• Published 4th Nov 2014
  • 4,150 Views, 92 Comments

A Tale of Blue and Red - Stratocaster

Prince Blueblood seeks the affection of the fair lady...Applejack?!

  • ...

My Fair Mare

Chapter 4: My Fair Mare

The next day, Applejack found herself lying back on a bale of hay in the barn, putting off her harvesting for a few hours. It was no surprise that her thoughts were filled with scenes of Blueblood, and her future with him. What she had heard from foalhood fairy tales, of forlorn mares being whisked away by a handsome prince, suddenly seemed closer to reality. She was curious to see how far her approach into this unfamiliar territory would go.

Young Apple Bloom wandered into the barn to find her big sister near asleep against the hay pile with her hat over her eyes. Applejack turned over with a slight moan of relief; she seemed to blushing and cuddling herself in her dreamlike state.

Apple Bloom finally called to her, unsettled by her sister rolling around in the hay. "Um, AJ?"

Immediately, she woke up and saw her. "Oh! Apple Bloom!" she straightened her hat sheepishly. "I, uh, I was just, uh, catchin' a break from workin'. What's up?"

"Sis, I gotta ask. Do ya really like that prince guy?"

"Huh?" For a second, Applejack almost didn't know what she was talking about. "Why heck, of course I do! He really loves me, ya know. Why do ya ask?"

"Well, it's just that," Apple Bloom scuffed the dirt. "Big Mac n' I were thinkin', what if he's not right for ya, AJ?"

"Not right?" repeated Applejack. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, I'm sure he's a nice guy n' all, but he's a prince from Canterlot. Don't ya feel weird at all datin' some rich dynasty snob?"

"Now come on, Apple Bloom, you know it ain't right to judge."

"I know." She looked passively. "It's just that Big Mac and Granny got me thinkin'. We're kinda afraid that Blueblood might change you, and you'll get sucked into this whole rich and royal thing, and you might...well...leave us for it."

Applejack smiled at her sister with assurance and chuckled. "Oh Apple Bloom." She placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I would never think about leavin' my family. No matter what I do with Blueblood, it won't change who I am."

"You sure?" Apple Bloom looked up.

"Hey, it's me!" winked Applejack. "I'll always be yer rough n' tough big sister!"

Apple Bloom smiled. "Thanks, AJ. I just needed to hear that."

"Now don't go listenin' to Big Mac so much." She replied. "He's not as smart as us lady Apples."

"Ahem!" came a gruff voice.

"Oh! Hiya, brother!" said Applejack to Big Mac. "We weren't talkin' about ya or anything."

Big Mac simply rolled his eyes and pointed to a visitor, who needed no introduction.

"I hope this is a good time, my sweet?" smiled Blueblood.

"Well howdy, stranger!" Applejack walked up and nuzzled noses with her coltfriend. "What brings ya on by?"

"Well, you recall how my auntie has been trying to contact me?" explained Blueblood. "It appears that I have been invited to a big soiree in Canterlot and I haven't replied; it's Fancy Pants's birthday party this weekend."

"Sheeyoot!" replied Applejack. "That must be one ritzy shindig."

"Yes, well," he became a bit sullen. "I tried telling Auntie Celestia that I wanted to stay here in Ponyville for a little longer, but she insisted that it would be an insult to Fancy Pants if I didn't attend his party. I suppose she's getting concerned about me staying here after all. So this means that means I won't see you for the time being, while I'm in Canterlot."

"Oh come on," shrugged Applejack. "It's your kind o' party. You should go! Don't worry about it."

"I know, but, I just don't want to spend a moment away from you, my darling."

Applejack thought for a second about his predicament. Then an idea came to her. "Well, can't I go with you?" she asked.

Blueblood took surprise. "Uh, really? You'd want to? I mean, I don't thing you would enjoy it that much."

"Oh hush! I've been to fancy parties before. I even still have my old gala dress! It'll be fun on a bun!"

"Well, alright," smiled Blueblood, hiding excitement. "If you insist, of course. I am curious to see you in that dress too." He winked.

