• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 5,507 Views, 47 Comments

Transformers: Harmony and Chaos - zentradiplus

Discord invades Earth. It's up to Twilight Sparkle and the Autobots to stop him.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Contact

High above the skies of New York City.........

A bright ball of light appears with a thundering boom, then it subsides, and a strange creature appears in it's place.
Discord begins surveying his new surroundings.

"Ah yes, it feels sooooo good to stretch out again." He says as he flies around the clouds.

"And this change of scenery should do me some good. Equestria has certainly gotten much duller since SNORE-Lestia and that BORE Luna took over." He monolouges to himself.

He then notices what appears to be a large city beneath him. Discord snaps his fingers, and a pair of binoculars appear in his hands. He peers through them. He sees that the city is extremely developed and advanced, with motorized vehicles and bi-pedal ape like creatures walking through the streets.

At this point, Discord knows exactly where he is.

"Why, I'm back on EARTH!" He shouts to himself with joy.

"Oh how long has it been? Two, maybe three thousand years now? I remember how boresome and primitive these humans were. But now look at you. My how you all have grown and advanced. I KNEW you all had potential my little specimens. Oh how I shall enjoy reining my chaos upon you all."

Then something else catches his notice. It appeared to be some sort of explosion. Gunfire could also be heard.

"What pray tell, is this?" He wonders.

He snaps his fingers again, and the binoculars turn into a telescope. Discord looks through it, is amazed with what he sees.
Giant bi-pedal metal creatures, fighting and shooting each other.

"Why new players, this should prove interesting."

But what Discord sees next nearly floors him. A familiar purple unicorn, using her horn to emit a magical force field to protect a group of humans from laser fire. He then sees her fire some bolts from her horn at several of the metal giants.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE??!! What in Tatarus is SHE doing here.... on EARTH???" Discord said bewildered.

Then he places his eagle claw under his chin in thought.

"Actually, this might make my game, a little more...... enjoyable....MMMM, Hahahahaha!

Nearly 2 hours ago

Bumblebee pulls up to what appears to be a giant metal metropolis. It was a sight to see, though granted most of the buildings were still unfinished as he mentioned earlier.

They reach what appears to be a check in station.

"Let me just let them know we're her alright?" Bumblebee said as he pulls up to the station.

Inside the check in booth was a small red robot.

"Hey Gears, didn't know you were on duty today." Bumblebee greeted him.

"Yeah, I know, anyways, Ratchet's been looking for you. So you better get in quick. Hey, what's with those animals in the back seat? You picked up some pets or something?"

"EXCUSE ME?" Twilight angrily responded.

"Whoa no way! You can talk?" Gears said in total surprise.

"Of course I can! Just because I'm not from your world doesn't mean you have to be rude to me." She shot back annoyed.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever, just get in already." Gears then waves them in.

"What's his problem?" Spike the dragon asked.

"Aw don't worry about Gears, he's a grouch, but he's also one of the most trustworthy Autobots I know." Bumblebee said as he drives into the heart of the city.

Twilight, and both Spikes exit Bee as he transforms back into his robot form. They then all walk into what appears to be the main building. They then pass by a white Autobot with crosses on his shoulders, and another large red Autobot who was talking with him.

"Hey Ratchet, I heard you were looking for me. Oh HI Ironhide." Bumblebee greeted the two bots.

"Well it's about time you showed." Ratchet said, "Huh? What's with the little horse and reptile?"

"Oh hello sir, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my little assistant Spike, he's a dragon. And I would prefer you called me a pony. There's something about the term horse, that feels very, how should I say, unappealing."

"You, You can TALK??" Ratchet said while surprised.

"Why I be a Cybertronian Scraplet!" Ironhide responded.

"Why does everypony find it so hard to believe I can talk?" Twilight asked while slightly annoyed.

"Well, you have to understand." Spike Witwicky said, "here on Earth, horses and ponies never evolved beyond how they are now. They're not sentient like you are. I guess the evolutionary chain must have been different where you came from."

