• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 2,828 Views, 161 Comments

Digi-Ponies - Seanzilla115

After a small mishap with a tracking spell, Twilight and her friends are sent to a strange, new world and got seperated from eachother

  • ...

The vixen of the snow, and a Nightmares return

Snow..it can be used for two things..fun, and harm, especially a snowstorm as one blew through a large, snowy mountain region, a few trees buried within the snow.

Within the storm, we close in on a small cave, which was barely seen due to the snowstorm.

Deep within the cave, a figure began to turn in her sleep, shivering a bit. She slowly turned in the makeshift bed she was sleeping on, given her current state of dress it wasn't much of a shock she was cold. She had purple hair and was a rather tall girl with a...you know, curvy figure. She wore white long sleeved shirt with a wide neck so that it hung around her shoulders, underneath she wore a black halter-top that wrapped around her neck and a purple scarf hanging loosely around her neck, she also had a dark black mini-skirt with a white belt around her waist she also had on a pair of long white high-heeled boots.

"Brr...Spike dear, can you be a darling and close the window?" the girl shivered..in Rarity's voice? "...Hello?" she asked as she began to open her eyes, revealing they were a deep blue color as she noticed the area she was in, well I suppose anyone would be shocked waking up in a cave...in the middle of a snowstorm and well being a different species then you were before, "..wh..where in Equestria a-kya!" she screamed as she noticed herself in the ice covered walls, "W..what am I?! H…" she paused as she took a deep breath, "Calm down..I'm sure twilight can figure this out."

Wishful thinking if ever there was. But onto the very next realisation, where was Twilight? Where were the others? Taking a deep breath, the girl began to climb off the bed, trying to take a step before she began to slip until she managed to balance herself, using the make shift bed she was laying on.

"I suppose I'll have to adjust to this...new change." she sighed as she began to take slow, easy steps to make sure she wouldn't end up tripping. "Well that wasn't too hard." she said with a small smirk at her personal victory. However, before she could take another step, she felt something blur by, making her freeze up, "...wh...who's there?!" she asked as she looked in the direction where she saw the blur, "Wh...whoever..or whatever you are...show yourself! I maybe a lady, but I'm not afraid to defend myself!" she stated as she kept looking around.

"Are you sure that's a wise move, even after waking up?" a voice spoke, making the girl freeze in place.

"Where are you?" she asked as she took a step back before bumping into something. Something...furry. "Huh?" she blinked as she quickly spun around to face the fury obstruction. Her eyes widened at what she saw, but in a more comedic manner then you might expect.

Standing before her was what could best be described as a bipedal humanoid, and might I stress female fox. Her coat was a clear snow white while her abdomen and chest had a grey color along with the tip of her swishing tail. she also had a red scarf around her neck as well, which stood out quite a bit. On her arms were what looked like a pair of Deep ice-blue gloves with a ice-blue and snow-white Yin-yang mark on them.

"Wha…." she began in shock as she stared at the being before her, "Wh...what...wha…"

"...You're speaking as if this is your first time encountering a Digimon, human," the snow vixen spoke up, snapping the girl out of her state of shock

"Digi...mon?" she echoed in confusion. "I'm sorry but I dare say this is my first time even hearing of such a thing, or that other word...hu...man?"

"...I see…" the snow vixen noted, raising a slight eyebrow in confusion a bit,"...anyway..please follow me...it's warmer deep down within the cave."

"Well, that does sound better then this freezing place." she agreed finding it pointless to let herself freeze.

The snow vixen nodded as she began to walk towards the back of the cave before stopping, noticing the girl slowly taking steps still to make sure she wouldn't end up tripping.

"..Do you require some assistance?"

"No no, I can walk on my own...just taking it slowly is all," she explained.

"...If that is what you wish miss…?"

"..Oh! Apologies dear..I..kinda forgotten to introduce myself," the girl chuckled sheepishly before clearing her throat a bit, "My name is Rarity. And you are?" she asked back to the Snow Vixen.


"Yuki...Renamon," Rarity repeated, "My, such an interesting name."

"...I could say the same about yours," YukiRenamon returned with a small, unnoticeable smirk.

"Touche." Rarity smirked as she followed the Digimon, trying her best to move a little faster without tripping on her own feet or the heels to be exact.
After a while, the two stopped before a dead end, a few small crystals seen on the floor.

"..Um..is this the spot you mentioned?" Rarity blinked.

"Yes..and no…" Yukirenamon nodded, confusing Rarity still, "..stay back and watch." she ordered as she bent down to the crystals.

Rarity stayed quiet as she watched the snow vixen press the crystals in a certain order, causing the kanji for 'open' to appear on the wall as it slowly began to rise up a bit. Rarity was totally taken by surprise by that as the wall completely opened up, revealing a small living area.

"Welcome to my home..feel free to...is something wrong?"

"...Y...You're home...it's..it's…" Rarity began as she stared at the place..or to be precise, some of the various crystals that were on the walls.

"..What about my home?" YukiRenamon asked in confusion, "I know it's not much, but it's comfortable...mu.."

"Not much?! I..it's amazing!" Rarity squealed, stars in her eyes as she zoomed in and began to examine every inch, eying the crystals more, "i've never seen such gems before! If I could just bring a few home with me, i could make a dress that..that...ooh~! I'm getting chills all over just thinking about the ideas I have in mind!"

