• Published 6th Nov 2014
  • 2,827 Views, 161 Comments

Digi-Ponies - Seanzilla115

After a small mishap with a tracking spell, Twilight and her friends are sent to a strange, new world and got seperated from eachother

  • ...

The Saikyo Knight, BaoHuckmon begins!

"Ugh...dang it, Pinkie..stop hitting me with those pies…" A certain rainbow haired tomboy groaned in her sleep as she tossed and turned on a small bed. Though...she didn't notice the change to her body. Had she, she would have noticed she was no longer her….well usual form and appearance.

Though to her, the term is lost, she is now a Human. She wasn't particularly tall, at most around 5' 5 give or take an inch; her hair was still in it's natural multi-colored hue while her eyes were still the same deep purple hidden behind her closed eyelids. She was very slim in build but not fragile in the slightest as well, she wore a black tank top that was well more of a sports bra with how short it was exposing her abdomen. She wore a pair of light blue pants that were very baggy and the legs were also a bit short as they cut off around mid shin, her pants were tied by three belts each in two different colors. Her attire was finished by a pair of running sneakers and a pair of fingerless gloves.

Rainbow turned in her sleep until someone tapped her on the shoulder, making her eyes open partially as she sat up, half awake. She then turned to see someone staring at her, holding a small tray with a cup of what appeared to be tea on it. Rainbow's eyes got a better look at this person; she resembled well a human girl dressed in a white dress with gold accents, said dress seemed to resemble the attire of a nun to an extent, the girl herself had silver hair that was hidden behind a headdress, and a pink hat with a rabbit like face, two flaps extending down the sides of her head, before ending in feathery tufts. Her silver eyes stared intently at Rainbow as the two blinked several times.

"...Uh...hi?" Rainbow blinked, still a bit half asleep.

"Hi..I was wondering when you'd wake up," the girl replied as she offered the cup to the tomboy, "Here. This should help you wake up."

"Huh? Oh...thanks…" she yawned, taking the cup and taking a sip before spitting it out, "Gah! What was that stuff?!"

"Ano...it was coffee my sister made to help you wake up…" the girl answered.

"Ah...it was so bitter," Rainbow complained, "What? No sugar?"

"We didn't have any sugar..though I think I saw a small bit of it in the fridge..gomen," the girl bowed as she left the room.

"You know, normally you ask "how do you like your coffee" first before giving it to them," Rainbow mumbled to herself still trying to get over the bitter taste left in her mouth before blinking, 'Wait..what the heck was she anyway?'
"...You forgot to put the sugar in again, didn't you, Blanc?" a female figure frowned a bit as she sat at a nearby table, the metal on it a bit faded and rusted. She resembled the first one to a good extent; being that she too greatly resembled a human, except unlike her sister, she was dressed in a dark black nun like attire and she seemed to look slightly more physically mature, she too wore an animal like hat over her headdress, only hers was black and cat themed with its two flaps ending in bat like wings.

"G..gomen, Noire-neechan. I thought we were out," the first girl/ Blanc bowed a bit as she managed to find a small bit of sugar from a medium sized fridge, the white on it faded a bit.

"...It's cool..just check next time before ya bring someone something to drink, " Noire sighed a bit, "So..is our guest up yet?"

"Oh yes! She just woke up!" Blanc explained happily as she went about adding the sugar to the coffee, "I'm glad too. I was afraid she was in a co…"

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Rainbow's voice yelled through the entire house, startling the two a bit.

"...Well..that just happened," Noire blinked a bit, "Something must've spooked her."

"Maybe..do you think she's ok?" Blanc asked in concern.

"Well the only way we will know is to check on her," Noire suggested before she heard someone tumbling down the stairs nearby, "...or she could come to us," she sweatdropped a bit as Rainbow finished her tumble down the stairs, landing face first.

"...Ow…" The tomboy softly groaned as she lifted herself up a bit, managing to sit as she looked at herself, "Th...the heck's going on?! Wh..what am I?! So-some sort of hairless monkey?!"

"See? I told you that's something they call humans," Noir stated to her sister, "Although, I've never known one to call themselves like that."

"H..hai.." Blanc agreed, catching RD's attention as she turned her head to look at the two.

"...You!" Rd gasped as she pointed at Blanc, "Answers! Now! What am I?! And what are you?!"

"Ano…" She began trying to think of how to best explain this. Suffice to say, she lost her own train of thought several times while thinking, making the other two just stare at Blanc.

"...Is...she alright?" RD asked Noir in a bit of confusion.

"She's not much for thinking on complicated subjects," Noir explained with a deadpan expression, "And to answer your questions..here's the following: My sister and I are called..well, Sistermon, twin Digimon that grew up here. You can just call me Noir, and you can call my sister Blanc. As for what you are..well..you're a human."

"...A...what now?"

"Do you have amnesia?" Noir asked point blank.

"...Well, I know my name's Rainbow Dash, and I'm supposed to be a Pegasus...and...oh crud!" RD yelped as she realized something, "MY friends!"