"Well, I guess that makes sense. But that also sounds very interesting. Because it seems like they're just like the ancient caveponies that used to live millions of years ago on my world of Equestria. I'd like to see them."

"Oh boy, here we go. Twilight in her bookworm mode." Spike the dragon said to himself.

"Anyway Bumblebee," Ratchet said, "I need you to take this new fuel cell and install it into Omega Supreme when you have the chance. It should help him cut his traveling time in half."

Ratchet hands Bee the fuel cell.

"Understood, well, we're gonna hit up the main hall where the big guy is, I'm sure he'd like to meet our guests. Catch ya later." Bumblebee said as he Spike Witwicky, Twilight, and the dragon continued to move on.

As they walk, they run into another red Autobot with a yellow panel on his chest.

"Hey guys how's it shaking?" He greeted the group.

"Hey Blaster" Spike W said, "We're just giving our new friends a tour of Autobot City."

"New friends, I love making new friends." Blaster said, "Though I don't think I ever laid optics on anything as spectacular as you two before."

"Charmed" Twilight said, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and this is my assistant Spike."

"Hey, he's got the same name as you!" Blaster said while addressing the human teen.

"Well, I'd like to welcome you here with some cool jams. Get ready to PAR-TAY!"

Blaster transforms into his boombox mode, and begins blasting loud music.

Twilight begins laughing.

"You remind me of my friend Pinkie Pie back home. We call her the Party Pony."

"Hey, sounds like my kinda pony." Blaster replies.

Suddenly a stern voice could be heard coming from a room next to them.

"Blaster, turn that off right now! We need to concentrate on our task at hand."

Blaster immidiately turns off the music and transforms back into robot mode.

"Sorry bout that." he said sheepishly, "Got kinda carried away with our new otherworldly guests."

"Otherwordly?" the voice asked. "Hmm, interesting. Bring them in here please, I would like to meet them."

Twilight and dragon Spike slowly enter the room. What they see in front of the, is a large Red robot with what appears to have two windows on his chest, white legs, and blue boot like feet.

"Greetings little one, My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. I here by graciously welcome you to Planet Earth."

"Wow, very formal. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is my number one assistant Spike. I'm a unicorn pony and he's a baby dragon. We come from the world of Equestria on a mission of research and study. I am the student of one of the leaders of my world, Princess Celestia. I am on a quest of knowledge and education."

"Then I am honored to meet you Twilight Sparkle." Optimus responds.

Some time later......

"And that is how the Autobots and Decepticons came to this world."

Optimus finishes his long story about the history of Cybertron. About the Great War between the Autobots, and the Decepticons, about how Megatron rose to power and waged his conquest across the galaxy. About how they came to Earth searching for a new source of energon. Everything up to this point.

"Such an amazing story. So you're also an alien to this world just like myself and Spike. I'm sorry to hear about the war, and how your race must have suffered great hardships. Though I'm a little worried about that this Megatron character might give us trouble while we're here." Twilight explained.

"Do not worry yourself, Twilight. As leader of the Autobots, and as a protector of the innocent, I promise that I will not let any harm come to you, your dragon companion, or any other innocent life on this planet. We Autobots have vowed with our very sparks."

"Well that's good to hear." Spike the dragon responded.

Spike W and Bumblebee were sitting next to them the entire time, happy the fact that their new friends were adjusting to Earth very well.

Twilight then tells Optimus about Equestria, about earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. About how unicorn magic works, and how the pegasi control the weather, and how strong earth ponies are. She also tells him about the princesses and the roles they play. About raising the sun and moon.

"You live in a very interesting world Twilight." Optimus said. "I would like to visit some time, hopefully one day, when the Decepticons are defeated."

"And I'm sure Princess Celestia would love to have you as a guest." Twilight responded.

Suddenly, a grey and white Autobot runs into the room.

"Optimus!" Wheeljack calls to the Autobot leader.

"Yes Wheeljack, what do you have to report?" Optimus responded.

