• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 4,810 Views, 151 Comments

The Light Through The Window - MadMan

Vinyl likes to stay up late and watch the city below. Octavia likes to drink herself to sleep. This is a story about them.

  • ...

The Third Chapter

Vinyl hummed quietly as she braided Octavia's hair. The flowing black locks were smooth and soft, and Vinyl liked the way it fell through her fingers. It was such a lovely night, and Vinyl couldn't wish for anyone else to spend it with. Granted, she doubted Octavia realized the depth or manner of Vinyl's infatuation, but she was happy all the same.

Vinyl hummed, tune changing on her whim. She had heard a song on the radio earlier, and it had gotten stuck in her head. It was a sad song, but it made her feel happy all the same. She gave a final twist on a braid, and tied it off with a purple ribbon. Her task done, she tapped Octavia on the should and leaned back into the soft couch.

They were in Vinyl's apartment, Vinyl on the sofa, and Octavia cross legged in the floor in front of her. The television was on, playing an older movie that Octavia had squealed in glee when she discovered Vinyl owned. She had demanded it go in first, before the new movie they had rented. Vinyl had made a remark about Octavia's unremarkable ponytail, and that was the story on how they came to their present situation, Octavia giggling every few minutes.

"I swear, modern movies just don't have the one liners the older ones do! Hmm."

Vinyl handed Octavia a hand mirror and she contemplated her new hairdo. A braid began at either temple and followed her scalp, leading into one long and intricate braid which fell down the center of her back. It was all tied off with some purple ribbon Vinyl had found in her closet, leftover from some Hearth's Warming Eve or another.

"It's beautiful."

"It suits you."

Octavia smiled and very nearly blushed, turning back to the movie. Instead of climbing back on the couch, as Vinyl expected, she instead leaned back against Vinyl's legs. Since she was so engrossed in the movie, she didn't see Vinyl's blush. Vinyl sought about for something to keep her hands occupied, but found nothing within reach, and she was damned of she would move from her spot, lest Octavia find a more comfortable perch. Since no other distraction was forthcoming, it wasn't five minutes before Vinyl found her hands back in Octavia's hair. The existing braids were delicately torn apart, and a new one began to take their place. It was a simple braid, and didn't take long, and all too soon she was done again. Octavia barely glanced at it, just purring in satisfaction, leaning again on Vinyl's legs, taking this as permission to further continue styling, she again took the braid apart, replacing it with a third large braid that fell off to one side. With a flick of her wrist, Vinyl sent the braid over Octavia's left shoulder. Giggling softly, Octavia stroked it, then let it fall back against her chest. Since the braid was now out of polite reach, Vinyl folded her hands and watched the movie.

Octavia picked up her glass and took a drink, the last few drops falling between those lovely rose lips. Vinyl spend a moment admiring them, with only a twinge of longing. She was pretty sure Octavia hadn't been wearing it earlier at work, nor could she remember Octavia ever actually wearing lipstick. She certainly hadn't been earlier this week, when Octavia had approached her and asked of she would like to spend time this weekend. Apologies were already on Vinyl's tongue about the previous weekend, when they had both had a bit too much to drink and ended up nearly naked in the park. Before they had escaped, however, Vinyl found herself saying they should spend the weekend in, lest they wreck more havoc upon the city's innocent parks. Their bras still hung in the grand old oak tree, as Vinyl couldn't resist the urge to walk over one day midweek on lunch. An agreement was struck, and Vinyl had made sure to buy some fine wine and rent a new movie that was supposed to be fantastic.

"Oh dear, empty again."