"Hey uh...Noir, right? Have you seen five different colored ponies by any chance?"

"...Ex...cuse me?" Noir raised an eyebrow in confusion, "I think everybody here would have noticed something like that, and besides when we found you, you were all alone."

"Hai. We were lucky we found you. Chain Town's not exactly the safest place to be during the night," Blanc added.

"...Chain Town?"

"Yes. that's the name of where you are right now," Noir nodded. "And trust me it's not the nicest place to live in."

"...Why?" RD asked out of slight curiosity.

"...Well...basically, Plutomon made this place a bit of a hell house...everyday, we try and struggle to stay alive in this place...and if you want out, you'd have to take the Battle trial," Noir explained.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say that's kind of a death wish."

"It is. Basically, you have to battle 50 times and win. If you somehow managed to do that, you and a person of your choice can leave," Noir explained, "But good luck with that. Most of the DIgimon that take on that trial cheat."

"Why am I not all that surprised?" RD sighed, 'Though..I will admit..I kinda cheated a few times before in the past...'

'Hai...oh! But the only one that isn't cheating in the Battle Trial is Huckmon," Blanc spoek up, making Rd look at he a bit until the sound of a door opening caught their attention, "Ooh! That must be him now."

RD just continued to blink until a blur rushed past her a bit as stopped before the two Sistermon.

To her shock, there was a rather small white scale armored dragon creature before them. His armor took on a metallic feel with what looked like bolts keeping it pinned to his body, he even had four bolts keeping the deep red cape wrapped around his neck in place, he had a black lower jaw, a black horn extending from the top of his nose and black claws he also had a rather short tail with a black tip.

"Welcome back, Huckmon. Everything go well out there?" Blanc greeted the dragon, who slumped a bit.

"It didn't go well…" the dragon whispered before looking up a grin on his face, "It went awesome! I'm on win number 47 now! Three more, and we can finally leave this place!"

"Sugoi! That's great," Noir smiled.

"Darn right, it is! A few guys tried to jump me, but I got 'em good with a Fif Slash!" Huckmon shouted, "They never knew what hit them!" he stated triumphantly and with much pride.

Rainbow Dash continued to gawk a bit before shaking her head...she took a bit of a closer look at the dragon, and she had to admit, the cape kinda made him cool looking.

"...Hey uh...by the way.." Huckmon began as he pointed at RD, "Who's the tomboyish looking shrimp?"

A tick mark appeared on RD's head as she was in front of his face, glaring.

"What did you just call me?"

"Shrimp...it's a fish thing, and a term for people who are short," Huckmon stated.

"Oh yeah? Well.." Rainbow Dash began as she poked her finger on the dragon's head, "Look who's talkin' Pipsqueak?"

"...Did you just call me..pipsqueak?" Huckmon frowned as the two glared at each other.

"Oh my seems they aren't getting along," Noir sighed, "Well I suppose its as they say people with similar personalities can never truly get along."

"It seems so.." Blanc nodded a bit nervously as RD and Huckmon continued to glare at each other.

"I did..so you better take back what you said," RD frowned dangerously.

"Me take back what I said?...You take back what you said," Huckmon frowned right back, you could almost see lighting meeting between their intense glares, "Tomboy…"




"Stupid t…!"

"Enough!" Noir snapped as she got between the two and separated them, "Honestly. I understand not liking someone, but this is just ridiculous."

"He/she started it!" RD and Huckmon shouted, pointing at each other.

"Yes and I'm ending it," Noir said before she glared evilly at the two, "Unless you two have a problem with that?" she asked darkly, a dark glint in her eye.

"...N...No..." Huckmon gulped as he moved back from the black nun, Rd doing the same a bit.

"Good...if you still have some steam left, go take it out on those punks outside," Noir frowned a bit as she left the room.

'Holy Celestia...what the heck was that?' RD thought, paling a bit when she felt the slight intense killing intent that was flowing off Noir a few seconds ago.

"Ah... Noir-chan is all upset now, no chance of me getting anything decent to eat tonight," Huckmon complained as he fell over to the floor, "..ugh...might as well do what she said and go fight a bit more…"

"...Didn't you just come back?" RD asked, raising her eyebrow a bit.

"I did...but that fight we had got my blood boiling a bit, so might as well go back out," Huckmon replied as he stood up and began to leave, "If want, you can follow and watch how awesome I am."

"...We'll see about that," RD frowned a bit as she began to follow him, stumbling a bit, 'Tch..darn it..walking on two legs is tough.'

"What? Can't walk on your own two feet?" Huckmon teased, noticing this.

"...Shut up," RD frowned.
=A bit later=

'...Sheesh...I can't believe this is where they live and stuff,' Rainbow thought as she looked at some of the buildings within Chain Town, some of the metal rusted while some seemed to be bent to a unrecognizable shape.