"Well the chills could also be from the blizzard," YukiRenamon said offhandedly. However, she couldn't' help but sweatdrop as she saw Rarity continue to gaze at the crystals within her home. "You certainly are a strange human, not that I have much to go on in means of comparison." she admitted.

"..I'm sorry, what did you say, dear?" Rarity asked as she turned towards the snow vixen, who sweatdropped once more.
Meanwhile, in Jupitermon's disclosed location, the cloaked Digimon patiently waited upon his throne until he spotted one of his soldiers run in.

"Report...What is the status in finding the survivor from teh destroyed ninja village on Celsius Mountain?" Jupitermon asked.

"I'm sorry to inform you Jupitermon-sama that...we have had no such luck. This survivor is very fast and is too familiar with the mountain for our troops to effectively track her down." he bowed, making Jupitermon frown.

"This is not the news I wished to hear. My... what a pitiful commander. is your unit faltering?" he asked threateningly.

"N...No milord! We tried our best to capture the survivor for you, but we…!" he began before Jupitermon's thunder struck him down, shocking him until he was reduced to nothing but ash.

"I do not tolerate failure! If those other useless failures had not been destroyed, then they would have met the same fate," he growled in annoynace, "Tsk...get me another commander for the unit in Celsius Mountain, and send one of my best trackers there as well, I will not stand to let even one of those pesky ninja escape alive!" he ordered loudly so someone would hear him.

"Yoyoi! Perhaps I may be of some use, Jupitermon-dono!" a voice declared as a new figure walked in.

Standing there was a Digimon that seemed to be dressed in Samurai armor, or his natural body armor resembled it. His armor was a deep red in color while underneath he wore what looked like burlap like material as a tunic around his torso with a purple spot in the center, threads of fabric hung around his lower back like fur with several strips of cloth his right arm was covered in black armor while his right had red armor that matched his samurai garb, in said hand where a set of prayer beads while his waist had an oversized Katana like sword hung to it.

"...Explain yourself..Musyamon," Jupitermon demanded with a slight frown.

"Yoyoi! I have once trained in Celsius mountain for two years! I know every inch of it like the back of my hand!" Musyamon declared, striking a bit of a pose like that of a kabuki player.

"Hmm….." Jupitermon hummed in thought, "Very well, if you have as much knowledge as you say, then I expect you to destroy that Ninja...and bring me back proof as well."

"Yoyoi! It shall be done, Jupitermon-dono!"

"Good...now go. The sooner this is taken care of the, sooner I can focus on more pressing matters."

"Of course," Musyamon nodded as he leapt into shadows, leaving Jupitermon alone.

"A Samurai vs a Ninja...surely the irony is not lost on just me," Jupitermon admitted with a slight, unoticable chuckle.
Meanwhile, back with Rarity and YukiRenamon, the pony turned human had calmed down as she sat down in one of the makeshift chairs within the snow vixen's home.

"I see you've gotten enough sightseeing done." YukiRenamon said to Rarity, who had calmed down not to long ago.

"I have...you truly have a beautiful home, Yukirenamon," Rarity responded with a small smile.

"...Thank you. But.." the snow vixen paused before sighing, "..I'm sorry...If it is ok with you..I'd like to drop the subject."

"Oh I'm sorry did I say something I shouldn't have?" Rarity asked. "If I did then I truly apologise."

"..it is ok…" Yukirenamon replied as she stood up, "I'm going to the back to get us something to drink...unfortunately, all I have is a few tea leaves…"

"Tea is just fine. I'm in no condition to be picky now am I," Rarity smiled.

YukiRenamon just gave a small nod in return as she traveled to the back of her home to get the drinks ready. After a while the Snow Vixen returned with a pot of tea and two cups as she served one to Rarity.

"Thank you, dear," Rarity smiled as she took the cup and took a small sip.

"Your welcome," YukiRenamon nodded as she sat down and served herself a cup, "Rarity-san..may I ask you something?"

"..Why of course," Rarity nodded as she began to take another sip.

"..You're not really human..are you?" the snow vixen asked, making Rarity nearly spit her tea out.

She swallowed the tea down before she looked at YukiRenamon, "Now what would ever make you think such a thing, dear?" she asked chuckling a little nervously. Rarity figured it be difficult to explain the truth to YukiRenamon before since she had no proof to speak of to show she was well a Unicorn from a different world.

"...For one, you were hesitant when you asked what a 'human' was...like you've never heard of one before," YukiRenamon explained, a small frown on her face, "Secondly, you had trouble walking on your own two legs as if this where the first time you had ever done so, which would be impossible given your body clearly suggest you are a young adult in age."

Rarity began to sweat nervously at that, seeing the snow vixen was nearly hitting all the marks, foxes sure are clever aren't they.

"These are some of the key factors in my assumption," YukiRenamon said as she finally took a sip of her tea, "That and you mumbled various things in your sleep."

"..L..like what?" Rarity asked, starting to sweat bullets at this point.

"Not much...but it was the pronouns used that got my attention. It seems you used 'pony' in place of many common pronouns place," she explained, still giving Rarity a small frown, "So...if you're not human..what are you then?"

"Ah…" Rarity sighed finding it pointless to play innocent by this point. Especially to one who seemed so cunning and intuitive, "Fine...I'll tell you..but..in exchange…" she paused as she looked up from her cup, "You'll tell me where I am, and why you were hesitant earlier..deal?"

