murder. Spectrum Rush flew behind and than the back her vehicle mode attached to the giant’s right shoulder becoming the arm and her front became a clawed hand. Cruelershy did the same from the front she went under a similar transformation. The giant than rose up a blood-lusting grin on her face and spoke, voice that yearned to bath in Energon of her victims.
“Valkyrie online, prepare to die.” She than lumbered forward and saw a few Autoponies in front of her and shooting. She than swung her claws slicing several of them to spare parts than slammed her claws on the ground creating a small radius destroying the bridge in front of her. She proceeded through and used her claw made from Mirror Dash’s Rocket mode as a flamethrower to set them all ablaze, and smashed the bridge. She saw a few rocket troopers and used the helicopter blades from MirrorShy’s Copter vehicle mode; it was doubling as a shield and a weapon. She sliced up several rocket troopers and than bashed with it, taking out the rest. Valkyrie turned a corner and saw a large group of Rocket Troopers in front of her, so she brought out her signature killer, she raised her right fist and slammed it to the ground, a mini shockwave hit the ground, another one replicated in front of the first, this repeated until it reached the rocket troopers, creating a large explosion, that blasted them all to pieces as they met their ends at the Sonic Pain Wave Attack. Valkyrie made her way through finding a turbine on her left. A trooper shouted to the others. “She’s going to the turbines!”

“No, it’s just in my way.”

She than smashed through the cover and threw the blade behind her slicing several Autoponies up. She made her way through and found the control room up ahead. She saw two turrents and saw several shot gunners in front of it. With ease she was able to smash the troopers than turrents to the hatch saying only in thing before unleashing the Sonic Pain Wave Attack in the direction of the hatch.

“Knock, Knock.”


An Autopony ran for the door as she heard how the Kul’asepticons finest are attempting at breaching the controls. Her attempts were useless as the door blew open and several of the Combaticons burst through Selene only walked through watching her team do the rest. She turned to her left and saw Midnight body slamming an Autopony under her than bringing the Autopony up with he magic than slamming her down on her right back knee. Selene turned to her left and saw Pinkimena with a blade in hand slicing a Autopony like Cyber-Sushi and shoving a grenade up the Actuator of another Autopony who than popped like a firecracker. The trio made their way up the stairs to see CruelerShy stab an Autopony through the chest. They saw the ship was losing altitude and Rush took the controls. “I can’t save this thing but I can at least give it a controlled trash.” She pulled the wheel up and the Transport crashed but was still salvageable. The Combaticons got out of an opening greeted by the Sight of Tirek and two Kul’asepticons at his sides.

“Tirek, we’ve captured the transport and the Energon with it.”

Tirek did not even care. “Only half of the glory that belonged rightfully to us!”

“That would’ve had if you thought through on you idiotic assault!”

“You dare to question my plans? Guards arrest them.”

“On what charges?”

“Questioning the command and authority of the great ruler of the Kul’asepticons.”

Selene than though on how Nightmare Moon would’ve thought differently on Tirek’s opinion, not knowing she’ll learn what it was very soon…