• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 2,827 Views, 161 Comments

Digi-Ponies - Seanzilla115

After a small mishap with a tracking spell, Twilight and her friends are sent to a strange, new world and got seperated from eachother

  • ...

Prologue: Spell gone wrong

"Let's see...no that wouldn't work. Maybe...no no...if I miss even one leyline, I'd probably turn everypony into cats or something..." Twilight mumbled as she was going through some spell books inside the library of Celestia and Luna's old castle.

Ever since the battle with Tirek, Twilight has been going through book after book, learning some new spells to help protect Equestria from any possible threats. Currently, one of the spells she was trying to learn was a spell to detect dark magic...but it was proving difficult for the violet Alicorn. No matter how many times she tried to think of a way to use it, she'd point out a fatal side effect, such as losing the ability to see.

"Are you done yet Twilight?" Spike yawned as he rested nearby, reading one of his comics to pass the time.

"Not yet Spike. I really need to figure out how to use this spell..." Twilight replied before sighing, "And I can't figure out a way to use it with causing any side effects."

"I see...well, let me know when you're finished, or need anything," Spike said before going back to reading his comic.

"Thanks Spike," Twilight smiled as she turned back to the pile of books she had and pulled one out of the pile using her magic before reading the contents inside, "Let's see...no no. That won't wo...wait," she then eyed a particular passage, 'Maybe...it might cause two days worth of rain, but it just might work...' "Spike!"

"Huh? What Twilight?" the small dragon blinked as he looked up from his comic.

"I want you to get the others. I think I finally got something," the violet Alicorn stated before turning back to her book.

"...Uh okay," Spike nodded as he put his comic down and began to leave. Although...he strangely had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, almost as if something bad was about to happen today.

"This has to work...it has to..." Twilight mumbled to herself.

"Okay, is everypony here?" Twilight asked her friends as they stood in a field outside Ponyville.

"Eeyup. Now what's this all about, sugahcube?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah. I was kinda in the middle of figuring out a new trick," Rainbow Dash added.

"Right. Well...If things go accordingly, this spell I'm about to use might help us detect any hidden signs of dark magic," Twilight replied.

"...Um...correct me if I'm wrong dear, but don't Princess Celestia and Luna already have something like that?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah! Like maybe a crystal ball, or maybe an all seeing eye in the sky? oh oh! Or maybe they have something called a robot that reports back to them if it sees anything suspicious, and make super yummy ca-" Pinkie Pie added rather quickly before Applejack shut the pink mare's mouth.

"Thank you," Twilight nodded as she turned towards Rarity, "And yes...that is technically true, but don't forget what happened with Chrysalis during the wedding between my brother and Princes Cadance."

"..That is true," Rarity noted.

"...A...and I r..remember how mean we were t-to you when you were trying to p...prove that Chrysalis, w...who was Cadance at the time, w...was evil," Fluttershy added, a guilty and sad look on her face.

"It's alright Fluttershy. She had everypony fooled," Twilight reassured her before clearing her throat as Spike held up the book she had from the library, "Now then. As I was saying before, the spell I'm about to use from this book will be able to help detect any signs of dark magic, even if it's hidden."

"So...what yer' sayin' Sugahcube..." Applejack began as she let lower her hoof away from Pinkie's mouth, "Is that not even a Changling would be able to go undetected if they're disguised as someone?"

"Exactly...if the spell works that is..." Twilight replied before muttering a bit, "Then there's also the slight side effect."

"Huh? What side effect?" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, having over heard what the violet Alicorn said.

"This is first I'm hearing of it," Spike added.

"Oh. Um...well...while I was going through books on detection spells, I tried to find one that won't have any sever side effects...such as me going permanently blind, or turn us into cats," Twilight replied.

"Ooh! Ooh! If that last one happened, we would have to call our show My Little Kitty!" Pinkie giggled.

"...uh...yeah.." Twilight sweatdropped a bit.

"..Um...Sugahcube? That side effect you were mentionin'?" Applejack reminded.

"Huh? Oh right. Like I was saying, I was going through books on detection spells, and one came up. The only side effect it would cause since it'll be my first time using it will cause it to rain for a day or two," Twilight stated.

