• Published 4th Nov 2014
  • 4,135 Views, 92 Comments

A Tale of Blue and Red - Stratocaster

Prince Blueblood seeks the affection of the fair lady...Applejack?!

  • ...

Night Out AJ Style

Chapter 2: Night Out AJ Style

The next morning, Twilight returned to Sweet Apple Acres, hoping that the strangeness of the previous day hadn't lingered in her friend's memory. Applejack answered after a knock on the door.

"Heya Twi," she greeted. "Did any of the fruit bats give you trouble on the way here?"

"What fruit bats?" asked Twilight.

"You're welcome. So is Prince Blueblood still stayin' with ya?"

"Yeah, about that." Twilight explained. "He sent me here to ask you, on his behalf, to go out for an early dinner tonight. He wanted to send a messenger because he feels that asking in person is too impersonal. I'm just realizing how stupid that sounds."

Applejack blinked in bewilderment. "The prince wants to...take me out on a date?"

"That's the plain way of saying it. Plus he was too nervous to ask you himself. I don't know if you noticed, but he was pretty taken with you yesterday."

"Whatdya mean? Me?" she queried. "Why that's just plum silly!"

"Well, you can always prove me wrong by taking him up on his offer." Twilight felt out of her head, setting up her best friend with a spoiled prince. "He says to meet him tonight at five at Hors D'eurves."

"The fancy place?"

"Yup. He even said he'll pay and everything."

"Hmm, I guess I can't really pass up free gourmet food." Applejack shrugged. "Sure, why the hay not! You can tell Blueblood I'll meet him there!"

"Great! I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear that. Hope you two have fun!" Twilight walked off thinking to herself. "Dear Celestia what have I done?!"


Later that afternoon, Blueblood sat at a booth for two he had reserved at Hors D'eurves, waiting anxiously for his date. He sported his best white tuxedo and shined black horseshoes, receiving several compliments and royal praise, of course. He adjusted his kerchief and slicked back his blonde mane, hoping that his lady wasn't being kept up. Then, Blueblood became relived as Applejack entered the restaurant. Despite what he had pictured, the farm mare wore no formal article of clothing whatsoever, other than a white stetson hat which she only saved for occasions. After looking around the restaurant full of well-dressed patrons, who gave her questionable looks, Applejack spotted Blueblood with a smile and waved at him. Blueblood was astounded by her lack of formal preparation; yet he was enticed by it.

"Milady, it was ever so gracious of you to accept my invitation." He stood up to kiss her hoof.

"Aw well it was nice of you to take me." Applejack replied and sat down. "I couldn't pass up a good meal."

"So tell me, my dear," said Blueblood. "What is an average day for you? What do you do for fun? What are your dreams, your ambitions? How many siblings do you have? How do you take your tea? What's your sign?"

"Whoa-ho there, pardner!" she interrupted. "Don't go a-whinin' until a girl's dinin', huh?"

"Oh, of course. You're right." He lowered his head in shame. "Forgive me, Milady, how rude of me!"

Applejack looked around, observing the ritzy eatery. "Sheeyoot! In all my years in Ponyville I've never eaten here before. This place has fancy written all over!"

"Only the best establishment for a fine mare such as yourself." Blueblood swooned.

"Oh stop," she blushed. "Ain't nothin' special about lil' ol' me."

"Oh but I'm sure there is."

"So what exactly brings ya to Ponyville in the first place?" she asked.

"Well you know, I just figured I get a taste of the simple life." Blueblood said. "Having all the perks of royalty can be quite drab sometimes."

"Now that's just hard to believe." Applejack replied. "If I had that kinda wealth, I'd buy miles and miles of apple trees, or maybe a huge open range for all sorts o' critters."

"Really?" Blueblood scratched his chin. "Why I could get you all of that in no time."

"Nah, I'm just happy with the life I have now. I take nothing I have fer granted and I don't worry 'bout money to make me happier."

"Interesting." Blueblood was not used to such humble beliefs.

As he stared admiring his date, a waitress arrived with a bottle and two glasses. "Good evening. Here is the vintage you ordered, Prince Blueblood."

"Ah yes, very exquisite."

"You ordered wine for us?" asked Applejack.

"Why of course," grinned Blueblood. "A night out with a lady calls for some nice Chateau de Luna." He poured a glass of the dark red liquid for her then himself. "To a beautiful evening with a beautiful pony!" he toasted.

