• Published 4th Nov 2014
  • 4,133 Views, 92 Comments

A Tale of Blue and Red - Stratocaster

Prince Blueblood seeks the affection of the fair lady...Applejack?!

  • ...

A Tale of Blue, Red, And Gold

Chapter 8: A Tale of Blue, Red, And Gold

Nine Months In...

The time was finally upon them. Applejack and Blueblood were close to becoming new parents as the former was now extremely far into her pregnancy. Despite Blueblood's past fears of being hazed for a premarital fatherhood, everypony around the happy couple couldn't wait to see the birth of their child. But first, there was the wedding to tend to.

Even though they took their pregnancy in stride, Applejack and Blueblood decided to carry on with their plans for marriage. They were positive that their love was now ready to blossom into a full family, and plans were immediately made to schedule a wedding as soon as possible. However, complications have led the date of the wedding to be pushed ahead close to Applejack's due date. As a consequence, she now found herself squeezing into her bridal dress in a private dressing room at Canterlot Castle.

"Keep still dear," said Rarity, assisting with the dress. "I just need you to hold in your stomach."

"I am holdin' it in!" protested Applejack as she stood at a mirror. Her enormous belly was getting in the way of fitting her elegant white gown. "I though you were gonna let out the waist."

"I did!" replied Rarity. She tried vigorously to slip the dress over. "Oh, I'll just have to make a few more modifications."

"Um, not to state the obvious, Applejack," said Fluttershy, sitting nearby. "But are you sure it's wise not to wait until after you've had the baby, to have the wedding?"

"Well I would've had it sooner if a whole bunch of other ponies hadn't booked their weddings ahead o' time." Applejack replied with a grunt. "Ya think gettin' married to a prince would get me ahead o' the game."

"Never you mind, Applejack." Rarity said. "This wedding will go off without a hitch, and you'll look marvelous nevertheless!"

"I hope yer right." Applejack sighed and clutched her stomach. "I just need this kid to wait a little longer."

Meanwhile, over in a far separate dressing room, the groom was preparing for the big moment as well. Blueblood stood at a mirror fastening a red and white regal uniform complete with gold trimmings. As expected, he was feeling nervous. He had long imagined marrying the mare of his dream mare, but now that it had become a reality had left him a bit unprepared to conceptualize. And the fact that his bride-to-be was just about ready to give birth put even more pressure on the situation. Blueblood loosened the bowtie around his neck.

"I just don't know, Big Macintosh." He said to his future brother-in-law. "Maybe getting married at this time was a mistake. Do you think Applejack feels the same way?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac replied as he helped straighten the uniform.

"So I guess she's just as nervous as I am." He sighed. "But I can't just call the whole thing off now, can I?"


"No, I thought not. I suppose it was a rather impulsive decision." Blueblood thought reflectively. "The idea of marrying that sweet angel just seemed to good to let go. Who can argue with that?"

Big Mac sulked, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Eeyup."

"Sorry, I guess I shouldn't be talking about your sister in front of you like that." Blueblood smiled sheepishly. "It must be a bit of a shock to see her as a new mother."

Big Mac cringed, still struggling to accept that fact. "Nope."

"Anyway, thanks again for agreeing to be my best man." Blueblood said. "And here I though you found me to be some stuck-up city pony who invaded your home."

"Nope." Big Mac forced a smile even though he originally felt that way.

Blueblood breathed a sigh to build up his courage. "Well, I suppose it's almost time. I better go out there." He prepared to leave the dressing room to stand at his position by the altar.

"Hey Blueblood," said Big Mac suddenly. The older brother finally cracked a genuine smile at him. "Take good care o' her."

Blueblood smiled back. "I promise."


The moment of truth had finally come. A massive crowd of well-wishers from both Canterlot and Ponyville had gathered in the royal chapel of the castle, which was now bedecked with banners, ribbons and balloons. The colors of the wedding featured blue and white for the groom, and red and orange for the bride. At the altar, the other five Elements of Harmony stood as bridesmaids; Rarity had been appointed as maid of honor by Applejack as forgiveness for the past kissing fiasco. Blueblood stood by Big Mac and a few other elite stallions of Canterlot, making the best man feel rather out of place. The groom loosened his tie more and more, while sweating anxiously. He was expecting anything and everything to wrong, even the slightest mistake.