Octavia rose and Vinyl immediately missed her warmth on her legs. Octavia stood and turned, spotting Vinyl's similarly empty glass. Vinyl followed her gaze, decided that she wanted some more as well. She grabbed her glass and made to stand, but Octavia's hand met her shoulder, pushing her back onto the couch while the glass was liberated from Vinyl's hand in one deft movement. Octavia went to the table on the far side of the room, and even though she was wearing sweatpants, Vinyl had the best view in the house as she watched Octavia's hips swing. Even baggy pants couldn't hide that magnificent form. Octavia bent slightly as she was pouring more wine into the cups, and Vinyl had to bite her lip and clench her fists. She HAS to know how teasing she's being. Vinyl hurriedly resumed a normal countenance as Octavia turned around, but it was hard indeed, for the view from the front was as good, if not better, than from behind. The only light in the room was the one from the television, so Octavia was half shrouded in shadow, half in a dull glow. Her baggy grey sweats and simple white t-shirt might have appeared plain on some, but with curves like that, Octavia was radiant in anything and any angle.

Handing Vinyl her newly full glass, Octavia carefully balanced her own as she lowered herself onto the floor, once again leaning against Vinyl's legs. Vinyl sipped her sweet wine and furrowed her brows. This has to be a sign of some sort, but I could have sworn Octavia was straight. Treacherous thoughts clouded her mind. She spent the rest of the movie in silence, thinking and sipping. She had seen the movie far too many times to gain much enjoyment, as she had pretty much the entire script memorized by now. The one liners were brilliant, to be sure, but Vinyl saw them in her head a second before they were growled in bravado by the surly main character.

Before long, the credits were rolling, main bad guy vanquished and the woman wooed. Octavia crawled forward on all fours to change the discs, and Vinyl had another heart attack. Did Octavia realize how sexy she was? Vinyl doubted it. She was giving Vinyl too many good views, seemingly on accident. Either she's teasing me, or actually in ignorance of her charms. As the new movie began, Octavia returned to Vinyl, curling her legs up to her chest and resting her head on Vinyl's right knee. Relaxed as she was, Vinyl was so tense, it was a wonder Octavia didn't notice. Maybe she was just absorbed in the movie, as Vinyl soon was. The main bad guy turned out not to be the main bad guy, as another, more powerful villain arose. There was magic and dragons, shouting and crying, swords and spells and much killing before the movie reached it's dramatic, if incomplete, conclusion. Octavia was clearly displeased with the ending.

"Ugh! What is it with modern movies in turning everything into a million sequels? This movie would have been brilliant with just a few tiny changes! Boethiah could have killed Azura, and Akatosh could have taken the throne, and everyone would be happy! But noooo, we have to endure at least two more installments before anything conclusive happens."

"I suppose. I don't mind a series, as long as it's good. Very few movies can have a good sequel, but I think this director can pull it off."

"I'll give it the benefit of the doubt."

Octavia rose and went back to the wine bottle at the table, but found it empty.

"Well, there's one bottle down. Where's the other?"

"Chilling in the fridge. Just bring it over here, so you don't have to keep getting up."

Octavia did, and put in a movie she had brought. It was one Vinyl didn't recognize, some sickly sweet romance, if the cover held true. She didn't think it would be very good, but the first ten minutes held nothing less than an absolutely side-splitting incident involving a dog, a mailbox, and three midgets, all culminating in a beautifully witty one liner. Octavia was resting on Vinyl's legs again, and had to lean forward, lest the she shaken apart by Vinyl's guffaws. Resuming her place, Octavia watched the movie quietly, while Vinyl did her best to laugh herself to death. As the credits appeared, Vinyl wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I can't believe I haven't seen that before! That was epic."

"I told you that you'd like it. Now let's see, I guess I'll put in- Oh dammit!"

Octavia had forgotten that she was holding another full wine glass and had quickly leaned forward to look at the movies, the result being wine gracing the front of her shirt.

"Here, it's white wine, I'll throw it in the washer before it dries. It should come right out. I'll get you-"

Vinyl had been saying she would get something for Octavia to wear while the shirt washed, but Octavia interrupted her by taking the shirt off, rendering Vinyl speechless. Instead of a plain bra like last time, now Octavia was wearing a ridiculously sexy red bra, little silver patterns crossing this way and that. Vinyl gawped for a moment, then remembered her host duties, taking the shirt, Vinyl took it the the back room, where the antiquated washer resided. Throwing it in and pushing the button, Vinyl had to reach in and splash a bit of the cold water on her face, wiping off with a towel that happened to be near. When she returned to the living room, another movie had already been set to play, and Octavia had fetched another bottle of wine. Vinyl realized her nose was going numb, a sign she was getting drunk, but Octavia seemed quite content to sip away, perhaps the beginnings of a blush on her cheeks.

