• Published 28th Apr 2012
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Transformers: Harmony and Chaos - zentradiplus

Discord invades Earth. It's up to Twilight Sparkle and the Autobots to stop him.

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Chapter 8: Change

The Autobots, and ponies look on, bewildered, that the changeling queen, has become a perfect double of the Autobot leader. Even her voice was down to the T.

"Prepare to be destroyed!" The doppelganger Prime yelled out in an unsettling sound, as the others are so used to Optimus' benevolent spirit.

"Not while I still function!" The real Optimus says as he charges towards his clone.

Both Primes turn their right hands into orange energy axes, and begin fencing with each other.

"Twilight," Bumblebee says to the unicorn, "I think this might be the best time for you to look for the Elements."

"Right Bee. You heard him girls! Let's get going." Twilight addresses the others.

All the ponies nod in agreement, and begin to charge towards the back chamber where the Elements of Harmony are held.

On their way, however, they see more of the strange green cocoons, and multiple changelings guarding them. The moment the changelings saw the ponies, they swooped over to engage.

Once again, the ponies use their skills, bucking, magic, staring, party cannons, to force their way to the doors that held the Elements.

Back at the battle with Optimus, and Chrysalis Prime, Ironhide and Bumblebee watch in confusion. The two Autobots have already lost track of who is the real Optimus, and who is the Queen.

One of the Primes delivers a roundhouse kick to the side of the other. The other Prime retaliates, by hammerfisting the opponent in the chest. The blows were brutal, and multiple strikes were landed by both combatants.
Their fists collide with each other, and then their guns go ablaze, as they try to fill each other up with laser fire.

"I can't tell who's who!" Bumblebee yelled out.

"Well all we can do, is watch until we figure somethin' out little buddy." Ironhide replied.

Back with the ponies, Rainbow Dash slams one of the changelings so hard, it flies into one of the cocoons. It begins to crack, then crumbles. Inside, was a blonde maned, and grey pegasus. The pegasus opens her eyes, revealing them to be crossed.

"DERPY! You OK girl?" Rainbow asked with concern.

"I'm fine, thanks Rainbow Dash. I felt like my emotions were being drained when I was in that thing."

It then hit Rainbow Dash. The cocoons, they WERE the missing ponies! Chrysalis had captured the ponies, encased them in cocoons, and was draining love energy from them. It was the source of her power.

"Twilight!" Rainbow yelled to the unicorn, "Destroy the cocoons! The missing ponies are trapped inside. The changelings are draining the love out of them literally!"

Twilight and the others hear this revalation, and begin attacking the cocoons, as the changelings tried to stop them.

Applejack was more determined than any of the other ponies. Now she knew where to look for her brother and sister, she began bucking every cocoon she could find. She had already broken a couple open. Applejack had freed several ponies she recognized as locals in Ponyville. The were Lyra, Bon Bon, Dr. Hooves, Caramel, and even the grouchy Cranky Doodle Donkey. They all thanked her as they tried to look for a place to escape.

Twilight realized there's no where for the escapees to go.

"Sorry about this Princess" she says to herself, as she charges up a large blast, and blows away a section of the wall, creating a large hole that leads out of the castle.

"Everypony! Hurry and run!" She shouts to the refugees.

All of the freed ponies make a break for the new exit, as more changelings try to chase them down.

"YOU WILL NOT HURT ANYPONY!" Fluttershy angrily yells, as she stares down the pursuers. They immediately retreat back.

Applejack bucks out several more cocoons, and as they break open, she sees a familiar large stallion. It was none other than Big Macintosh.

"MAC! AH'm so glad yer alright!" Applejack cries out, with tears in her eyes, as she hugs her brother.


"We gotta find Apple Bloom." Applejack says to him.

"Eeyup!" he says even more firmly in agreement.

He begins helping the Mane 6 fight off the changelings, and breaking the cocoons.

Back in the throne room.....

