• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 2,614 Views, 54 Comments

Drifted Thoughts - Animeyaoi

A girl living a sad life gets pulled into Ponyville through her TV. What will come next?

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The Beginning (Final Revision)

Why.. Why is it so dark out. My room is empty with no liveliness. If it's full of anything it's the same unstimulating white walls, one baige window and dark grey bed. My eyes were hardly open, but I had no reason to even be awake. It's just another boring day and I have nothing to expect. I slowly started to get up only to sit. It's always been the same routine. I wish I could disappear but I remained. Only for the love I have for the people around me.

I try to turn on the lights although my movements are very slow. I stood up completely. The rough carpet unseen in the lighting of the room. I took hardly two steps as I fell. I hit my head against the light wall, my room may be small but my 5'2 height was too much for it, as of right now my feet touching the other wall with my trobbing head against the other. I rose and made my goal of turning on the lights. I thought of school and looked at the window. I started to walk to it. All I would do at school was hardly pay attention and stare at the other kids in there groups. I'm hardly noticed mainly in the background. My friends if I should call them that, mainly use me to be noticed. The friends I have are diminishing. When I do have the chance to make real friends I ruin it with my awful conversation skills. Saying the wrong things at the best moments. Most leave the conversation but the ones who stay I shy away from because I get to nervous to even try and continue. Cute guys are the worse even being approached by one I freak and imeadietly try to escape. I always escape to my homework but I'm not great with school work. I maintain strict B's and C's. I do love writing the most. Language arts is my best subject if only I could bring that into actual conversation. My thoughts of school were quickly interrupted by a screaming by my mother. My brown eyes widened in shock.

“Ashlyn?” Mom called, knocking on my door. I giggled quietly, and moaned in annoyance.
“Ashlyn!” she repeated. “I’m not going to call you again! Get up, it’s time for school!”
I stood still, not wanting to heed the call to duty. Nonetheless, I am fourteen and had no other real option when it came to going to school. My vision eventually adjusted to the dimness of the room and I changed into a warm set of clothes, preparing myself for the day ahead.
Instinctively, I took a glance out of the window to see the snow that had piled up over the last few days. I had been hoping for a snow day so that I could escape school, but none had come so far.
But… did the snow appear to be… higher than normal?
No, I thought to myself, pulling on a pair of woollen socks. It never is. Besides, since when does anything go in my favour? Never, that’s when.
I walked up to the window and used one of my tan fingers to trace a smiley face on it
“Ashlyn! You need to be out here now!” Mom reminded me.
I hastily bolted out of my bedroom, into the medium-sized dinning and kitchen room and served myself a large helping of cereal.
“What on earth took you so long?” Mom demanded, taking a large sip of coffee.
“Well… I, uh… I was wondering if today might be a snow day,” I replied meekly. I've always been shy in my conversations, if only I could put in some attitude.
Mom pursed her lips like she normally does when I talk. “It hasn’t been for the last few days, I don’t think it will be today.”
“Can you please… um… check? Just in case?”
Mom sighed exasperatedly and pulled out her smartphone, tapping it a few times to get weather reports in our area. “Well, Ash, it seems that the weather is in your favour today. Theres no school for you.” She with her sharp movement showed me the smartphone rather rudely to show her point. Even so.
My heart did a backflip and I fought to keep my expression calm.
Free, I thought gleefully, slowly I sighed.