And then she arrived. As Octavia's orchestra started up the march, the crowd rose and looked toward the opening doors and the Cutie Mark Crusaders pranced in spreading flowers on the aisle. Everypony gasped as the bride entered. Applejack walked slowly yet proudly toward the altar with a brimming smile and a hint of blush on her face. Her billowing white gown swayed as she moved and her uncovered veil brought a shine to her golden mane which was decorated with flowers. Her appearance was so striking, hardly anypony paid attention to her noticeable bump.

As Blueblood watched his beloved approaching, staring at him with those glimmering green eyes, the anxiety suddenly began to melt away. He was looking at the mare who would be his wife and mother his child, and there seemed no reason to worry. Now all he had to do was remember the vows he had prepared.

The march ended and Applejack stepped up to the altar, taking Blueblood's hoof in hers. As the crowd sat back down, Celestia approached the new couple and began her address.

"Dearly beloved," she began. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of these two-"

"YOOOOOOOOWCH!" Applejack suddenly cried out and bent over. A louder gasp arose from everypony as she gritted her teeth and grabbed her enlarged stomach in pain.

"Applejack!" frowned Blueblood. "Are you alright, dear?"

"Oh no," said Twilight, coming to the bride's aid. "I think she's going into labor!"

"I told you!" Pinkie Pie stuck her hoof at Rainbow Dash.

"Oh my goodness!" came Fluttershy. "We have to get you to a bed right away, Applejack."

"Gah! No! I'm fine!" Applejack struggled to stand up, despite her buckling knees. "I ain't lettin' anything stop me from gettin' married already. Oof! Let's just get this over with!"

"Don't be crazy, Applejack!" urged Blueblood. "It doesn't matter if we put off the wedding, if our baby is coming!"

"There's an infirmary in the castle." Celestia said. "Applejack, I can help you there so we can deliver the baby."

"I said I'm fine! I just need to- Oh! Gyah!" Applejack felt her contractions getting worse and knelt down again.

"Please, AJ," insisted Twilight. "For the sake of your child, listen to us!"

Applejack began to breathe forcefully as she stood back up. "Alright, alright." She sighed. "But Princess, I need ya to keep giving the speech. No matter what happens, don't stop until we're married."

"Um, what?" Celestia was taken aback.

"OUCH!" Applejack held her stomach with both hooves. "Forgive me, Princess Celestia, but please for the love of Equestria don't stop givin' the gosh darn speech! Oooooooooh!"

Celestia paused for a moment, surprised at her tenacity. "Uh, alright. If you wish." She said hesitantly.

"Hang on, AJ!" said Rainbow as she helped Blueblood lift her up. "I can't wait any longer to be an aunt!"

"Um, shouldn't we remove her dress first?" called Rarity. "Just as a precaution? Hello?"

In a hurried frenzy, Blueblood, Celestia, the bridesmaids and groomsmen all followed along to help Applejack to the spacious comfort of the infirmary. Along the way, Applejack grew feverishly hot all over, and her cramps grew more and more frequent and intense. And all the while, Celestia continued with the wedding service.

"Uh, anyway, dearly beloved," she said while hurrying. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of Applejack and the honorable Prince Blueblood of Canterlot in holy matrimony!"

"Over here!" Twilight called as the group rushed into the infirmary. It was a well-furbished room with a few comfortable beds and plenty of stocked medical supplies. But it was still strangely empty. "Wait, shouldn't there be a nurse here?"

"You called?!" Luna suddenly appeared dressed in a full nurse's uniform.

"Auntie Luna?" gawked Blueblood. "Do you know anything about delivering a baby?"

"I've seen a few births in my time, nephew!" she boasted. "I think I have a pretty good idea of what I am doing!"

Quickly, but carefully, Applejack's friends carried her onto one of the beds; Rarity took the liberty of removing the wedding gown she worked so hard on, before things got messy. Applejack squirmed and cringed in agony as sweat poured down her face. But like any faithful stallion, Blueblood stood at her side clutching her hoof.