"...Is that all?" Applejack blinked before chuckling a bit, "Well that's not a bad thing actually."

"Agreed. It has been rather dry lately," Rarity added.

"It's summer. What do ya expect?" Rainbow Dash stated.

"Oh oh! Speaking of summer, we still have that trip to the beach later this week, right Twilight?!" Pinkie spoke excitedly.

"Yes, Pinkie. I didn't forget. In fact, after the rain's over with, we'll all go," Twilight replied, making the pink pony and Spike cheer in excitement.

"Um..th...that does sound nice," Fluttershy said with a small smile.

"Indeed, darling. A trip to the beach sounds like a fabulous idea," Rarity added.

"Yeah yeah. Beach sounds good and all, but let's hurry with this okay? The sooner you get this spell ready, the better," Rainbow Dash waved off.

"Give me a sec Dash, and I'll do it. okay?!" Twilight frowned, a bit irritated by the Cyan Pegasus' impatience.

"..Sorry. Look. To tell you the truth Twi, I wasn't really training," Rainbow Dash admitted, "I..."

"She was taking a nap," Pinkie stated bluntly.

"I was getting to that, Pinkie," the cyan pegasus whispered to the pink mare before turning back to Twilight, "Yeah. I was taking a nap because...well, things have gotten kinda boring lately. I mean, Discord's reformed, Chrysalis and her Changlings were blasted out of Equestria, Sombra is gone, and Tirek is sealed back up in Tartarus. So I'm kinda hoping once you get this spell working, we can start fighting bad guys again."

"I see..." Twilight noted before sighing a bit in worry, "And well, I can't blame you. After we defeated Tirek, I can't help but feel there are far more dangerous beings out there. Possibly more powerful than Tirek."

Fluttershy paled at that as she hid behind Rainbow Dash, visibly shaking. She remembered how scary the demon Minotaur/Centaur was, so the thought of something even scarier than him scared her.

"So when I use this tracking spell, we'll be able to find the threat and be ready," Twilight added.

"Oh come on. What could be more dangerous then the things we've faced so far?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. It's not like some magic portal will open and unleash some powerful monster after this bit of exposition," Pinkie added. before blinking, "I hope I didn't just jinx that."

"Why is it every other time you say something, it makes less and less sense?" Rainbow Dash asked with a sweatdrop.

"Hmm...I don't know," Pinkie Pie replied, making Rainbow Dash sweatdrop again.

"Well anyway, incase something does come up, we'll be prepared." Twilight stated, getting their attention as she levitated the book with the spell.

"How long should it take before the rain comes?" Applejack asked.

"It should start up tomorrow." Twilight answered, "So it should give us time to tell the town about two days of rain."

"Sounds like a plan," Rainbow Dash nodded.

"Right. Now, please stand back everypony," Twilight warned her friends as she got ready to use the spell.

The others nodded as they took a few steps back, giving the violet Alicorn enough space to use the tracking spell.

"Oh man...that bad feeling is back," Spike mumbled to himself as Twilight began to charge magic energy until she was surrounded by a field of it. The light then bursted outward in a bright flash before everything settled back to normal.

"There...That should do it," Twilight sighed as she used her hoof to wipe her brow, almost all of her magic energy gone.

"Cool. We'll go tell the town about this side effect. You rest up look like that spell took a lot out of you." Rainbow Dash told her friend.

"Thanks" Twilight nodded with a small, tired as she and the others were about to head back to town...that is..until she noticed the clear blue skies become enveloped in clouds, "What?"

"Uh...Twi? Just what th' hay is goin' on?" Applejack asked, an uneasy feeling growing in her gut, "Ah thought ya'll said it wouldn't start rainin' until tomorrow."

"That's right. Its suppose to start tomorrow, but...this can't possibly be my spell, or else I would have felt something. This is something else." Twilight noted.

"If it's not your spell, then what's with the sudden dark clouds?" Rainbow Dash asked, pointing up to the sky.

"Oh! This is like the place in the story where the big bad villain boss guy sends some sort of grunt to deliver a message to the hero!" Pinkie spoke, making everyone look at the pink Pony, "...What?"

