• Published 24th Nov 2014
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A Gizmonk in Ponyville - Moheart7

When Apple Bloom discovers a strange creature injured in the Everfree Forest, it isn't long before the Apple Family have a new house-guest in the form of a Gizmonk named Goggles

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Chapter 12 - Confessions

When the dust finally began to settle after the explosion, everyone soon found themselves groaning in pain as they rose back their hooves and coughed whatever they had inhaled.

“Something tells me I used the wrong ingredients,” Goggles said, rubbing his head as he, Silver Spoon and Apple Bloom sat up.

“No, really?” Applejack’s voice said sarcastically, he may have been able to see her through the dust cloud at the moment but Goggles can certainly tell she wasn’t happy.

However it wasn’t Applejack that had Goggles worried about at the moment, at that very moment a large shadow hovered about him through the smoke, followed by an angry snarl from a certain Diamond Dog leader. When the shroud of dust finally dispersed, Rover’s furious gaze began to pierce the very air around him directly at his prey. There was no way he was going to let Goggles get away with what just happened.

“Think you can outsmart me eh?” he said, cracking his knuckles, making the two fillies shiver in fear. “Well then let’s just see how smart you are when I bash your skull in!!!”

However just as Rover was about to raise his fists, something caught his eye, a faint twinkle that reflected off of the goggles atop the Gizmonk’s head. Upon seeing the reflection within the green lenses, Rover quickly turned around, his jaw dropping as he gasped in awe at what he saw, needless to say everyone else had the same reaction. Before their eyes, in the very same position as to where the first sapphire stood when Goggles dropped the potion he made upon it, was a large wall completely made of sapphire. Like a seed sprouting into a tree, that one sapphire made managed to grow into a structure that stretched from one side of the cave to the other, completely sealing on of the tunnels off, luckily it wasn’t the tunnel the ponies needed to get out. As everyone stared in awe at the sparkling momument, they couldn’t help but be entranced but its magical beauty.

“My goodness,” Silver Spoon gasped. ”It’s huge!”

“It gone and filled up the whole tunnel!” Apple Bloom added.

“So Pretty!!!” Pinkie Pie squeed as she ran up towards the wall, not wasting any time to pull silly faces at her reflection upon it.

“I must say, this just simply divine!” Rarity stated as she stroked the smooth flows of gem erupting from the floor. “I can’t believe this is…”

However Rarity wasn’t able to finish her sentence due to the trio of Diamond Dogs shoving her to side and climbing over themselves to hug the sapphire wall.

“Gems!!!” Rover screamed with joy as he and his two comrades proceeded to kiss and slober all over the sapphire, much to Rarity’s disgust. “SO MUCH GEMS!!!!”

After what seemed like several minutes, all three Diamond Dogs’ heads swiftly turned towards Goggles, who couldn’t help but step back with fright. However instead of attacking him, as everyone had expected, all three Diamond Dogs suddenly fell to their knees and started begging.

“What does the Monkey want for magic growing juice!?!” Rover asked frantically.

“Yes, we’ll give anything!” Fido added in the same manner.

“ANYTHING!” Spot squealed.

“PLEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSEEE!!!!!!!” all three of them pleaded simultaneously.

No pony had any idea how to react to this display, just a few minutes ago these Diamond Dogs had Apple Bloom and Silver Spoon at their mercy but now here they were, begging Goggles for something he had as though it were a matter of life and death, of course for Diamond Dogs this was probably true. With a slight smirk, Goggles only uttered one word in response.



“HAHAHA!!! Hook Line and Sinker!”

That was the only thing Goggles could manage to get out between the endless laughter he kept spurting out as he and the ponies left the Diamond Dogs’ caverns, with at least three large carts of gems in tow. As it turns out, Goggles was able to trade one tiny vial of his potion and in return not only did the Dogs let everyone go, but they gave them a ton of gems as a thanks, believing that the potion they now possess would give them at least 10 times what they had given up and then some. As they all got further away from the caves and back towards Ponyville, the ponies couldn’t help but sigh with relief.