"It'll be alright, Applejack," he said calmly. "Just breathe deeply."

Applejack did as he said, trying her best to lengthen her breaths and adapt herself to the pain.

"Fear not, young Applejack!" said Luna proudly, as she examined between her legs. "We shall have your precious child brought into this world yet! Hmm, perhaps I should wash my hooves first."

"Applejack, are you sure you want me to continue?" asked Celestia.

"Rrrrgh! Keep goin'!" she uttered between breaths.

"Right." Celestia resumed. "Love is the bond that unites ponies of all creeds and nations, throughout the-"

"Aha, the child draws near." Luna announced from below. "Give us a push, proud mother."

Applejack strained with all her might to urge the infant out of her body. After a few moments, she eased off and went back to breathing. Blueblood grabbed a sponge and wiped the sweat from his bride's forehead.

"You're doing great, my sweet." He assured her. "You're doing just- Ouch!" He also began to feel pain from having his hoof squeezed harder than a lemon. "Um, Applejack, honey? Maybe you could ease up on my hoof a little?"

"You try doin' this, ya jerk!" Applejack burst at him.

"Right, never mind." Blueblood said sheepishly.

"Another push, my fair pony friend!" said Luna.

Applejack added more force to her body, her back hooves trembling as she lay in agony. Then she dropped her back down again and caught her breath. Tears began to form in her eyes. "Agh! I don't...I don't think I can do it!"

Blueblood turned her face toward his. "Applejack, listen to me." He said sincerely. "You are the strongest mare I know, and I just know you were meant for this."

"You...you really mean that, Bluey?" she looked at him, while panting.

"Of course." He replied. "To be honest, I'm not exactly the perfect stallion. And I never would've thought two different ponies like us could be together before. But you somehow still care for me. I think that's what I love most about you, Applejack. You don't care about the odds and you persevere through anything. If you can manage to love a royal buffoon like me, than I know you can handle being a mother. Because you have more strength than anypony I know."

Applejack managed to smile despite her pain. "Blueblood, I don't have to be strong to love you. I mean, we may be different in a lot o' ways, but anypony could look past that to see who ya really are. It never mattered to me that you were a prince, or if yer a little awkward sometimes. I know now that- Ooh!"

"Try not to move much!" said Luna.

"I know now that you're somepony who really cares for the ones ya love. You've only tried to protect and provide for me, and that's somethin' every mare would wish for." Applejack touched his cheek. "Bluey, I love you for who ya really are inside, no matter what you or anypony else might think. And I feel lucky to have you, and your baby."

"Well, that sounded like wedding vows to me." Celestia grinned. "Do you Blueblood take Applejack, in sickness and in health, to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Blueblood smiled proudly.

"And do you Applejack take Blueblood to-"

"Grrrgh! Darn tootin'!"

Celestia hurried up with her conclusion. "Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride! Phew!"

Applejack and Blueblood stared into each other's eyes and leaned together for their betrothal kiss. Immediately after, Applejack went back to screaming in agony while clinging onto the side of the bed. Blueblood's hoof also went back to having the life wrung out of it.

"Ah! Lansanks, this kid is killin' me!" she grunted.

"It is almost hear, Applejack!" said Luna. "Just one final push and a new soul will be born!"

"You're going to have to learn to not shout in these kinds of situations, Luna." Celestia discerned.

"Push, Applejack!" said Blueblood. "You can do it!"

"Alas, I see its head!" said Luna.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Applejack screamed at the top of her lungs as the final surge of pain shot through her body.

After a lengthy pause, Luna's voice finally came with a hint of shock. "Oh my goodness..."

Blueblood looked over with worry. "What? What is it?!"

With another pause, Luna beamed, as the sound of tiny wailing was suddenly heard. "Huzzah! It is a filly!"

"Luna, did you have to add the suspense?" glared Celestia.

"Who is the medical professional around here, sister?" replied Luna.

"Not you!" said Celestia.

"A filly?" Blueblood smiled excitedly. "Can I see her?"