The two Primes still go at it, matching each other blow for blow. One Prime swings, the other dodges, and counter attacks, the punch is caught by the opponent, and another swing is made hitting the other in the chest. The opponent then grabs the antagoniser, and delivers a knee to the mid section to the opposer.

"Autobots!" one of the Prime yells out. "Assist me in defeating the changeling!"

"NO Autobots! That one is the imposter!" the other Prime yells.

"If you do not stop the Queen, she will destroy this entire world!" The other yells again.

"Autobots, to not fall for the changeling's deception!" The other Prime yells.

"I don't know what to do." Ironhide says to Bumblebee.

"We have to trust our instincts. Ironhide." Bumblebee says to his friend.

They both point their guns at the two Primes.

Then one of the Primes shouts out:

"Destroy the imposter, finish her off!"

At this point both Autobots know EXACTLY who to shoot. They open fire, and light up the Prime who just yelled out the order.

The Prime falls to the ground. Then in a green burst of flame and light, reverts back into Chrysalis.

"How......how...did...you know?!" She asked weakly.

"Because Optimus Prime would never ask us to kill an organic, never in cold blood." Bumblebee explains. "He believes that all lifeforms, no matter how evil, has the potential to reform. Even someone like you."

Chrysalis curses herself for allowing such an obvious exploitation to ruin her disguise.

Meanwhile in Ponyville.....

Ratchet had set up some medical tents with several doctor ponies to help treat any ponies that were wounded in previous battles, or sick from diesease.

"You hear something?" Shining Armor asks the Autobot medic.

"Yeah" Ratchet replied. "Like some kind of buzzing noise."

They both look up, and to their horror, a giant swarm of changelings begin to descend to the town.

"We're under attack!" A unicorn guard yells out.

"ALL UNICORNS TO ME!" Shining Armor commands, "Erect the force field now!"

All of the unicorn guards stand together with Shining Armor, as well as Princess Cadence, and begin focusing their power, until a giant pink shield completely envelops Ponyville.

The changelings begin to slam and hit the force field. The unicorns begin to show signs of strain.

"This has gone on for too long." Shining Armor says to Ratchet. "I don't know how much longer we can hold."

Ratchet locks and loads, his gun.

"Then if the time comes, we fight together." The Autobot medic defiantly says.

As if on cue, the force field begins to crack, then it completely shatters. Now there's nothing to stop the changelings from getting to the ponies.

"All guards, able bodied colts, and stallions, prepare for battle!" Shining Armor calls out.

He then runs over to Cadence.

"Cadence, get all the elderly, the sick, mares, young fillies, and foals out of town. They're no longer safe here."

"But what about you?" She asked with concern.

"I am the Captain of the guard. It is my duty to protect our citizens. And it is also your duty as the acting ruler to safeguard those who can't fight back. I'll be fine, I promise. Ratchet, and my best guards will be with me."

With that, the two share a passionate kiss, then go their separate ways.

The Pegasi guards fly up to intercept the changelings in an aerial battle, while the unicrons fire bolts from their horns at any changeling that had already landed.

Ratchet himself had already taken down many with his taser blasts, and Shining Armor and his unicron guard charge toward another group of invaders.

Soon the changelings begin assuming pony guard form, adding confusion to the ranks. Some guards don't know who to attack, and are taken down, others, in a panic, attack everything in sight, be they friend or foe.

All Ratchet can do at this point, is fire on any changeling that hadn't altered their forms yet.

Back at Castle Canterlot......

More cocoons have been destroyed, and more ponies have been rescued. Applejack and Big Macintosh finally find Apple Bloom, and are overjoyed to see her. Rainbow Dash also freed her number one fan, Scootaloo from her encasement.

Pinkie Pie finds Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, while Rarity and Fluttershy free Daisy and Carrot Top. Twilight continues to press forward shooting bolts at any changeling that comes her way. She then kicks down the door that leads to another chamber.

"Time fer ya to get goin' home Big Macintosh, and get Apple Bloom to safety!" Applejack says to her brother.

"But what about you sis?" Apple Bloom says with concern.

"Dontcha worry about me. I can handle this."

"Be careful AJ, an' come back in one piece. I love ya sis." Big Macintosh says.

"Eeyup" Applejack replies using her brother's famous line.

With that, Big Macintosh gallops off with the rest of the rescued ponies as they head back to Ponyville.

Twilight Sparkle continues deeper into the lower levels of the castle.

"Where are they? Where are the Elements?" She said frustrated that she still hadn't found them yet.

In the Throne Room

"Impressive Autobots" Chrysalis says, as she gets back on her feet. "You managed to actually best me."

"We will never allow someone as cruel as you to enslave the innocent." Optimus says with vigil.

"No matter, now you face my absolute power! With the love energy I've taken from Celestia and Luna, your fate will be sealed."

She then is enveloped in another large green flash, and in her place, a giant winged black dragon stands.

"Now, prepare to be reduced to ashes."

She blows a huge stream of flames at the bots, as they barely jump out of the way.

Optimus and the others begin firing on her, but they seem to take no effect.

"A dragon's hide is tougher than diamonds." Chrysalis says, "Your weapons cannot harm me."

"Then I will have to improvise" Optimus says, as he transforms into his truck mode, and using the rubble that created a makeshift ramp, runs up it and launches himself into the air, ramming the dragon in her chest, and knocking her down.

Optimus then transforms back into robot mode, and turns his right hand back into the energy axe, and takes swipes at her neck.

She then grabs Optimus, and tosses him away like a rag doll.

Bumblebee, and Ironhide begin running circles around Chrysalis while firing their blasters at her. But all they're doing is angering her.

She swats them both away with her tail, and then sees Optimus jump back at her. Before she could react, Optimus is now on top of her head, and he wraps his arms around her neck. He begins pounding his right fist into the back of her head as she attempts to shake him off.

"What hope do you have against me?" She said, "You are nothing but an insect compared to my power."

"I will continue to struggle against those who would inflict harm on others. And by the end of this day, ONE SHALL STAND, ONE SHALL FALL!"

As Prime continues to pound her, she then flings herself backwards into a wall. She turns around, and sees Optimus in an indentation in the wall she had just made.

"One shall fall indeed. YOU Optimus Prime!"

She picks him up and begins to squeeze the life out of him, as Ironhide, and Bumblebee resume shooting at Chrysalis.

She turns around and blows them both away with her fire breath. Ironhide gets back up.

"Some liquid nitrogen should cool you off missy!" he says as Ironhide's right hand turns into a tube, and jets of liquid nitrogen shoots out. They hit Chrysalis, as she begins to freeze. Then she breaks out of her frozen confinement and swats Ironhide away with her tail again.

She resumes to squeeze Optimus, when suddenly, a loud crash could be heard from behind the queen. A giant figure then hits Chrysalis across the jaw, and she drops Prime.

"AUTOBOTS IN DANGER! INITIATING RESCUE TACTICS!" Omega Supreme says in a loud voice.

Chrysalis snarls at Omega and charges him.


Omega takes another swing, and hits her in the chest, knocking her a few steps back.


Omega Supreme fires a huge payload of missiles, rockets, and lasers at Chrysalis. The heavy artillery knocks her all the way back to the wall. Omega then advances.

Chrysalis then gets back on her feet, and begins flapping her wings until she is airborn. She rains a storm of fire onto the giant Autobot.


She divebombs him with more flames, then starts knocking him around, and clawing at his armor. Omega begins to falter.
Chrysalis then picks him up, and slams him head first into the ground.


"This does not look good." Optimus says to himself. "If this is how the pace keeps going, then I may have to resort to The Matrix. There is a chance it may terminate her life, but I have exhausted all other options. Regretfully, my hand may be forced."

Optimus gets back onto his feet, and opens his chest compartment. He then pulls out an object that appears to be a bright blue orb encased in an orange casing.

"Matrix of Leadership, I call upon your power."