"Aw shucks." She shrugged, then took a swig of the wine. But the musty taste of the bitter aged grapes caught her off guard and her eyes widened. She quickly spit the wine back into the glass. "Blagh! This don't taste like grapes at all! More like Discord's cough medicine!"

"Oh I'm terribly, it's not to your liking?" replied Blueblood.

"Eh it ain't your fault. Hey waitress!" she called. "Can a girl get a mug of cider over here?"

"How bold." Blueblood uttered. "I like that."

Applejack began conversing again, taking a swig of cider. "So, are you really a blood relative of the princesses?"

"Indeed!" he boasted. "I am the great great great great great great great great great great...uh...something great nephew of Princesses Celestia and Luna."

"Kinda like how Princess Cadence is related to them." She pondered. "So that means you would be Twilight's sister-in-law's second cousin or somethin'. That sounds like family to me! How come ya never been to Ponyville to visit Twilight before?"

"Well I don't really travel that much." He admitted. "I don't really like to busy myself with the duties that Twilight and her like faces; unlocking magic and saving Equestria and all that. So I just focus on the social side of the nobility. Shining Armor once referred to me as a 'decoration'. I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds right up my alley."

"Huh. That...would explain it." Applejack tried not to judge.

"So I suppose as one of the Elements of Harmony, you've actually performed more royal duties than I have." He shrugged.

"Oh I'm not really a hero like Twilight or anypony." She humbled herself. "Between you n' me, I can't understand a lick o' that magic destiny stuff either. I mostly just care about my livelihood on the farm. I guess we both have our own matters in Equestria."

"Yes, I suppose you can see it that way." Blueblood adjusted his tie.

"Mmm, this cider is good as hay!" beamed Applejack. "Here, ya wanna try some?" She extended the mug to him.

Blueblood eyed the beverage questionably. "Uh...yes why not." He struggled to sip as she tipped the mug toward his mouth. Normally, he wouldn't dream of drinking such a commoners' beverage. But the sweet, tart taste made him elated. "My word!" he said. "It's like the nectar of the gods! You say your family makes this delicious brew?"

"Darn tootin'!" she grinned. "All of Ponyville loves it!"

"You are just full of surprises, my dear Applejack."

"I was gonna say the same 'bout you!" she chuckled.

After getting to know each other for a little longer, the prince and farmer finally received their orders from the waitress. "Here you are, folks. For the gentleman, roasted azaleas with a burgundy pine-nut reduction, truffle risotto and toasted brioche."

"Why thank you." Blueblood said, unfolding his napkin in his lap.

"And for the lady, your macaroni and cheese."

"Hot dang, I've been cravin' this all day!" Applejack without hesitation dove her muzzle into the gooey pasta without a fork, as the waitress left with a puzzled look.

Blueblood stared at his date savagely eating her meal. "You're...so amazing!" he said, unheard.

Applejack raised her head, smeared with cheese on her face. "Oh golly," she wiped her face, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry, I must look like a right foal right now."

"Oh don't fret at all," replied Blueblood. "I find your mannerisms quite...charming." He meant it.

"You do?" she looked surprised. "Ya know, for a hit with the mares, you sure have a weird definition for charmin'."

"But it's the truth, Applejack." He said. "Are you saying you never had any other gentleman callers before?"

Applejack looked around in thought. "I never really thought about that. To be honest, I never really found any interest in the datin' game."

"Well that's absurd. Surely, plenty of stallions have wanted to take the hoof of a mare of your caliber."

"I'm just not used to bein' complimented; I mean bein' told I'm pretty and what not." She scratched the back of her head. "Eh, it ain't no big deal."

Looking at her avoiding expression, Blueblood could tell there was tension. "Forgive me if I've offended you."

"Oh no you didn't." She said. "It's just that...well...do ya really think I'm pretty?"

"Of course, milady! I mean every word! Why do you ask?"

"Because...I don't."


Applejack sighed. "I know it sounds mighty stupid, but the reason I never really got romantic was that I thought no stallion would ever find me attractive. I mean, look at me. I'm a low-class dirt-lovin' farmer with no manners who's grammar's ain't too good. It's not that I'm unhappy with that; but I just never thought I could come off as beautiful to...well...anypony. Darn, I feel dumber than a door nail sayin' this."