"...Word of advice, best watch your back in this part of town. Some of the Digimon here won't hesitate to do a sneak attack," Huckmon warned a bit before a cocky smirk grew on his face, "And I haven't gotten hit by one once."

"You don't say..." Rainbow murmured as she was too distracted to pay attention to Huckmon's boasting. "Why is everything here so…." she began as she looked around at some of the shadier looking characters, "You know...crooked?"

"...You really want to know?" Huckmon asked, stopping for a moment.

"I suppose my curiosity is getting the better of me, so yeah."

"...Fine..ever since Jupitermon changed and stuff...Chain Town, and the rest of the Digital world haven't been doing so well...here, you fight to survive in hopes of escaping…"

"Jupitermon?" Rainbow asked, "Who's he?"

"Our so called king...He used to be kind, but something in him changed. He's changed the Digital World into a heck hole..and if you don't follow his brand of 'justice'...well...you're executed…" Huckmon sighed.

"No way! That's not fair!" Rainbow shouted, "How can he just get away with treating you guys like this?!"

"I know! it still bugs me..luckily..there's still one group that's fighting him," Huckmon stated as a small grin grew on his face, "The Royal Knights!"

"..The Royal...what now?" Rainbow Dash blinked, causing Huckmon to gawk at her.

"Y...You never heard of the Royal Knights?!"

"Ah hello? Not from your world, you little sack of scales," she reminded.

"A….good point," Huckmon frowned a bit, "Ugh..I don't know much, but listen up. Before Jupitermon went all nutso in the head, there were three groups that helped protect the Digital World. The Olympus XII, The Legendary Warriors, and The Royal Knights. Nobody knows what happened to the Legendary Warriors, but I definitely know the Royal Knights are still kicking!"

"I see...So these guys are really such a big deal then, huh?" Rainbow asked as she could feel the excitement in Huckmon's voice as he described them.

"Heck yea! The Royal Knights have been protecting the Digital World from evil for years! And...well..this might sound a bit selfish but.." Huckmon paused as he looked up at the fog covered sky a bit, "Someday.I hope to join them. I promised someone I would...that I'd do my very best to join the Royal knights, and help protect the Digital World."

'Weird...I get the strangest feeling of deja vu when I heard that bit,' Rainbow said to herself mentally until…

"Hey you!"

Huckmon looked down to see a pair of miniature rock like creatures glaring at him.

"Don't think we're gonna forgive ya for disrespecting the boss like dat!" One of the rock creatures snapped.

"Yea. Yous beat his other mean pretty bad, but not us! The Gotsumon bros are here ta kick yer butt!" the second rock creature added.

"Ah man, not these blunder rock heads again," Huckmon complained with a sigh of annoyance, "Get out of here, you bunch of blockheads. I got no time to waste on a bunch of second rate goons that the hero deals with like nothing all the time," Huckmon insulted, himself being the hero in that little bit there.

"Eh?! Why you little…!" the two Gotsumon growled.

"Oi, tomboy. Mind stepping back a bit? Things are gonna get wild," Huckmon grinned a bit as he cracked his neck a bit.

"This'll be good," Rainbow said as she did so, mainly to get a better view of what was to come.

"Grr..yous gonna pay fer that, gecko! Rock Fist!" the two Gotsumon shouted as they fired a barrage of rocks from their heads at Huckmon, who just stood his ground with a cocky smirk.

"You know, I've been meaning to tell you guys this, but why do you call that move Rock Fist when it comes out your heads?" Huckmon taunted, dodging the attack easily.


"Also what's with those goofy accent? I mean, were you guys born for the job as goons?" he asked as he dodged more blasts before he appeared on top of one of the brothers head.

"What th...get off!" the two snapped as he tried to shake Huckmon off before their fists glowed a bit, "Hardest Punch!"

"...And like that..." Huckmon began as he jumped off, making the two hit each other in the face as he landed not to far from them, "Is victory number 48 and 49 right there." he gloated to himself as he raised one of his arms to do his best at a mock bow. "A-thank-a-you rock heads, for giving me the easiest wins ever."

"Doh...yous gonna pay fer that!" the left Gotsumon snapped as he and his brother ran out of there, holding their somehow bruised cheeks.

"Give new meaning to the term, 'thick headed'," Huckmon chuckled to himself.

"Well I guess when they are literally made of rock, learning ain't their specialty," Rainbow added with a small chuckle.

"Agreed…" Huckmon nodded, "Those two aren't the brightest tools in the shed if ya know what I mean."

"Yeah. So why the heck were they after you? Talking about some boss?" she asked out of honest curiosity.

"...They're were talking about Cyclomon, who's supposed to be the 'king-pin' in Chain Town. If ya ask me, the guys nothing but a big bully who gathered a bunch of idiots to do his dirty work," Huckmon stated.

"Oh...one of those cliche mob boss wannabe's?" Rainbow asked, getting the gist of it.


"But if he can get people to do what he wants, then he at the least must carry some weight around." she figured.