"I just hope it still fits me." She admitted.

"Oh darling, please," he flattered her. "You're slim enough to be a model!"

Applejack blushed and gave him a kiss on the lips. Apple Bloom gagged in the corner.

"So, shall I see you Saturday night?" asked Blueblood.

"Count on it, stud!" flirted Applejack.

As the prince left, Applejack turned back to her sister. Apple Bloom didn't like hearing that her big sis was going to a big Canterlot soiree and became uneasy again; she didn't want her fears coming true.

"Hey, don't worry," Applejack lifted her sister's chin up. "Like I said, I'm still yer big sister."

Apple Bloom smiled back at her, and came in for a hug.


On Saturday evening, Blueblood stood waiting at the Ponyville train station, again with more luggage than necessary. He had eagerly been awaiting the moment when he could give his beloved Applejack a tour of the high life, and hoped he had gotten enough sleep the previous night despite his excitement. But above everything else, he wondered what his marefriend would be wearing. No matter how much he adored her, it was still hard to picture Applejack in formal wear. He checked his pocket watch; the train would arrive in about five minutes. He began to worry if she wouldn't make it.

"Got a ticket for me, mah handsome escort?"

Blueblood turned around, and nearly lost his jaw. There, Applejack stood in her flowing emerald green gala dress, which made her eyes pop, adorned with red garments and trim. Her hooves sported brass horseshoes that made her stand with a regal flare. On top of that, her mane had undergone a complete transformation. Her golden locks were now held together by a jeweled headband, and cascaded down over the sides of her head in an elegant splash of curls, which now shined from using product. With a flick of her head, she tossed a large curly lock from the side of her face, sending Blueblood's heart into overdrive. Applejack approached her gentlecolt with an inviting grin.

"Sorry I took so darn long." She said, her speech breaking the illusion of her wardrobe. "It took me forever to get my mane ready. And Granny Smith had to stitch a tear in the side of the dress. Obviously I'm not used to this."

"You look absolutely stunning, my love!" smiled Blueblood. "You'll be the belle of the ball!"

"Aww!" she gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't flatter me up until after the party." She said with a raise of her brow.

Just in time, the train arrived, and the gussied up couple were on their way to Canterlot. Blueblood's excitement was now re-energized by the striking beauty of his date. And just as well, Applejack stole glances at her coltfriend, who looked especially spiffy that night. She had never realized how attractive stallions were in pressed suits and dance shoes, like the ones he donned. She felt like she was in a photo in one of Rarity's fashion magazines, among those dazed-looking models who seemed like they were too good to be there. And that feeling would only continue throughout the night.

Less than an hour later, the train arrived in Canterlot, and Blueblood and Applejack were immediately immersed in a sea of elegance. The party was set up at Canterlot Castle, where long limo carriages and chariots dropped off hundreds of esteemed guests by the vast marble courtyard. The mares strode head high in dresses of all sizes and dazzling colors that went with their sparkling jewelry, as they locked hooves with their male escorts in slim, colorless tuxedos. Inside the foyer of the castle, the guests mingled with one another, some in pairs, others in groups of friends; many spoke with the familiar tone of priority and even laughed in a rehearsed sort of way. Colorful decorations adorned the corners of the giant castle halls with balloons and banners wishing happy birthday. Octavia was back in her quartet playing cheerful ambiance as the guests filed in; Blueblood hoped not to run into the musician he insulted days before.

Applejack stared in awe as she entered through the front doorway. "Mercy, all this for a birthday?"

"Well, it is for Fancy Pants after all." Blueblood told her.

"Still, it's like the entire population of Canterlot is here." She said a tad nervously. "I feel like a fish outta water. Except I'm surrounded by a bunch o' other fish in fancy clothes. This is gettin' weird."

"Not to worry, darling," grinned Blueblood. "You'll blend right in."

"Ya think so?"

"Well who could argue with your looks?" he winked.

"Oh I knew you were gonna say that." She chuckled.

