• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 2,615 Views, 54 Comments

Drifted Thoughts - Animeyaoi

A girl living a sad life gets pulled into Ponyville through her TV. What will come next?

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Great News and Understanding (Revised)

"Scrambled Aura? I suppose it's fitting, but why?" Its a nice name, I must admit that. It seems like it'll work but there's still a hint of fear in the pit of my gut. Looking down, I feel a small cold object on my right shoulder. I slowly look up to the gentle smirking dragon.

"I thought of Scrambled, like how you got scrambled into equestria. As for Aura I get this odd feeling when I'm around you, the way you act." I nod slightly agreeing, to show I agreeded. My fear only grew and it felt like an incect tapping at the ground. Such an uncomfortable feeling. I'm not surprised I give off an odd aura. The good thing is its creative and an original name. I shook my head to get my odd feeling to dissappear. Ponies, dragons, a television show. The unrealistic mixed with reality. I suppose this is a dream but could it just be more? I look at spike. Laying on his scaly back with his long pointed claws under his head.

"Spike, I have a question. (He nods with his eyes still closed, his claws saying to go on...) Is being a pony different, I mean... isn't it odd to live with them. Isn't it akward to adjust?"
His eyes open wide and he swifty sits up.

"I don't really get what your saying. I've always lived with ponies."

"I know. You've lived with ponies, that's a big difference. How'd you just accept it." I shook my head before he could speak. I already knew the awnser.

"This is a different situation. You were born and raised here. I was brought here, by someone or something. I just want some of my questions anwsered." I looked down at the purple floor. Me and Spike next to his chair. He looks at me, then our surroundings. In a quiet whisper;

"I have an Idea. Let's look in a book. Twilight owns hundreds, no thousands. I may know a few things about ponies but, I didn't really read as much as I should have." Both of us look down in dissapontment.

"So you think Twilight will be disappointed if you don't know the answers at the top of your head?" I look up trying to cheer him up but his mind was made.

"Think!? I know." With Spike shivering at the idea of Twilight's reaction, that gave me time to look at the Castles library, the walk to it took about ten minutes alone. It was gigantic, two floors. The first floor had about twenty bookshelves alone, all of them a deep midnight blue. The second floor consist of three balconies connecting into one, a lovely shade of lavender. The kind of lavender the moon could make the night sky look. The second floor held more but smaller bookselves. Luckily for me and Spike the book we needed was on the first floor.

"So then, how much information did you get from going to the 'human world?' I mean like do you know the age differences?"

"Actually we don't know. I mean your the first human that's ever been here other then when Twilight and me went through the mirror. I guess by estimation I'd have to say that ponies age a little faster by about three years. Unless it's just that when we go to the human world we become younger. We'll have to ask Twilight when we get the chance. Twilight has a book actually, she wrote it. It's a small journal of her trip to the human world." I'm not surprised, she would do something like that. Spike opened a book with a night time dark leather cover and a tree bark lining. I watch him as he Flips through the pages slowly. The human world, that reminds me.

"Well I do remember watching that movie." My hoof on my chin, I try to recall what happened exactly, I did watch that movie a number of countless times. Well the first and second one.

"Movie? I know we were in a TV show but we had a movie too!?" Spike in shock almost dropped the book, but caught it in a quick move.

"Actually two movies it had a sequel. It's amazing how much I know about this world apart from being an actual pony, the lifestyle of it all." How could that even be possible. Knowing more about something else other then yourself. Even so I bet this is more common them not.

"Well TV shows can't be everything. Hmm, I can tell you pony lifestyle. It's good if you ask me. Apart from a few bad guys now and then it's pretty nice. I don't think it's much different from a human lifestyle. What I can say about being a pony is that every pony life Is different. Once ponies get there Cutie Mark they usually have there Career ready."

"I think that's all I need to know for now although I already new most of it." I slowly shake my head and yawn. I'm tired. My ruby and starless mane, curled in place. My teary dark eyes ready to fall in a moment. As soon as spike finished rambling about facts i already knew. A lovely lavender mare trotted in. The purple dragon with a neon green puff of smoke burped. Spike immediately started reading the letter aloud.

"Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle. As of now the human known as Ashlyn or now as Scrambled Aura. As I've heard from Spike. I'm pleased to know she hopes to learn more about being a pony. This is a great chance to learn much more about humans. We will soon meet. I will be in Ponyville in a few days time. Have a list of questions in mind or on paper ready for me to anwser I will have many of my own. Sincerely Princess Celestia."

"Oh my Spike this is amazing! I can't wait to one meet the Princess of the sun, Celestia. I was excited before but this is the best day of my life. Any questions I may have will be anwsered. So amazing." Just as we were talking the sun was setting, with the green windows the room became a wild odd olivetone. Even so it was beautiful. Slowly out of the corner of my eye a silhouette of an odd shaped pony apeared. As I turned my head it didn't dissappear it just stayed there. I shook my head once more, calming it to be a hallucination of my tired out eyes.
"So Aura what are you gonna do now?"
"Well Spike, I kind of want to eat a quick something, then I would like to go to sleep for a nice bit. My hooves are killing me. Although ponies don't eat meet do they?"
"Well A, your correct their. We eat oats, and hay, fruit and vegetables. I'll let Twilight know your hungry and we'll find you a room to stay in."

Author's Note:

Third chapter is here! Notify me if you find any spelling errors or something wrong with the story. I must give two shout outs, The first to Texus who helped me out a buch thanks so much! The second to BronyCrystal who drew me an amazing picture of Scrambled, that I'll be using as the cover photo. Thanks for reading my story so far. The rest is to be continued until tomorrow.
2015/Jun-1 sorry for not updating in such a long period of time. The next three chapters will be posted this weekend. So will some revised chapters thanks for reading!