• Published 24th Nov 2014
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A Gizmonk in Ponyville - Moheart7

When Apple Bloom discovers a strange creature injured in the Everfree Forest, it isn't long before the Apple Family have a new house-guest in the form of a Gizmonk named Goggles

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Chapter 16 -The Big Game

During the following week, word about the latest poker game in Goggles lab had spread quickly, of course it was Pinkie Pie who started blabbing around town the second she heard about it, even though it was hard to figure out how since she literally ran through a wall minutes earlier. Either way, by the time the third day had passed, the news about the poker game had become the latest topic of gossip throughout Ponyville. When the day of the game actually arrived, the game had somehow turned into a welcome event for any pony to come by and watch, at one point Applejack could have sworn that she saw someone selling tickets, though she had decided to brush it off at the time. After a morning of tending her Apple Stall down at the market, Applejack decided to take her break and get a snack down at Sugar Cube Corner, little did she realise at the time that all her friends would be there too.

“APPPLEJACK!” Pinkie Pie called, from a table in the far corner. “OVER HERE!”

Applejack couldn’t help but smile in response, seeing not only all five of her friends, but also Spike at the same table, she didn’t waste any time walking up towards them

“Howdy y’all,” she said, taking a seat at the table. “How y’all doing?”

“Oh we’re all fine,” Twilight responded with a smile. “How about you? There has been a lot of new rumours going on around town about you lately.”

“Ah suppose y’all heard about that poker game me and Goggles are playing tonight?” Applejack asked with a deadpanned expression, almost getting sick of the subject that was still going on.

“How could we not?” Rarity responded, flipping her hair back dramatically. “As much as I believe that gambling is such a despicable pastime, especially when those ghastly Diamond Dogs are involved, I must admit that this game of yours does seem to be the talk of the town, Applejack.

“I’ll say,” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “I hear there’s even a bunch of side bets going on who’s gonna win.”

At those words Applejack’s jaw dropped, the rumour had gotten to the point where everyone was taking bets themselves, have ponies really have nothing better to do? And more to the point, word had even spread about the Diamond Dog’s involvement and there was no state of panic? Applejack just couldn’t understand this town sometimes.

“Seriously?” she finally managed to force out.

“Uh-huh,” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully as she somehow pulled a large chalkboard out of nowhere. “And the odds on you winning are 5 to 1.”

Everyone then gazed upon the chalkboard, looking over the faces and numbers of each of the players for tonight, as such each player did seem to have some sort of odds on them winning. Applejack didn’t know whether to be confused or just insulted at the idea, however the kind words from a certain dragon seemed to perk her up a bit.

“Well you can count on my support for this AJ,” Spike said proudly as he gave Pinkie Pie a small claw-full of coins. “Put me down for five bits Pinkie.”

“Spike that’s I am not letting you bet your allowance!” Twilight snapped, snatching the coins away from him with her magic.

Applejack on the other hand, felt that this was one of the sweetest gestures Spike could have done, granted the thought the fact that the odds themselves we insulting, but the fact that Spike was routing for her to win simply made her heart flutter. However as usual she had tried her best to hide it from every pony else in the room, this of course included trying to change the subject.

“Besides ain’t Pinkie a player too?” she said, remembering Pinkie’s involvement in the last game and hoping it was enough to take the focus of her.

However at those words, Pinkie Pie simply laughed.

“Not this time Silly-billy,” she said happily as she pointed to the blackboard, showing that her face wasn’t even on there. “The only thing I’m playing this week is the role of dealer! That way I can make sure that there are no nasty-wasty cheaters out to steal all the loot!”

Once again it wasn’t what Pinkie Pie said, rather than how she said it in particular that made every pony cringe, the moment she said the word ‘cheaters’ everyone could have sworn that there was a tinge of red in her eyes as she slowed her voice to a fierce growl, thus making Fluttershy once again show her timidity

“Oh my,” she said nervously, almost crawling under the table in anxiety.

“Well anyway,” Applejack spoke up, ignoring Pinkie pie’s somewhat creepy moment. “Ah still can’t believe that this game is turning out to be such a big deal, Goggles only asked me to play just so ah could socialise with the other players.”