Vinyl resumed her seat behind Octavia, and was subsequently leaned upon. They stayed that was until the movie was half over, when Octavia went to the restroom, coming back and sitting beside Vinyl on the couch. Vinyl didn't have a chance to miss her warmth, however, as Octavia had claimed her left shoulder, taking the only blanket and throwing it over the both of them. They were warm, Octavia was warm, and Vinyl was happy. The movie was a sweet one, full of love and cute moments. Noticing her glass was empty, Vinyl leaned forward and refilled her own, and Octavia passed hers to be filled as well, she was about to settle back in when Octavia sat up.

"Hey, this isn't fair."


Octavia leaned forward and grabbed the hem of Vinyl's shirt, lifting. Vinyl obliged and raised her arms to that the shirt could be taken off before it was slung across the room. Vinyl had chosen an old and comfortable bra, plain black, and the irony wasn't lost on Octavia.

"Ha! My turn to be the sexy one."

"You're always the sexy one."

Octavia blushed and covered herself with the blanket, and Vinyl giggled, though inwardly she was shaken with disbelief. Octavia had removed her shirt by her own accord. Maybe... Maybe Octavia realized how Vinyl felt? Maybe there was a chance that... No. Think rationally. She's just drunk and silly. Nothing mo-

Vinyl's thought were interrupted by Octavia, who had grabbed her and pushed into laying the the couch. Vinyl barely managed to avoid spilling the glass in her hand, but she did. Octavia's face loomed close, and Vinyl wondered for a brief span if they were going to kiss. Her heart raced and her face flushed with heat. She wondered of she was blushing, but Octavia looked away, back to the television, settling her head on Vinyl's chest, just below her chin and just above her breasts. A crisis avoided, Vinyl delicately set the glass on the end table beside her. The blanket was now around both of them, and Vinyl felt every single square inch that Octavia's skin touched hers. She was vibrantly aware of Octavia's breasts, pressing against the bottom of her own. Octavia was warm, and her skin was soft, and Vinyl felt herself begin to get aroused. It was only with a massive force of will over several minutes that Vinyl managed to suppress such feelings, but even so, she felt a heat building in her lower abdomen. Despite her best efforts, she wriggled just a bit under Octavia, who looked up.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

Vinyl had to smile. The innocence in those eyes melted her heart.

"No. If anything, I'm too comfortable."

Octavia giggled a bit, and the last of Vinyl's heart melted away like hot wax. Octavia settled back down, and Vinyl turned back to the movie, where the main couple were kissing on a beach at some island resort, happy at last. Credits began to roll, but neither Octavia nor Vinyl moved to put another in. Minutes passed, and soon the credits were over, going back to the title screen. The same irritating music played it's thirty second loop, over and over. Finding the remote an the floor by her hand, Vinyl turned the television off. The room was now dark and quiet, as the washer had completed it's cycle. Vinyl's hands had simply lain limp, but now she was bold, as the second bottle of wine had been emptied. She gently lifted them and, ever so slowly, wrapped her arms around Octavia. After what felt like several hours, but was in fact only a few minutes, as a glance at the clock showed, Vinyl felt Octavia shift. Her soft voice crept through the darkness.

"Vinyl, are you gay?"

Vinyl had to laugh. Something about the question met with the circumstance was so ridiculous, Vinyl could do nothing but laugh, and be honest.


"Thought so."

Without further words or actions, Octavia lay her head back on Vinyl's chest, just above her heart, and fell asleep. Vinyl, trapped as she was, could only wonder, thoughts going off like fireworks. Eventually, she fell asleep as well, thoughts of cherubs and roses on her mind. The last dim thought as her mind faded to black was whether or not they would ever kiss.

Author's Note:
