• Published 21st Nov 2014
  • 4,811 Views, 151 Comments

The Light Through The Window - MadMan

Vinyl likes to stay up late and watch the city below. Octavia likes to drink herself to sleep. This is a story about them.

  • ...

The Final Chapter

It was now a week since Octavia had first gone to Vinyl's apartment, and they had made the appointment again. Friday afternoon, Octavia made her excuses and left work the second she could. She got off an hour later than Vinyl, so instead of going home as per the usual, she went directly to Vinyl's apartment.

The air was very chilly, this afternoon. It was getting later in the fall, and Octavia doubted if their night out two weeks ago would have gone nearly the same if it were this cold. The thought struck her again. She had thoroughly enjoyed that night, as well as last weekend, when she had became topless yet again, and had fallen asleep on top of Vinyl. Both times, Octavia blamed it on the drink. Tonight, she had resolved with herself, there would be no drink. She barely remembered asking Vinyl if she was gay, and ever so slightly remembered the answer. Even now, the memory made her heart race. She had known Vinyl was a lesbian, but still, she had fallen asleep on top of the girl without a shirt on. Octavia wasn't gay, to be sure, but for some reason, she took pleasure in thinking how she must have affected Vinyl. She was drunk, as two entire bottles of good wine had been downed between the two of them, but she remembered feeling Vinyl's heart beating a tango as she lay on her chest.

Octavia came to the right building, and entered the lift, pushing a button for the right floor. A minute later, she stepped out into the narrow corridor. Vinyl lived at the far end, on the corner. Octavia knocked, and was answered fairly quickly. Vinyl was in a pair of absolutely minuscule black shorts and a tank top thin enough that Octavia could see was no bra underneath.


"Evening, Vinyl. I decided to come straight here after work, so if you'll excuse my attire."

Vinyl laughed and waved Octavia in. She was still in one of her conductor outfits, which meant black suit pants, white button up shirt, and large black tailcoat. Setting her purse down beside her, Octavia sank into the soft couch, she felt Vinyl perch beside her and looked over.

"So, what's the game plan tonight?"


Vinyl shrugged and grinned, and Octavia grinned back. She tried to stretch her back,but her clothes were too constricting to allow for such movement. Without thinking, Octavia tossed her jacket over by her purse and reached under her shirt to undo her bra. The pesky affair was tossed off to the side, and Octavia felt much more at ease. She looked over to see Vinyl's eyes all over her. Octavia blushed and smiled, unbuttoning the top two buttons of her shirt.

"Any more and I'll have to charge."

Vinyl jumped and looked away, her cheeks red. Octavia thought she was too cute when she blushed. They sat in silence for a minute, and Vinyl seemed to be thinking rather hard. After a time, she finally managed some words.

"Octavia, I don't know if you remember, as you were a bit drunk and half asleep, but last week you asked me of I were gay."

"Yes, I remember."

"Do you remember what I said."


"Then you must know what you're doing to me right now."

"Teasing like a fool."

Octavia winked and put a hand on Vinyl's knee. Uh oh, she thought, what are you doing!? You're not even drunk yet, and yet you're being so cruel to this girl. Behave yourself.

"Well, what are you doing, then? I could have sworn you were straight."

"Maybe I'm curious."

Octavia realized the truth a second later then she uttered the words. She wasn't exactly curious about girls per se, she was just curious about Vinyl. Something about this girl was everything she ever wanted. Why can't these epiphanies come to me when I want them, rather than a second after I say it?

Vinyl's blush was exceptional, and Octavia removed her hand. Very aware of what she was doing, Octavia rose and pulled her pants off. Her underwear had been carefully chosen that morning, a frilly black thing. She noticed Vinyl's eyes all over her again as she settled back onto the couch, leaning over and choosing Vinyl's thigh as a pillow.

"Hey, if you get to wear those shorts in front of me, I get to be in my underwear. They're about the same size."

Octavia realized she thought Vinyl was sexy. Sexy. She had never thought of another woman that way before, but the truth of the matter sat on her mind with weight akin to an elephant. She felt a sudden moment of bravery, and turned her head to kiss Vinyl's thigh. Another metal-melting blush ensued, from the both of them. She could tell Vinyl was confused, but intrigued. Octavia made her mind up, finally. Vinyl had been on her mind all week, and now Octavia knew why. Turning her head again, Octavia kissed the thigh again, this time a little higher up. Vinyl's breath caught, and Octavia smiled. It felt good, very good, to know that she could affect Vinyl in that way. She also realized why. Vinyl affected her that was as well. Octavia may have been more practiced in a statuesque countenance, but that didn't mean she felt nothing.

Indeed, if anything, Octavia was feeling too much. Her mind was whirling with the new revelations. She hadn't been here five minutes, but she had just told Vinyl she was interested in her. Tonight was going to be interesting, for sure.

A new sound reached Octavia's ears, and she realized that the television had been switched on. It was some ridiculous reality show, and then the channel changed, again and again. Eventually, Vinyl settled on a science show, some man in a white coat explaining how the moon affected the tides, saying that if Luna were any less careful in her choosing of the orbit, surely there would be calamity. He droned on and on, and Octavia found her mind wandering again. Vinyl's thigh was soft and warm, and Octavia suddenly realized that there was a hand on her back. She looked up, and it was Vinyl's, who was still sitting upright.

Sitting up, Octavia pulled with her hands and eyes, and soon had Vinyl laying down. Octavia rested on top of her, the blanket found and threw over the both of them. Vinyl was warm all over, and it was cold outside. Octavia was quite happy. She was cuddled up against a girl that was doing a good job of claiming her heart. It seemed like a sudden thing, but Octavia knew that it had been manifesting in her head since the first night out.

Octavia didn't know what to do now. She knew that she was interested in Vinyl, that was for sure. She weighed information in her mind, listing everything about their current situation. Neither of them were wearing bras. Octavia was in her underwear, and Vinyl was wearing shorts that barely counted as anything more. Octavia had on a button up shirt, and Vinyl had a tank top. There was a blanket over them, and the television was going. The couch was comfortable, but not comfortable enough. Octavia furrowed her brows, her cheek against Vinyl's collarbone. Something would have to be done. There was a next step, she knew, but what was it? The question busied her mind for several minutes, long enough for the show to end and another start.

An idea formed in her mind, but it made Octavia nervous. She had never been close to another girl before, but Vinyl made her feel comfortable. Without moving otherwise, Octavia took her hand and slowly placed it on the inside of Vinyl's knee. No reaction, at least one Octavia could see. She slowly moved the hand, sliding gently up Vinyl's leg. Head on Vinyl's chest, Octavia could feel Vinyl's heart begin to speed up. Pretty soon, her hand came to the shorts. Two options presented, Octavia made a snap decision. Her fingers found the fabric of the shorts, tugged on them, crept underneath. Excitement began to build in Octavia's chest when she found that Vinyl wore no underwear.

Her hand found places and did things that Octavia knew were good, from experience of many lonely nights. Vinyl's breath and heartbeat were growing more rapid, and Octavia continued. Vinyl quietly moaned, and Octavia had never heard such a sexy sound. It made her want to feel every inch of Vinyl against every inch of herself. Vinyl's hands weren't idle, burying themselves in Octavia's hair, gently tugging this way or that. Octavia kissed Vinyl's neck, and Vinyl reciprocated by pulling Octavia's head up and meeting her lips.

Vinyl's mouth was soft, and Octavia hungered for more. But before that, there was one thing that had to change. Octavia pulled her hand out from the dark crevasses it had crept into and stood. Her hair was a mess, and it made her feel hot. Sex hair, she thought. No, not yet.

Vinyl was clearly in distress, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. Octavia met the gaze as she unbuttoned her shirt. However, she didn't give the girl time to admire the view, as she grabbed Vinyl's hand and pulled her up, leading the way to the bedroom. She pushed Vinyl onto the bed and climbed on top. They kissed again, and Octavia knew what she was doing was right.