“I have to admit, that was a little exciting,” Silver Spoon admitted. “Scary as Tartarus, but still exciting.”

“Ah can’t believe your plan actually worked Goggles,” Apple Bloom said, smiling up at the Gizmonk sitting on the hoard of gems Applejack was pulling.

“Of course it worked!” Goggles said smugly. “Diamond Dogs may be crafty but we Gizmonks are certified geniuses, wouldn’t you agree?”

However that was when he noticed Applejack looking back at him with a cold glare, undoubtedly she was still angry at him for keeping the fact he was able to speak from every pony.

“I suppose I have a bit of explaining to do when we get back?” Goggles asked sheepishly.

“Oh ya think?” Applejack snapped, sarcastically.

“Figured as much.” Goggles sighed, having a very good idea of what needed to come next. “Scrap-Bunnies.”


By the time everyone made it back to Sweet Apple Acres, Goggles was already beginning to sweat out pints, as soon as the all dropped off the load of gems at the front of the barn, Apple Bloom could see the clear look of fear upon the Gizmonk’s face. Knowing that Applejack would want to keep this within her family for the moment, Rarity and Pinkie Pie felt it would be best to leave her and Goggles to discuss things privately while they both took Silver Spoon home. Before Goggles knew it, he found himself sitting on a stool in the middle of the Apples’ living room, the entire family all looking upon him at they all sat on the sofa in front of him. By now, Applejack had told Granny Smith and Big Mac everything she knew and after listening to Goggles for themselves, they quickly believed her. Even Trixie was astounded by seeing her employer actually speak, though Applejack ideally wanted to keep things between her family for now, she also found it pointless to keep Trixie out of the loop given the fact that she practically lives on the farm too, so of course she also took a seat in the living room, ready for the Gizmonk’s explanation.

“I still can’t believe this,” she stated. “Granted, Trixie was aware of the intelligence you possess but she would have never have guess that you were able to speak.”

“Well now that we know that he can, perhaps he can give us some answers.” Applejack said with a scowl.

“Oh, um, well then…” Goggles stuttered nervously, just as Apple Bloom came into the living room with a tea tray and set down on the coffee table.

“Here ya go Goggles,” she said kindly before passing a cup to the Gizmonk. “Camomile tea, just how you like it.”

“Thank you dear,” Goggles replied, taking the cup with gratitude as he gulped down the sweet beverage, hoping that it would calm his nerves.

Apple Bloom smiled at this, ever since she had found this creature in the Everfree Forest she had always seemed to be the one that he had grown the closest to, and just like any child looking out for their treasured friend, Apple Bloom wasn’t going to let Goggles’ spilled secret ruin it. However that didn’t stop the rest of her family and Trixie giving her a slight glare in disapproval.

“What?” she said defensively. “He’s still a guest.”

Deciding to stay on topic, every pony else simply brushed off Apple Bloom’s gesture and proceeded to question the Gizmonk.

“So how long have y’all been able to talk, little feller?” Granny Smith asked, narrowing one eye and keeping the other widened to focus on Goggles.

Now that he had some of his favourite beverage in his system, Goggles felt more relaxed and felt no pressure in answering.

“Well let’s see, today’s Tuesday so… always.” He said jokingly as he set his cup back down on the coffee table.

“But how is it even possible?” Trixie asked. “Trixie has seen plenty of strange things in my time, but she has never quite seen anything like you.”

Goggle couldn’t help but chuckle at that.

“Well you wouldn’t around these parts,” he said, playing with his fingers. “My species is a very rare breed normally found across the sea, in the Far East, in the far off country of Kappan.”

“That still don’t explain how you’re able to talk,” Applejack pointed out.

“Nnope,” Big Mac added.

At those words, Goggles knew that explaining everything wasn’t going to be easy, so he tried to make things as basic and understanding as possible.

“Well let me put it this way,” he said. “Have you ever heard the phrase, Monkey see – Monkey do?”

In response every pony either gave him a shrug of the shoulders of a shake of the head, indicating that none of them have.

“Well let’s just say that’s how we Gizmonks learnt the ways of the ponies,” Goggle explained. “You see, apart from being fiercely intelligent, we Gizmonks are a very observant species. From the minute we are born, we gaze upon the world around us and our highly intelligent minds instantly creates solutions to any problems we may face in our lives. Whenever we get a brilliant idea, the ends of our tails light up and we instantly begin to work on those solutions, normally these come in the form of gizmos and gadgets to help with the task we face, hence the name, Gizmonks. Of course talking came as quickly to us as it would any other idea that pops into our head.”

“So why haven’t you talked before now?” Apple Bloom asked curiously. “Were you nervous or something?”

Goggles sighed at that.

“No it was nothing like that,” he said. “The reason I haven’t spoken to any of you ponies is because we Gizmonks have to follow a certain code in order to survive in our homeland, we must never talk to another species under any circumstances.”

“A code huh?” Applejack said, not really buying into Goggles’ story. “And this is to protect your kind from what exactly.”

Goggles was taken aback at that question, in all honesty he was hoping that he would have been able to avoid it, however the fierce look Applejack gave him suggested otherwise. As he looked upon the group of ponies staring back at him, he felt his heart racing so past it felt like it was vibrating. Knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to get out of answering this question, and also knowing that lying would be pointless given the fact that he had witnessed Applejack’s ability to spot a liar every day since he arrived, Goggles sighed in defeat and answered her.

“The code is to protect us from… ponies.” he exhaled, looking down at the floor as he spoke.

Now it was the ponies’ turn to be taken aback, for a few moments the room remained quiet, until Apple bloom broke the silence.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

At those words Goggles’ heart became filled with sorrow, and judging from the look upon his face the ponies could easily tell that this was a question that he didn’t really wanted to answer. However it was too late to turn back now, rising up from the stool, goggles began to pace across the room and spoke.

“Years ago my species flourished,” he said sadly. “That is until ponies came along. Threatened by our intelligence, they began destroying our homes, driving us into the jungles and hunting us… to near-extinction.”

Goggles then turned away from everyone, trying desperately not to let them see the tears welling up in his eyes. However that didn’t stop them from gasping in horror.

“What?” Apple Bloom exclaimed, slightly mortified at what she had just heard.

“You… you can’t be serious,” Applejack added.

But judging from the look of sorrow, Applejack knew that what Goggles was saying was the truth, she didn’t want to believe that ponies were capable of such things but there was no denying the tone in Goggles words.

“Believe it or not, while you ponies here in Equestria are shown to be kind and gentle, the brutes that now live in Kappan are simply pure evil,” Goggles continued, grinding his teeth at the very mention of the heartless monsters he remembered. “In order to survive, our elders decreed that all Gizmonks are to behave like mere animals around all other species, so that they may never discover our true abilities and allow us a chance to live another day.”

With every word Goggles spoke, a little piece of Applejack’s stern expression softened, in fact she and Apple Bloom were on the verge of tears. Even Trixie looked saddened by Goggles’ story.

“You poor little youngin,” Granny Smith said.

“Oh Goggles, I am so sorry.” Applejack added.

At those words, Goggles took in a deep breath and regained his composure.

“Don’t be,” he said, looking back towards the family. “It’s not your fault, I for one don’t blame ALL ponies for what those brutes in the east have done. “

Realising that talking about this sort of thing was clearly too painful for the Gizmonk, Apple bloom decided to try and change the subject

“So… how did you end up here?” she asked nervously.

At those words, Goggles couldn’t help but smile at Apple Bloom’s consideration.

“Well if you truly want to know, then I have to warn you that it’s kind of a long story,” he said.