But before he can finish, six familar ponies burst into the room. They are all wearing necklaces each with a symbol that matches their cutie marks. Twilight however, is wearing a tiara.

Optimus seeing this, puts the Matrix away.

"No It can't be!" Chrysalis says in horror.

"Girls, lets do this!" Twilight shouts as the ponies begin to glow.

All the ponies close their eyes, as the light becomes more intense, then they open their eyes, and they too are glowing.
Then, a rainbow colored beam emerges from the six ponies, and flies into the air.
It then hit Chrysalis, and engulfs her.


Then the beam stops, and all six ponies revert to normal.

They look to see where the dragon once stood. In it's place is a crater in the ground, and Chrysalis lying in it, in her true form.

In Ponyville....

Ratchet can barely hold out. He had burn marks all over his armor from the magical bolts the changelings had fired on him, as well as lacerations on his limbs. His gun has been completely depleted of energon, and he's been fighting with his fists.

Shining Armor fared no better, as he was exhausted from the battle. Be it from blasting changelings with his magic, to physically bucking them with his legs.

Suddenly, all the changelings seem to stop in their tracks. They all give a look of utter shock, and worry on their faces, and immediately turn around and fly back to Canterlot.
The changelings on the ground, and in pony form, change back to their original forms, and also turn and retreat.

"What's going on?" a pegasus guard asks.

"I'm not sure" Shining Armor answers. "They had us, and yet, they're leaving. Something must have happened to their queen. The changelings share a hive mind. Whatever it is, I just hope it's in our favor."

Ratchet looks on with concern.

"You guys still better be in one piece."

Back at Canterlot Castle....

The Autobots and Ponies look at the defeated changeling queen, when suddenly the ceiling begins to crack, and break open.
Two large green cocoons, fall to the ground, once they hit, they start cracking open.
One cocoon emits a brilliant white light, while the other emits a brilliant blue light. Then they burst open.
The occupants emerge, revealing themselves as none other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

"The Princesses! They're free! And they're OK! WE FOUND THEM! WE FOUND THEM! WE FOUND THEM! WE FOUND THEM!" Pinkie Pie excitedly yells as she hops around uncontrollably.

She then stops when she realizes all the other ponies are bowing. Pinkie too then also bows, but then loses her balance, and falls flat on her face.

"Twilight Sparkle." Celestia says, "I knew you could do it. You and your friends have once again saved all of Equestria from certain doom."

"Indeed," Luna added. "We owe you a great debt of honor."

The princesses then turn their attention to their giant visitors.

"And I see we also are in debt to you as well. I am Princess Celestia."

"And I am Princess Luna."

"Greetings Your Majesties. My name is Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. We are glad to be of service to your land. As Autobots, we protect those who wish for peace. For Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

"A good philosophy." Luna replied.

"But I also know why you are here. It is because that Discord has escaped to your world, and you need the Elements of Harmony to defeat him."

"Yes princess." Twilight replied. "How did you know that?"

"Call it royal intuition." Celestia joked. "But it's also because I had felt his presence disappear from this world. Discord once spoke of a world called Planet Earth, and how the Humans once worshipped him as a god. I have no doubt that is where he currently resides."

"You are correct Princess Celestia." Optimus said. "I humbly request that you allow us to borrow the Elements of Harmony in order to vanquish this foe before he wreaks havoc not only on Earth, but perhaps the rest of the galaxy."

"Of course Optimus Prime. You have just saved our world from destruction, so I will gladly help you and return the favor however I can."

Chrysalis had regained conciousness, and begins to stand up. Luna notices, and motions to her sister.

Both Alicorns then confront the changeling queen. Then they begin to glow.

Using the Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice, both sisters say in unison.


The two alicorns then begin to cast a spell, and a vortex of energy envelops Chrysalis.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" she bellows out.

The vortex then flies into the air, and toward all the other changelings flying from Ponyville to Canterlot, as well as sucking up all the rag-gag minions still in Canterlot as well. Once all the changelings are sucked in, the vortex flies off into the horizon. Presumably, to wherever Tartarus is.