"Why Applejack," came a familiar voice. "Don't you look exquisite!" Celestia strode over to greet her and Blueblood among the other arriving guests. "Blueblood sent me a message saying you would be here with him. Forgive me for saying, but I was surprised to hear that you two hit it off so well."

Applejack was relieved to see a friend in high places. She bowed to Celestia as usual. "It's good to see ya again, Princess. I, uh, I guess I couldn't resist the charms of a prince." She said, not believing the words were coming from her mouth.

"Well I'm delighted that you have earned his affection." Celestia smiled warmly and leaned closer to her inquiringly. "Just make sure you keep him from starting a fuss." She said with a wink.

"What was that, Auntie?" Blueblood cocked his head.

"Enjoy the party, you two!" The princess ignored him and walked off to greet other arrivals.

"You know Aunt Celestia?" Blueblood stared at his date.

"Um, Element of Harmony? Remember?" she looked back at him discerningly.

"Oh, right. I guess that's important to know, huh?" he said, sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it, stud." Applejack smiled. "So uh...what do we do now?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, it looks like ponies are just talkin'. Not much else."

"Then that's what we do!" Blueblood wandered off through the crowd of party-goers.

"Hmm, it's certainly no Pinkie party." Applejack mumbled to herself and followed.

Eventually, Blueblood found the pony of the hour: Fancy Pants. The suave tycoon stood in the castle's art gallery chatting to about seven other rich ponies, and as always, with his wife Fleur de Lis wrapped around his hoof. As Blueblood made his way over to him, he gathered some attention himself, from guests greeting him with royal praise. Some also murmured among each other, wondering who his intriguing date was. Applejack smiled and waved back at those who complimented her dress, even though she had no idea who they were. She was starting to feel naked without her hat.

"And so I said, 'Layer? Why sir, I've only just met her!'" Fancy pants said with a round of snooty chuckles from his comrades.

"Darling, I do believe you have some royal company." Fleur de Lis said to her husband and pointed to Blueblood.

"Ah! Prince Blueblood my good pony!" greeted Fancy Pants with a hoof shake. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up."

"Now how could I miss my old gambling chum's birthday?" grinned Blueblood.

Applejack felt strange hearing her coltfriend mingling with the rich types, even though he was one of them.

"And who might I ask is this fetching young lass?" Fancy Pants adjusted his monocle that he didn't really need.

"She's my new belle, Applejack." Blueblood placed a hoof around her. "I met her in Ponyville and was immediately captivated by her."

"Aw stop." Applejack blushed.

"Ah yes, Applejack!" said Fancy Pants. "I do recall Rarity mentioning you when she visited Canterlot."

"Rarity?" Applejack remembered joining Rarity with the rest of her friends, at a similar party hosted by Fancy Pants. Seeing the rich stallion gave her a sense of deja vu. Then another thought hit her. "She wouldn't happen to be here, would she?"

"Of course!" replied Fancy Pants. "I invited her to help with the decorations."

This gave Applejack some relief, knowing that she might come across Rarity at this soiree. The more friends she had around her, the better.

Then, as if on cue, "Applejack! Over here, darling!" Sure enough, Rarity came squeezing through the small crowd, and hurried excitedly to Applejack to hug her. "I had no idea you were coming to Fancy Pants's part!"

"Well actually, it was Blueblood here who invited me." Applejack smiled at her.

Rarity took a discerning look at Blueblood. "Oh...Hello, Prince Blueblood..."

"Um...hello." Blueblood responded awkwardly.

Applejack looked between the two. Then she recalled how Rarity tried to earn Blueblood's affection at the Gala, even though he practically ignored her. The reunion may have been awkward for the two white ponies, but to Applejack, she couldn't help laugh inside.

"Well, dear," Rarity returned her smile to Applejack. "I do hope you enjoy yourself here. Do you like the decorations at all?"

"You did all this?" replied Applejack. "Heck, you work fast, Rarity."

"It's no challenge when I have magic and vision!" she boasted. "Will you be staying for dinner?"

"You betcha! Any chance to get some grub!"

"Splendid! I'll see you later, darling!" Rarity departed and joined another group of chatting rich ponies, pretending she had been part of the group all along.

