• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 474 Views, 18 Comments

The Dead Kingdom - Red and Black Alicorn OC

Equestria is gone, and has been replaced by a different civilisation, a civilisation corrupted in war between two organisations.

  • ...


A day had passed since Hua had woken up and Hua's scar was now confirmed to have not been contaminated. She also found that the pain was starting to go away and now it was just a slight ache. Hua didn't believe the others when they had said that the place was made out of crystals, but one look out of the cabin window told her otherwise.

Hua was now looking inside of the castle, admiring the unique choice of materials when Kuati walked up to her. Since he hadn't said anything since she had woken up she wanted to speak to him.

"Um, Hua, I need to tell you something."

Hua grinned at him.

"What is it Kuati?

He hesitated, then opened his mouth and closed it again, trying to find something to say.

"Um, Hua, I well, I want to tell you..."

He hesitated again.

"Well, no, I mean I want to show you something."

Hua's joyful expression turned into one of slight confusion.

"Well, okay, what is it?"

Kuati's mouth made a small smile.

"You wouldn't understand unless you see it. But are you coming?"

Hua nodded uncertainendly and Kuati led the way.

Hua could tell that, by looking at Kuati, he was nervous.

A few minutes had passed while they had been walking and they were now in a small corridor. Hua looked around and saw that the carpet had been pushed in one place making it lose it's almost perfect symmetry. Looking up she saw that near that spot there was a smashed window. Hua was careful enough to avoid the shards of transparent crystal.

Hua followed Kuati around the corner of the hallway and looked forward to see a door ripped off of it's hinges. Kuati walked inside followed by Hua.

The room was empty, the only object to be seen was a large mirror. Kuati walked up to it.

"I wanted to show you this. You may not realise it but this is a puzzle."

Hua trotted up to it and looked at her reflection.

"How is this a puzzle?"

Kuati levitated a splinter of wood and made it point at the gemstone located at the top of the frame.

"This, is a key, not a key to unlock something, but a key to show the meaning of something."

The splinter then pointed towards a visible line cutting through the top of the gemstone which carried on going down until it reached halfway down.

"You see this scratch line?"

Hua nodded.

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, this line can be seen on the other eight gems."

The splinter then pointed towards the other gemstones which were parallel to each over. Kuati then shot the space around the top gemstone to reveal glowing words.

"The word above the scratch says 'the birth', the one at the bottom of the gem says 'the mirth', the left says 'the delusion' and the one on the right says 'the end'."

Hua looked at the words carefully and noticed that Kuati was right. The splinter then pointed towards the gems again.

"The gemstone at the top is a key for the rest of the gemstones."

Hua noticed that all of the scratch marks on the gems below were mostly pointing in other directions. The splinter pointed at the first two gemstones at the top that were parallel to each over.

"These are pointing upwards, the scratches are anyway, so that means that the key gemstone is saying that these two represent birth."

He pointed at the two other gemstones below them.

"These point downwards, representing mirth."

He pointed to the ones below that.

"These point to the left, representing delusion."

And finally he pointed to the last two bottom ones.

"These face to the right hand side, representing the end."

Kuati let the splinter fall from the dissapearing aura's grasp and looked at Hua.

"It's been put into a order, the birth, the mirth, the delusion and the end."

Hua looked around the frame for a few seconds before pointing at two holes parallel to each over.

"So, there used to be gemstones in these holes but they got removed, but why?"

Kuati genuinely smiled, for the first time in three days.

"Because it's a puzzle Hua, if the person who made this puzzle kept the gemstones they would've probably confused us. We're onto something."

Hua nodded.

"I do think that you are right Kuati."

They both looked at each over and smiled. Kuati was the first to stop smiling.

"Hua, it was me that gave you that scar."

Hua stopped smiling and frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Kuati sighed.

"Well, you know that broken window? Well, that's how the wolf came in. Me and the guard that was with me ran into this room and the guard used his magic to block the door. If I hadn't decided to try and crack this mystery to waste the valuable time to try and think of a plan to contain it then we wouldn't be stuck here and you wouldn't have that cut."

Hua took three seconds to consume this information and she simply smiled.

"Kuati, I forgive you."

Those words made Kuati's eyes brighten.

"You mean it?"

Hua nodded and walked over to Kuati to hug him. Kuati hugged her back. Hua whispered in his ear.

"I'll always forgive you, you're my friend, and that's what friends are for."