"That much is true...From what I heard, last Digimon that went up against him ended up crushed underneath that giant arm of his," Huckmon answered.

"Yikes...Sounds like some weight is a bit of an understatement if he can do something like that," Rainbow cringed, meaning more that he must weigh an actual ton than the influence he has on people.

"Indeed…" Huckmon nodded before his stomach rumbled, "...Uh...why don't we head back? I..forgot to grab a bite...hopefully I can still eat dinner after what happened with Noir."

Rainbow's stomach then started rumbling as well so she just nodded her head in agreement as the two made their way back.

"Hey uh...I apologize about what I said back at the house…"

"...No big deal…" Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"Alright cool...so lets never bring this conversation up ever again."


"...Last question...What's your name? I never did catch it."

"Rainbow Dash..or just Dash for short."

"...Huh..Rainbow Dash eh..I admit, that's kinda cool," Huckmon admitted, "And I'll deny that if you ever bring it up in front of others, my name by the way is Huckmon."

"Cool...and deal."
"Boss! Boss! Dat stupid Huckmon beat us again!" the two Gotsumon from before shouted as they stood before a large, shaded figure.


"What do we do?! He's almost 1 victory away from leaving! You know da rule lord Jupi…" The first Gotsumon began before gulping as the large figure glared his blood red eye at him, "S..sorry!"

"...You idiots leave right now…" The large figure ordered, his voice sounding like a low growl.

"G...got it, boss!" the Gotsumon bros yelped as they ran out of the empty warehouse.

"...Tch...that little twerp thinks he can leave? pathetic!" the figure roared as a large, clawed hand slammed the metal ground, "If he thinks he can have a free pass out of here, he's got another thing coming! I promised Lord Plutomon no one leaves this place! Ever!" he growled out, he was not about to let one person get his free rideout of this place just because his own goons were so useless they only served to give him more wins, "...I think it's time I personally deal with that nuisence myself."

"Dash-san? Why aren't you eating?" Blanc asked as the four sat at the table.

"..I'm..not really hungry…" Dash replied.

"Why? Blanc makes some of the best food here," Huckmon asked, gnawing on some food a bit.

"Ah well it's not that I doubt it's good or anything….it's just that...well…..ah how should I put this..." she pondered, no really how was she suppose to explain that she literally had no idea how to use her new fingers to eat. That, and..well...the meal that was placed before her, "I'm..not good with utensils...and..well..I'm a vegetarian."

"I see, well I can understand the vegetarian part, but I can't say I've heard of a human that didn't know how to use a fork." Noir noted.

"...Uh..it's complicated."

"..I see...oh, hold on. I think i have some vegetables or fruits in the fridge I can whip up for you," Blanc said as she quickly got up and began to search the fridge.

"Thanks it means a lot," Rainbow chuckled awkwardly. Maybe it be better if she told them everything...nah. She'd probably end up getting some weird looks if she told them she was actually a Pegasus from an alternate world.

"We don't that many vegetables at the moment, but we have a few apples if ya like," Blanc spoke as she returned to the table, placing a plate of apples in front of the tomboy.

"Thanks, this should be good," she smiled as she took one and took a bite.


"...What?" Rainbow Dash asked, having the apple in her mouth still.

"...You...do know you have hands to hold it...right?" Noir said in a small, deadpan tone.

"Yeah. You should be lucky, I wish I had hands sometimes," Huckmon complained, "All I got are these claws of mine. Don't get me wrong, they're pretty cool, but it's kinda hard picking things up."

"Aw...there there, Huckmon," Blanc said as she soothed the Digimon's ranting.

"..But it's ok…" Huckmon began as he looked up at them, "Tomorrow, when I get that last win..we can finally leave…"

"Yes, that's true..." Noir smiled before blinking, "Wait when did we change topic from Rainbow eating with her mouth to this so suddenly?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Because I'm really excited! Once we leave here, we can finally go and search for the Royal Knights so I can join them!" Huckmon beamed, "That way, I can help save the Digital World from Jupitermon and bring it back to what it used to be!"

"I suppose that is something worth getting excited about," Noir sighed as Blanc nodded in agreement.


Rainbow Dash just watched as a bit as the three interacted a bit. From what she can tell, Huckmon seemed to be like the excitable little brother type or something while Blanc and Noir were(as their actual names implied) big sisters to him. The three seemed to get along very well and they seemed to share the same dreams as Huckmon as well. These two must really believe in him, kinda like how her friends believed in her when she tried to achieve her dream. However, that last thought made her begin to worry...her friends...were exactly are they in this world..are they okay?

"Hey Dash, you okay? Your face got really long all of a sudden..." Huckmon noted.

"...Sorry. It's just...I can't but help worry about my friends," Rainbow Dash sighed, "You see..I got separated from them, and I have no idea where they might be. I..I just hope they're alright..."

"Well I guess as long as they didn't end up in some place too dangerous, they might be okay."


"..Sorry. I'm not good with the whole..comforting thing and stuff," Huckmon sheepishly replied.