“Would you please tell us?” Granny Smith asked.

“Very well,” Goggles sighed. “I suppose the best way to explain this is by starting from the beginning. Years back, I was born in a jungle that resided at the eastern regions of Kappan, my parents were loving and would do anything to keep me safe and happy. However one day, when I was only 3 years old, they disappeared while I slept in our tree, after that I never saw them again.”

As Goggles continued his story, Applejack’s heart felt like it was cracking, after all she knew full well of the pain of losing a loved one.

“In order to survive in the world around me, I followed the code my parents had taught me and acted like a regular monkey whenever I was around other creatures,” Goggles continued. “One day, while I was searching through the jungles for food, I soon found myself caught in a hunters net and was then sold to some ravelling animal trader. After countless days on the road, I was soon bought and taken in as a pet by a wealthy family, and at first my life from then on seemed better, at least for the most part. However due to circumstances that I don’t wish to discuss, I was forced to flee from that place.”

Applejack couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at that last part, what could have happened that would make Goggles act so cryptic? Deciding to leave the subject alone for the moment, Applejack shook her head and let Goggles continue.

“After that I began traveling westward and eventually ended up stowing away on a cargo ship that went across the sea and arrived in Baltimare. I soon found myself running even further west and wandering into the Everfree forest, where I eventually ended up taking a swan-dive off a waterfall while trying to escape from a pack of Timberwolves. I’m sure young Apple Bloom can tell you what happened after that.”

Apple Bloom nodded her head at that, she knew that Goggles was clearly referring to when she had found him under that bush when she went to visit Zecora that day. When Goggles had finished his story, there was a brief moment of silence, which was shortly broken when the Gizmonk spoke again.

“Listen,” he said calmly. “I’m sure that you all probably hate me for practically lying to you these last few weeks. But regardless all I can say now, is that I am truly sorry for doing so.”

No pony responded to that, it was clear that Goggles was being sincere but after hearing what he had to say for the last few minutes had left them speechless, finally Goggles spoke again.

“Well I guess that’s that then,” he sighed, making his way out of the living room.

“Goggles?” Apple Bloom said. “Where y’all going?”

Goggles then stopped for a moment and turned his head towards them.

“To go pack my things,” he said plainly before proceeding to walk away again. “I think it’s probably best if I take my leave now, perhaps I can hitch a ride on the next train out of town.”

“WHAT!?!” Apple Bloom gasped in shock as she ran ahead of him, blocking his path towards the stairs. “Why!?!”

Needless to say every pony else shared Apple Bloom’s shock, following the filly’s example they all rose from their seat and walked over towards Goggles so he couldn’t walk away from them, basically indicating their demand for an answer.

“Well given the trouble you good ponies have endured because of me, and the fact that I have kept such a huge secret from you all, I suspect that I have now overstayed my welcome,” Goggles answered, not even daring to look Apple bloom in the eye out of shame. “So perhaps now would be a good time to close up shop and say goodbye.”

After living with the Apples for a while now, Goggle had expected them to move aside and respect his wishes, however the reaction he received was not what he was expecting at all for Goggles had clearly overlooked the stubbornness and care that they share with each other.

“Goggles, you can’t leave!” Applejack stated, much to the Gizmonk’s surprise, he was sure that SHE would have been the first one to see him leave.

“Yeah, after all you still haven’t paid me my wages yet,” Trixie added, instantly receiving a few glares from everyone else in response. “What?”

“She’s right little feller,” Granny Smith said, placing a hoof on Goggles’ shoulder. “Y’all can’t just up and go just like that.”

“Nnope,” Big Mac added in agreement.

“But surely you wouldn’t what someone like me staying under your roof,” Goggles argued. “I’ve already caused enough damage.”

However much to Goggles surprise, Applejack only chuckled.