"Perceptor and I picked up some strange atmospheric energy readings above New York City. We've never seen anything like it before." Wheeljack reported. "It was as if like a wormhole appeared, then vanished. Do you think it's related to any Decepticon activity?"

"I do not know Wheeljack, but I do believe it is worth investigating." Optimus said.

"Alright then." Wheeljack replies, "And by the way, Jazz and Cliffjumper are already in the city for a charity race event. I've already contacted them about the situation. But shortly afterwards, the comm links went dead. No doubt from the strange energy interference."

"I wonder if we can come along too?" Twilight asked, "Spike and I are here for research after all, maybe traveling to one of your cities will help me in my task."

"Very well, then Twilight, but stay close to us. If there are Decepticons related to this disturbance, then you may be in danger."

"Say Optimus," Wheeljack asked "Who are those two?"

"This is Twilight Sparkle, a unicorn pony from the world of Equestria, and with her is Spike, her young dragon companion. They have traveled to Earth to learn about humankind and their culture." Optimus answered.

"Interesting, nice to meet you two. Anyways, we gotta get going. I'll arrange a transport since New York is on the other side of the continent."

With that, Wheeljack leaves to get the others ready for the trip.

"Bumblebee, Ironhide, you two will be accompanying us on this trip."

"Understood Prime." Ironhide replied.

"You can count on me." Bumblebee also answered.

The group then leave the main building, and enter what appears to be a docking bay. and a large white and red Autobot waiting for them.

"Greetings Skyfire," Optimus addresses the Autobot. "We need transport to New York City to investigate a strange anomaly."

"Understood Prime." Skyfire replied, "Who are your little friends?"

"Hello, Skyfire is it? I'm Twilight Sparkle, from the world of Equestria, and this is Spike, my assistant."

"I can tell you must be a scholar of some sort. I know, I myself am a scientist. You must be on a quest for knowledge."

All Twilight did was blush.

"Ha, he totally called you out." Spike said while laughing.

"Oh shut up." Twilight said annoyed.

"ALL ABOARD!" Skyfire said, as Optimus, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Twilight, and Spike got on.

JFK Airport in New York......

Skyfire touches down on a landing strip after receiving clearance to land by the airport security.
The group exits him as he then transforms into his robot mode.

"I'll meet the rest of you in the city." Skyfire calls out as he refuels on some energon. Then transforms back into his jet mode, and flies off toward Manhattan.

"Autobots, roll out!" Optimus orders as they transform. Twilight and Spike hop into Optimus as they roll into the city.

The group reaches Time Square where Jazz and Cliffjumper were waiting.

After the usual questioning of who Twilight and Spike were, and after the proper introductions, they get to business.

"Optimus," Skyfire says, "It looks like the readings might be coming from the skies above, let me fly up and......GYYYAAAAHHH!"

A laser blast seems to come out of the sky and hits Skyfire directly in his chest.

The Autobots, Twilight, and Spike look up to see the source. It was non other than Megatron. Flying behind him were Soundwave, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Ramjet, Dirge, and Thrust.

"Decepticons, Attack!" Megatron calls out as the Decepticons began opening fire on the Autobots.

"Autobots, Scatter!" Optimus orders as the group runs in separate directions. The Decepticons start chasing them down.

Twilight wasn't sure what she should do. She wanted to see the city, learn about humankind, but at the same time the Decepticons were attacking, and she knew she and Spike were in danger. She also didn't want to helplessly watch as her new friends be attacked by invaders. She decided to take action into her own hooves.

"Spike, find shelter somewhere" she said sternly to the dragon.

"Twilight, what are you doing?" Spike asked while terrified of what's going on.

"Just GO!" she ordered him.

Spike runs off and finds an alley where he hides in a dumpster.

Twilight then sees Optimus and Megatron having some sort of staredown.

"So Optimus Prime, care to tell me what you Autobots are doing? You will answer my question about those strange energy readings above the city." Megatron demanded.

Optimus was slightly dumbfounded.

"Megatron, are you telling me, it wasn't your doing?"

"What? So it wasn't you Autobots? If it wasn't you, then who? No matter, since you are here, I will snuff your spark!"

