• Published 24th Nov 2014
  • 1,785 Views, 147 Comments

A Gizmonk in Ponyville - Moheart7

When Apple Bloom discovers a strange creature injured in the Everfree Forest, it isn't long before the Apple Family have a new house-guest in the form of a Gizmonk named Goggles

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Epilogue - Crashing a Funeral

Three days after Fedora Green’s new Article came out, almost everyone in Ponyville was setting up for Goggles’ funeral, Lilly, Rose and Daisy were all working overtime to prepare all sorts of bouquets and reefs to place upon his grave, and while there may have been no body to bury, Silver Lining still had one of the best coffins made so that anyone could place their most treasured memorabilia of Goggles before it was buried. The funeral and wake were both set to be held at Sweet Apple Acres since Goggles had treasured this place most of all, and the coffin itself was to be buried beneath the base of one of the Apple trees in the orchard, it was a large, lone tree on top of a small hill, one that was high enough to overlook most of Ponyville, Applejack was sure that Goggles would have liked that. By the time everything was set up, a fresh blanket of gentle snow covered the land, courtesy of Rainbow Dash and the Cloudsdale weather ponies so that Goggles’ funeral would have a beautiful setting. Soon enough, almost everyone in Ponyville began getting themselves ready for the funeral, meanwhile, a group of Goggles closest friends all gathered for one final drink in the kitchen of the Farmhouse at Sweet Apple Acres, consisting of Applejack, Apple Bloom, Trixie, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Jinx.

“You ready?” Jinx asked, looking down at Apple Bloom with a gentle look upon her face.

“Not really,” the young Earth Pony answered, wiping away a tear. “Don’t know how ah’m gonna be able to say goodbye after everything we have been through together.”

“Goggles would want us to move on,” Jinx replied, not really knowing what else to say.

Apple Bloom nodded sadly at that.

“Ah know,” she admitted. “But it’s still hard.”

At those words, Jinx felt the need to nuzzle Apple Bloom against her cheek, being a large cat she couldn’t help but purr as she comforted the poor filly.

“Ah still think Jinx should be the one to give the eulogy,” Applejack said, concerned for the well-being of her sister. “Ah mean she knew him best.”

Jinx couldn’t help but sigh at that.

“I may have known him the longest, but I think we was closer to all of you than he ever was to anyone while he was still in Kappan,” she admitted. “You should have seen his face when he told me about you guys, I have never seen him care so much for something other than inventing.”

Hearing this Applejack, along with everyone else, looked down at the floor with sorrow, just hearing about how much Goggles cared for them in life hurt them badly.

“But still,” Applejack said softly. “Apple Bloom?”

“It’s okay Applejack,” Apple Bloom said reassuringly, taking Applejack aback slightly. “Ah want to do it? Ah was his first friend when he came to Ponyville remember? Besides, Ah think ah owe him that much after what he did for me.”

Trixie couldn’t help but grit her teeth at that, she had been feeling angry at both herself and Queen Icicle for what happened to Goggles, if she had been awake when Icicle came after the rescue party by the river then maybe she could have just simply lifted Apple Bloom out of the river with her magic, in fact she might have stopped Icicle from kicking Apple Bloom into the river in the first place, either way it would have prevented her best friend from going in after the little filly. She just simply hated the fact that Icicle didn’t get more than just being sent home to face judgement from her own country’s authority, which would mostly likely be a punishment less than what she deserved since the authority was her own family. Trying to get her mind off the matter, at least for today, she tried to change the subject.

“How’s Pinkie Pie doing?” she asked Fluttershy.

At those words, Fluttershy cringed.

“Well…” she said, gently lifting the tablecloth to reveal the state Pinkie Pie was in.

Needless to say, Pinkie Pie still wasn’t the same as she was before.

“Goggles boy,” she sang mindlessly, her still-flat mane draped over the floor as she was curled up in a ball under the table. “What a guy, Goggles boy has gone bye-bye!”