“What critter DOESN’T do damage one in a while?” she said. “So you’re full of energy, so you’re over-eccentric, so you’re constantly hyped up on tea and have the ability to speak, SO WHAT!?! Everyone has their quirks, Sugarcube.”

Goggles couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he had kept a big secret form her, practically drove her made with all of his antics, and only just today had put her little sister in danger, and yet here was Applejack, giving him a forgiving smile and accepting him. After everything he had been through in his life, he couldn’t believe that such a pony could exist.

“But I…” he tried to speak, only to be silenced by Applejack raising her hoof.

“No buts mister,” she said looking down at him sternly. “Ah ain’t throwing you out and ah’m pretty sure no pony here wants you to leave either.”

“Darn-tootin!” Apple Bloom chimed in.

“I may not really know you that well, but I am definitely not letting you leave until you at least give me my first pay wage.” Trixie added, receiving a slight chuckle from Goggles in response.

At this point Goggles was on the verge of tears, tears of joy that he hadn’t shed for a long while, finally he spoke again.

“You… you would really let me stay?” he asked nervously.

Applejack smiled warmly at that.

“Just as long as you’re 100% honest from here on out,” she said, gently thrusting her hoof towards him. “Deal?”

Goggles didn’t even need a single second to consider his answer to that question.

“Deal!” he shrieked happily, grasping her hoof in his paw and cheerfully shaking it.

It was a happy moment then in the Apple Family house, with Goggles in the centre, he could see the love and affection from every pony’s face that surrounded him. Even Trixie couldn’t help but let a small giggle escape, even though she did try to hide it seconds later before any Pony noticed, although that didn’t stop a certain Gizmonk from spotting it, clearly the pony’s ego was something he would need to work on if she was going to continue being his assistant. Suddenly that reminded Goggles of something important.

“Though I have to say,” he said, getting on the subject while it was fresh in his mind. “Word is going to spread pretty quickly around Ponyville about this and I’m sure that a lot of ponies might not have the same courtesy as you fine ponies. And Celestia knows what’s going to happen to my business when every pony does find out that I’ve been keeping such a big secret from everyone.”

“He does have a point AJ,” Applebloom pointed out.

“Undoubtedly,” Trixie added.

However Applejack didn’t seem to be the least bit phased.

“Y’all just let me worry about that,” she said calmly. “Now how about another cup of tea?”

Another surprise for the Gizmonk, this had to be the first time that Applejack had offered to make HIM a cup of tea, Goggles may not have had much experience with kind ponies like her but it felt nice.

“You know what?” he chuckled. “That does sound pretty good.”

With that final word, everyone then walked back into the living room and sat down to enjoy the tea that was on the coffee table, only this time Goggles felt more at home.

“By the way Goggles,” Applejack said, grabbing the Gizmonks attention. “When you say ‘observant species’, HOW observant do y’all mean exactly?”

Seeing no reason to hide anything else, Goggle gladly answered as he took another sip of tea.

“Well, let me see…” he said, trying to remember a few examples. “You all keep a spare house key buried at the base of one of the nearby apple trees, Big Macintosh keeps a stash of emergency money underneath a fake bottom in the cookie jar. Oh, by the way, dear Trixie owes said cookie jar 10 bits.”

“Snitch!” Trixie snapped, quickly shrinking into her seat as she received many glares from the Apples.

“Apple Bloom still keeps the bunny suit she wore during Zap Apple Season in her wardrobe,” Goggles continued, causing the said filly to blush a little. “And the combination of the padlock on your diary is…”

Suddenly Goggles realised that he had said too much, upon hearing that last part Applejack instantly spat out her tea and gasped.

“Y’all read my Journal!?!” she snapped, her eyes widened with shock and embarrassment.

“Um… no,” Goggles, answered unconvincingly as his eyes shifted from side to side, the only thing going through his mind now being to figure out the best method of escape.

“GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE VARMINT!!!” Applejack screamed as she chased the now fleeing Gizmonk out of the front door.

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