An hour later, they lay in the bed still, but with several significant differences. They were both now completely naked, breathing heavy, and covered in a delicate film of sweat. Vinyl tasted good, and Octavia wanted more, but she had to rest. Vinyl was good, very good. Her tongue had gone places Octavia had never thought of before and quite liked, as her moans and cries had attested. Her legs were still too weak to stand, but that was fine. She was perfectly happy to lay, Vinyl wrapped around her better than any blanket. She picked a blue hair off her leg and put her head in her second favorite place for it, against Vinyl's collar bone, intending to go to sleep. Vinyl had better ideas, though, and Octavia agreed, it was much more fun than a nap.

More time passed, and again the pair found themselves still. Octavia was tired, so tired, but she was so happy. Vinyl seemed to know her body better than herself, and Octavia had loved every touch, kiss, lick, prod, and rub. The sensations had all mixed together to culminate in the most extreme orgasm Octavia had ever reached. Afterward, she had wondered of the neighbors were distressed by her screams and shouts, but there was no knock on the door, so the matter was dropped from her mind.

It was now after midnight, and the apartment was dark. The television still droned on, somewhere in the next room, and Octavia ignored it. She wanted to ignore everything beyond the bed, beyond Vinyl. Unfortunately, it was something within the confines of the sheets that provided a distraction. To be more specific, it was her stomache. Octavia was hungry. Her stomach growled, eliciting a soft giggle from Vinyl. Octavia made to rise, but was pushed back down by Vinyl, who rose and left the room, returning a few moments later with some bread, cheese and wine. They sat there, naked, and snacked, content to not let words distract them. Once their bellies were quietened, they went under the sheets once more, but this time to sleep.


It was a bright, clear morning when Vinyl opened her eyes. A glance at the clock showed it was actually nearly afternoon, but it was a Saturday, and Vinyl would call it whatever she wanted to. She rolled over, and her eyes flew open. Where was Octavia? Now there was a matter worth investigating. Fortunately, the case was soon closed by the sounds of cooking. An implement clinked against a pot or pan, and Vinyl left the bed, as much as she hated to, and went to the kitchen.

Octavia was dressed only in her white button up shirt, which almost worked at preserving her modesty. Vinyl leaned against the wall and waited to be noticed. Octavia's eyes were on the cooking, and Vinyl's eyes were all over Octavia. She was still amazed she had such an angel in her apartment, much less in her bed. Her chest swelled with joy, and Vinyl felt truly blessed.

Octavia noticed Vinyl standing across the room, her violet eyes flicking up, then back down.



Vinyl crossed the room to come up behind Octavia. Leaning over her shoulder, Vinyl saw bread dipped in beaten eggs, then tossed into a pan on the stove. Curiosity abounded, but Octavia chased her away, saying to go put on some clothes and be patient. Vinyl did as told, somewhat, returning to the living room in a thong and athletic bra. Octavia rolled her eyes and giggled, but said nothing. It was only a minute later that Octavia brought over two plates, piled high with the toast. Smothering it in syrup, Octavia dug in, and Vinyl copied.

Soon, the plates were empty, and Octavia once again told Vinyl to sit still, nabbing the plates and whisking them off to be washed. Vinyl belatedly realized she needed a shower, as she hadn't taken one last night after their workout. She went over to the bathroom, making sure to leave the door wide open as she undressed and got the water heated up. The door to the bathroom opened into the living room, and Vinyl knew that Octavia could see her. She had barely managed to get her hair wet when she heard the door close. Peeking around the curtain, she saw Octavia approaching, shirt already on the floor.

Some time later, Octavia and Vinyl rested on the couch. Their hair was still wet, Octavia still wearing a towel wrapped around hers. The television droned on, but neither of them were particularly interested in it. They were both content to simply lay there, enjoying each other's proximity. Vinyl thought that this had to be heaven. She couldn't think of anything else that she desired, except for many more days like this.

And there were.

Author's Note:

There we go, the last chapter. Finale. The End. Show's over. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. No trespassing.


Tell me what you think the best car that BMW ever produced is. If I see someone who agrees with me, I'll post a bonus chapter.

Correct asnwer was E30! M3 or 325i, just E30's in general.

More chapters will be written at my leisure, so make sure to fav and watch and all that jazz.