“She’s… better at least,” Fluttershy whimpered as she dropped the tablecloth, once again shielding Pinkie Pie from sight.

“Think she’ll be okay for the funeral?” Applejack asked worryingly.

“She’ll have to be,” Fluttershy replied with a heavy sigh. “In fact, we all will.”


However unbeknownst to those in Ponyville, the one whose funeral they were getting ready for was actually waiting in line for the ticket booth at Baltimare Train station, wearing a cast over his left leg and sitting on the back of a green mare with a harmonious look upon her face.

“One ticket for Ponyville please,” the mare said, reaching the ticket booth.

“Certainly Madam,” the stallion in the booth said as he collected the green mare’s money. “You will be traveling alone?”

The mare chuckled at that.

“Oh it’s not for me,” she said casually. “It’s for my little friend here.”

At those words, the stallion in the ticket booth couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow as the mare pointed to the animal on her back.

“Your… pet?” he said confusingly.

Hearing this the Gizmonk on the mare’s back growled with irritation.

“Hey!” Goggles snapped, startling everyone within ear-shot. “I am NOT a pet!”

With that, the Gizmonk then jumped onto the ticket booth, snatched the ticket off the stallion and then limped as fast as he could to the next train leaving for Ponyville. Once he was aboard the train, Goggles took one last look out of the passenger window just before it began to leave the station.

“Thanks for the help Tree Hugger!” he called out, giving the green mare a final wave.

“No problem man!” Tree Hugger responded cheerfully. “Go and be free! Oh and give Fluttershy my love!”

“Will do!” Goggles called back.


With that final word, Tree Hugger then waved the Gizmonk goodbye as the train left the station. Meanwhile inside the passenger car of the train, Goggles couldn’t help but sigh with relief as he slumped back comfortably into the cushioned seat, he just couldn’t believe that he was finally going home after everything that had happened last week, he could only count himself lucky that Fluttershy’s friend Tree Hugger was staying in Baltimare at the time and had been fortunate enough to spot him floating in the harbour when she went on a little nature walk.

“Ponyville, here I come,” he sighed with a gratified smile upon his face.


When the train finally arrived in Ponyville Goggles was the only one to get off, mainly because the train he was on was only passing by Ponyville on its way to another city, however that didn’t explain why there was no one else there at the station.

“Hey the heck is everyone?” Goggles wondered, scratching his head.

That was indeed a valid question, apart from the small number of ponies who actually worked there, the station, and the area around it seemed pretty deserted, it was as though Goggles had returned to a frozen ghost town.

“Excuse me sir,” he said, limping towards one of the Earth Pony stallions on duty. “Do you know where everyone is?”

However the stallion only gazed back at Goggles with a look of shock upon his face, it was as though the pony had just seen a ghost.

“G… Goggles?” he stuttered. “I thought you were dead.”

Goggles couldn’t help but roll his eyes at that, he might as well expect the same reaction, if not worse, from every pony else, luckily this particular stallion was just someone who was a customer at one point.

“Yeah, well my death was a little exaggerated,” Goggles said with a shrug. “So where is everyone?”

“There… at your funeral,” the stallion said nervously, not really being able to absorb everything that’s going on here.

Upon hearing those words, Goggles eyes instantly widened with shock and realisation.

“Wait a second…” he gasped. “MY FUNERAL!!!”

Of course, how could have he had forgotten, after all he had read the newspaper article too, his funeral was supposed to be held today. Now things had gotten from awkward to seriously problematic, how was he supposed to reunite with everyone now? After getting all the info he needed from the Train Station stallion, Goggles ran as fast as he could toward Sweet Apple Acres, however with his leg once again in a cast, the fastest he could do was a quick limp. By the time he managed to trudge his way through the snow towards the orchard, the funeral had already begun, as he struggled to climb up the hill towards the lone tree, Goggles could already hear the vast number of voices ahead. Knowing that things would most likely be more hectic than they needed to be if he had just burst into his own funeral, Goggles thought it best to play it safe and go around the hill and slowly edge his way in from the other side. When he finally reached the top, the Gizmonk had arrived behind the wide tree that would serve as his gravestone, out of sight from everyone on the other side but still able to hear everything every pony was saying.

“I still can’t believe he’s gone,” he heard Cheerilee say. “He was always so nice.”

“Indeed,” he heard Cherry Garcia reply. “Even when those stupid foxes came to get him, I never believed what they said about him.”

Goggles so desperately wanted to just jump out from behind the tree an tell everyone that he was okay, but when he thought about it for a minute, he realised that not everyone could witness their own funeral, so for the moment he decided to let things play out for now. Curious as he was, Goggles then quietly took a peak around the tree, making sure not to be seen by anyone as he witnessed the vast turnout of his funeral. Everyone Goggles knew was there, Applejack, Trixie, Jinx, Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon with Silver Lining with his hoof comfortably around her, Cheerilee, Cherry Garcia, the Diamond Dogs wearing black versions of their usual vests, Sweetie Belle, who sat next to Rarity, who of course had a black dress for the occasion that had a black veil which draped over her face, Zecora was there too, Lyra, Bon Bon, Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, who had taken off her Sunglasses out of respect, and much to Goggles surprise, even Princess Luna was there along with Princess Celestia. Goggles had never got the chance to see Princess Celestia before now, though he wish he had so on better circumstances, even in the cold, snowy air her radiant mane flowed like water and her white coat shine even brighter than the snow. Quickly rushing back behind the tree, Goggles could feel his heart pounding, it was almost as big of a turnout as the amount of guests at his recent birthday party, at that moment Goggles felt a few tears running down his cheeks, his heart full of emotion as he absorbed the fact that so many ponies cared enough for him to hold a funeral such as this. He would have wondered why Celestia of all ponies was there too, Luna he understood since they were friends since Nightmare Night, but Celestia? However Goggles had to put that question on hold in his mind once the chatter stopped and the funeral began to quieten, enough so that only a single voice reached Goggles’ ears.

“What can ah say about Goggles?” he heard Apple Bloom’s voice say.

Goggles eyes widened at that, Apple Bloom was giving the eulogy!?! He couldn’t help but take another quick peak around the tree to make sure he heard right, sure enough, there Apple Bloom was, standing in front of the seated crowd, reading from a piece of paper which she undoubtedly wrote herself.

“Ah didn’t know y’all for that long, but ah’ll never forget you,” Apple Bloom continued, trying desperately not to cry as she continued to read her notes. “Since you came to our town, you lived life on your own terms, simple, honest and happy, ah’m glad for the short time we got to spend together. Ah’m only sorry that you couldn’t have had more time with us, Celestia knows ah wish you were still here, you started off as a family pet but then… but then you became so much more, you became part of our family. In fact judging from everyone here today, ah’d say you had the biggest family any Gizmonk could ever hope to have. Thank you Goggles, you were the best friend any pony could ever ask for. Amen”

“Amen,” the rest of the crowd said in unison.

After hearing that, Goggles couldn’t help but cry as he once again, he never knew that anyone could say such beautiful words for him, and Apple Bloom? Goggles could never have been more proud of how brave that little filly was to stand up and say something like that to a crowd. However these tears were soon replaced by smirks as he continued to listen to the funeral, as it turned out Apple Bloom’s eulogy was only the first part of the funeral. After that particular segment was over, other individuals began doing something for the funeral, one of which was Rover performing what was supposed to be a vocal tribute to Goggles, undoubtedly something Diamond Dogs were used to doing at their own funerals, however to everyone else in sounded like a whimpering howl that only had some small fraction of a rhythm.

“They should have just ended it right after you,” Scootaloo whispered to Apple Bloom as she listened to Rover’s terrible tune. “This is insanity.”

“Yeah,” Silver Spoon whispered in agreement.