"It sounds like a fair trade of information. Very well I agree to your conditions." YukiRenamon said in a very professional manner as she raised her arm for a handshake.

"Good.." Rarity nodded as she accepted the handshake..in a rather weird fashion, sense..well, technically she was still trying to get used to her hands.

"Now if you would please go first?" YukiRenamon asked.

"Very well," Rarity nodded, taking a deep breath as she began her explanation.
Meanwhile, back within the snowstorm, Musyamon was busy searching around the area, stopping before a tree to see small, unnoticeable claw marks on it

"Omoshiroi," he said as he slowly moved his finger along the marks. "She was here not too long ago, the markings are fresh they have yet to be withered down by the snowstorm," he spoke out loud to himself. "Now what is here now that wasn't and what is gone?" he asked as he looked as several trees before he noticed a path through them. "There." he said as he marched through the snow.
Back in the cave, YukiRenamon held her chin in thought after she finished listening to rarity's explanation.

"So you are an equine like being from another world,one that does not have humans," she summed up. "And you were suddenly brought here by a strange force and are just as shocked by your new states and being here as I am."

"Yes..that is correct dear," Rarity nodded.

"If it were not for all the obvious factors pointing to this being true, I'd never believe it." She nodded. "So you also said something about five friends. Do you believe they were also brought here with you?"

"I do..but..I think we got seperated..I hope they're ok," Rarity said, worry in her voice as she looked back down at her cup.

"While I can not speak for certain, I have a faint feeling they are doing okay." YukiRenamon said assuringly.

"..I hope you're right," Rarity sighed a little before clearing her throat, "A..apologies."

"It is perfectly alright, it's is common to show emotions for those you care so much about." the snow vixen countered. "You have no reason to apologies. Now...onto my part of our agreement."

"Oh! R..right..now then..where exactly am I?"

"Hm...now that I think of it this explanation may take some time since I realize you're probably not as familiar with many of the terms I would use to explain it...so for now..I'll give you a short explanation on the area we're in.." YukiRenamon replied as she placed her cup down, "The mountain we're on is called Celsius mountain, one of the coldest areas within the Digital world, the place you and your friends ended up in." she explained as Rarity nodded in understanding and for YukiRenamon to continue. "This mountain is normaly not the area of choice for many Kinds of Digimon to call home unless they have a very powerful ice affinity or are resistant to it."

"..I see.."

"Yes...as for your other question though…" YukiRenamon paused as she took a deep breath, "Long ago..there was a village here..one that would train Digimon in the art of the ninja." she explained.

"Ninja?" Rarity blinked in confusion. Thought she understood what it was, part of her mind had a hard time wrapping itself around the concept well actually being true.

"Yes. This village was secret and was difficult for the enemies of the village to find. However…" she began as her hands gripped her cup a little tighter, "Jupitermon's forces found us..and didn't hesitate to destroy the village. I would've met the same fate if….if…" she paused as she gripped the scarf around her neck a little, "...I managed to escape, but my home...my clan...it was destroyed...all because Jupitermon was scared we were plotting something against him...planning to overthrow his brand of 'justice'..."

Rarity then grabbed YukiRenamon's hand and held it. "Your poor dear...to have to go through something like this...all because one person's fear drove him to such a thing. That was why you were hesitant before...you were just trying to be cautious."

"...it is true...when it comes to being a shinobi..you have to be careful on who you trust…" Yukirenamon stated as she got up, "..I apologize..but I need to head outside for a little while.."

"I understand." Rarity nodded.

YukiRenamon didn't say anything as she began to leave her home, leaving Rarity by herself as the entrance to the snow vixen's home closed.

"...The poor dear…" Rarity whispered to herself, she could only imagine the many hardships that she had to go through. Let alone how many friends...and family members she must have lost. In another part of her mind, she was also furious. What kind of petty monster would do such a thing as to attack an entire village out of such a fear. How was that 'justice'?! But her losing her temper right now would do her no good. She needed to keep calm and try and return the favor. YukiRenamon saved her life, the least she could do was to console the poor thing.

"Indeed..hopefully she can make a good servant afterwards," a voice spoke up, causing Rarity's eye to widen in fear as she immediately recognize it.

"...No...i..it couldn't be…" the unicorn turned human whispered to herself, trying ot deny it before to her shock, saw her reflection in one of the larger crystals move..only..her reflection's eyes were a dark black(around were the white should normally be), "..No…"

"It's been a while..hasn't it?" the reflection asked with a small smirk.

"No..th..that's impossible! Twilight and the others…"

"Freed you from me? I know. But..let's just say I kept a small part of myself within you, just in case I want to bring another Nightmare to Equestria," the reflection smirked darkly.

"No...I….I won't…."

"Calm yourself..I'm still regaining some of my strength, so don't worry about me taking over...for now."

Rarity remained frozen on the spot as she stared at her 'reflection'...as she stared at the very being that she once was when The Nightmare Forces took control of her...Nightmare Rarity.

"I swear I won't let you get away with doing as you wish," Rarity frowned, recovering just a bit to glare at the 'reflection'.

"..Like I said, don't worry about me taking over for now...Instead, try and focus on the real threat right now...that Jupitermon character the snow vixen told you about."

"Why would you warn me?" Rarity asked, frowning still.