"She's an eccentric one." Fancy Pants cleaned his monocle. "Which reminds me, has anypony heard of the crystal pony who was bad at telling lies?"

"Why no, I don't believe I have." Blueblood shrugged.

"They say he was quite...'transparent'!" Fancy Pants delivered a punchline and roused giddy laughter from the rich crowd.

Applejack only gave a courtesy chuckle; she thought the joke fell flat. "If you think that's funny, wait till ya hear this. So there's this writer who's usin' a typewriter n' all." She was already starting to chuckle at her own joke. "And when his assistant asks what he's writin', the writer says 'It's a plot for a story.'" Applejack tried to contain her laughter. "And all of a sudden, the writer takes the paper, and he- pfff- he wipes it on his butt!"

The rich crowd stood agape and appalled as they heard the setup to the lewd joke.

"And then- and then-" Applejack couldn't help breaking into laughter. "The assistant says 'What the heck was that?!' And the writer says 'A plot twist'!" She let out a loud guffaw. "And then, he shoved the whole story up his butt, and he said 'That's a plot hole!' Gah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" She held onto Blueblood for support as she struggled to breath through laughter.

Blueblood smiled sheepishly at Fancy Pants, trying not to be embarrassed.

Fancy Pants winced after hearing such profanities, but retained his composure. "Um, heh heh, yes, quite amusing."

Applejack finally regained control and slowed her raucous laughter to a halt. It was then that she realized that her punchline didn't quite knock everypony's socks off. She cleared her throat and looked away awkwardly.

"Well I do look forward to dining with you both." Fancy Pants said. "You certainly know how to find interesting companions, Blueblood."

"Yes, well, how can I not enjoy her bravado?" Blueblood responded, trying to smooth over the awkwardness.

Fancy Pants and his entourage left as Applejack walked around more with her date. "I'm guessing they didn't find that too funny." Applejack said, deflated.

"Well, Fancy Pants just probably isn't used to such bawdy humor." Blueblood tried to reason.

"Well how was it any worse than his joke?" she rolled her eyes. "Transparent? Really?"

"Never you mind, darling," smiled Blueblood. "Let us adjourn to dinner. I'm growing quite peckish."

"I'm always peckish." Applejack remarked.

Soon enough, Fancy Pants's top VIP guests gathered at the long table in the royal dining room for a celebratory feast. On one end sat Celestia with Luna at her side, on the other end was Fancy Pants with Fleur de Lis, and Applejack sat slightly closer to him between Blueblood and Rarity. All across the tablecloth were placed dozens of silver dishes and platters containing expertly prepared appetizers, and each guest was given a plate of fine china, a crystal glass, and a wide array of silverware. Applejack stared at the place settings perplexed; there must of been close to twelve forks, knives and spoons all in different sizes.

A clink of a fork to a glass was heard as everypony turned toward Fancy Pants's direction. "A sincere thank you to all who came to wish me a happy birthday! And of course to our majestic princesses for offering all the comfort of their fine castle. I feel overwhelmed by the care and devotion of dear friends."

"Oh honey," teased Fleur de Lis. "You've always been one for the dramatics."

"I simply can't help myself, my pristine flower." He said to her suavely.

Applejack hoped she wouldn't vomit before the first course arrived.

"Now let us be merry and partake in this bountiful feast!" Fancy Pants said, trying to sound like a bard. "Dig in, my friends, you all deserve it!"

As the dinner bell rang, a team of butlers entered the dining room with the first course. Everypony politely placed their napkins in their laps as they were served and had their glasses filled with wine.

Applejack was still having trouble with her tableware. "What do I do?" she whispered to Blueblood.

"Just start on the right and work your way over." He replied.

"Start on the- How the hay am I supposed to eat soup with a knife?!" she seethed.

"Then just use the first spoon on the right, Applejack." Rarity corrected her.