At those words, Rarity let out a small laugh.

“This is Ponyville darling,” she said. “Ponies around here will make a big deal over just about anything.”

“I hear that,” Spike added with a chuckle of his own.

That certainly was true, Applejack couldn’t help but remember the time that Apple bloom tried to force her Cutie Mark to appear and ended up getting the Cutie Pox, at one point the whole town reacted as though she were a ticking time-bomb about to go off. If there was one town that would be declared the Grand Capital of Over-reacting, Ponyville would definitely be it.

“I suppose as long as ponies enjoy the game, it doesn’t matter that much right?” Fluttershy said quietly, hoping that it would bring some kind good thought on the matter.

“Ah suppose,” Applejack admitted. “Then again ah might even last that long in the game anyway, from what I hear from Trixie, Goggles has won almost every single game he’s ever played since they started.”

“Yeah, well he’s never played against the Element of Honesty before,” Rainbow Dash boasted, acting almost as though it was HER that was playing tonight. “I’ll bet you’ll wipe the floor with him.”

Hearing this, Fluttershy cringed a little,

“Um, not literally I hope,” she squeaked timidly, earning a small chuckle from Twilight.

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that Fluttershy,” she reassured the pink-haired Pegasus.

Leave it to Fluttershy to be the most concerned one here, she certainly hasn’t lost her care for the Gizmonk even after he had left her house when he first arrived in Ponyville. Then again, why wouldn’t she? Even before every pony knew he was able to talk, there were some days when Goggles would day the afternoon off and have tea over at her cottage. In fact, ever since he had arrived he would always pop over to someone else’s home once in a while simply for a friendly visit, at this rate, Goggles probably would have made friends with everyone in town by the end of the month. It would be like Pinkie Pie only without the hyperactive nature.

“So what the little guy up to now, anyway?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Last I saw him, he was heading into town with Apple Bloom and her friends.” Applejack answered.


Just like Applejack said, Goggles was indeed somewhere else in town with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. While Trixie was tasked with keeping an eye on the lab while he was gone, Goggles had decided to take the afternoon off from his work and play his role as the CMC’s mascot, after watching them attempt another crazy stunt to earn their Cutie Marks, this time the stunt being dry sled-dog racing, Goggles soon found himself picking up the pieces of the wreckage they left behind and helping them take Winona to the vet afterward. Thankfully, being the tough dog that she was, Winona wasn’t really hurt after the crash and the CMC plus Goggles were able to avoid getting into trouble, after that whole escapade was over, Silver Spoon thought it would be a good idea to treat everyone to a trip at the spa, and while Scootaloo was sceptical at first, everyone soon came to agree that it was a good idea.

“Does that feel good Mr Goggles?” Lotus Blossom said as she rubbed her hooves gently across Goggles’ back while he laid face down on the massage table.

“Oh yeah,” Goggles sighed, almost dazedly. “I tell you Lotus, you certainly have hooves of magic.”

“Thank you,” Lotus replied, suddenly looking over her shoulder as she continued with the massage. “And I trust you have enjoyed the steam room, Miss Silver Spoon?”

Upon those words, Silver Spoon had walked out of the nearby wooden steam room, for the treatment she wore a fluffy white towel in her mane just like any other pony who came to the spa, as did the other CMC as they all had their own individual treatments close by. Apple Bloomwas sitting in a nearby mud bath along with Scootaloo, booth whom seem to be enjoying it immensely, and Sweetie was on a bench next to Goggles, getting a facial from Aloe.

“Oh absolutely,” Silver Spoon replied to Lotus as she put her glasses back on. “See girls? Didn’t I tell you this would be great?”

“I’ll admit, this is pretty cool,” Scootaloo said with a smile as she swished her hoof around in the mud she was in. “But just out of curiosity, why are we here in the first place?”

However before Silver Spoon could speak, Apple Bloomanswered for her.

“Well Silver Spoon said that this would be the best way for Goggles to relax before his big game tonight,” she said, sinking further into the mud. “And frankly ah’m REALLY starting to agree.”