"I can tell he's a strong enemy..I can feel his presence around this world. So trust me when I say this..after he's done and captures you and your friends...it wouldn't be long until he targets Equestria next," N-Rarity answered with a slight frown.

"I'll be sure to remember that." Rarity nodded, still glaring at her former, Nightmare self.

"You do that..in the mean time..why not…" N-Rarity began before pausing, "...There's something heading this way..and it is coming from outside this cave."

Rarity's eyes widened as she shot up. she didn't trust her...other self, but she knew at the least it would warn her of something that would threaten it.

"If I were you…" N-Rarity began as she vanished from the crystal's reflective surface, "I'd hurry and warn that snow vixen…"

"Tsk…." Rarity clicked her tongue in annoynace as she ran in the direction YukiRenamon ran before stopping, recalling the entrance was closed. She quickly looked around before pressing a small crystal on the side, causing the kanji for 'open' to appear on the door once more as it opened. "Good thing I remembered the order in which the crystals lit up." she smiled as she ran out the entrance. "YukiRenamon!" she called out as she made her way to the entrance.

She was lucky since the snowstorm had vanished..hopefully. not wasting anytime, she began to search around the area, hoping to find the digital snow vixen.

"YukiRenamon!" she called out again desperately. "Please come out it's urgent!" she added. "Something is…!"

"Yoyoi! What have we here?" a voice asked, making Rarity freeze up as she slowly turned to see teh large form of Musyamon looming over her. "Ah this must be a Human." he said in interest. "Leave this place child, you don't want to be hurt in my hunt for the vixen." he warned before pondering out loud, "Then again...Jupitermon-dono would probably look upon me greatly if I bring him a human." he pondered. While not a bad thought, it was damn stupid of him to say it out loud.

"Ah...you do realize you said that out loud sir," Rarity pointed out, making Musayamon blink before sweat dropping.

"Oh...so that's why no one ever tells me secrets...regardless...yo're coming with me, human!" Musyamon shouted as he attempted to grab Rarity, who screamed as she began to run away from the large, samurai like Digimon, "Oi oi! Get back here!" he shouted as he trecked through the snow after her. Until Rarity ducked between several trees that only the smaller current-human could fit through. "Ooh did not take this into account when I began chasing her." Musyamon said as he could not fit through the thicket of trees. He then took out his sword and began cutting down the trees in his path, "Grr..I must find that human fast so I may resume my search for..gah! I almost did it again, yoyoi!"

Nearby, Rarity panted as she hid behind a tree, hoping the large Digimon wouldn't find her. Musyamon ran past her hiding spot as he kept cutting trees down.

'..Thank Celestia he's an idiot..' the Unicorn turned human thought as she slowly began to walk away quietly, making sure Musyamon wouldn't hear her. Unfortunately, that didnt' last long as she had accidentally stepped on a fallen twig, catching Musyamon's attention.

"There you are girl!" the Digimon shouted as he turned around, catching her in his sight. "Ikuze!" he roared as he charged at her, Rarity 'yipped' as she ran for it.

"Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no!" Rarity screamed as she ran as fast as she can from Musyamon, the large samurai like Digimon ending up tripping on something as he slid on the snow covered ground, propelling teh Unicorn turned human further, "KYAAAA!"

"Ah….I'm not sure whether that's was on purpose." Musyamon said seeing this. He then followed after her regardless. Well..would've since he couldn't find her, "...Mou...have to find her, Yoyoi!" he complained while scratching the back of his head...er helmet.

Rarity in the meanwhile was digging herself out of a mound of snow that she crashed into when she tripped.

"Well it's not the warmest way to escape someone, but I'll take it," she complained as she patted snow out of her hair. "Now that I have a moment I need to find YukiRenamon and warn her of that thick headed brute."

Taking advantage of the situation, she began to run as fast as she could..but she had to do it quietly to make sure Musyamon wouldn't find her as the large Digimon began to dig through the snow to find her.

"Hm...not here...ah there's another potential hiding spot." he said as he saw another mound of snow before leaping right at it, "Yoyoi! I got y-!" he began before he bumped into the snow pile, a loud 'clang' being heard as the snow dissipated to reveal a large rock, "...ow."
Meanwhile, with YukiRenamon, the snow vixen was resting underneath a snow covered tree, deep in thought. She was still in a state of loss for her village, and she felt she could trust Rarity enough to tell her the story, but so much as thinking of that day brought a longing pain to her heart, the snow vixen gripping the scarf around her neck.

However her train of thought was soon disrupted as she began to hear loud sounds from the other side of the woods. one such noise a very loud clang, that for some reason she felt like laughing at. She was about to go check it out before another sound caught her attention, the sound of snow crunching, the sound getting a bit louder, almost as if ti was getting closer.

She then turned around as she saw what was making the sound, it was Rarity who was trying her best to run through the snow without making too much noise. Granted to someone like her who had better hearing it wasn't the best job. But she figured whatever she was running away from was not as good at hearing things in the snow as she was.

"Th...th...thank Celestia I found you…" Rarity panted as she ran up to the snow vixen, "T...tr….trouble…

"Trouble?" she asked in confusion, "what…" she began till they both heard the sound of trees falling over as YukiRenamon turned to see Musyamon come in.