Delicately, Luna cradled the newborn foal in a towel and brought her over to her parents. Blueblood stared down at his new daughter with awe as she cried her first breaths. Her fur was a vibrant yellow and her mane was bright red, and on her forehead featured a tiny stub of a horn. The filly squirmed and flailed in her bundle, recovering from the trauma of her birth. Blueblood's eyes became moist. The reality that he was holding his own flesh and blood in his hooves struck something new in him. He was looking at the dream of fatherhood.

"She's...she's adorable." He said with a quivering smile.

"Huh? What happened?" Applejack finally returned to reality after nearly passing out from exhaustion. Her dizzy eyes slowly opened as sweat drizzled down her face. "Is it over?" she asked, hazily.

Carefully, Blueblood placed their child in her hold and joined his beloved closer to the bed. "I knew you could do it, darling."

Applejack gasped, looking down at her new filly in her hooves. "Oh my..." her voice trailed off as she tried to form words. "She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." The infant continued to cry and wriggle. "Hey now, it's alright, sugarcube," said Applejack, trying to keep back her tears while rocking her baby slowly. "Mama's gotcha."

"Applejack, she's so precious." Twilight smiled as she joined. "And she's even a unicorn."

"Well, I guess that explains how much it hurt." Applejack joked nevertheless.

"Hey you know what?" said Blueblood. "She looks a lot like your sister!"

"Say what now?!" came Apple Bloom as she approached the bed.

"Well how do ya like that!" grinned Applejack, stroking her filly's fragile head as she began to calm down. The infant remarkably resembled her sister. "She takes after her auntie."

"Auntie?" smiled Apple Bloom. "I like the sound of that! I guess you'll have to get used to be bein' called uncle, Big Mac!" She looked to her brother to see his face welling up. "Aw, it's okay, big bro, you can cry as much as ya want."

Big Mac sniffed. "Nope."

"Sweet smilin' sassafras!" cheered Granny Smith. "I knew I'd live to be a great great grandmother!"

"Uh, actually Granny," said Apple Bloom. "Yer just a great grandmother."

"Listen, I already know how great a grandmother I am!" the old mare huffed.

"You two must be extremely proud." Celestia said to the happy parents. "It's not often a pony becomes a princess and a mother in the same day."

"Princess?" repeated Applejack. "Me?"

"Well of course, Applejack." Celestia continued. "Now that you are married to Blueblood, that makes you part of the royal family. As well as your new child."

"Yikes." Applejack replied in disbelief. "I never thought I'd be a royal anything. Does that mean I'd have to live at the castle, and help rule Equestria or somethin'?" she asked, a bit concerned.

"That is completely up to you." Celestia assured her.

Applejack's baby cooed as she finally relaxed and nuzzled her mother's breast. "Aw, little tyke." Applejack kissed her. "I think bein' a mother is enough for me to take. I don't honestly care if I'm royalty now or not. I've got everything I could possibly need right here."

"I couldn't agree more." Blueblood put his hoof around her. "And wherever you are, I'll stay right by your side."

"I know you will, Bluey." Applejack nuzzled him.

"Applejack, Blueblood, I completely understand." Celestia grinned. "So, what shall you name her?"

Blueblood pondered. "Well, obviously it should have something to do with apples."

"But it should also sound fancy and royal." Applejack winked at her husband.

"Hmm," said Blueblood. "Golden..."

"Gala!" finished Applejack.

"Golden Gala!" the both said.

As if in response, the baby yawned and nestled happily in Applejack's chest. Golden Gala was already becoming well adjusted to hearing her mother and father's voices.

Five Years In...

Applejack tended to her fields once again, wheeling in another cart full of fresh harvest. Exhausted from the heat, she was glad that the word was almost done as she smelled the sweet scent of dinner from inside the house. Over the years, her faithful husband had gotten better adept at cooking, even to the point where she didn't have to take care of meals half the time. His sweet concoctions made the extra long work days on the farm well worth it. But as Applejack unloaded the apples in the barn, she noticed something missing. Her new little helper had disappeared suddenly.