Spike was about to say something before he noticed a massive shadow overlook him and the six mares, making the small dragon turn before paling, "Uh...I don't think that's the case..."

Twilight and her friends looked at the dragon in confusion before looking up and paling as well, seeing before them a massive...

"T...T...T..." Fluttershy stuttered in fear.

"TIDLE WAVE!-!-!-!" Pinkie Pie screamed, her mane and tail shooting straight up into the air.

The others screamed as well as the wall or water came at them. The group tried to outrun it but it was easier said then done as the wave eventually overtook and swept them all away.

Everyone's heads popped out of the water as Spike held on to Twilight for dear life.

"Where did a tidal wave come from?! We're miles from the ocean!" Spike shouted.

"I don't know! I must've messed up somehow!" Twilight shouted before noticing a patch of dry land, 'let's hope this works,' her horn then lit up as Spike was levitated into the air.

"What're you d-woah!" Spike yelped as Twilight threw him onto the patch of dry land, the small dragon watching the six mares being dragged away by the water, "Twilight!" 'Oh no...not good!'

"Not that I'm complaining, but what about us!?" Rainbow Dash shouted once she saw that.

"I'm sorry, but I had enough magic left to get Spike to safety!" Twilight shouted back.

"Well that's just...!" Rainbow Dash began before she heard Fluttershy yelp, "Fluttershy!"

"S...somepony help!" the shy mare gasped as the current carried her farther away from the others, struggling to stay above the torrent waters.

"Well...it wouldn't be a disaster scene if someone wasn't put in danger." Pinkie blinked.

Rainbow dash sent a small glare at the Pink mare before she began to swim after Fluttershy.

"Hold on Flutters! I'm co-woah!" the cyan pegasus yelped when a stronger current carried her away from the shy mare and the others.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight gasped before hearing Rarity and Pinkie scream as she turned to see them get swept away in different directions, "Rarity! Pinkie Pie!"

"The current is splittin'!" Applejack yelled as she and Twilight where the only ones still together.

"I know!" Twilight shouted before groaning, "Darn it! Why'd I have to find that stupid book?! Because of me, Rainbow Dash and the others might be...!"

"Twilight, calm down!" the cowpony yelled, "If we just stick together, we ca-woah nelly!" she yelped as she and Twilight were struggling to hold each other as another current tried to separate them.

'This current...it's like it's purposely trying to separate all of us,' Twilight though, noticing how unnatural this current felt.

"Twilight, Ah'm losing mah grip here!" Applejack yelled as it was getting harder to hold onto her friend.

"Don't worry! M..maybe if I can manage together up some magic energy, we can...!" Twilight began before she and Applejack lost their grip on each other, "Applejack!"

"Twilight!" the cowpony shouted as she was carried off.

Twilight struggled to swim after her friend, but she barely had enough strength left to stay afloat, a look of panic and fear on her face as she watched the last of her friends get swept away by the tides. She was all alone in the rapid waters now, not a single one of her friends in sight. She was scared, scared of never seeing her friends again. But deep down, she had a feeling they were still alive.

"Girls! If you can hear me, stay safe! I'll find you! I promise!" the violet Alicorn shouted with her remaining strength before she began to sink into the water, losing conciousness, 'I...promise...'
Elsewhere, in a darkened room, a large, shadowed figure stood, watching over something in his hand, which was covered in lightning gold armor.

"Brother," a voice spoke, catching the figure's attention as he turned to a shaded figure of equal size, some bits of light showing his blood red cape, "I've just detected six new life forms enter the Digital World."

"I see...anything else, brother?"

"Yes. At first I thought those six were humans but...something felt off about them. Like, they weren't humans at all."

"...I see. Keep a close eye on them, brother. I can't have unknown beings come here and bring chaos to the Digital World."

"Of course," the second figure bowed as he left, leaving the first one to gaze at the object in his hand.

"I don't know who they are...but those who would dare come into my world, be they good or evil..." the first figure began as a glowing red visor appeared from the shadows as he gripped the object in his hand, lightning crackling off it, "Justice...will be served."

Author's Note:

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