"Besides I doubt any Digimon would hurt them. Humans do have some good qualities that make them useful. So unless they work directly for Jupitermon, no one would hurt them," Noir added.

"...I hope you're right…"
Later that night, Dash looked up at the metal ceiling, Whatever moonlight that managed to escape from the fog outside shining down on her face as Huckmon slept on the floor next to her borrowed bed. Huckmon snoring as he rolled around the floor, if Dash weren't so worried, she'd find his rolling around to be rather dog like and adorable.

"...Ugh...I hate this feeling…" the tomboy sighed as she looked out the window, "Twilight..girls...I don't know how..but I swear I'll find you."

"zzzzzzz!" Huckmon snored, breaking her concentration a bit.

"And hopefully soon. This guy snores like he has a bee up his nose or something." she deadpanned as she gently pushed Huckmon over to the other side of the room.

"Zz...keep..promise.." Huckmon mumbled in his sleep, "Protect...friends..protect…"

Rainbow Dash stayed silent a bit as she heard him mumble a bit in his sleep, "Promise?" she asked quietly, 'Who exactly did he promise?...Wait..he said he wanted to join these Royal Knights..could..could he have met one of them in the past?' she wondered as Huckmon rolled over in his sleep again, '..I'll probably ask him tomorrow.'
The next morning, Rainbow Dash yawned as she began to wake up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes a bit before looking at her hand.

'...Oh yeah..I forgot I'm a ...hu-man...' the tomboy thought as she got up and climbed off the bed, struggling a bit to stay up before stopping, 'Well...at least I'm sorta getting used to standing on two legs now,' she smirked mentally to herself as she walked downstairs where breakfast was already prepared. However...something was off. There was no sight of Blanc, Noir, or Huckmon.

"Huh...weird. Blanc? Noir?" she asked as she looked around, "Hey, Huckmon, where are you guys!?" she called out, only to get no response, "...Something fishy's going on h.."


"What the...?!" Rainbow dash gasped before the side of the wall exploded, a bruised huckmon falling on the ground before her before getting back up, growling at something outside, "Huckmon?! What the hay's going on?!"


Rainbow Dash froze as she slowly looked up to see something glaring down at her and huckmon. ..something big. This thing then walked forward a bit so they could get a better view of him. He was a tall monstrous dragon/oni like Digimon, his skin was a pale yellow color with multiple veins being pushed up against the surface of his skin. His right shoulder was covered in a steel armored plate with two spikes extending from it his right arm was also slightly more larger than his left arm and ended in two deep red claws. His left arm had five claws fingers curled up into a fist, his dragon like head had snarling teeth extending out from his jaws, while the upper part of his skull was covered dull brown armor that completely hid his right eye. Only left his left blue colored eye to peer out into the world. His head also had a forward curved horn on top with a row of spikes going down his spine to his tail that was covered in armored plating. His hind legs ended in three claws each that dug into the ground as he raised himself up and roared in triumph and primal fury.

"...W...what the heck is that?" Rainbow Dash asked, a bit of fear in her voice as her body shaked.

"Cyclomon…" Huckmon growled as he glared at the larger Digimon, despite the wounds on his body.

"You mean that this is the same big bully you were talking about?" she asked as she looked up at his glaring blue eye.

"The very same," Huckmon replied with a small nod.

"Grr...you have a lot of nerve trying to escape my town, you little pest!" Cyclomon growled as he opened his mouth, a intense heat beginning to build up in it.

"Gh!" Huckmon gasped a bit as he grabbed Rainbow Dash and began to run.

"Hyper Heat!" Cyclomon roared as he fired a beam of super intense heat at the house Huckmon and RD were in, the house melting into a pile of liquid metal.

Huckmon panted as he set RD down on the ground a good distance from Cyclomon's blast.

"...Ho..ly...crud…" Rainbow dash whispered, her eyes widened in shock after seeing what happened.

"Stay here..I got a over sized bully to take care of," Huckmon stated to the slightly frozen tomboy as he charged at Cyclomon and got ready to leap at him, "Fif…!"

"Stop! If you try and attack me.." Cyclomon began as he pointed his oversized claw at a group of Gotsumon, who were holding an unconscious and bruised Blanc and Noir, "They get deleted."

"Blanc! Noir!" he shouted as Cyclomon began to laugh like a mad man, making teh small dragon glare at him.

"That's right! I got your precious little Sistermon's so you'll be a good little chump and stand there while I finish up our little fight!"

"Grr...you dirty cheater!" Huckmon growled at him, giving him a death glare.

"Cheater? No no..I rather prefer…Opportunist!" Cyclomon roared as he stretched his enlarged arm at Huckmon, "Arm Bomber!" he shouted as his palm slammed into Huckmon and the ground, making everything shake and making everyone besides Cyclomon's goons scream. The elongated arm then pulled back as it revealed a badly hurt Huckmon buried into the ground.