"Yoyoi! I have finally found you!" Musyamon roared as he spotted the human before seeing YukiRenamon next to her, the snow vixen tensing up as she got into a stance, "And my target too?! Very lucky for me, Yoyoi!" he glaoted as he drew his sword.

"Oops," Rarity gulped as she accidently lead the large Digimon to YukiRenamon.

"..Rarity..stay back...let me handle this," Yukirenamon ordered, giving Musyamon a cold glare.

"Yes." Rarity spoke as she hid behind a tree. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" she asked worried for her.

"Don't worry..I can handle it," YukiRenamon reassured.

"Okay." Rarity nodded.

Musyamon raised his sword down as he crossed it across his wrist. "Saa...shall we begin?! Shoubu da!" he shouted as he slashed his blade down low at YukiRenamon who jumped over it as the swing caused a large wall of snow to lift up.

"Crystal Blizzard!" YukiRenamon declared as she crossed her arms before moving them apart quickly, causing crystal shards to appear around her as they began to rain down at Musyamon.

The Large Digimon raised his sword up and got into a defensive stance as he let the crystals pelt his armor and skin bouncing off harmlessly. He then moved his head up before he spun around on his right leg slashed the sword into the snow lifting up a cloud of the white powder that obscured the vision of YukiRenamon. Then before the Snow vixen could anticipate Musyamon's sword swung out of the cloud of snow and slammed into her sending her into a tree.

"Yoyoi! I….Have got..!" Musyamon began dramatically before his eyes widened, seeing YukiRenamon 'break' into shards of ice, "Nani?!" he gawked, "she was made of actual ice?" he asked you could swear that someone somewhere sweatdropped at that comment. "Masaka bushin da?"

"Yes...if you recall..I was once from a ninja village…" Yukirenamon's voice echoed through the area as the snow vixen reappeared behind him, "The same village your master destroyed!"

"Ha!" Musyamon shouted as he slashed at her only to miss completely. "Hm...that is true Jupitermon-sama did order your home to be destroyed. Something about you planning an uprising."


"But…" Musyamon began as he began to pose dramatically, "I...have a idea for you! Join Jupitermon-Dono, and repent the sins of your clan!" he shouted as he pointed at her, "This is my ultimatum to you, YukiRenamon! If not then we must settle this as warriors." he said as he tapped his sword on his shoulder. "So what is your reply?"

"..What an awful creature," Rarity frowned from her hiding spot, disgusted when she heard all that.

"...You'd think...I'd join that monster...teh same one who destroyed my village, all in the name of 'justice'...how…" YukiRenamon began with a growl as she prepared to fire another Crystal Blizzard attack, "HOW WAS THAT JUSTICE?!"

"Hmph...this is not about justice to me," Musyamon scoffed as he lowered his sword, "For me, it is about the honor of a samurai, following his masters order. Whether it be for justice or another reason." he explained as he slowly raised his sword. "I gave you a chance of peace, and you have chosen to honor your clan, that I respect." he said seriously. "Sa kore ga Saigo no Shoubu da!" he roared as he slashed down.

YukiRenamon leapt back to dodge the attack before leaping into the air, her arms crossed once more.

"Diamond Blizzard!" the snow vixen roared as she uncrossed her arms, creating a larger 'storm' of crystals as they began to rain down at Musyamon, flames beginning to surround his sword.

"Yoyoi! Prepare..for my Hissatsu! Shogun Sword!" Musyamon declared as he slashed his blade down, sending a blast of flames that took the form of a ghostly dragon head. The Dragon head opened it's jaw wide as it 'swallowed' the attack before it swallowed YukiRenamon whole. The Snow vixen fell to the ground as the flames dissipated. "Weak…" Musyamon scoffed as he began to walk towards the downed vixen, "At your current strength, you and I are too far apart."

"Grr…" YukiRenamon growled as she began to get up before her eyes widened, noticing the scarf that was around her neck was gone, "No..where is it?"

"Hmmm?" Musyamon pondered as he noticed her behavior, "What are you on about?"

"Where is it?! I…!" YukiRenamon began in slight panic before she spotted her scarf on the ground not too far away, "..there it is…" she whispered to herself as she ran towards the scarf.

"A muffler?" Musyamon asked as he saw it. "Why is such a rag so important to you that you'd ignore a battle at hand? Let alone one for the honor of your clan?"

"Urusei!" YukiRenamon shouted as she was about to grab it, only for Musyamon's blade to cut her off.

"Don't play games with me kozo!" he roared as he slammed the flat side of the blade sending her flying back into a tree.

"Guh!" YukiRenamon grunted as she collapsed on the ground before struggling to get up on one knee

"You spoke to me on a condescending tone berating my master for his decision, and while I do not defend his actions, I at the least stand for my honor as his servant. Yet when the honor of your clan is challenged, you prioritize a rag over it." Musyamon scoffed as he raised his blade once more, aiming for the scarf, "And to make sure you won't be distracted..I shall remove the distraction for you!" he shouted as flames formed on his blade again. "Shogun Sword!" he called as he swung the blade shooting another dragon head, YukiRenamon's eyes widened in shock as things seemed to move in slow motion for a moment, but to both Digimon's shock, Rarity grabbed the scarf and avoided the blast of fire.

"Aaahhh!" Rarity screamed as the resulting explosion sent her flying a bit before crashing into the ground, the unicorn turned human gripping the scarf in her arms She tried to get up, only to wince as she fell back down until she noticed her leg, which had a small burn mark on it.