“Yeah, thanks for paying for our treatments Silver,” Sweetie Belle added as Aloe place the cucumbers over her eyes.

Silver Spoon couldn’t help but smile at that.

“Oh it’s no trouble girls,” she said as she took a seat on the massage table on the other side of Goggles’ one. “I used to come here all the time with Diamond Tiara before I ditched her sorry butt anyway. And frankly you girls are WAY better company than she ever was.”

“Aw, thanks,” Scootaloo chuckled.

“And as much as I enjoy inventing, I have to admit this treatment is really starting to do wonders for my spine,” Goggles commented before looking back up towards the pony rubbing his back. “My compliments to you and your sister, my lovely lady.”

At those words Lotus couldn’t help but blush, she may have had a lot of good comments about her and her sister’s treatments ever since they first started, but this Gizmonk had to have been one of sweetest talkers she’s ever met.

“Oh well it is no trouble at all,” she replied, clearing her throat. “And thank you for providing the spa with such magnificent new bath salts, they really are a wonder. Not to mention these new massage tables we’ve been using.”

Hearing this, Goggles slumped his face back down and chuckled.

“Just another one of my finest creations for an equally beautiful pair of ponies,” he said, resulting in another blush from Aloe who was now giving Silver Spoon her massage while Sweetie Belle’s mud mask did its job.

After that the room was silent for a few minutes, save for the relaxed sighs from all five individuals getting the greatest purchase of Silver Spoon’s money. Finally Scootaloo spoke up again.

“So Goggles,” she said. “I hear you’re pretty good at this poker game.”

“Yeah, my dad said you’ve won quite a lot since you started these games of yours,” Silver Spoon added. “You must be pretty lucky,”

At those words, Goggles laughed again.

“Luck has nothing to do with it kiddo,” he said, sitting up as Lotus finished his massage. “I simply figured out everyone’s Tells.”

However that sentence only caused every pony to react with a raised eyebrow of confusion.

“Their what?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Their Tells, it’s how they give away what kind of cards they have,” Goggles explained. “When Rover’s bluffing his scratches his left ear, with Trixie, she bites her lower lip, and if Pinkie gets a good hoof, she puts on a smile so wide it makes her look as though she should be in a horror show.”

At those words, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but ask the question that was on everyone’s mind at that moment.

“So basically, you’re cheating?” she asked worryingly, hoping that wasn’t the case.

“No, but it does give me more of an advantage than the other players,” Goggles quickly replied, putting the filly’s worries to rest. “Besides it’s not like I win all the time, Silver Lining actually came to the game two weeks ago and cleaned me out with no problems.”

Hearing this, Silver Spoon couldn’t help but giggle.

“So THAT’S why dad seemed so happy when I came down to breakfast the next morning,” she said.

“I tell you one thing though,” Goggles continued as Lotus began filing his nails. “Tonight is going to be one game I am REALLY going to enjoy.”


Finally, evening came and the night of the game arrived, the table had been set up and a new deck of cards had been bought for the occasion, and since the word was already out, those who had nothing else to do that night began flocking towards the barn, hoping to witness the game. As every pony gathered outside the door, Goggles and Applejack had begun last minute preparations for the game inside.

“This is unbelievable,” Applejack deadpanned. “Do ponies around here really have nothing better to do?”

“Oh lighten up AJ,” Goggles said, taking his seat at the table. “Besides I think this game deserves an audience, imagine, you, me, the Diamond Dogs, Trixie, who wouldn’t want to see a showdown like that? But if you want to quit now, I’m sure the guys will understand.”

Suddenly Applejack’s eyes widened with curiosity, the way Goggles spoke just then seemed a tad suspicious for her liking.

“Am ah missing something here?” she asked, looking towards the Gizmonk with a stern look.

“Not that I can think of,” Goggles replied with a sly grin. “After all, how could I, poor little Goggles, could have possibly have predicted such an outcome for a simple game of cards between friends?”

Now Goggles REALLY sounded suspicious, in fact from his tone alone Applejack was able to confirm what she was thinking at that moment.