Then Megatron notices Twilight. And he approaches her.

Optimus takes a defensive stance in front of her.

"Is this some kind of joke Optimus?" Megatron asked in surprise. "Have you decided to keep even more annoying creatures around as your pets?"

"Begone Megatron, I will not allow you to harm her, or any other innocent life."

"How predictable of you Prime. Always protecting the weak infernal vermin."

Megatron raises his cannon at Twilight, before Optimus could react, and fires.

"NO!" Optimus yells out.

But to Megatron's astonishment, Twilight disappears in a bright flash of light. And reappears behind him. She then begins to fire several energy bolts from her horn. They were enough to knock Megatron back a few steps.

"Impressive little one, but not good enough!" He says while raising his cannon again.

Megatron is then interrupted by Optimus delivering a right fist into his face.


The two opposing leaders begin swinging punches at each other as Twilight runs off.

All around Time Square, the Autobots and the Decepticons begin their own battles.

Jazz and Soundwave attempt to repel each other with their sonic weapons, Cliffjumper and Bumblebee attempt to shoot at Dirge and Thrust as they divebomb the two scouts, Ramjet and Starscream are dogfighting with Skyfire in the air, while Thundercracker and Skywarp are busy terrorizing the civilians and tearing the city block apart as Ironhide attempts to stop them.

Twilight notices a burning bus, with multiple people trapped inside. She immediately ran over to try and help. If she didn't hurry, it might be too late.

Using her magic, she rips the jammed door off clean.

"Hurry! Get out of here now before it's too late." She calls to the group of passengers.

The humans, astonished at what they saw, a unicorn ripping the door off, and speaking to them, very quickly regained their composure, and made a break for it. One man even stopped and thanked Twilight for saving him.

A news crew pulls up just in time to see Twilight in her act of heroism.

"Hey man, get this! Get the camera rolling. I don't believe what I'm seeing! A talking purple unicorn!"

As she heads toward the others she sees Soundwave beating Jazz to the ground. Soundwave then notices a group of humans fleeing.

"Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, eject. Operation, Termination!"

Three cassettes eject from Soundwave's chest compartment, and transform. Two of them take humanoid form, while one is in a shape of a cat like beast.

The three minicons then proceed to chase after the humans.

Twilight immediately used her magic to create a force field to shield the humans as Rumble and Frenzy fire their lasers. The force field repels all the shots.

"What the slag?!" Rumble said.

"I won't let you hurt ANYPONY!" Twilight shouted, then turns her attention to the humans she just saved.

"RUN!" She yells to them, as the humans, though again, surprised that a talking unicorn had just saved them, immediately ran for their lives.

She then begins to shoot bolts of energy from her horn at the Decepticons.

"You're gonna pay for ruining our fun" Frenzy angrily said, as he and Rumble turned their arms into piledrivers and began pounding the ground.

Twilight loses her footing and falls over, as Ravage is about to pounce on her.

Suddently several shots come from behind her that knock down the three minicons. It was Bumblebee, running towards her as Dirge and Thrust close in on him.

Twilight uses a powerful wind spell to create a small tornado, which catches the two seekers. They swerve out of control and crash into each other.

Skywarp notices this, and attempts to engage, but is tackled by Cliffjumper.

Back at the fight with Optimus and Megatron. The two continue to brawl, as humans flee from the scene.

"I will terminate you Prime! For it is my destiny to rule this world, and Cybertron."

"Not on this day Megatron!"

Megatron delivers an uppercut to Optimus, and the force sends him flying into the air and crashing down into a side of a building.

Optimus counterattacks by firing two shots from his gun, one hitting Megatron in his right shoulder, and the other just barely missing his head by inches.

The two then charge at each other again.

Starscream, Ramjet, and now Thundercracker chase down Skyfire while he's still trying to shake the seekers in the air, transforms into his robot mode, and fires at them. The seekers easily dodge the blasts, but suddenly several more shots appear from the sky and knocks all three Decepticons out of the air. Skyfire looks up to see five additional jets join the battle. It was none other than the Aerialbots.

