• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 855 Views, 15 Comments

Flying Through a Hole - TheGlitchInTheMatrix

I'm Captain of the Wonderbolts. Master of the Sonic Rainboom. Undeafeated Champion of the Young Fliers Competition. But I don't deserve any of this when it should belong to somepony else...

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Prologue: An Incomplete Dream...

An Incomplete Dream…

Everything I've ever done, all the awesomeness and all that, it all leads up to this point! The one place in my whole life that I always imagined myself getting to. Here, I could show everypony just how awesome I really am!

Right now, I was floating high up in the center of the Cloudsdale Coliseum, millions of fans chanting my name. Man that felt good. That vibration of hoof stomps reached me, even in midair. They loved me, they wanted more of me, they couldn't get enough of me! This was a dream come true…

I was Captain of the Wonderbolts, I was the Fastest Young Flyer Winner, Self-Proclaimed Fastest Flyer in Equestria, I was top of the world, baby! And right now, I was going to put on the best show anypony had ever seen!

I inhaled slowly, tensing myself, getting ready to finally start my routine. I had a little bit of a surprise way to start this thing off.

Suddenly, I tucked my wings in, closing my eyes tight and letting the pull of the ground take me down. I didn't control my tumble, allowing the wind to bat me in all kinds of crazy tumbles and flips spins and whirls.

The crowd gasped, clearly alarmed, and, to be honest, I felt a little bad for that. For a few seconds more of tumbling to my apparent doom, I lashed out with all my legs and wings, slamming my eyes open to get my bearings. I was sideways, rump down, toward the clouds that made up the "floor" of the Coliseum. Grinning, I tucked one wing in and flared the other, righting myself almost instantly and using my falling momentum to speed up my pull-up.

That sensation of the force of inertia, yanking on my feathers and skull, threatening to pull me back down where I should have kept falling, that was a rush a could never get enough of. No matter how many times I felt it, it was a reward for a recovery well done.

The crowd went nuts! Again chanting my name, stomping their hooves. Bliss! The only way I could describe how I feel at this very moment! True, unbridled, unadulterated bliss. I must look pretty awesome right now.

Of course, that was just the opening stunt; I never even performed my first real trick yet. Now, the show can really start!

For the first stunt, just a little spectacle to whet the crowd's appetite, I pulled around on as tight as a turn I could possibly get, kicking my wings as hard as I could, spinning in a circle.

My peripheral vision picked up the end of my tail with how tight the circling was. Faster and faster I went, feeling the wind starting to even out with me. Now, this move was an advanced Cloud-Buster's technique, not even with a real name yet, but the fans took to calling it the "Rainblow Dry".

Twilight once told me that because of the way the move starts, red and orange and the other "hot" colors will form first. I smiled to myself, remembering the nerdy unicorn fondly.

Tighter and faster I spun and spun, finally feeling the stunt beginning to take shape. The crowd whooped and cheered, seeing the Tornado beginning to form. Just like always, the "Hot" Colors, as Twilight called them, were the first to form and the blues and purples and the so called "Cool" Colors formed just afterward.

Now, I'm no egghead like Twilight, but I guess I can understand why the Hot is on top and the Cool on bottom. She told me that the spinning motion pulls down the Hot air that floats and lifts up the Cool air that sinks. My tornado is like a big blender for air, mixing the two and forcing them where the opposite air is. They get stuck trying to get back to where their supposed to go but keep on spinning. Boom, Tornado!

Once again, those familiar three syllables of my name echoed throughout the stadium, bringing a proud smirk to my face. I was going to give these ponies exactly what they wanted.

Letting myself fall free of the Tornado, now self-sustained without my Wingpower to move it along, I moved away, watching the clouds lift off the floor to form a canopy of sorts. This was part of the next stunt, but it was a little slow going.

Of course, I never do anything slow, so when the crowd got their few seconds to enjoy the Tornado, I darted in, took back control of the Tornado and moved it around the outer edge of the Coliseum Floor, making a ring of higher clouds above the lower "Floor Cloud."