"Gala?" she called inside the barn. "Gala, where'd ya go?!" Applejack hoped that her daughter had not gotten lost somewhere on the farm. She had recently started showing her how to tend to the trees and help out with planting and harvesting, to keep with the family tradition. But young Golden Gala had a tendency to stray off into her own little world. "Gala?" Applejack finally found her behind a wall of hay bails.

"Mama, look!"called the little filly, who bore a striking resemblance to Apple Bloom, save for the horn on her head. "I'm a princess! Just like in Canterlot!" Golden Gala had managed to escape out of her mother's attention to build a miniature throne out of hay bails, with apples laid about made to look like dolls of royal subjects.

"Ah jeez, sugarcube," Applejack pinched her brow. "I told ya not to mess around with the harvest."

Golden Gala frowned. "I'm sorry, Mama." She said. "I was just pretending to be royalty, just like Daddy."

Applejack couldn't help but smile as she sat next to her precious daughter. "Aw, but you don't need to pretend, Goldy. You're mah little princess, after all."

"Really?" she looked up with her big young eyes.

"Ya might even be livin' in Canterlot after all, one day." Applejack stroked her red mane.

Golden Gala thought for a moment. "Nah, I think I'd rather be here with you and Daddy." She hugged her mother's leg.

"There's my girls!" Blueblood entered the barn. "Dinner's ready, if anypony's hungry."

"Daddy," said Golden Gala. "Do ya think I can be the princess of our farm?"

Blueblood chuckled. "I say you already are, sweetie." He kissed her on the head. "Now why don't you go inside before dinner gets cold? I mean, if you please, Princess Gala."

"Okay!" Golden Gala trotted off, hungry for her father's delicious cooking.

"You know, somethin'," said Applejack as the filly cantered off. She nuzzled her husband's neck. "I probably told ya this a thousand times already, but I'm glad ya came to this town, Bluey."

"Ah, I think you would've been fine without me." He jested, as he wrapped his hoof around her. "But I think we did right by having her. So I really am glad too."

"So ya still haven't thought about goin' back to Canterlot at all?" she asked.

Blueblood almost laughed at the thought. "I guess I could've had anything I wanted back in Canterlot." He said. "But the only two things I want are right here."

"Aw, aint' you a smoothie," Applejack rolled her eyes, but kissed him on the cheek. "Just like when we first met."

Blueblood bowed to her in a regal gesture. "Your royal dinner, my princess?"

"Why that sounds lovely, my prince." Applejack said in a similar manner. It only seemed fitting for a princess of her own home.

The End

Author's Note:

:raritycry: These stories always get to me! *blows nose* Thank you all for reading, liking, following, and commenting on this story of mine, and for waiting almost eight long months with it. Applejack and Blueblood may be living happily ever after, but ol' Strat has still got plenty of stories comin' up! :yay: If you want a change of pace, check out my current action story, The Cloudsdale Underground. :rainbowdetermined2:

And remember, if you have any story requests, please feel free to lend me an idea, because I will spin that thread into fictional gold! Thanks again for reading, I'll see ya next time, sugarcube! :ajsmug:

Comments ( 11 )

A good end for a good story. :twilightsmile:

This was a rather enjoyable story. Good use of the title: My Fair Mare, as opposed to My Fair Lady.
All in all, a thoroughly good read.

I love it so much!!!!!!

Sweet. Story. I think you did a great job. Good luck with future stories. I'll be P.Ming you one.

This was such an awesome story
Such an Unorthodox pairing but it was so beautiful. I wish more stories involve characters like blue blood and such when they turn around

Gosh, I loved this story, felt kinda rushed but with great emotion, I got kinda worried for the tragedy tag tho.

6041833 Yeah that was just for when Blueblood almost cheated with Rarity. Thanks for reading! :twilightsmile:

6041841 Well since nothing terribly bad happened i don't think it is really warranted.

Damn, that's going to be one hell of a wedding story to tell to their foals and grand foals. Bwa-ha-ha-ha!! :rainbowlaugh:

Aren’t horse pregnant for 12 months?

Aww this was a really nice story and it was a crazy wedding ever but it was worth it in the end and not only that they have a child and becoming a family now although I am surprised that Luna knows how to help give birth so that's something else well this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

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