"Huckmon!" RD shouted as Cyclomon gave a evil, growl like laugh, making the tomboy glare at him.

"Looks like I win! And it seems you're stuck here, twerp!" Cyclomon taunted before frowning, seeing Huckmon struggle to get up, the miniature dragon glaring at the larger digimon, despite the injuries all over his body, "Really...you're really going to kept trying, even though you know it's useless? I swear you might even be dumber than these bunch of buffoons," he growled in annoyance, "But if you want me to keep crushing your pathetic body into the ground then fine! I'll keep at it till your deleted if it makes you happy."

"...I...I won't...quit…" Huckmon panted heavily, coughing up a bit of blood, "I..I promised him I'd become a Royal Knight..I promised Noir and Blanc we'd leave her together...I...I promised myself..that I'd protect this world...and help..the Royal Knights…"

"...The Royal Knights?...Oh. you mean those fools that got destroyed by Jupitermon?"

"..Wh...What?" Huckmon whispered before snarling, "You're lying...YOU'RE LYING!"

"HAHAHAHAHAH!" Cyclomon laughed almost as if enjoying his reaction. "Ah I haven't had a good laugh like that in ages, ah….I mean, the Royal Knights still existing? That's nothing more than a story people tell little kids who haven't realized just how much the world has gone downhill thanks to Jupitermon. You're living in a stupid unrealistic fairy tale kid, just like that one Digimon who tried to go against Jupitermon, Gankoomon!"

Huckmon froze up at that, his eyes widened in shock.

"...Wh….what...did you...just...say?"

"Ah...Wait. Don't tell me you didn't know? I mean, it was one of the biggest things to happen," Cyclomon spoke, "Oh? You really don't? Well then I guess I should enlighten you. And I'll give you the summed up version so even someone as dumb as you can pay attention. Gankoomon tried to go against Jupitermon, and now he's nothing but a page in the history books, just like your Royal Knights!"

"...No...that's not true...you're lying...you're lying!" Huckmon growled as tears of anger fell from his eyes before he charged at Cyclomon, "YOU'RE LYING!-!-!"

Cyclomon didn't respond as he punched his oversized arm and crushed Huckmon into the ground yet again.

"Kid, I might be a liar, but this is one thing even I can't make up. So the sooner you accept that, the sooner I can get back to enjoying my day by crushing you and maybe a few random people to get rid of this energy, and I'll start with your precious Sistermon's first.."

"G…Grr…." Huckmon growled as he struggled to stand up once more, tears of anger dripping from his eyes still as they mixed with the blood dripping from his head.

"But enough about me now...Let's kill you! So by…" Cyclomon began as he raised his enlarged arm up, ready to finish it before something was tossed into his eye, making him flinch a bit, as he lowered his arm, "Grr...who did that?!" he roared as he looked at the direction of the object. Huckmon weakly turned his head in the direction as both digimon saw Rainbow Dash ,who had just tossed the object at Cyclomon, a glaring frown on the tomboy's face, "...A human? Here?"

"Dash…" Huckmon weakly got out, seeing this.

"That's enough…" she growled out, "I don't appreciate you hurting my friend like that..you big bully."

"..Friend? Heh. Don't' tell me this foolish dreamer is your friend?" Cyclomon chuckled a bit before frowning, "Well let me tell you something, you little gnat...dreams are nothing more than empty wishes that never happen. People who believe in stuff like that end up getting killed faster..or end up tortured slowly. If ya ask me, dreams should just end up crumbling away, and fade into nothingness!"

Rainbow Dash's hands clenched in anger as she glared at him, pure anger in her eyes. This..this monster was bad talking dreams...he used Noir and Blanc as shields in order to cheat...He made fun of the very people Huckmon wishes to join. She..she never met someone so nasty in her entire life.

"Yeah...well I don't think we asked for your stupid opinion now did we?" she spoke, making Cyclomon glare at her, "We can believe in what ever we want...and someone who doesn't have any dreams or goals has no right to judge those of others."

"...Tch. And what would a stupid human know?" Cyclomon scoffed as he pointed at the heavily injured huckmon, "This little twerp believed in dreams, and look what happened to him!"

"Yeah...he tried his hardest, and some coward cheated and stomped on his dreams," she growled, "But he never gave up on his dreams. That makes him a whole lot more stronger, and great just because of it! You have no right to judge him or anyone on their dreams when I bet you've never even had one!"

"Grr...Choose your next words carefully, brat. They may be your last," Cyclomon growled.

"Why?! Scared because I was telling the truth?!" she taunted as Cyclomon growled in anger, "Are you scared that you can't beat someone as great as Huckmon without cheating?!" She taunted further

"GRR! That's it! i'm going to crush you!" Cyclomon growled as he lifted his arm up, "Arm Bomb…!"

"Teen Ram!"Huckmon's voice shouted as a silver-white blur dashed by Cyclomon's face, a drill like noise filling the air as his eyes suddenly slashed, making him roar in pain as he held his face.