Once the ring was complete, I flew up, letting the Tornado fly up into the air where it would dissolve. Using the same motion to fly up, I leaned back into a wide somersault, flying back down toward where the crowd could better watch me. It was time to finish the course for my "Super Speedy Strut".

Just as I passed the new ring of clouds, I let my wings form a pocket, catching a tuft of the cloud and pulled it down, making a trail and connecting it the lower clouds. For just a few, sad moments, the crowd was forced to lose sight of their favorite Wonderbolt as I disappeared below the clouds.

The crowd, however, never lost their spirit, still screaming out their fondness for me. When I reappeared on the opposite side, tracking cloud from below to connect to the higher ring of clouds, it didn't stop the fans from getting even louder.

One barrel roll later found me back in the center of it all. I threw my hooves up in the air, eliciting another round of cheers and applause. Sure, I'm sort of delaying the real show, but working the crowd is part of the experience! These ponies all paid good money to see me today and I'm gonna make it worth every single bit.

Strike a Cool Pose, strike an Awesome Pose, strike a Radical Pose, every pose the crowd showed me their appreciation. My cheeks were already aching from the wideness of my constant smile, and we're not even halfway through the show!

Hooves in the air everypony! Say my name, say my name, what's my name? You all know my name, you know my name, and do the wave!

I sunk my hooves low then threw them back up, as far over my head as I could. As expected, the section of the audience I was facing jumped from their seats, hooves in the air. I turned in the air, hooves still high, carrying the wave in a full circle around the arena. Once it got back to where it started, I reversed the flow and waved the opposite direction. When it came back, I darted to the edge of the stands, throwing the wave back around, this time with the wave chasing me.

Whooping with the crowd, I yelled, laughing in the elation I received from the crowd's attentions. From here, I could see every single pony who could make it. Every single foal staring at me with wide eyes, awed by my closeness. My five friends and the trio that made up the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Regardless of the millions of fans who supported me, I never would have been here if it wasn't for them. They pushed me when I needed it, helped me when I got stuck, watched me when I needed to improve myself, lectured me when I was wrong, praised me when I was right, healed me when I was injured, and revitalized me when I was exhausted. They were my best friends. True friends. Through thick and thin, through rise and fall, dark times and good times, I never could turn my head to either side and NOT see them there. Always, they stood by my side. Always there. Always.

With a small hoof-pump, I showed them that I saw them and showed them my gratitude. I couldn't actually hear them screaming my name or single out their cheers, but I knew exactly what they saying and how they were saying it.

I pulled away, coming down to the ground, not quite tucking my wings in to walk, but kept them pumping as I began to kick off the cloud in a half run/half flight. This was the Super Speedy Strut, and the crowd knew it before I even got to speed.

There they go again. My name thundering through the air. I'm pretty sure they can hear them all the way in Las Pegasus. Hoof stomps threatening to shatter the clouds that make up the very foundation of Cloudsdale.

Faster and faster I moved, keeping the motions in my hooves a steady and even trotting pace even though I was moving much faster. Now, comes the twist.

I hit the track of cloud leading up to the cloud ring I made. It was the first time I did this publicly, and I knew the fans were going to love it.

I was Super Strutting. Upside down. The crowd roared in awe. Yeah, that's right, I'm awesome and you know it.

The thundering cheers and applause, I could feel it in my chest. This was such an amazing feeling that no matter how many times I felt it, I could never get enough. Every show, I just have to do my routine, and I'll feel this.

The pinnacle of my dreams and imaginations. My wildest fantasies. All of them are right here, at this very moment. They weren't dreams or imaginations or wild fantasies anymore. This was real. This was me.

Running upside down on the cloud canopy my Tornado made, I kept up a calm and casual face, adding to the intrigue of the stunt. Oh, man, were they going nuts! It was insane!

Making a few more circuits upside down, I took the opposite track to move back down to the Ground Clouds, skidding to a halt once I reached the center. Little tufts of clouds puffed up, knocked free from my hooves dragging along them.

Cheers and applause, encore for more, eh? Sure, you know I never disappoint. I have another trick up my sleeve.

