• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 3,366 Views, 39 Comments

Transformares Fall of Ponytron - Hairy Konquerer

You've wondered what the final days of Ponytron were like? look no further than here dear reader.

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Chapter 7 Death from Above

The massive transport moved through the canyon, with several Autoponies in their car modes along the tires protecting it, Not knowing far above it was being watched by several Kul’asepticon and 5 in particular. They were not regular cannon fodder, they were the best of best, the Special Ops team that goes where most Kul’asepticons wouldn’t: the Combaticons, Selene, Pinkimena, Spectrum Rush,A four armed cyan demon looking female with wings and a rainbow mane, CruelerShy, and Midnight Shine. They walked away from the view as Tirek looked at them smiling, behind him a screen with a propaganda poster displayed with him on it taking a victorious pose. “Most Kul’asepticons wouldn’t even dare to attempt at this mission unless under threat, so that is why I know I can count you mares on this job. After all, who wouldn’t do it to earn the favor of the Great and Powerful Tirek?” Tirek finished his sentence taking a pose identical to how he looked in the poster.

Spectrum Rush whispered into Midnight Shine’s ear. “In a contest of ego’s he could give that Trixie pony in waste management a run for her money.”

Selene rolled her eyes at how vain he was. “Cut to the chase Tirek, what do you need done, or are we just wasting our time?”

Tirek smirked at this a little. “Feisty, I like it. We are going to get back the Energon that is rightfully ours from those worthless Autoponies. The plan is simple really, all we need is to destroy the bridge up ahead which should trap the transport allowing us to claim it, than take it back to Kaon to properly ration it among the troops.”

Selene brought out a disc and it created a large hologram of the area and the bridge that was supposed to be destroyed. “You have the plan, but here’s how it’ll get done, Spectrum Rush will scout the area ahead through the ruins, with CruelerShy providing her cover incase things get messy along the way, they’ll meet up with Pinkimena and destroy the supports, that should be able to bring it down, after which Midnight will lead in the assault to take down whatever defenses it’s equipped with on the bottom, and along with the Autoponies down there, finally regrouping with us on the top to take down those defenses than proceed to redirect it into the direction of Kaon.”

Tirek was surprised at how well thought out the entire plan was. “That’s brilliant. That’s almost enough to match my great and unequalled genius.”

CruelerShy corrected him. “What about Corona?”

“Do not bring up that loyal to a dead mare moron. It is cause of her we need to succeed in this vital operation. You know your parts, know bring me the transport for the glory of the Kul’asepticons.” CruelerShy and Spectrum Rush complied and jumped of the ledge, transforming into their respectable modes, Rush a small demonic looking rocket, and CruelerShy a helicopter. Both flew off through the ruins to get ahead of the transport.


CruelerShy flew through the ruins using her booster to keep Spectrum Rush in sight, who up ahead and showing off in flying. They had to dodge a laser or two that was set up in the ruins incase anyone was going to cut through them as a shortcut. They wreckage of this place was very familiar to CruelerShy. “What was this place anyway?”

Spectrum on the other end of the Comm link replied. “Ruins of an old Autopony city.”

“Reminds me of how we trashed Iacolt.” CruelerShy smiled a little as she remembered the destruction that happened that day. They continued through and came to a blocked way that went in the direction of the bridge. CruelerShy switched to her mortar and launched it at the door destroying it. They continued through the ruins and a mine detached from a pillar than moved to pursue Rush but CruelerShy shot at it destroying it prematurely.

“Be careful, there might be whole lot more mines.”

As if by Comedic Timing, two more mines began to chase Spectrum Rush, which CruelerShy quickly disposed of. “Gee, what told You That?” Rush said over the Comm Link with a heavy tone of sarcasm in her voice. The rest of the way went without a hitch than they both transformed and landed on a platform with the transport in clear sight. A voice shouted “FREEZE!!” and they saw several Autoponies in from of them prepared to fire. CruelerShy mearly rolled her eyes and used her Thunder Blast ability blasting all the Autoponies to pieces. The opening that showed the transport began to close, forcing Spectrum to transform and fly through the opening before it could close. CruelerShy looked to her left and used the Teletran-1 store, getting an Electro-Bolter and a Chaos Rift Combustor than moving forward getting several one shot kills as she made her way to the detour to the bridge. She transformed and boosted to a platform just outside of the bridge where Pinkimena was waiting and looked impatient. “And just where were you? You’re lucky I was prepared and brought a bunch of cupcakes. In case. I was one Rocket Trooper Raspberry from starting the Fireworks without you.”

CruelerShy shrugged off the last comment, as she and the other Combaticons were all too familiar with Pinkimena’s Diet. Selene spoke into their Comm Links as the time had come. “Enough talk girls. Meana, go ahead.”

“Whoopee!!!! You don’t know have long I waited for this!!”

Pinkimena eagerly transformed into a pink tank that aimed at the support than fired. When the smoke cleared, the support was shown undamaged by the shots. Pinkimena’s face turned into a scowl of anger.

“I am not getting denied my ‘sploding time today!”

CruelerShy rolled her eyes at Meana’s lament of being denied her explosions to a support shield. She transformed and made her way to the switch and heard explosions over the Comms and than Spectrum Rush’s voice. “Got bad news, the transport has AA guns. It almost got my paint job.”

“One thing at a time Rush. CruelerShy still needs to take out the bridge.” Selene said over the Comm, as there were more important things at the moment. CruelerShy grabbed the mirror and pulled it down but it was hard to pull down which CruelerShy complained about. “Takes so long, why don’t they just make it a button?”

“Quit complaining and hurry up.”

CruelerShy was halfway with opening the blast shield when Pinkimena fired prematurely destroying the support only for it to shift to the other side. CruelerShy made her way to the other side but took cover when two Marauders fired on her destroying a useless support behind her. At seeing the Marauders destroy what she couldn’t, Something in Pinkimena snapped and she yelled over the Comm. “PINKIE< YOU GOT SOME SPLODING TO DO!!!!”

She let out a insane cackle as she launched a full barrage of missiles destroying the Marauders and Getting through the armor and destroying the support, the system corrected itself and shifter all the weight into the middle. CruelerShy made her way through the hole into the controls as Pinkimena’s episode made a way in. She flew through the tunnels and stopped at a Teletran-1 store switching the Electro-Bolter for a Riot Cannon, expecting to get more resistance getting closer to completing the mission. She was surprised as she made her way to the switch but found no resistance. She pulled the switch and the final support was vulnerable to a DetPack, but was stopped as a large Autopony Titan rose from a platform and Aimed her X-18 Scrapmaker at CruelerShy. CruelerShy jumped out of the way as the Scrapmaker hit where she just was, than she aimed her Riot Cannon at her emptying the clip triggering the Planet Buster Upgrade, forcing the Titan to take out her drones to repair her, only for CruelerShy to use her Chaos Rift Combustor to take her drones out, than finishing it with a Thunder Blast. CruelerShy than made her way to the support than planting a DetPack.
She transformed and immediately used her boosters to make a quick escape as an Explosions filled the bridge inside and it was blown to pieces. Pinkimena managed to get to a safe distance and CruelerShy flew down next to her and noticed the scowl on Pinkimena’s face. “What are you upset about? We still gotta take out the AA guns.”

“My episode made me black out, I didn't get to see how many Autoponies I killed from that blast.” Meana said walking to where the Transport was coming from mumbling about blowing something up.