"GAH!" Cyclomon roared in pain as his hands went to his face, "My eye!" he roared as one of his hands slammed the ground, making the Gotsumon lose their balance as the let go of the two, unconscious Sistermons.

"Huckmon!" Rainbow Dash shouted as Huckmon landed, not so gracefully on the ground beside her, "Are you alright?"

"...N...not sure...u…..used...all my...strength...in..that last...attack.." Huckmon panted heavily, "D...Dash….c...can you...do...me...a favor?"

"Whatever you need," she nodded.

"I….I want...want you...to take..Noir-chan...and Blanc-chan..and get out of here...now…" Huckmon panted.

"What?! But your dream!"

"I know...but...it seems...I'm..not gonna be able..to achieve it…" Huckmon panted weakly, "...Trust me….if I could, I….really would."

"...You idiot…"

"Huh?" Huckmon blinked a bit as he managed to turn his head and look at her.

"How do you think Blanc and noir would feel if they found out you died?!" Rainbow Dash snapped at him, "They see you like a little brother, and what you're saying right now is pretty selfish! Plus, what about the promise you made?! You swore you were gonna protect this place! you swore you were gonna join the Royal Knights!"

"I...know...but...I'm not strong enough…" he got out, "I'm not strong enough…." he repeated as he was unable to keep focused.

"SO?! You just get stronger! You just keep fighting and fighting until you're strong enough to make a brighter future! You want to protect everyone?! Then get up and fight!"

"...P...pro...protect…" Huckmon panted heavily, 'She's right….Blanc-chan...Noir-chan...oretachi..happy mirai...I...I promise Gankoomon..I'd protect...'

A small bright light caught RD's attention as she saw something beginning to form in her hand.

"What the…?"

"I promised…" Huckmon began as he managed to stand up, "I promised I'd protect everyone!" he roared as the right light in RD's hand shone brighter as he began to shine as well.

Everyone was blinded by the bright light as Huckmon stood back up his body growing as his body glowed brightly with a dome of light that formed around him. After a few moments, the dome shattered and revealed his new form. Huckmon resembled a well older version of himself; his body armor was the same color, his back legs where now more where more mechanised and resembled armored boots to an extent lacking separated toes and more a single gray foot. His arms were much larger than before; they appeared to be reverse jointed, but were actually just appeared so because the three razor sharp claws could pivot around the wrists. His head was more mature with multiple spikes making whiskers as he had two pointed ears and his horn now pointed forward, his tail also extended slightly as the tip now had a dark red blade attached to it.

"BaoHuckmon!" The newly evolved Digimon roared as he breathed crimson fire into the air.
"Wow...awesome," Rainbow Dash whispered as she saw the new form of Huckmon standing before her….well towering over her would be the correct statment as BaoHuckmon towered over her.

"I..Impossible! There's no way you could've Digivolved! You were on the verge of deletion!" Cyclomon growled as he glared at BaoHuckmon.

"That just goes to show how clouded and stuck in the dark your mind is, Cyclomon. You refuse to believe in there being another path that people can take. It is because of you that no one in this town has any faith in dreams and hopes. I will be the one to change that...me..." BaoHuckmon began as he looked down at RD, "And my Tamer."

"Huh? Tamer?" Rainbow Dash blinked before looking down at her hand, seeing a white and cyan colored device in her hands, "What the heck? What's…?"

"A Digivice..which indicates you and me are partners now," BaoHuckmon stated with a small smile as he glared at Cyclomon, the smile changing to a frown, "And I believe we have business to settle."

"...I see...in that case...H..er, BaoHuckmon...kick his butt," Rainbow Dash ordered with a smirk.

(Cue: Cho! Saikyo! Warriors!(instrumental version))

BaoHuckmon roared as he charged and crashed into Cyclomon, he then dug his legs into the ground before lifting the giant digimon up then sending him flying away.

"Gah!" Cyclomon grunted as he crashed into the hard, metal ground before getting back up and thrusting his arm at BaoHuckmon, "Arm Bomber!"

Just as the arm was about to hit BaoHuckmon, the dragon like digimon ducked to the side of the attack before he dashed forward and appeared right in front of Cyclomon, the one eyed behemoth was stunned and left open as BaoHuckmon swiped his claws and struck Cyclomon across the face sending him flying back into a building. Cyclomon stumbled forward but before he could recover, he was tackled, sending him crashing through the building and flying out the other side.

"Gah! Grr…" Cyclomon growled as he stood up, glaring at the dragon, "Onore!" he roared in anger as he dug his right hand into the ground before he used the extra pull to send himself flying forward by pushing with his legs and his arm. He lowered his shoulder to ram BaoHuckmon, but he had already spun around and swung his tail at Cyclomon as the blade was covered in flaming energy.

"Teen Blade!" he called as he slashed his tail and blade, leaving a burning streak in the air for a second as Cyclomon was sent flying off in the direction of the swing and into yet another building.