I remember when they first saw this one… How pumped it made every single one of them! Almost impossible with how pumped they were already! It was then, I felt a little pang in my heart…

I shouldn't be the one up here.

My smile took a bit of a ding, but I heard the fans calling out, cheering my name. The three syllables that make up my name. It didn't matter right now, these ponies need me!

I took to the sky, climbing higher and higher before furling my wings, tipping backwards and nose diving straight back down.

The air rushed by me, wildly buffeting my feathers and trying desperately to pull me off course. But, since it's me we're talking about here, that's never going to happen. Not in a million years!

Closer and closer I fell to the Coliseum, shifting my hips and shoulders to angle myself back on course. From below, I could the roars of the crowd getting clearer and clearer. I was falling right toward them! And they didn't even flinch! Man, thy were almost as awesome as I was! …Almost.

Smiling, I allowed my self a slow spin, just like the first time this stunt was done. Of course, I had to mix it up a bit.

Just before I hit the stands, I pulled up. Or more accurately, I pulled down. That's right, I was upside down again.

Looking up, I saw the fans cheering and waving. I cheered back, waving to them all as I zipped by them at ridiculous speeds. The Fantastic Filly Flash. This was the new Crowd Working Signature of the Wonderbolts.

I felt that pang again, but the closeness of the happiness going on right below quickly cured it.

I reached out to the fans who were trying particularly hard to reach me and bumped hooves with whoever could get up high enough.

Some of the fans had even taking to hovering out of their seats. I made special attention to get their hooves. They risked getting kicked out if the security got them! There was a super strict "No Flying During the Show" Policy. Had to give them one last souvenir to take home before the Guards nabbed them. And nabbed most of them they did.

Sure, it was bit sad, but all I had to do was go back to the Ticket Masters, get the names of the ponies kicked out, have them removed from the Black Ball list, and personally send them a letter telling them they were safe to come back next year. Can't allow anypony to miss these shows if they were willing to pay good money for it.

Three circuits around the stands later, I was back into the center of the Arena, my hoof kinda sore from the amount of bumps I made…but I'm pretty sure I got everypony. If not, my team and myself would be outside the main exit for personal meetings.

Just a couple stunts is all I have time for. We had the opening show, the first of the main races, Misty Fly and Soarin' did our first stunt show, the second races, the team show, third races, Surprise, Rapidfire, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot did their stunt collaborative. The 500 Main Race Event took up a majority of the time, but that's the second main reason the ponies even show up. It needs the most time; we fly Five hundred laps, after all.

Blaze and Firewind called out, High Winds was really sick, the twins, Lightning Streak and Fire Streak, along with Wave Chill, were running a Charity Event with Crescent Moon in Phillydelphia.

I shook my head, clearing the tangent my brain went on. Sometimes, it just happens when I start recollecting where the team was. One of the duties of being the Captain. It was automatic.

After all those events, it was my Solo show; the show that everypony talks about.

My Show.

Sure I had them eating out of my hoof with the stuff I already did, but the show can't end now. I have two more stunts. One spectacular… and one, Legendary…

Standing in the middle of it all once more, I let myself get a bit of a breather. Flying around all day, although I do it all the time, is still a lot of work! Even somepony as awesome as me needs a bit of a break.

Plus, I like to sleep a lot, so that helps.

Those wild fans, like they've been doing the whole event, kept up their cheers and applause, but it seemed like they changed the cadence.

…Yeah. It turned into a chant. They were chanting my name while stomping their hooves at each syllable.

I was pretty sure they heard this in Las Pegasus. If not, the newspapers will get there eventually.

The chanting put the fire back in my heart though. I spread my wings, dramatically spreading the feathers to show off their perfection before taking off into the air.

I skipped the preamble this time and went straight to gathering my speed. As much as I've practiced this stunt, I couldn't find a way to really modify it.

That pang in my heart hit me again. It was a pretty sucky way to ruin my day so far. And this time? This time that guilty tugging in my heart didn't go away.

Faster and faster I pushed myself, catching as much friction in my wings as I could. The electricity building up felt awkward, making my wings feel like they were about to start vibrating.