“Wait a minute,” she said. “You had something to do with this didn’t you?”

At those words Goggles merely laughed.

“Guilty as charged!” he announced.

“But why?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Let’s just say that poker isn’t the only thing that we players bet on in these games,” Goggles explained. “One particular bet was that if I could beat YOU in poker, then Silver Lining would double his investment in my business.”

It was then that Applejack’s eyes narrowed with irritation.

“YOU were the one who told every pony to come, weren’t you?” she snapped.

Goggles laughed again at that.

“Not entirely,” he admitted. “But I DID have your sister and her friends send a few invites around town. I figured that it would make the game more interesting if we had a few ponies cheering us on.”

At those words, Applejack merely sighed.

“Well certainly sound like y’all know what you’re doing, I’ll give ya that,” she said.

“Well thank you,” Goggles chuckled in response. “However I must also warn you. When I invent, I’m a humble master, but when I play for cash, I’m a monster in a monkey-suit. No hard-feelings intended of course, I just want to give you a heads-up for when I take all your money tonight.

Now Goggles had gone too far, if there was one thing Applejack didn’t like any more than being lied to, it’s thinking that she couldn’t take someone on, no matter what event she was in, her competitive spirit was just too strong for that.

“Oh yeah,” she said, leaning in towards the Gizmonk so that they were eye-to-eye. “Well ah ain’t one to back down from a challenge buster! And ah’m gonna enjoy wiping that little smirk off your face when ah bring in all the big bits.”

With those final words Goggles grin widened, now things were going to be fun.

“Bring it on cow-girl,” he challenged.


Twenty minutes later, the game was now ready to be played. All the players from last week were there, however this time it was only rover who was playing for all the Diamond Dogs, and Pinkie Pie, true to her word, had decided on being the dealer rather than a player, thus leaving the player count at six, between Goggles, Trixie, DF, Lyra, Rover and Applejack. As the players all took their seats around the table, the other ponies who made up stood behind them so that they may get a better view of the game. From what Applejack could gather, at least a good number of ponies she knew were here, including the rest of the Mane Six, her family, including Apple Bloom, who was allowed to stay up late just this once so that she could watch her big sister play, there was also Silver Lining, Zecora, Bon-Bon, Ditzy Doo, Vinyl Scratch, Amethyst Star, and much to her delight and fear, Spike. If there was one thing Applejack wasn’t willing to do tonight, it was loose in front of him and her friends, so Applejack so a deep breath and prepared herself for what was to come.

“Alright,” Goggles said, clapping his paws together and grabbing everyone’s attention. “First off, I like to thank you all for coming, it gives me great pleasure to see that a great number of are willing to bear witness to this humble poker game.”

That sentence was received by a number of ponies stomping their hooves in applause, however Goggles quickly raised his paw to silence them all.

“Now before we begin I’d like to note a few details,” he continued. “We are to play a tradition game of poker, and therefore must abide by the standard rules of the game. Furthermore, since this games has turned into a public event, a player is only allowed to play in the game once, meaning that if a player decides to call it quits then they can’t come back into the game at any point afterward. The winner shall be decided when the other players are either cleaned out, or have quit. Are we all clear?”

Goggles was then met with a few nods and other notions of ‘yes’ upon finishing his sentence. Satisfied, Goggles then looked towards Pinkie Pie.

“Then we are ready to begin,” he said giving a nod to the Pinkie Earth Pony.

On that sentence, Pinkie Pie gave a salute, put on a green visor hat and began shuffling the deck of cards, giving five to each player afterward. Now the game had officially begun, and even after the first hoof, the game had become intense. Applejack started off by playing it safe and folding whenever she felt like she had bad cards, furthermore, she wouldn’t have been able to bluff anyway since she was in her nature to be honest. However she knew that she wouldn’t be able to play like that for long, since poker was basically made for ponies to bluff their way to more money. After about 5 hooves, Lyra was the first to be out of the game after betting too big on a low ranking set of cards, two more hooves after that DF was next to go after she decided to walk away, hoping to spare at least some of her wages this week. This left Applejack playing with Trixie, Goggles and Rover, the most brutal players in the entire game.