"None o' this makes sense!" pouted Applejack, as she was served her soup. It was a tomato bisque with basil, spinach and oats. She looked around the table to see that the other guests were already eating their bowls in as orderly a manner as possible. With a shrug, Applejack picked up the largest of the spoons and tasted the bisque. It was pretty tasty, hearty with a zesty kick. But it would not be enough to satisfy her hunger. She fought the urge to slurp down the entire bowl without the spoon.

As the guests politely chatted among each other, next came the second course. It was a fresh garden salad full of lettuce, kale, beets and tulips with a vinaigrette dressing. Like the soup, Applejack finished off the flimsy salad before anypony else, while still trying to sit up properly and eat more smoothly. Again, it was hardly enough to quell her appetite. After that was the sorbet, a single scoop of fruity shaved ice meant to cleanse the pallet before the main course. Applejack looked at it with slight disbelief and quickly licked the whole scoop into her mouth, checking to see if nopony saw her; her pallet was cleansed, but it didn't make her any less hungry. Applejack wondered why hardly anypony had taken from the platters full of appetizers, including bruschetta, stuffed cheese crepes, and sunflowers. Hoping not to seem out of turn, she slowly reached for the nearest platter and took a piece of bruschetta. It tasted much heartier than the weak first courses, so she discretely scooped up a few more slices and a couple sunflower heads as well.

While Applejack fought to stave off hunger, the entree finally arrived. She licked her lips and rubbed her hooves together, waiting impatiently to finally chow down; she was sorely disappointed. What was given to her on a large dinner plate was but a mere speck of veggie steak with a puddle of sauce. The little piece of food couldn't have been larger than a potato chip. Applejack looked baffled, then peered around at the other patrons who were eating this tiny morsel bit by bit and sampling the taste. With a swipe of her fork, which she picked at random, she chomped the whole mini steak; it tasted delightful, but yet again, her stomach urged for more. Applejack swigged some wine to try to cope with the disappointing meal, and stole a judgmental glance from one of the rich ponies. Having had enough waiting, she took more and more of the appetizers and let herself pig out. She also requested a glass of cider from one of the waiters.

Rarity glanced over at her. "Applejack, slow down. It's not very proper to shovel in food."

"I don't care anymore." She said back, subtly. "This food ain't enough to feed a foal. I'll eat as much as I please." With that, Applejack chomped noisily on whatever food she could obtain.

A few other mares and stallions noticed her eating quickly and whispered to each other if any of them knew the ruffian pony who was wolfing down her meal like she was in starvation. Fleur de Lis even looked disdainfully at her. Celestia hadn't noticed; she usually went through a meal quite fast too, but nopony minded the way their ruler behaved. Soon half the eyes at the table were on the strange orange pony who ate more and more ravenously. Eventually the final course, the dessert, arrived; the waiters carried out crystal bowls of Neapolitan ice cream, with hot fudge, butterscotch drizzle, chocolate shavings and cocoa straws. The dessert looked like heaven to Applejack, and she instantly pushed aside her plate to begin excavation on the frozen deliciousness. She slurped down the ice cream so fast, she didn't even reel from brain freeze.

"Really, Applejack, pace yourself!" urged Rarity. "Ponies are watching."

Blueblood began rowing nervous. As much as he loved Applejack, he knew this would not look good for him in front of his Canterlot friends. He simply smiled at those who were watching as if all were normal.

But then Applejack sat back in her chair. She had devoured most of the ice cream, and the amount of ingredients she had put in her stomach reached a dangerous level. She quietly groaned and held her stomach. Hoping to quell indigestion, she reached for her cider and calmly took a sip. But all it did was trigger the gas within her gullet to rise up. Breaking any silence that remained at the table, Applejack let out a deafening belch that nearly blew out the arrangement of candles in front of her. Suddenly, all eyes were upon her, as the rich guests stared at her as if some untamed animal had pounced up onto the table. Fancy Pants was taken aback as well, and glared slightly at the barbaric earth pony, thinking she would ruin his good time.