As this was going on, Goggles had to keep both paws over his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud, it may have been disrespectful on his part given the fact that Rover was doing it to his memory, but still the very sound of it was just too funny to bear. Of course, Goggles wasn’t the only one enjoying the tune, amongst the rest of the crowd, Fido and Spot were also smirking, out of all three of them, Rover was the most dramatic out of the Diamond Dogs.

“Five gems says he goes down on one knee,” Fido whispered into Spot’s ear.

“You’re on,” Spot replied.

Of course when he came to the final verse of his melody, Rover did in fact go down one knee and Spot did pay Fido five rubies out of his vest pocket. Witnessing this from behind the tree, Goggles couldn’t help but lightly chuckle, it was just like the Diamond dogs to do something like this, after all he made them that way when he invited them to be his poker buddies. After Rover’s howl was over, the next segment of the funeral was that several guests began to line up and place a treasured item into the open coffin, Twilight placed in one of Goggles’ favourite books, Fluttershy, the splint she used on his leg when he first arrived, Rarity placed in the tutu he wore to cheer Trixie up during Nightmare Night. Even Trixie and Apple Bloom placed something into the coffin, Trixie, the pendant Goggles gave her for her birthday, and Apple Bloom, the first toy train he made when she first brought him to show and tell. Soon enough, the funeral began to draw to its final piece before, the coffin was buried, at that point Goggles knew that it was now or never if he was going to show himself, however before he could, another voice stopped him from doing so.

“If I may,” Princess Celestia said, leaning in towards Applejack. “I would like to say a few words too.”

Applejack nodded at but needless to say, Goggles was a little surprised to hear this, after all, what could Princess Celestia possibly have to say if she didn’t know him? At least not personally. Intrigued by this sudden turn of events, Goggles remained hidden and continued to listen as Celestia herself stood amongst the crowd.

“Before we proceed with the burial, I would like to bestow my most heart-felt apology to the poor Gizmonk for which we are here to remember,” she said softly. “I may not have known him personally, but from what I have been told about him from my sister and those who had come here today, I wish that I had. I had the chance to save his entire species once, I failed, and now I have failed once again, I should have done something long ago to make sure that Goggles and any other Gizmonk was safe from harm. If Goggles were here right now, not only would I have pardoned him for any crime for which he stands accused, but also grant him full citizenship for his devotion and outstanding courage for the sake of his family. I am truly sorry for everything Goggles, you deserved better than this, you deserve…”

But before Celestia could even finish her sentence, she was interrupted by a hoard of gasps from the crowd, curious as to why they were all staring back at her with looks of shock and awe upon their faces, she soon realised that they were in fact looking at something behind her. Turning her head, Celestia looked behind her to see a small creature leaning up against the base of the tree, finally feeling comfortable about being seen.

“Hey don’t stop on my account,” Goggles said with a smile on his face. “This is just getting good.”

Needless to say, seeing Goggles before them made everyone in the crowd drop their jaws in astonishment, however the biggest, and most unexpected reaction, came from Pinkie Pie.

“AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” she screamed “ZOMBIE!!!”

Of course some of the more superstitious, and somewhat hysterical ponies did share the same reaction that Pinkie Pie did, upon seeing this display of overreaction Goggles couldn’t help but face-palm.

“Zombie!?! Zom… does this cute, furry face look a zombie to you!?!” he snapped, completely annoyed THAT was the first reaction that came to mind, however he did manage to calm down after a small deep breath.

However the reaction that came from Apple Bloom and Trixie was a little calmer, even if it were also very tearful.

“G… Goggles?” Trixie stuttered, seeing Goggles in front of her but still finding it hard to believe that he was actually standing there.

At those words the Gizmonk merely smiled with tears of his own.

“Hello my friends,” he said gently.

That was when Apple Bloom’s heart exploded with joy and liberation.

“GOGGLES!!!” she screamed, running towards the Gizmonk and squeezing him into a tearful hug. “YOU’RE ALIVE!!!”