Soundwave notices this, "Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, eject! Operation, Air Assault!"

Two more cassettes emerge from Soundwave, and transform into metal condors.
The other Decepticon seekers also notice this, stop engaging the Autobots, and converge on the Aerialbots.

"Scrap! We're outnumbered!" Skydive calls out.

"No we're not!" Silverbolt says. "Aerialbots, combine into Superion!"

The Aerialbots transform into their robot modes, then start connecting to each other until they form a giant robot.


All six Decepticon seekers, and the two bird minicons engage Superion. Superion swats away Skywarp and Thundercracker like nothing, causing them to crash, and then open fires with devastating blasts on the rest.

Soon all six seekers, and two minicons sustain heavy damage.

"Buzzsaw, Laserbeak, Rumble, Frenzy Ravage, RETURN!" Soundwave orders as all the cassettes transform and re-enter his chest compartment.

"BLAST!" Megatron calls out. "Decepticons fall back. But not before we leave a parting gift."

Megatron turns his attention to a nearby building, and fires at it's foundation. The building then begins to topple over.

Soundwave and Starscream begin firing at the middle and top of the same building, and fires begin to burn.

"That should keep them occupied and cover our withdrawl." Megatron says as all the Decepticons fly off into the horizon.

"Autobots! Stabilize the building!" Optimus orders, as he, and all the Autobots attempt to hold it up. But it was too much, not even Superion's massive strength could hold up a building of that size.

The people trapped inside were desperately calling out for help, when suddenly the entire building became enveloped in a purple force field. The force field began pushing the building back into place, along with the Autobot's help. Once the foundation was re secured, a strong wind began to blow, and extinguishes the flames.

The Autobots look back in awe as they watch Twilight Sparkle work her magic, quite literally. The news crew never took their cameras off of her.

Then all the humans inside began levitating out of the windows. Spike, who had returned from his hiding place, also was watching in astonishment.

"Wow Twilight." he said. "I always knew you were talented in magic, but you're much stronger than ever!"

When the last human was safely levitated to the ground, Twilight collapsed from exhaustion.

The dragon, and the Autobots ran up to her to see if she's ok.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Spike asked with concern.

"I'm fine Spike," Twilight said while panting, "But let's just hope I won't have to do that again. I don't think I can do that twice."

Superion disassembles back into the Aerialbots.

Silverbolt steps up, "Is everyone alright?"

"We are still intact Silverbolt, and it also seems that there is more than meets the eye, to our otherworldly guest." Optimus replies.

The news crew then run up to her, and begin hounding her with questions.


"Oh, um, hi. My name is Twilight Sparkle, I'm a unicorn pony from the world of Equestria, and I'm here....to....I....oh, I'm sorry, I'm just really tired."

"Allow me to explain then." Optimus said as he steps up.

"Twilight Sparkle is a visitor to Planet Earth. She is here on a mission of knowledge and research. Back on her world, she is a scholar, a scientist, and a student. She means us no harm. In fact, she has just shown great courage and heroism by saving countless lives today from the Decepticons. Please show her the same kindness and courtesy that you have shown for us Autobots as well. I ask you all to welcome her to Earth."

With that being said, a group of people, particularly, the people she saved earlier, began applauding, then cheering, soon more join in, and before anyone knew it, the entire city block began cheering, and chanting her name.

"Wow Twilight," Spike said, "Looks like you're an overnight celebrity!"

The news crew then notices Spike.

"And what about you little fella?" a newsman asks.

"My name is Spike, I'm Twilight's number one dragon assistant. And like her, I'm also a brave hero!"

"SPIKE!" Twilight shouted. "Stop gloating and get over here!"

" *gulps* Y...Yes Twilight" Spike says nerviously.

High above the Skies of New York....

Discord has just finished witnessing all the events that have transpired from the safety of the clouds.

"Well done Twilight Sparkle. Well done indeed." He said while clapping.

"This will only make my game far more entertaining."