“You doing okay there AJ?” Goggles asked, looking towards the clearly nervous Earth Pony. “You seem to be sweating quite a bit there.”

This was true, Applejack was sweating, the game hadn’t lasted that long and she had lost half her money already. However she wasn’t willing to give up, especially not with Spike watching.

“You can do it AJ!” the said dragon cheered from the crowd.

“Yeah, show them goons what for!” Rainbow Dash added, hovering above the crowd.

However while most ponies around her were just as enthusiastic as she was, one particular Unicorn was just simply annoyed.

“If we could have some quiet please!!!” Trixie snapped, hoping to silence the audience. “Trixie needs her concentration!”

“Not to mention an insane amount of luck if she thinks she can beat you,” Fido whispered into Rover’s ear, causing his comrade to chuckle.

Goggles couldn’t help but feel excited as the game now came between Applejack and the best players, now things were really starting to get interesting. As the game continued, Applejack wasn’t doing as well as she’d hoped, about 5 more hooves had passed and AJ was now down to her last few bits, one more loss and she was out of the game. What made things worse was that the other players had decided to gloat at her expense.

“So tell me pony,” Rover chuckled. “How does it feel to lose all your money to us Diamond Dogs eh?”

“Oh please,” Trixie scoffed. “You really think you mutts can beat the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“Alright that’s enough guys,” Goggles said interrupting the two. “I think its high-time we took a break don’t you?”

At those words, Applejack couldn’t help but feel slightly relieved. Even if she didn’t win the next hoof, at least there would still be a small delay to her loss. As she and every other player nodded their heads in agreement, Goggles stood up and spoke to the audience.

“Alright folks,” he said. “We’re going to take a 10-minute breather just to allow the players to clear their heads, and we will be right back for the next hoof. 10 minutes guys.”

Hearing this, the ponies amongst the crowd began to gossip amongst themselves as the players laid back in their chairs and took a few minute to relax. It was then that Apple Bloom walked up to her big sister, hoping to give her some comfort.

“How’re you doing big sis?” she asked worryingly.

“Not so good,” Applejack admitted. “Ah probably won’t last another round at this rate.”

Seeing this discouraged look upon her big sister’s face, Apple bloom knew she had to do something, as much as she cared about Goggles, she had to admit to herself that wanted Applejack to win this game even more.

“Maybe there’s something ah can do to help,” she offered.

Applejack couldn’t help but let a small laugh escape at that.

“Ah doubt that,” she said. “Trixie and Rover are bad enough, but Goggles is in another league of his own. If ah’m gonna lose, then chances are then he’s gonna be the one to take the whole pot again.”

This was indeed a fair argument, true to his reputation and boasting, Goggles had won most of the hooves that he had been dealt, as far as money piles go, he had the biggest pile out all three of the other players. As she watched the Gizmonk sit there, drinking his cup of tea, Apple bloom sighed and whispered something into her big sister’s ear.

“That’s because Goggles has a certain way of playing that gives him an advantage,” she said.

Needless to say, Applejack’s interests perked at that sentence.

“Oh really?” she whispered. “Do tell.”

After the break was over, all the players were now back in full swing and ready to play again, but none were more so than Applejack, who now wore a smirk thanks to the new piece of information her sister had given her.

“Let the game recommence!” Goggles announced.

“Okey-Dokey-Lokie!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully replied as she dealt out the new set of cards.

At first, the other players Applejack was going to be out of the game there and then, however much to their surprise, Applejack had managed to win the pot for this hoof, and then the next, and then the next. Within a matter of five hooves, Applejack mad managed to win a good chunk of her money back. While neither Goggles, Trixie, nor Rover had any idea as to how Applejack’s luck had changed, little did any of them realise that she had been using a brand new tick. Just like Apple Bloom had told her, both Rover and Trixie had their own special Tells whenever they were bluffing, and since she was starting to get desperate. Applejack felt little shame in using them to her advantage. After a few more hooves Applejack had managed to clean Trixie out, much to her dismay, now it was down between her, Goggles and Rover. Her money pile had now grown to twice its size since she had first started, and Applejack was now enjoying every minute of the game. It was now nearing the end of the next hoof, Goggles had folded and Rover had declared that he was all in.