Applejack turned red from humiliation. She wanted to slouch in her seat, but figured she had already shown enough improper etiquette. Blueblood darted around, trying to think of what to say. He honestly felt sorry for his beloved, but also feared that his friend Fancy Pants would look down on him, as if he had become a sloppy neanderthal. But somehow, at that moment, that no longer mattered to him. So, with quick thinking, Blueblood scooped up his spoon and flung the ice cream in Fancy Pants's direction. The ice cream hit the mogul square in his unprotected eye, and he let out an effeminate yelp of distress. The rest of the patrons gasped loudly, even Luna who stared at the prince in shock. Celestia brought her face to her hoof; she had expected her nephew to be trouble somehow. The only pony who smiled was Fleur de Lis, who chuckled at her husband's misfortune.

Fancy Pants struggled to rub the ice cream off his face, then switched his monocle to his stricken eye and turned to Blueblood furiously. "Blueblood! What in the nine circles of Hell has gotten into you?!"

"Uh...sorry! It slipped?" Blueblood smiled weakly.

"Gah! You damned stupid oaf!" bellowed Fancy Pants. "You did that on purpose! I shall make you regret- Ow my damn eye!" he rubbed it furiously, then stood up from his chair. "That's it! Everypony get out! Dinner is over! Do kindly buck off! Ouch! Damn!" he stormed off muttering angrily, and hoping to find an eye doctor.

With an uncomfortable mood in the room, the guests orderly left the table, disappointed that the party may have been ruined. Many of them, including the princesses, gave Blueblood shameful stares as they walked out. Fleur de Lis winked at him flirtatiously, as if congratulating him on his marksmanship. Applejack simply stared dumbfounded at her date. It quickly hit her that his little stunt had completely shifted attention away from her boisterous burp.

"Well, that was...interesting." Rarity said, not sure what to think. "I'll just...make sure Fancy Pants is okay...I suppose. Have a good night, Applejack, Blueblood." She left with an unsettled look on her face.

"Blueblood, why did you do that?" she asked him.

Blueblood stood up. "I didn't want you to be under fire from what they might have said to you. You're not used to such a crowd, no offense, and I knew that I would take the shame better."

"You...you embarrassed yourself for me? You shouldn't have done that. These are your friends!"

"Oh they're just judgmental snobs I'm expected to be seen with, especially Fancy Pants." Blueblood said, sincerely. "That's who I used to be. But none of them compare to my devotion to you, Applejack. I love you. And I'll defend you no matter what situation."

Applejack looked at him with admiration. It touched her deeply that her man would go to such lengths to protect her from total humiliation. With a loving smile, she took him in for a hug. "Oh, you're a moron." She kissed his cheek. "But thank you, Bluey. I love you too."

Blueblood smiled back. "Sorry if I may have ruined this night for you." He shrugged.

That's when an idea came to Applejack. She grinned slyly. "Maybe we can just make our own fun."

"What do you mean?" Blueblood looked confused before she took his hoof and led him off.

Applejack did her best to remember her way around, after being shown around the castle. She eventually broke from the sight of the party guests and found her way up the stairs...to one of the castle's guest rooms.

"What are we doing?" Blueblood looked around. "The party hasn't moved up here."

Applejack answered as she opened one of the guest room doors and approached the bed. "What do ya think?" she looked back at him with lowered eyelids.

Suddenly Blueblood's mind clicked. "Wha- You- Really?! In the castle?!" he blurted in surprise. "Applejack, this doesn't seem very-"

"Oh shut up and get out of that stuffy tux." Applejack sat on the edge of the bed and removed her headband. Her mane came flowing down around her in a golden flourish. She even slipped off one of her shoulder straps teasingly. "Time to get back to bein' dirty, mister prince."

Blueblood stared in bewilderment. But after a few seconds, he came to his sense and gave her a suave smile to hide his excitement, as he closed the door behind him.

Outside in the hall, by the stairs, Rarity spied from afar as the two disappeared into the guest room. At first she gasped that they broke off to engage in a dastardly act. But then, a new feeling came over her. She remembered her dream of walking alongside Blueblood before going to the gala. She remembered imagining herself standing at a wedding altar with the handsome prince. Ever since she realized so long ago that he would not return her affection, Rarity had given up trying to earn his. Until now.