Goggles could never have asked for a better reunion than this, as he felt the soft nuzzle from the young filly brush up against his fur, he never felt more grateful to be alive. Pretty soon, Goggles felt the same embrace from all of his closest friends, all of whom crying tears of joy as the all crowded around him to give him a hug.

“But… but how?” Trixie asked, trying desperately to make sense of everything as he squeezed the Gizmonk tight. “You fell off the waterfall.”

Goggles couldn’t help but smirk at that.

“You really think that was the FIRST time I’ve ever fallen off a waterfall?” he chuckled, recalling the day that he first arrived in Ponyville. “When I fell to the bottom, I was lucky enough to barely miss the rocks and drifted downriver with a broken leg, kind of ironic isn’t it?”

Indeed it was ironic, after all it’s not every day that someone would fall off a water fall only to survive with a broken leg TWICE. However upon hearing this, Luna couldn’t help but point something out.

“But no pony has ever been able to survive those falls,” she said, unintentionally being sceptical about the idea.

Again, Goggles smirked.

“Yeah well most ponies aren’t only 13 inches tall,” he said, taking Luna and everyone aback with his answer. “When I finally came to, I was lucky enough to find myself in a nice hotel room courtesy of the lovely Miss Tree Hugger, oh she says hi by the way.”

At those words Goggles looked towards Fluttershy, indicating that those particular words were directed at her.

“After seeing what was written in the newspaper, I knew I had to come back as soon as I could,” Goggles continued, his eyes welling up with more tears. “I couldn’t just let you all think I was dead, not after everything you guys did for me, you guys… you guys are the only good thing I have left in this world and I can’t bear the thought of you being heartbroken because of me.”

Hearing this, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but embrace Goggles again, only this time she was joined in a group hug by Applejack and Trixie, who shared the Gizmonk’s tears. Witnessing this, Jinx couldn’t help but smile.

“Told ya,” she chuckled.

Wiping away more tears, Goggles then broke away from the hug and turned towards the Sphinx.

“I see you’ve settled in quite nicely,” he said, looking up at Jinx with another smile.

“You can thank Princess Luna for that,” Jinx explained. “After the whole fiasco in Baltimare, she helped me get back on my paws and pardoned my for that ridiculous crime I supposedly shared with you.”

“A segment that was removed from the newspapers, along with the names of those involved,” Luna added. “We believed that everyone had suffered enough after what happened.”

“I thought you might have had something to do with that,” Goggles chuckled, taking another look all around him. “I still can’t believe how many of you all came to my funeral.”

Applejack couldn’t help but smile at that.

“That’s cause we love y’all remember?” nuzzling her cheek against the Gizmonk’s face. “Did you really expect less?”

“I guess not,” Goggles admitted, his eyes once again welling up with tears. “You… you are all the best friends a Gizmonk could ever want.”

On that sentence, everyone couldn’t help but smile, even Pinkie Pie’s mane finally regained its poofy bounce as the joyous reality sunk in.

“So…” Goggles said, turning towards Princess Celestia. “About that citizenship…”

“GOGGLES!” Twilight snapped, completely astounded that the Gizmonk was talking to the highest ruler of Equestria so causally.

“What!?!” Goggles retorted. “She said she’d pardon me and give me citizenship, didn’t she?”

At those words, Celestia tried her best to hold back her giggles but to no avail, Goggles really WAS just as adorable as he is cheeky, just as Luna made him out to be. After a few moments of light chuckles, Celestia finally managed to calm down long enough to give the Gizmonk a straight answer.

“Indeed I did,” she said.

As soon as she said those words, a golden aura engulfed her horn and Celestia conjured up a scroll, bottle of ink and quill out of thin air, satisfied with the number of witnesses around her, the Alicorn proceeded to levitate the quill to the paper and write.