“You seem to be getting better Miss Applejack,” he said, pushing his pile into the centre of the table. “But I think you’re luck is about to run out.”

However Applejack wasn’t fazed by the Dog’s comment in the slightest, in fact, she almost let out a laugh when she noticed Rover scratching his left ear as expected.

“Oh ah think my luck is just fine,” she chuckled, pushing her own pile into the middle of the table. “Yours on the other hoof could use a bit of help. Ah call, two-pair”

As expected, Rover growled with frustration and slammed his paws into the table.

“Aw Gemstones!” he moaned. “How’d she know I was bluffing!?! Well she cleaned me out too.”

Needless to say, Rover and his comrades were upset about the loss, however as Goggles had told Applejack earlier, they had been learning to control their temper, so they barely made any noise as the game continued.

“Well AJ, It’s just you and me now,” Goggles chuckled. “You know, you could walk away now and call yourself a winner.”

However Applejack wasn’t going down that easily, she started in this game so she’s seeing it through to the end.

“Deal the cards Pinkie,” she said simply.

Obey the command, Pinkie Pie dealt the cards, only this time as quiet as possible to add to the drama of what could be the final hoof. Once both Goggles and Applejack had placed their opening bet, the swap commenced.

“Three cards,” Goggles said, tossing three of his cards into the centre of the table and getting the same amount back from Pinkie Pie.

“Two cards,” Applejack added, doing the same.

Now the drama had really began to grown more intense, as everyone in the room fell silent, Goggles and Applejack gazed at each other with narrowed eyes.

“I’m all in,” Goggles said, sliding all his money into the middle of the table. “You know, you should probably fold, I gotta a pretty top-notchset of cards here.

Applejack couldn’t tell whether it was a bluff or truth but either way she wasn’t willing to back down, and yet her uncertainty was what kept Goggles more confident that he was going to win. As he gazed down at his three-of-a-kind, and then looked back up at Applejack tapping her chin, he now knew for sure that he was going to win, her Tell had confirmed it.

“Well?” Goggles asked with a smirk.

Suddenly, the nervous expression on AJ’s face changed into a look of triumph.

“Ah’m all in,” she said, shoving all her money into the pot.

Needless to say, this move surprised everyone, including Goggles.

“Huh?” he exclaimed, his eyes widened with shock.

“Ah said ah’m all in,” Applejack laughed, showing her cards. “And ah also call. Full-house!”

Upon those words, the room remained silent for a few moments, however soon Rover began to clap for Applejack, slowly followed by the other Diamond Dogs, then Trixie, then Spike, soon the whole room echoed with applause. The only one who didn’t seem to be cheering for her was Goggles, who only remained baffled by what had just happened.

“What!” he gasped. “B… but… you…”

“Tapped my chin?” Applejack said, finishing the Gizmonk’s question for him. “Ha! You sir, have just been played by the Element of Honesty, Monkey-boy!”

She had played him!?! Now that he thought about it, it made sense, after all she didn’t tap her chin before the break started, so that only could have meant that she figured out how he was playing during that time, plus figured out how the other’s Tells worked too. There was definitely going to be a few words with a certain filly in the morning. But for now, Goggles merely laughed to himself, put his arms behind his head and leaned back into his chair.

“Well doggone, the cow-girl actually managed to beat me,” he chuckled to himself. “Looks like I owe some pony ten more bits to add to his pot.”

With that note in his head, Goggles looked back up and watched Applejack bask in the victory, surrounded by her friends and family. It was at that moment that Goggles had known for sure that he had made the right choice in coming with Apple Bloom to her home, playing with AJ had been the most fun he had in a long time.

Author's Note:

The character DF is the Brony OC by disneyfanatic23

Image of DF: http://disneyfanatic2364.deviantart.com/art/DF-Ready-for-Take-Off-441497319

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