• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 474 Views, 18 Comments

The Dead Kingdom - Red and Black Alicorn OC

Equestria is gone, and has been replaced by a different civilisation, a civilisation corrupted in war between two organisations.

  • ...

Uninvited guest

Geretiyak was a large unicorn with a crimson red coat and a black mane, so he looked threatening, even though he would not cause any harm to them. He walked over to the two ponies and stopped to look down at the book Kuati had been reading a minute ago.

"Hm, this library has some very... Odd books."

Kuati was too stunned to react, so Geretiyak continued on.

"The library near where I live has no such books."

He levitated the book and inserted it into a gap in the shelves.

"Instead we have science and engineering books, without them we would have no airships or other clockwork contraptions to aid us."

He finished his sentence and looked at Hua.

"Why so shocked my friend? It looks as though you have seen a ghost."

Hua ran to Lren and turned to face him.

Lren had a indigo streak running down his red hair and he was equipped with a yellow coat. Hua also hated him at that moment of time.

"I thought you were supposed to take our guest on a tour!"

Lren turned to face Hua.

"He asked me if he could go and wonder off by himself so I said yes! Did you expect me to say no to him?"

Hua sighed.

"Well... Sorry, look, me and Kuati were looking for information on the missing kingdom and he just surprised us."

Lren and Hua walked forward.

"Okay, I suppose it would be kind of freaky if guy you pretty much hate walked up behind like that."

Both of the ponies entered the dining room. Hua looked at the food neatly layed out across the large oak table and took a seat.

"Well this looks delicious!"

Lren took a seat next to her.

"Indeed it does!"

Zaechri, Rhidana and Kuati walked in.

Rhidana sat down on the chair next to Hua and the two Colts found two seats opposite them. Zaechri looked at the food in front of him.
"Well, best not eat it yet, or Saeret will give us a grilling."

Xean; a unicorn with black fur and a black mane with a golden and silver streak, Saeret; a colt with green hair and green fur, Reata; a orange unicorn with a orange coat, Geretiyak and another pegasus who had a grey coat and violet hair, probably a friend of Geretiyak, came in and sat at the table.

Saeret looked towards everyone.

"Well, greetings everyone, I am sure you have met Sir Geretiyak"

Saeret looked towards Geretiyak.

"And the ponies here are lords and lady's of this house"

Saeret introduced Geretiyak to Hua, Rhidana, Reata, Lren, Zaechri and Kuati.
Geretiyak nodded to each of them.

"Oh, and if you do not know who this gentlecolt is,"
He looked over to the colt. The colt nodded and looked at the others.
"My name is Ouis, I am the head archeologist for the Salmaic, nice to meet you."

Hua was definately suspicious. Why would Geretiyak, the lord of the Salmaic house, bring his head archeologist, out of all of his allies, why him?

Well, it's quite obvious if you think about it. He still wants to discover the truth about the lost kingdom. And he's brought his best archeologist to snoop around the library to find some information that they don't have.

But the question is why? Why would he be interested in the missing civilisation after all this time? Why now?

Hua didn't know, but she definatley suspected something.

Rhidana snapped Hua back into reality.

"What are you doing down there? Come on, there is some amazing wine down by the chocolate fount- Wait, what! There's a chocolate fountain!"
And with that Rhidana ran off to the chocolate fountain and squealed.

Hua smiled to herself.

"That crazy earthpony"

She forgot that there was a party going on. She decided to follow Rhidana to the chocolate fountain and found her lapping at the melted choclate.

"Hey Hua! This chocolate is delicious! Here try some"

Hua looked at the fountain. She was about to lean forward when someone tapped her on the back.

She looked around to see Ouis there.

The colt smiled at Hua.

"Hello, I don't believe we have fully acquainted ourselves with each over. Shall we walk?"

Hua looked around to Rhidana, but she was busy distracting herself with a ball.

Ouis led the way with Hua walking next to him.

Hua didn't know what to expect, but she knew that Ouis wasn't just here for a nice old chat.

There was a awkward silence as the two ponies strolled along the path.

Ouis looked at Hua and broke the ice.

"I know you know why I am here Hua, I'm no fool."


"Geretiyak told me about your little research."

Hua looked at Ouis.

"Oh, I was just interested, that's all."

Ouis stopped and turned to face Hua. He didn't have time for games.

"I really do think that you're getting yourself into a situation that you will regret. And if you get in my way..."

A chill went up Hua's spine, and she gulped.

Ouis smiled.

"But let's cast away this hate that is wedged between us."

He turned to walk away.

"It's a party after all."

"Hua, you gotta check this out."

Kuati tapped Hua on the back and held up a book. Hua saw that it was the same book that contained the image of the two alicorns.

"What have you found?"

Kuati led Hua to the library and opened the book.


Hua read the text.

-it all. The architecture and landmarks have been relatively similar in certain areas. This indicates that these must have either been cities or tribes, but there is no sign of damage or weapons so the chances that they were tribes are very slim. There have also been discoveries of the same items found in different areas, meaning that there was either a trading system going around or that they were united and so sold the same items of materials and spices. The following image shows two peices of pottery, both found in different-

The text trailed off, talking about the different pottery that they used. Hua looked at Kuati and smiled.

"You sure are getting into this research business aren't you?"

"Just a bit."

Hua looked back at the book.

"Well, I'm pretty curtain that this is a kingdom we are searching for."

"Yeah, but it still doesn't explain why Geretiyak is still searching for it."

Hua looked up.

"You figured that out to?"

Kuati nodded.

"I overheard you and Ouis. They must of found some sort of evidence that made them certain that the kingdom is real."

Hua thought for a few seconds and grinned.

"Kuati, you ever wanted to find out what the Salmaic have behind those walls of thiers?"

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed! Another chapter should come out in a day or two!