"Grrr! Hyper Heat!" Cyclomon roared as he fired a beam of intense heat at BaoHuckmon, who was preparing his own attack as crimson flames started to build up in his mouth.

"Burn Flame!" the dragon roared as he unleashed a powerful stream of crimson flames that spiraled and shot at great speeds the stream of flames met with the beam of heat, the two attacks pushing back and forth as the ground around the meeting point began to melt into molten metal. After a few more second of pushing back and forth, the crimson flames won and began to overtake the beam of heat. Cyclomon's eye widened as he saw the stream of flames come at him before he and the building behind him, and everything for what seemed to be an entire city block was enveloped in the intense flames.

"G….gah!" Cyclomon cried out as the flames died down, revealing his enlarged arm was burnt a pitch black, the dragon/oni like digimon having used it to block the attack, "D...damn you! Y...You can't beat me! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I'M CYCLOMON! AND I...!"

"Have lost," BaoHuckmon stated as his claws were engulfed in crimson flames, "Fif Cross!" he shouted as he blurred out of Cyclomon's sight, he then appeared before him as raised both his arms before he slashed them in a large crossing X pattern leaving a burning three layered cross of flames behind Cyclomon and in his chest. Cyclomon's eye lost all color and presence as he fell to his knees with a thunderous slam. BaoHuckmon glared down at him as he turned away.

"N…..no...This...can't...be….I…..I...GAHHHH!" Cyclomon roared as he fell to his back, exploding in a rain of data pixils.

(End song)

"It is,Cyclomon. I'll let you see the power of dreams in another life," BaoHuckmon said in a surprisingly mature tone as he looked up at the raining pixels, "That makes win number 50," he said with a slight smirk as he turned back to his friends, reverting back to Huckmon in the process.

"That...was...awesome!" RD shouted as she ran over to the dragon, "Huckmon, you were awesome out there! The way you beat him was...was...it was awesome!"

"Heh...it was no big deal..." Huckmon smirked as he rubbed his claw across his snout, "Though I will admit, it could've been a bit cooler..but still, I finally got win number fifty, which means me and…"

"Ow...anyone get the number of that Truck that hit me," Noir groaned a bit as she and Blanc regained consciousness, seeing the destroyed city block before them, "...What the heck happened here?"

"Ah...just another fight," Huckmon shrugged before grinning, "and another win."

"Eh? Wait..you mean..?" Blanc began.

"Eeyup. Win number fifty, which means we can finally leave!" he shouted excitedly.

"I see...way to go, Huckmon," Noir smiled a bit.

"Hai! We knew you could do it!" Blanc added with a smile.

"Was there ever any doubt?" he asked, "Plus since it was Cyclomon I took care of, that means a lot of the others can do the same."

"...Yeah...it does," RD nodded as she pocketed her Digivice, "Well..I guess you three better get going then."

"Huh? What're you talking about?"

"A much as I'd like to hang with ya some more Huckmon..I got something I need to do...find my friends," the tomboy stated as she began to walk off.

"Now hold on there just a second, short stuff!" Huckmon yelled as he appeared before her. "If you think I'm going to let someone as weak as you search this place without someone as strong as me to help you, then you got another thing coming."


"...Ugh...look. I really want to fulfill my dream..but if these friends of yours are that important...then what're we waiting for?" Huckmon said as he turned away while scratching the back of his head with his claws.

"...You sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure. Besides..like I said, searching the Digital world can be pretty dangerous for somebody as weak and scrawny as you." he said with a huff as he held his head up proudly.

"...I guess yo-hey!" RD snapped as she let what he just said sink in before she bonked him hard on the head, "Who're you calling weak and scrawny?!"

"You short stuff!" Huckmon shouted back as he rubbed his head.



"Oversized lizard!"

"Puny tomboy!"

"Ugh...not this again," Noir facepalmed as Huckmon and Rainbow Dash continued to argue.

"At least it shows they're lively," Blanc weakly chuckled, a small sweatdrop on her head.

"...I guess you're right…" Noir sighed as she walked up to the two and separated them before they could tackle each other, "Look. It's obvious if me and BLanc leave you two along, you'll eventually beat eachother up...which is why we're coming with you to make sure that doesn't happen."

"Fine!" The two stated as they turned away from one another, but not too long after, the two broke into smirks before chuckling together.

"Good. Now let's move...no doubt word will get out about the chaos that happened here today..and I bet Jupitermon'll most likely look into it personally, so let's move it," Noir stated.

"Don't gotta tell me twice to get out of this place," Huckmon said as he began to walk for the way out of town.

"Ditto," Rainbow Dash nodded as she began to follow him, Blanc and Noir soon following after.
Meanwhile, within a large snowy region, a fierce snowstorm blew throughout the area, blowing some of the trees a bit. Within the snow covered ground, something odd poked out of it...something dark purple until a shadowed figure overlooked it, it's fox like tail shifting a bit as it began to dig out whatever was in the snow.

Author's Note:

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