"Nani?" the two Digimon gawked seeing this.

"Rarity! I told you to stay back!" YukiRenamon shouted as she watched the girl manage to sit up, her hair shading over her eyes.

"..This scarf...it once belonged to someone precious to you...didn't it?" Rarity asked in a almsot near whisper.

"How…" YukiRenamon started.

"When you were telling me what happened to your home...I noticed you gripped it, indicating it once belonged to the person that protected you…" Rarity explained as she looked up at the snow vixen with a small smile, "I couldn't let something so precious be destroyed."

YukiRenamon's eyes widened slightly at that.

"...You on the other hand...are nothing more than a brute..." Rarity frowned, turning her attention to Musyamon, "You mock her home...you tried to destroy something precious to her...you even had the nerve to ask her to join.."

"Urasai!" the Digimon shouted. "What would a child understand of a world full of such hardships?! At the end of the day all one has left is their honor as a warrior!"

"..I suggest you say your next words carefully...while I may look dainty on the outside...but inside...I'm far different," Rarity stated, the frown still on her face.

"Tsk…" Musyamon growled as he lifted his sword. "Very well then you can both die together." he said as he raised his sword as flames formed on it.

'Listen..I know you're in there. As much as I hate to say this..I need you for a moment. Even for just a bit...I want you to show him your...our power,' Rarity mentally said to her other self...hoping she'd hear. But for the most part she got nothing but silence as a response as Musyamon created a ring of flames with his sword.

"DIE!" Musyamon roared as he began to slash down, time seemingly beginning to slow down as the blade slowly reached for Rarity. Rarity hoped that something would come out to top this, part of her expected it to be a dark force.

'..Hpmh. Very well..even if it is for a tiny bit..it'll be fun scaring this fool,' N-Rarity's voice smirked a little.

Just as Musyamon's blade was inches away, a large force of dark energy propelled it back, a small, unseeable crack seen in the blade as the samurai like Digimon stood back.

"N..naniyo?!" he shouted in shock as his eyes(along with YukiRenamon's) began to widen in shock as Rarity began to change before their eyes as dark energy began to cover her before it seemingly 'melted', revealing her new form.

Rarity was now clad in black body tight suit that had black version of her boots with dark blue gems around the top of them, her tights had a series of diamond like gems on her thighs with a purple belt with a gem acting as a belt buckle. Her torso was covered in a black top that stopped around her chest that framed her cleavage with a series of crystals along the edges, before it went to a black see through top with sleeves that connected to gloves that covered the entire of her forearms, she also had what looked like a dress/coat tails extending from underneath her belt. Finally to finish her new attire she had a dark purple choker around her neck with another crystal in the center of it.

"Wh...what in Jupitermon-dono's name?" Musyamon whispered, feeling his entire body shaking as he felt a dark aura emanating from the 'human'.

"...Well now...I've just come out, and already I have you trembling in fear," 'Rarity' chuckled a bit as she opened her eyes, showing they were a dull, dark sapphire blue.

Musyamon shuddered in a bit of fear, the 'human's voice sending chills up his spine before he quickly shook it off.

"U..urusei! Th..this is surely a trick!" Musyamon roared, "I will not be fooled by a human! Shogun Sword!" he roared as he slashed down, sending another flaming dragon head at 'Rarity'.

"Human? hehheh...oh I am much more than that," 'Rarity' smiled darkly as she held her hand up, causing the flaming dragon to stop, shocking Musyamon adn YukiRenamon.

"I...Impossible. Th...there no way you could've repelled that!" Musyamon shouted, starting to feel really scared now, "Wh...what are you?!"

"Simple darling...but I think I'll say it in your language...Atashi wa...Nightmare da," 'Rarity' answered as with a flick of her wrist, dispelled the dragon head.

"Nande...sono bakana!" Musyamon gasped, seeing this.

YukiRenamon stared at 'Rarity' with wide eyes, her body shaking a bit as the dark aura was still on the 'human'. 'What is this dark aura...I've never felt something so...intense. so….dark...was..was this hidden..within Rarity?' she asked herself, seeing this more closely.

"Now then, while my time is short...let me quickly show you and your master..." N-Rarity began as she raised her hand towards the mountain side, "What happens when my other self brings me out."

Musyamon quickly braced himself before his eyes widened, a slight cut on his face. He then slowly turned before gawking, seeing the entire mountain side covered in dark, shadow like flames.

"H….how!? How can a human hide such a power?!" Musyamon shouted, fear evident in his voice.

"Surely by now you can't still hang onto such thoughts. I mean the impossible has just become possible before your own eyes," N-Rarity taunted, "And as I stated before, I am something much more~"

"Guh!" Musyamon gasped as she quickly got into a defensive stance, "St...stay back! I..I'm warning you!"

"Relax...my time is up already...if you manage to survive what may come next...see you next time...darling~" N-Rarity purred as she began to faint, her clothes changing back to Rarity's normal attire, indicating she was back to normal as she fell onto the snow.

Musyamon stared in shock, fear still in his eyes. That human..no..that..'nightmare' as she called herself..she was something else entirely..something..dark and evil..possibly even more than the Legendary Seven Demon Lord Digimon.

The one to react to the fact Rarity changed back to normal the fastest was YukiRenamon as she quickly dashed up along side the girl and lifted her up a little to check is she was alright.

"Please be ok.." the snow vixen whispered as she placed her ear against Rarity's chest, hearing slight breathing and a few heartbeats, "...good..she's ok."

"Ah…" Musyamon said as he snapped out of his stupor, "Gah...I don't know what that was nor do I care, I won't let her make a fool of me! I..." he began to raise his sword once more as it was engulfed in flames, "I won't let this evil stay in our world! Shogun Sword!" he shouted as the flames became dragon head he sent at the two.

YukiRenamon responded by lifting the girl in her arms and jumping out of the attacks path just in the nick of time.

"Onore! Why are you defending that...that demon?!" Musyamon snapped at Yukirenamon, "If she is allowed to live, that..that darkness from before will come back and possibly destroy us all!"

"I don't care, I know that darkness was something evil...but that thing and this girl are two different things," YukiRenamon explained as she placed the girl down before defensively standing before her,. "I will defend the good in her."

"Why?! She is not of this world! She is another enemy to Jupitermon-dono!" Musyamon shouted.

"Even if she is not of this world, I will defend her. I can tell that inside her is a darkness, but that she does not wish to have it." YukiRenamon said, "She is a kind girl who has an evil darkness inside her. I can not just stand back and let her shoulder such a burden alone. As for her being the enemy of Jupitermon, that just makes her more my ally doesn't it?"


"Which is why I'll protect her...and find a way to dispell that darkness inside her!" YukiRenamon shouted, a small sphere of light forming in Rarity's hand before it disapated, revealing a white and dark purple Digivice.

"Naniyo?! A di…?!" Musyamon began before a bright light blinded him.

YukiRenamon crossed her arms as a dome of light began to engulf her, a small snowstorm swirling around it. After a few moments, the dome shattered and the mini snowstorm dissipated as it revealed the snow vixen's new form. Standing there was a large nine-tailed fox that was the same snow white as before with light pale blue fur on the bottom and at the ends of its paws and tips of the nine separate tails, that had a cold mist coming off them. The fox also had a bushy mane of light blue fur as well, while she had yin-yang symbols like the one on YukiRenamon's gloves on the shoulders of each leg. Finally she had a rope of overlapping blue and white around her neck that ended in silver bells.

"FrostKyuubimon!" the nine-tailed snow vixen howled as all nine of her tails unfolded in a fan like manner.
Musyamon saw this and his eyes widened. "Impossible…" he said seeing the new Digimon before him.

"Mmm…" Rarity groaned as she began to regain consciousness, "Wh...what ha..?" she paused before seeing the nine-tailed snow vixen in front of her, awestruck with the beauty she held.

"I'm glad to see you awake Rarity..now please..stay back," the vixen said in a voice Rarity immediately recognized.

"..Y..Yukirenamon? Is..is that really you?" she asked as FrostKyuubimon looked at her with a nod of her head.

"Yes…" she nodded, "Because of you I was able to evolve, now I am stronger." she explained. "The device in your hand..it indicates the bond between us...Rarity-sama."


"Nani?! Sama?!" Musyamon shouted as he glared at the vixen.

"That's right...like a samurai, a shinobi lives to serve their master..or in this case..mistress," FrostKyuubimon stated.

"Mistress?" Rarity gasped, slightly flabbergasted by that.

"We'll talk later. For now, what're your orders..milady?" Frostkyuubimon asked as she prepared herself.

"R..Right…" she nodded figuring they would talk this over later, "I suppose you should take care of that brute..If that is the right thing that is?" she asked. She was not really good at this leadership thing.

"It is," FrostKyuubimon nodded, "now please milady..stand back."

Rarity quickly nodded as she backed away from the battlefield. She hid behind a tree again while raising her fist up to cheer FrostKyuubimon on.

The Snow vixen then ran at the Samurai Digimon who swung his sword low but the nine tailed fox jumped over the blade in an impressive feat of acrobatics. She rolled through the air before landing behind Musyamon who quickly swung at her by tilting his body around, but the snow vixen jumped to the left in a split second dodging the blade as he slammed into the snow. she then ran up the blade's length before the made it to Musyamon's face, the snow vixen then jumped as she landed her paws on his face before kicking off the jump off his face sending the Samurai digimon stumbling back to the ground.

"Grr...onore! Prepare for my next Hissatsu! Ninja Sword!" Musyamon shouted as his blade was covered in blue flames before he began to slash wildly, sending multiple cutting waves at FrostKyuubimon, who stood her ground as her tale unfolded, spheres of ice blue flames forming on the tips.

"Kita no Honoo(Flames of the North)!" she called as the flames grew in intensity before she shot them forward, the fireballs crashed into and broke all the cutting waves, sending the remnants off to either side of the snow vixen, letting them hit the ground and explode behind her, but the flames then crashed into Musyamon, who grunted in pain as he stumbled back a bit, bits of his body beginning to freeze over, yet at the same time..they burned.

'Ggrr...wh...what is..?"

"Flames so cold, they burn," FrostKyuubimon explained calmly in a scaringly serious tone.

"Kuso…" Musyamon groaned as he got back up. "Very well, then, I have very little energy left, then let the next move settle this," he said as he raised his sword up, flames engulfing it once more.

"Yes...lets," FrostKyuubimon agreed as her icy flames growing in intensity. Musyamon swung his sword around before he drew it across his wrist as the flames grew in intensity. He then lifted it up before gripping it with both hands as he used the beads in his other hand to bind his hands together to the hilt.

"Hissatsu...ore no saigo no Hissatsu waza," Musyamon stated as he pointed the blade at the snow vixen, "SHOGUN SWORD!" he roared as she slashed down, sending a larger version of the flaming dragon had as FrostKyuubimon leapt into the air in a forward spinning fashion.

"Togetsuryu(Frozen Moon Dragon)!" the snow vixen shouted as the ice blue flames engulfed her into the shape of a dragon made of ice blue flames.

The Ice blue dragon and the fiery orange one both roared before colliding, but after a short struggle the ice blue dragon won as it froze the fiery orange, the frozen flames shattered as the shards creating a sparkling effect as the ice blue dragon roared and crashed into Musyamon engulfing him in the icy blue flames that began to swirl around him until it stopped as the flames died down to reveal Musyamon was no trapped in what looked like an upside down diamond made of sparkling ice that branched off along the ground.

At the tip of the ice prison stood FrostKyuubimon before she stamped her paw on the prison of ice as she jumped off. The prison began to crack until the entirety of it shattered into small dust like specks that rained down on the forest floor, along with the pixels of Musyamon like a glimmering snow falling from the sky.

Rarity was awestruck after seeing all that from her hiding spot. She..she didn't know what to say, from the defeat of such a brutish warrior, could come such a wonderful and beautiful sight. This fact left her in awe at it all as it continued to rain the glittering snow.

FrostKyuubimon then came up to Rarity before the nine-tailed snow vixen bowed to her.

"It is done milady." she said respectfully.

"..I..I see that," Rarity responded, still awestruck before shaking it off, "Uhm...FrostKyuubimon... that's what you said your new name was right?" she asked getting a nod. "Can you please explain to me what just happened here?"

"..I..saw your other self…" she responded after a moment of silence, making Rarity's eyes widen, "Don't worry...I'm not going to turn you away..that dark force...it was nothing I've ever felt..nor seen before. However...that wasn't' really you that was in control."

Rarity stared at the snow vixen as she explained this, she was worried but she wanted to see what else she had to say.

"And for that purpose, I shall not let such a darkness ever corrupt you again. You are truly such a kind soul, for me to allow you to be tainted by such a darkness would be unforgivable." she went on. "So I shall not abandon your side, such as you did for me."

"I...I see.." Rarity slowly nodded before noticing the scarf still in her hands, "...I believe this belongs to you," she said, giving a small smile as she wrapped the scarf around the snow vixen's neck. "There. Back where it belongs," she smiled as she tightened it just enough that it would not slip off and not be a bother to the snow vixen.

"Thank you..milady," FrostKyuubimon nodded.

"Yes..However, I do have one problem," Rarity stated, "You don't' have to keep calling me 'milady' or 'mistress'...even though a small part of me likes it...Regardless, there is one thing you may call me…"

"..And what is that if I may ask?"

"Why that's quite simple. Friends need only call one another by their name." she smiled.

"...Very well then M...I mean...Rarity," FrostKyuubimon nodded with a small smile.

Rarity just gave a small nod in response before she let out a gasp.

"Oh! I nearly forgot!" she gasped as she looked at FrostKyuubimon, "I still need to find my you happen to know where they might be?"

"Hmm…" Frostkyuubimon pondered a bit, "..It maybe a hunch..but they're probably in Alpha City. However, it's a bit far from here, so we'll have to go by foot."

"Ah…" Rarity whined at the thought of walking so far. "Why is it that when these things happen they're never in the next town over~?!" she cried.

"Don't worry.." FrostKyuubimon assured as she turned a bit before bending down a little, "My Digivolution last for a little longer, so you won't have to walk until it runs out."

"Ah thank you dear. You truly are a good friend." she sighed in bliss as she slowly got on the snow vixen's back. "Are you sure you're alright with this?"

"I am…Though…" FrostKyuubimon began as she leaned back a bit, "I suggest you hold on tight."

"Huh? why do you say….THAT!?" she cried as FrostKyuubimon took off at great speeds, rushing down teh snow covered mountain.
Back in Jupitermon's palace, the cloaked, Golden Digimon stayed quiet as he received a report on Musyamon's defeat. However..that wasn't what he was concerned about.

"This is disturbing…" he spoke. Not too long ago..he felt someting within the Digital World..something...dark. What made him unnerved about it was that this unknown force was neither human, nor Digimon. "Never have I heard or felt of such a darkness, it was unbelievable." he said to himself, "This is troubling I must find a method of ridding this darkness from my land, it might prove difficult to my rule."

"Milord!" a soldier shouted as he ran in, "We've just detected something crashing into the Burai Jungle area!"

"Hohh?" Jupitermon asked, "That is interesting, very well if I have learned one thing, humans are appearing wherever something important is going on. I want you to send a real wicked general to the Burai Jungle."

"Y..Yes sir! But..which one?"

Within a large jungle area, a large shadowed figure growled as he walked within it, the ground shaking with each step it took before stopping. The figure then let out a large roar as it began to beat it's chest, its roar echoing throughout the jungle.

Far on the other side, a few plants separated a bit to reveal a strand of hair..which was a familiar strand of pale pink.

Author's Note:

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