• Published 28th Apr 2012
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Transformers: Harmony and Chaos - zentradiplus

Discord invades Earth. It's up to Twilight Sparkle and the Autobots to stop him.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Assault

The Autobots, with their pony companions finally pull up to the front gates of Canterlot after a long drive on the mountain side.
The ponies exit the bots as they transform back into their robot modes. They enter the city.

"Autobots, set your weapons to stun. I will not condone the loss of any organic lifeforms unless all other options are exhausted." Optimus explained. "Remember, that all lifeforms have the potential, for change and reform."

"You're the optimistic one aren't you?" Rainbow Dash teased.

"Without that hope, then we are no better than the tyrants and conquerors we fight against." Optimus said.

The bots recalibrate their weapons, so that they fire taser blasts instead of the lethal laser beam.

"Bumblebee, scout ahead, and see if you can locate a safe way into the castle where the Elements are being held." Optimus ordered him.

"Gotcha Prime." Bumblebee replied.

"Proceed with extreme caution." Optimus warned.

Bumblebee then enters the streets. He ducks around in cover, pointing his gun around, and making sure that no enemies are sited. He then runs, and ducks behind another building, looks again, this time he sees a changeling patrol walking in front of him.

Bumblebee motions his hands, signaling the others to take cover. The other Autobots transform into their vehicle modes, and and hide behind certain buildings. The ponies keep themselves concealed by hiding behind bushes and trees.

As soon as the patrol turns the corner, Bee signals the others to emerge from their hiding places.

"That was a close one Optimus." Bumblebee says to the others.

"Do we really gotta sneak around like this Prime?" Ironhide complained, "I mean, just look at em', they're no larger than the ponies, We can take em'."

"Ah thought the same thing Ironhide," Applejack said to the bot, "But when dem changlins' swarm up on y'alls, their numbers are hard to deal with. Still, I gotta find mah brother and sister. I gotta help em'."

"We will Applejack, I promise you." Twilight reassured the cowmare.

"All this sneaking around is really fun, don't you think Bee, I mean, really, it's like an extreme game and hide and seek.. and...."

Rarity cuts her off by putting a hoof to her mouth.

"SHHH! You don't want us getting caught Pinkie, so stay quiet." Rarity shushes her.

"Come on Fluttershy, let's fly ahead and see what's going on from the air." Rainbow said to the yellow pegasus.

"Do I have to? I rather go home." Fluttershy said meekly.

"Come ON Flutters, you have to do this. You're an Element holder." Rainbow demanded.

"I'll keep you covered." Bumblebee said to the to Pegasi. "I'm not letting anyone go off on their own."

"And before you do, I want each of you to take these." Optimus pulls out the headset communicators that Wheeljack provided, and gave each one to each pony.

"Use these to communicate with us, and each other, should you be separated. Also, from what I was told, these changelings can alter their forms to resemble any of you. Wearing the headset should hopefully allow us to know who is real, and who is an imposter." Optimus explained.

Each of the ponies put on the headset, though Rarity complained about it creasing her mane.

"Just put it on!" Twilight demanded.

With that done, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, go skyward, with Bumblebee keeping an eye on them from the ground.

Ironhide, Optimus, and the rest of the ponies, begin to head deeper into the city towards the castle.

Another group of a five changeling patrol heads towards their direction. Optimus transforms into his truck mode, and backs himself into an alley way. The guards simply walk right past him. However, they see Ironhide's vehicle form.

"What is that?" one changeling asks.

"Dunno, never seen a carriage like that before." the other answers.

The patrol of five changelings walk up to him.

"Oh scrap." Ironhide mutters to himself.

They begin poking and prodding him. One even opens his door, and climbs inside.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy immediately lands and runs up to Bee.

"I think we found a clear path to the castle with minimal guards, if we move quickly we can......Oh no."

The three turn around to see a group of changelings looking at them while poking around with Ironhide.

"INTRUDERS!" one yells.

Another shoots a green bolt of energy into the air. It flies up, and explodes like a firework.

"Autobots! Ponies! Our cover has been blown!" Optimus yells, as he transforms.

Ironhide transforms, startling changeling patrol that was messing with him.

The changelings immediately begin attacking the bots, as the ponies run out of their hiding places.

"Looks like we don't have any other choice." Twilight says, "Girls, let's get em'"

A swarm of changelings fly towards the signal that went off earlier, as the Autobots begin firing their taser shots at the attackers. Many of them are hit and go down. The ponies begin hoof to hoof combat with the changelings that charge at them.

Applejack using her hind legs to buck away several, Rainbow Dash plows into another group with her super sonic speed.
Twilight fires magical blasts from her horn at more changelings, while Rarity uses her martial arts skills to punch and kick away another patrol.

Pinkie Pie confronts a group of changelings, and pulls out what appears to be a bazooka, out of no where. She pulls the trigger, as pies start flying out. Many of the changelings receive pies to the face, while all Fluttershy could do, is cower in a corner. That was, until she sees three of the changelings pin Pinkie Pie to the ground. At this point, Fluttershy is angered. There's one thing she cannot stand, and that's seeing somepony hurt her friends. She begins to emit her famous "Stare" at the attackers, and they immidiately back away in fear.

Soon more arrive, and land in front of the group. In green flashes of light, the changelings turn into each of the Mane 6.

"Don't worry." Twilight said. "We've handled this before."

