• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 4,811 Views, 151 Comments

The Light Through The Window - MadMan

Vinyl likes to stay up late and watch the city below. Octavia likes to drink herself to sleep. This is a story about them.

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Christmas Special!

Vinyl happily hummed along with the cheery tunes playing softly over the speakers. Most of the workers in the building had long since since grown sick of the Christmas music constantly playing through the whole building, but Vinyl was determined to enjoy it. She didn't really get a choice to listen to it or not, so she made the best of it.

Morning Glory was at her desk as well, typing away with her usual apathy. Every once in a while, she would stir, picking up her jacket for a cigarette break. When she returned, a good dusting of snow across her shoulders, she could occasionally be heard mumbling something about "four billion tons of white bullshit". After Morning Glory's last cigarette break for the day, Vinyl heard a particularly vindictive remark involving a shovel, a shotgun, and using Rudolph's nose as a nightlight. Vinyl smiled and responded by singing aloud.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Hearth's WaaaaAAAAAaarming..."

She had barely made it through the first line when something small bounced off her cheek and landed in her lap. It was a paperclip. Vinyl beamed at Morning Glory, who looked positively murderous.

"There's only an hour left, and we're off for four whole days. Don't you start now. You can sing when you get home. You'll have plenty of time to get it out of your system."

Vinyl just smiled and went back to work. The last few minutes were spend in silence, but the second the clock ticked five, Vinyl jumped up, heaved her jacket over her shoulder, and left. The door opened to admit a bitterly cold wind, and Vinyl was glad she decided to dress sensibly today. Well, sensibly for Vinyl. Bright blue stockings under white capris weren't typically winter wear, but the stockings were fairly warm, and it wasn't far.

Two blocks down, Vinyl found the shop she was after. The pale blue sign in the window proclaimed a sale, "Store wide 50% off!" Vinyl tentatively stepped in the front door, looking around. The store wasn't nearly as crowded as she had feared, and was able to make her purchases and leave. She was determined to get home in time to cook dinner before Octavia got home, and it looked like she would, even after she got dragged into the liqueur store by a sign proclaiming wine was 25% off.

Clutching her prizes, Vinyl unlocked the door to the apartment and went in. She set the bags on the couch and removed the wine from one, taking it to the fridge to chill, tucked behind the milk as to be hidden. The other bag was taken to the bedroom and tucked behind Octavia's shoe collection. Her lover had a plethora of shoes but only routinely wore a few, so it should be safe.

Vinyl went back to the kitchen, stopping to put on some relaxing music in the stereo. Driving rhythms and sublime vocal melodies filled her ears as she cooked, so much so that she didn't realize Octavia was home until she looked up.

Octavia was dancing around the living room, still in her work clothes. Vinyl smiled. Octavia's dance was beautifully awkward, movements suggesting that Octavia had spent a lifetime making the music and not enough time enjoying it. The song was a particularly upbeat one, and with one last check at the sauce she was preparing, Vinyl abandoned the stove and joined Octavia in the living room, dancing their cares away.

The song ended, and Vinyl leaned in to kiss Octavia. She turned the music down and returned to the kitchen, Octavia following her nose and ending up in the same place. She cooed ehr delight at Vinyl's handiwork before retreating to the bedroom to change into soemthing mroe comfortable. By the time she returned clad in sweatpants and a loose t-shirt, Vinyl had finished and was placing dishes on the table.

Vinyl placed three homemade biscuits on each plate before fetching a steaming pan from the kitchen. From that pan she poured a generous helping of chocolate sauce onto each biscuit. Octavia had fork in hand, but waited until Vinyl joined her at the table before digging in. There were no words, as chocolate covered biscuits filled their mouths too much for words. As soon as the plates were cleared and the last of the sauce was scraped clean, Vinyl began taking the dishes back to the sink for cleaning. She had just begun to run the water and add soap when Octavia pushed her out of the way and began washing the dishes herself. Vinyl smiled and surrendered, retreating to the living room.

Vinyl went to her favorite perch by the window and had a smoke while Octavia finished the dishes. Once completed, Octavia disappeared into the bedroom to emerge a few moments later, clutching a small, poorly wrapped parcel. Vinyl sensed what was about to happen, and took her turn to go the bedroom to retrieve Octavia's gift, stuffed into an older gift bag from her birthday last year. By the time she settled next to her lover, she noticed that Octavia had acquired a second, vaguely bottle shaped package, and remembered her own gift of wine. She also realized she had nothing to put the bottle in, so she decided to go first. Darting form the couch, Vinyl nabbed the bottle of fine wine and two glasses, swishing back to the living room to set the glasses on the table. Octavia waited in silent grace as Vinyl poured the wine and set the bottle with an exaggerated flourish on the table, label conspicuously facing the couch. They toasted and sipped.

"A fine vintage, my dear Vinyl. Good choice."

"Yes, I thought so as well. It's the same as we had at Bot's party several months ago we liked so much."

"Ah, I thought it was familiar!"

Octavia's smile was far more than one of innocent remembrance, but Vinyl was determined to plow ahead.

"And here's your gift, my love."

She handed Octavia the gift bag, and settled back to watch the reaction. She opened the bag, reached in, began to retract... It was nearly in view now...

Octavia began to laugh.

Vinyl couldn't understand the obtuse humor. She had gotten Octavia a three set of black and purple high-waisted underwear. Vinyl owned a few pair of her own, and Octavia had taken to stealing them. It would be insanely sexy, and it was, if not for the fact that Octavia had a slightly larger ass, and tended to stretch the underwear so that they barely fit Vinyl anymore. So, Vinyl got Octavia a set of her own.

"What's so funny?"

Octavia wordlessly handed Vinyl the vaguely bottle shaped gift. Tearing the paper away, Vinyl found a bottle of wine. Ripping the paper away to expose the label, Vinyl found it was the exact same bottle that she had purchased earlier. However, that STILL doesn't explain why Octavia only laughed when she saw Vinyl's gift.

"Great minds think alike. Here, now this one!"

Vinyl opened the second gift to find a three set of blue and white underwear. It was the same brand as the ones she had gotten for Octavia, and she even remembered seeing them and considering to get herself a set. Now the laughter was understood. They had gotten each other nearly the exact same gift. Great minds think alike, indeed.

But Vinyl had an idea.

She herself was only wearing a pair of comfortable shorts, with nothing underneath. Well, a gift of clothing is meant to be worn, is it not? Rising, Vinyl stripped off the shorts and pulled on a pair of the panties. She didn't have to look, she could practically feel Octavia's eyes following her every movement. She had barely settled back onto the couch when Octavia rose. The sweatpants gave slightly more of a fight than the shorts had, but were defeated all the same. A moment later, the two were settled back on the couch, leaning against each other and sipping fine wine.

"Well, my dear Vinyl, seeing as we have two bottles of this magnificent concoction, I see no reason why we can't indulge a little tonight."

"I agree wholeheartedly."

And so, they set forth on their purposeful adventure of finishing the bottle. By the time they succeeded, the underwear had long since been abandoned, as had shirts, bras, and discretion. Did you expect anything less?

Author's Note:

And so, another year came to close in the lives of our beloved pair. I apologize for my near absence this year. As some of you know, I'm active duty military. I've had a busy year and have done and been through quite a lot. I can't promise that I will post more often, but I CAN promise that I have not abandoned you. <3

Also, I know I kind of blended Hearth's Warming and Christmas stuff (Rudolph etc.) I just don't care. It was fun. Also, I've had this chapter half done for like, two years now. Finally finished it! Yay!