Soon enough my mother was almost prepared to leave. She curled her short black and grey hair, and donned a regular dark yellow sweater with darker orange sequins neatly stitched into it.
Right when she was about to step out the door, she looked over her shoulders and said, "Your father left to his brother's for a while." She paused and sighed, smiled and looked back. "Clean around the house and don't do anything stupid. Good bye, love you."
A gentle goodbye for the day. "Love you too," I replied. The door slammed shut, sending a slight shockwave across the living room. My dad was gone again, and it wasn't the first time he left. I knew better though; I knew that he wouldn't be coming back. "Goodbye to everyone," I softly muttered to myself.
I looked up tears starting to well up in my eyes. A black rectangle, or, rather, the 34-inch television caught my eye. I slowly picked myself off the ground, grabbing the edge of the cream couch beside me. I grabbed the remote and pressed the on button, I flipped through the channels. A My Little Pony marathon was on and I nearly missed the beginning of it. Good thing I had all day to myself.
As soon as the first episode started, the TV started messing up. The TV had been messing up like this lately by saying things that aren't in the program, but the effects never lasted for very long. What always caught my attention was when it would have someone say “We'll save you in no time” or “Get ready we gotta go". I wish I could go with them. I did certainly get scared at first but the more repetitive it was the more I just went with it.
I had told my mom about the TV mishaps but she just put it off, dismissing it with a "Oh, we'll get a technician in here to fix it up" or "Must be the antenna acting up again". I didn't complain because I knew that there were other things to fix and bills to pay. I retreated from my thoughts and continued to watch the My Little Pony marathon.
Before I had even realized it three hours had passed. I did a double take at the clock mounted on the wall, not believing the massive time change. It didn't feel like three hours, but I guess TV can do that to you. I turned my attention back to the bright colored ponies. It mattered not whether I payed attention to the TV or not because I've already seen every episode and both Equestria Girls movies. As I drew back to show, the TV started growing brighter. Confused, I grabbed the remote and made an attempt to turn the brightness down. The brightness continued growing and it eventually turned into a blinding white and I could feel a... breeze coming from it. No, wait. It wasn't like a breeze, but more like a suction, rather like a vacuum cleaner. My life had always felt Insignificant but at that moment it felt disappointing.
So this is how it ends? I thought to myself, completely baffled. Being sucked into a television during my favourite program? I made a slight effort to save myself, but my curiosity got the better of me. Maybe this is all a dream. I mean, it would make sense: snow day, Mom being relatively kind, and my just happening to not miss the beginning of the marathon, of my favorite show. I didn't even try to save myself. Dreams can't hurt... right?
I slowly let go of the rough couch, the familiar landscape of my living room giving way to a blanket of darkness.
Nightmare. Definitely a nightmare!
I was beginning to cry until someone started speaking. Well, actually two someones. A male and female. This didn't really help all that much as it just confused me even farther.
"Everything will be alright. I saw your plight, full of loneliness." The voice was feminine and strong willed.
"Who are you? Why am I here? Who planned this and why? Where am I?" Many more questions were running through my head like: am I gonna be stuck here forever? Why am I here alone? Why me? "Is this a dream?"
"There's no need to worry. Trust your instincts and watch your surroundings," the masculine voice called, having an equally strong tone as the female one.
"Wait, will I ever see you?" I squeaked, afraid of messing up in a dream. Especially with an unknown being.
"I suppose sometime yes?" they replied simultaneously, chuckling.
I nodded once, twice, three times, still unsure of where I was. My vision cleared and I found myself to be in a grassy field. It was very bright and my eyes were not adjusted. I felt... different, so I tried to stand up. I put one hand on the ground then another, then my feet. I screamed because at that moment I looked down and realized that I had no hands or feet, but hooves. I ran in a haphazard circle before I calmed down.
Calm yourself, Ashlyn. This is just a dream; a result of watching too much My Little Pony. I thought, taking a seat.
I then looked down the hill I was on. On the hill there was a very large and beautiful oak tree. It reminded me of one of the towns in Pokemon. Down below the oak tree was a vividly coloured town, all bright and friendly. I ran down because as scared as I was, the excitement was almost greater. I was a pony and that town was Ponyville. I was headed towards the castle when I stopped to look for a moment. All these background ponies weren't background ponies anymore.
Maybe I should be counted as one because I'm an alien compared to the ponies here. If they saw my true form who knows what would happen. I was soon outside the door of a very beautiful purple castle. I took a glance in the window, seeing a set of six thrones all sitting around in a circle.
Omigoshomigosh. It's...
But before I could finish my thoughts entirely, the door to the castle swung open.

Author's Note:

First published fanfic ever please give me your opinion and if you find errors let me know!