The girls, even Fluttershy this time, who was still in Stare mode, charge at their doppelgangers.

The ponies begin taking down a huge number of changelings with their physical attacks. Knowing exactly who to strike, and who not to attack. Thanks to the headsets they were wearing. Fortunately, the changelings have not caught on to this flaw.

The Autobots, are now being attacked by the swarm much more aggressively. They are now shooting magical green bolts from their horns as they fly in to divebomb the bots. The Autobots shoot back with their tasers, and use their fists to swat and punch any that got too close to them, out of the air.

Ironhide, losing his patience, runs directly into the heart of the attacking swarm.

"Ironhide! Return immidiately!" Optimus ordered, but he had already lost sight of the bot in the large swarm.

Optimus hears a few shots coming from Ironhide's direction, as he himself continues to fight off the onslaught that is endlessly coming in his way.

Then Ironhide reamerges from the swarm.

"Sorry about that." He says to Optimus, "Got kinda carried away there."

"Of course Ironhide." Optimus says calmly, then suddenly delivers a fist straight into Ironhide's face.

The ponies and Bumblebee look on in shock.

"Optimus! What are you doing?" Bumblebee cries out.

"Bumblebee, that is NOT Ironhide!" Optimus answers.

Right on cue, "Ironhide" falls to the ground, and in a green flash, turns back into a changeling.

"They can turn into Autobots?" Rarity asked in shock.

"It appears so." Optimus replied.

"How did you know it wasn't Ironhide?" Twilight asks as she shoots another blast of energy at an attacker in her own image.

"Let's just say, I have the Wisdom of the Ages inside of me. It helped me deduce who is an imposter, and who is real." He answered.

Twilight, not sure what he meant, continues to fight off the hordes.

Soon, all of the changelings in the vicinity have been beaten. And Optimus sees the real Ironhide, finishing off the last of the swarm that are still attacking him. With one more taser shot, the last changeling falls to the ground defeated.

"So much for covert." Ironhide said dryly. "Just ain't my style."

Up from the castle tower, Queen Chrysalis was watching the entire event transpire. She had already knew about Twilight Sparkle, and the Elements of Harmony holders making a plan to raid her domain. Although, these giant metal robots she did not expect. Yet she found them to be very interesting indeed. Seeing them transform back and forth between bi-pedal creatures, to vehicles was something she found amusing. Almost like if they were in a way changelings themselves.

The bots and ponies finally reach what is the front gates of Canterlot Castle.

"If the battle was this easy, then we should have no problems gettin' what we need, and stoppin' this evil queen." Ironhide says.

"I do not think it will be that simple." Optimus answers him. "Do not underestimate the opponent."

"She was able to defeat both Celestia and Luna a the same time." Fluttershy said, "And they're both the strongest ponies we know. They're practically gods."

"Yeah, and that's SUPER DUPER STRONG!" Pinkie added.

"Trust me," Twilight said, "This won't be easy."

"I understand. Autobots, as before, proceed with extreme caution." Optimus orders, as the group open the castle gates, and head inside.

All around them, they see what appears to be green cocoons and demolished furnishings, as if a battle had taken place.
Finally they come across a pair of large doors.

"This leads to the throne room." Twilight said to the group. "Ok everypony, are you all ready?"

"More than ready!" Rainbow replied.

"For Apple Bloom, and For Big Macintosh!" Applejack said with courage.

"Let's get this party started!" Pinkie yelled out.

"Anyone this uncouth deserves a walloping." Rarity replied.

"Umm, I think so.... I mean, if that's ok with you." Fluttershy said nervously.

The Autobots click their weapons, look at each other, then the ponies, and nod in agreement.

"Advance!" Optimus calls out as he kicks in the door.

Inside, Queen Chrysalis was sitting on the throne, silently smiling.

"I have been expecting you my guests. Please come in." She said in a mocking manner.

"Queen Chrysalis, I presume." Optimus said as he approaches her.

Two of her guards take defensive stances.

"No guards, leave us. I shall enjoy dealing with them myself. As I have something very special planned. Indeed."

"Chrysalis!" Twilight called out. "You will surrender this instant. Your goons have been beaten, and we have powerful friends with us. Give up now!"

"An' give us back our family members!" Applejack added.

"And the Princesses!" Rarity also yelled out.

Chrysalis began laughing.

"Oh you're quite serious aren't you?" she teased. "I am not one to give away such a prize like the throne of Equestria so easily, nor am I intimidated by your giant warriors. Soon all wil bow to me. Even Discord shall fear my power."

With that, she stands from her throne, and advances towards the heroes.

"Get ready everypony!" Twilight says, as all the ponies, and bots take a battle stance, and weapons locked.

"Conventional weaponry will not do you any good." Chrysalis says, as her horn begins to glow. "I have absorbed enough love energy to transend it."

She then fires a blast which hits Bumblebee in the chest. It sends him flying into a wall.

"BEE!" everyone calls out in unison.

"Yer gonna pay for that!" Ironhide says as he fires at the queen.

Chrysalis erects a force field that deflect Ironhide's blast back at him. He too is knocked down.

"Now, no more games. I will not make the same mistake again by stalling." She said as a green vortex of light and flame encircle her.

The green turns into a giant pillar, and when it subsided, it's a splitting image, of Optimus Prime!

"Now," the doppelganger Prime says, even in Prime's voice, "let your termination begin."