Once I felt the charge had reached a good enough level, I flew back to the center of the Coliseum and flared my wings as hard as I could. I grit my teeth, feeling the inertia yank my body, hard.

Because of the intensity of the pull, my eyes closed, but I could feel the massive blast of electricity coming off my feathers from the sudden halt. Could hear the thunder and discharge echo through the air. I couldn't see it, but I know the crowd did. They went wild.

I swear, if I could focus my hearing, I would hear the foundation of Cloudsdale groaning from the sheer force the ponies were putting on it with their stomps and jumps.

It was an amazing sound. It was the Buccaneer Blaze. It made me hurt inside…

I shouldn't be the one here, it shouldn't be my name they're chanting! That applause shouldn't be for me…

That move always did that to me. It reminded me about that. I don't wanna think about that. But the fans are here now, that's what important, I have to give them what they want. I have to. That's what being the Captain means.

Without a pause, not even to appreciate the crowd's praise, or to even work the crowd a little like I was supposed to, I flew up.

Tears began to sting my eyes as I flew higher and higher. But it wasn't because of the wind. The goggles I wore stopped it from drying out my eyes..

Higher and higher I flew, biting back the lump that formed in my throat. I shouldn't be doing this.

I am not supposed to be here…

I stopped my climbing and looked down. The Coliseum looked tiny from up here. The perfect altitude.

Throwing my entire body mass downward, I scrambled to get faster than normal. The only way I could do this, was to tap into my magic. The pegasus magic in my wings. It's not easy for any pegasus to do, but it's the main key to making this legendary stunt work.

Uncomfortably fast, the Coliseum drew closer and closer. I felt the wind beating against me, forcing me backward, threatening to throw me backward.

I kept fighting. The wind pushed me, I pushed back, pumping my wings harder than I usually do, forcing them to flap harder and faster with each stroke. Slowly, the crowd's noise reached my ears.

I shouldn't be Captain. I shouldn't be the one to live this dream. I shouldn't be here at all!

My vision blurred with the tears pouring forth. Automatically, my body kept pushing forward. My heart ached with the old and familiar pain.

Every show was like this. Each move I did, I made it my own. But the last two, hurt me. Hurt me more than I could have ever imagined.

My body began to stretch, pushing hard against the sound barrier that was once believed to be impossible to be broken.

…I can break this barrier. I have already and I will do it again.

Just a little more. Only a tiny bit more!

The crowd's cheering was now clearly heard, I was only kilometers away from crashing into the Cloudiseum.

The sound barrier broke. My heart broke. The applause broke out. This was a dream that was not my own…

The legendary Sonic Rainboom, was here. The trademark ending to the Wonderbolt's shows.

The last thing I have to remember why I was even here in the first place, suffering like I always do, was the Sonic Rainboom.

I was sobbing openly, the tears caught in my goggles. My body flew, by itself, to my friends. I think it was a natural impulse when I was in pain, to seek out my Friends.

Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders Trio of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and…

… Babs Seed.

Now, I bet you're all wondering: Where's Scootaloo? Why is Babs the third member?

My friends all crowded me, cheering and patting my back and sides, offering me congratulations and praise, but I didn't deserve any of it.

Like, I've been saying, I am NOT the one who should be here.

The pain went away slightly when I saw my friends right here, but one of them was missing. The one I felt should have been here the most…

I looked up into the sky, ripping my goggles off.

The crowd's cheering died down in my ears, my chanted name no longer reaching me. My friends all went quiet when they realized my distress.

That name those fans were cheering?

It shouldn't be mine…

Where were you? Where did you go that you couldn't be here?

Don't you remember you're sister? Don't you remember me?

It's me: Scootaloo. And I just want you back home…

…Rainbow Dash.

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Author's Note:

Well, this got a lot more Interest than we predicted. You all enjoy Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo stories, don'cha?
We are pleased. We hope you enjoyed this story's Prologue, looking forward to hearing your feedback.
If you've kept up with our Blogs and our Main Profile Page, you'd find that we actually have another story underway. We're highly confident with our release dates on this story, so look forward to that!