• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 474 Views, 18 Comments

The Dead Kingdom - Red and Black Alicorn OC

Equestria is gone, and has been replaced by a different civilisation, a civilisation corrupted in war between two organisations.

  • ...

The new age

Twilight looked over her kingdom as she looked through the stained glass windows. She knew she was going to meet something that could overpower her, she knew it was going to come some time.

She heard a guard shout.

The coloured glass was hard to look through but she could still make out ponyville.

She heard a crashing noise.

She remembered the first time she met Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow and Applejack.

She heard running.

She remembered when she defeated Nightmare Moon.

She heard a guard scream.

She remembered when Flutturshy tamed the Manticore.

She heard a creaking of a door.

She remembered when Pinkie Pie saved ponyville from the parasprites.

She heard footsteps drawing nearer.

She remembered when Rainbow Dash did the sonic rainboom.

She felt breath on the back of her neck.

She remembered when she became a princess.

Four thousand two hundred years later

Hua leaped from the vessel and expanded her wings. Her pink mane and purple coat blew in the wind as she glided down to the deck of the Salmaic warship and bumped into a Salmaic soldier. Before she could react Hua plunged her dagger into the soldier's torso. She screamed and fell backwards, only to see Hua stab her in the neck.

As Hua's victim choked on her blood and Hua whispered softly in her ear.

"Rest in peace."

As the guard died Hua turned around to face the door. She rammed it open and ran down the few steps and scanned her surroundings. She saw the engine, ran towards it and She knelt down next to it and examined it for a few seconds.

She withdrew her saddle bag and opened it. She took out a small clock work contraption and planted it on the engine. As she pulled down the switch to activate the timer she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw a pony with a purple mane and a red coat walk towards her, armed with a sword. It was Rhidana.

She stood up to face her where she stood.

They both charged.

Hua and Rhidana walked side by side down the marble corridor.

Hua said "What have you been up to then? Chatting up Lren again?"

Rhidana blushed "Stop it! I was drunk and bored so you can't blame me!"

Hua giggled

"Rhidana and Lren, sitting in a tree, K. I. S. S. I. N-"

"You can't say much! You were flirting with Kuati and Zaechri!"

"Yeah, but you can't deny, they are hot."

"Yeah, I suppose so."

Both of the girls walked through the doorway and walked into the dining room.

"But seriously, what have you been doing the past few hours?"

"Well, Me and Xean have been discussing about the Salmaic."

The pair sat down at the table.

The Salmaic is a organisation that fought against the Deachrai for hundreds of years.

"What about them?"

"Well we were thinking that we should invite them-"


"I know this sounds crazy but I think we should invite him over for tea or something."

A servant walked towards them and asked them what they wanted to eat.

"Um, a small salad please"

"Same here please" added Rhidana.

The servant walked off to the kitchen to tell the chef what the two mares had ordered.

"Geretiyak, leader of the Salmaic, the same clan that the Deachrai have been fighting against for over seven hundred years, is going to be our guest of honour." And then added "Oh yeah, did I mention that WE are the Deachrai? And we are going to invite him to dinner."

There was a pause before Rhidana answered.

"Well, you do make a obvious point, but it has been years and years since we last attacked each over, come on, what can go wrong?"

A part of Hua was telling her that nothing terrible can go wrong, but the Salmaic must be a little bit wary, right?

The servant came back with a tray with two plates of salad neatly placed next to each other.

"Thank you" Rhidana said to the servant.

He nodded and walked away. Then Zaechri entered the room and sat himself opposite the girls.

He had a green coat and a black mane.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a gentle but deep voice.

"Well Rhidana here wants to invite the salmaic over for tea."

Zaechri digested all the news in, and replied.

"I don't think Saeret will be too happy about that."

Saeret is the leader of the Deachrai group held in this area so what he says goes.

Rhidana looked at Hua and Zaechri in annoyance.

"Come on guys! Sooner or later we will have to make friends! This is a perfect opportunity!"

Zaechri looked at Rhidana.

"Well, Saeret is the boss, so you will have to sweet talk him."

Hua giggled.

"Yeah, she's already practised on Lren!"


The servant came back to the table but Zaechri waved him off.

"I'm going to have to leave now, Lren wants me to help him out with something.

He walked off without another word. The girls continued to eat their salad in silence until Hua said something.

"How did this conflict between us and the Salmaic start?"

Rhidana usually hangs around with Xean alot so usually she knows some good bit of knowledge.

"Well, there are rumours that there is a hidden Kingdom somewhere in the wilder-"

"Yeah, yeah I know about the hidden kingdom, so skip that bit."

Rhidana looked annoyed at being interrupted by Hua.

"Anyway, as I was saying. We found bits of this and bits of that, thinking that there used to be some sort of large civilisation before us, so we started fighting each over, trying to find as much evidence as possible, trying to find the hidden treasures . But they were probably just some tribe that lived and survived for a century or two, nothing big."

Rhidana, didn't really think much of it, but unlike Rhidana, Hua was interested. Very interested indeed.

"What did they find?"

Rhidana swallowed her food.

"I dunno, s'pose some pottery or clothes. It's thousands of years old, that's what I do know."

"What species do you think they were?"

"Pony, definatley pony because of the shape of their clothes."

"Was there unicorn, or pegas-"

"You seem interested in all this, do you actually believe that there was a kingdo-"

"No no no, just interested, that's all."

Author's Note:

Hello! This is my first fan fiction so please be patient with me and if you spot any mistakes in my work then please inform me of them, thank you!