“I Princess Celestia of Equestria…” she read aloud. “Do hereby declare that the Gizmonk known as Goggles shall henceforth be a legal citizen of Equestria. May he have the same rights and privileges as any pony in Equestria, the right to own a business, to abide by Equestrian law, and to set his roots wherever and with whoever in Equestria.”

And with that final word, Celestia then signed her name and used her magic to scorch the royal seal of Equestria upon the document to make it official, after which, she then gently lowered into the open paws of the astonished Gizmonk. Goggles may have wanted this but even he didn’t think Celestia would just make him a citizen just like that, then again she was royalty and judging from Goggles’ past experience royalty can do just about anything.

“But doesn’t Goggles need to take written test or something first?” Twilight asked, sharing in Goggles’ astonishment.

But Celestia only smiled at that, as did Luna who knew what her sister was thinking since she had the same thoughts in her own head.

“Oh I think he’s already proven himself quite enough,” she said, causing the Gizmonk to blush a little. “Wouldn’t you agree Apple Bloom?”

“No doubt about that,” Apple Bloom replied cheerfully, causing Goggles to blush even harder.

He just couldn’t believe what was happening, over 5 months ago Goggles had escaped a terrible fate in Kappan after a false accusation, and now here he was, an official citizen of Equestria after crashing his own funeral. The Gizmonk didn’t know whether to cry with joy or laugh at the situation.

“Then it’s settled,” Clestira continued with another smile. “Welcome to Ponyville… Professor Goggles.”

However that last part took Goggles, along with everyone else by surprise.

“Professor!?!” they all exclaimed simultaneously.

Even Luna was a little surprised to hear this, and judging from the look she gave her older sister, Celestia knew that an explanation was owed.

“An act of heroism deserves a title, does it not?” she said simply, soon bending her knee so that she was eye-to-eye with Goggles with a saddened look upon her face. “Besides, I figure you deserved a little… compensation after everything that has happened. I know this can never make up for how little I was able to help you or your species, but I hope that it’s a start.”

Seeing the pleading look in the white Alicorn’s eyes, Goggles couldn’t help but feel astounded, was this royal pony asking for his forgiveness? In all his life no royal pony, especially not the main ruler of an entire country, had ever said sorry to him, it was as though the role he had played his entire life has been raised from the lowest of the low to someone who was finally on equal terms with another species. Granted he had felt this way when he was living with the Apples, but when Celestia herself is trying to earn his forgiveness, it was one of the greatest feelings he had ever experienced.

“Thank you your grace,” he said with a smile, taking a bow in respect for the celestial beauty. “It’s an honour.”

Celestia couldn’t help but let out a breath of relief at that, it wasn’t much but it was definitely a start.

“We will have to sort out more of the details back in Canterlot if it is to become official…” she tried to say, only to be silenced when Goggles raised his paw.

“Oh we’ll have plenty of time for that later,” Goggles chuckled, putting the document in his vest pocket. “Right now I think we all deserve a nice cup of tea, don’t you?”

At those words, Celestia couldn’t help but chuckle along with everyone else as they gladly absorbed the fact that Goggles truly was his usual goofy self even after everything that has happened. Deciding to leave the funeral arrangements as they were for now, everyone then turned away from the tree and started making their way back down the hill towards Sweet Apple Acres.

“Hop on boss,” Trixie said with a grateful smile, her face beaming as her heart quickly began to mend after seeing her best friend again.

As Goggles limped his way towards the blue Unicorn, he soon felt himself being lifted by her magic right onto her back, needless to say Trixie didn’t feel it was right for Goggles to climb onto her back with a broken leg. As soon as Goggles was comfortably seated on her back, Trixie then began making her way down the hill with everyone else, with Jinx, Applejack and all four Cutie Mark Crusaders waking with them in a small group.

“Boy, I can’t wait to get back to my lab,” Goggles sighed, completely ecstatic to be back where he belongs again. “I must have a ton of work to catch up on by now.”

However as soon as the Gizmonk chuckled that last sentence, everyone suddenly froze in place and looked at each other with a look of horror upon their faces.