Blueblood stared in silent awe. But it was not because of Applejack's troubles; she was actually the first date he had to express her feelings, instead of just ramble on about their rich lives. And it stirred something in him.

"Applejack," he said soberly. "I must confess. I was loathsome at the thought of socializing with somepony like you, as you say, somepony of low-class. But ever since I met you yesterday, I feel like I've changed. There's just something about you, something so unique and different, that I just can't grasp. And it's completely altered my view on ponies outside my life in Canterlot." He laid his hoof across the table. "Applejack, my sweet, you've opened my eyes. No other pony has had such an effect on me. And that is why I want to make you my...my..." He tried to find the right words. "Special somepony."

"You...ya really mean that?" asked Applejack, astonished.

Blueblood grabbed her hoof with care. "Every word." He smiled.

Applejack looked away, hiding her blushing face. But after a pause, she returned his inviting smile. "Ya know, why don't we ditch this stuffy joint? I know how to have some real fun."

Blueblood raised his brow, curious to see where this exciting mare would take him.


"Um, do you really find this amusing?" Blueblood looked skeptically.

"Heck yeah!" smiled Applejack. "Me and my siblin's and my friend Pinkie Pie set this up a couple days ago and spent the whole afternoon on it."

"I admire your enthusiasm, but this seems awfully...uncouth."

"Oh come on, give it a try, ya yella-belly!"

"Applejack, I think you should know that I-"

But he was cut off as Applejack pushed him down a huge tarp laid down over the side of a hill in the orchards. The tarp was soaked with water, soap and mud, making Blueblood slip even faster down the makeshift slide with an effeminate scream. Applejack then raced after him down the tarp, whooping with excitement. At the end of the slide, Blueblood slammed into a large mud puddle; he struggled to stand up from the slippery dirt pile, but was again knocked off his feet by Applejack sliding into his side like the front of a train. The prince lay in a daze.

"Whoo hoo!" cheered Applejack, wagging the mud off. "That gets funner every time! Am I right?"

Blueblood stood with a grimace, his face masked with mud and his mane wet and frizzed. He stared blankly for a moment before speaking. "That...was...exhilarating!!!" he beamed with elation. "Oh what a rush! I've never felt more alive in such a while! Is this the kind of fun you small town ponies experience everyday?!"

"Well I guess." She shrugged. "My friends and I do all kinds of stuff; throw parties, sleepovers, play games, stuff that's gotta be better than sittin' around in a stuffy castle all dang day."

"Applejack, you've shown me how amusing living the simple life can be. I just might extend my stay here in Ponyville!"

"Hey that's good to hear! But uh...why don't ya go wash off? Ya look ridiculous."

"Oh, yes, good point." He said sheepishly. "...Or we could have another go on your slide."

"That's what I was thinkin'!"

After several more cascades down the crude slip n' slide, Applejack and Blueblood made sure to clean themselves off before they could miss the sunset. Eventually they sat side by side on the swinging bench, watching the colorful end of the day from the front porch of the farmhouse, and shared a plate of freshly made apple crumble. It was another new experience for Blueblood.

"This dessert is absolutely divine!" he said. "I don't know why I've never taken a shine to it before."

"I always say it tastes better made by family." Applejack replied. Then she reflected back to the prince's words back in the restaurant. "So...you were really serious about, you know, makin' this a big relationship?"

"Of course, milady!" smiled Blueblood. "I don't know where this low self-esteem is coming from."

"Sorry," she said. "Like I said, I never really found myself that attractive."

"You want to know my honest opinion?" he looked at her, as he took her hoof. "I have never met a mare with such...such guts and bravado; yet also so humble and caring. And you've drawn me away from a life of constant, mindless spoiling, and shown me that there's much more. I want to live your life with you, Applejack. If...you would let me?"

Once again Applejack blushed, which Blueblood adored even more along with her freckles. After a moment to process the moving words of the prince, she finally spoke with a glint in her eyes. "I will. But first off, no more of this 'milady' business." She then removed her hat and placed it on his head. "Just call me AJ."

Both prince and farmer leaned in with the same thought, and met with a long locked kiss. To her, his embrace simply felt right, like she had been missing it all her life. To him, her lips tasted like apples and sugar; it was the best thing he had ever tasted. After half a minute of experiencing the sweetness of the kiss, they parted and stared into each other's eyes.

"Shall we meet again, my prince?" asked Applejack, trying to sound proper.

"Definitely...pardner." Blueblood winked.