“What?” Goggles asked confusingly.

Needless to say it was awkward situation, Goggles clearly hasn’t been by the farmhouse yet.

“Uh yeah,” Apple Bloom said sheepishly, trying desperately to find the right words to break the news. “About your lab…”

As soon as Goggles heard about the fate of his now-destroyed lab, the whole orchard echoed with his scream as every Fruit Bat flew out of their roost in terror.



Two days after Goggles’ unfinished funeral, the Gizmonk himself spared no wasted moment to re-build his laboratory, only this time he planned to make it better than ever, and with the plans all drawn up, it didn’t take long for him to start building. He may have had a broken leg but he didn’t care, because building was what he loved to do and he had all of his friends to help him out. Now that she was back to her usual happy self, Pinkie Pie wasted no time in rallying up all of Goggles’ friends to throw him a grand Welcome Home Party, and as part of that particular party, everyone treated it like it was another Apple Family Barn-Raising, only this time it was something much bigger and better. As the Gizmonk himself directed all of his guests in their tasks, the new lab was being built so quickly and brilliantly that he felt the need to sing and dance to Vinyl Scratch’s music.

Inventing is such fun!
In fact it’s number one, on our list,
Give that dial a twist!

As Goggles sang his heart out, everyone helping him with the building felt so happy to have his back that they felt the need to join in on the song.

Inventing is so great!

Who knows what you’ll create, if you try,

The limit is sky-high!

On those words, Silver Lining then helped Big Macintosh use the pulleys to lift Goggles and the Cutie Mark Crusaders up to the new metallic roof, leaving everyone else to sing below.

I don’t always know what we’ve made,

But inventing gizmos is a first-rate trade!

As he welded the last piece of the new metallic roof into place, Goggles could see all of his closest friends smiling and laughing like they hadn’t done so in years, even Princess Luna was there to help out as she and Jinx flew up to Goggles and the Crusaders to offer them a lift down as the Diamond Dogs did some heavy lifting below.

Inventing is so grand!

It’s such high demand, of our skills,

My heart is going still!

But inventing has no flair!
If it can’t be shared, with my friends,
But now the party never ends!

As the final verse of the song came into fruition, Goggles could feel the gentle warmth of happiness completely consume him as all of his friends gathered around him for one large embrace.

Cause creating something when a new life’s begun…

Is a Gas!

It’s a Blast!

And makes inventing, inventing, inventing…

Oh such fun!!!

On that final verse everyone couldn’t help but laugh. When the day finally ended, and the last nail was hammered down by the Gizmonk himself, everyone couldn’t help but stare in awe at the greatest creation made by not only Goggles, but all of those he had come to call friends. Looking from his new lab to his friends, the Gizmonk in Ponyville couldn’t help but smile with contentment. Because that was the best thing about Goggles, he didn’t care whether another creature was rich or poor, smart or dumb, Pony or Diamond Dog, all that mattered to him was how much they cared for him, and how much he cared for them in return. After everything that has happened to him, all the pain, all the hardships, all the heartbreak, now everything seemed to fall into place, now he had a business and a family to call his own, now he was finally home.


Author's Note:

The featured song is inspired by "Inventing" sung by the Original G1 Gizmonks, all credit goes to Hasbro.


Comments ( 14 )

Nice end to this story.

Wait....THEY WERE IN G1!?!?!?!?

Excellent story, I really enjoyed it and am a bit sad that it's over. :pinkiesad2:
Keep up the great writing and hopefully you'll do more with Googles in the future. Thanks for a great ride. :pinkiehappy:

6050966 Yep, that's where I got the idea from :raritywink: surprised?

6054280 Well I figured, since they already did Tirek and the Smooze, why not the Gizmonks?

6054519 touche. Maybe in season five.

6352590 your gamer tag?

6370130 Anything is possible I suppose.

6352660 Please make a sequel to this.:applecry:

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