• Published 3rd Dec 2014
  • 856 Views, 15 Comments

Flying Through a Hole - TheGlitchInTheMatrix

I'm Captain of the Wonderbolts. Master of the Sonic Rainboom. Undeafeated Champion of the Young Fliers Competition. But I don't deserve any of this when it should belong to somepony else...

  • ...

Chapter 1: Frustrations

Here I sat, watching the patrons that made up my audience for the day leaving the Cloudisuem. All they saw on me was a happy and grateful smile, every once in a while bumping hooves with some, taking pictures with others, and signing my autograph for many more.

Ask anypony who saw me that day, and they'd say that Scootaloo looked so happy and awesome! But on the inside, I was wailing, screaming, and throwing a tantrum of despair. The façade of a happy me was purely for the fan's benefit.

However, my team could always see right through it. Bless their hearts, they tried to ward away as much of the fans as they possibly could, in the most polite and subtle way possible, but who would miss out on the chance to meet the Captain of the Wonderbolts? In other words, the attempts were almost futile.

But, it was our trainer Tight Ship who actually managed to save me. I felt a hoof tap on my shoulder and turned to face who I thought was a fan, "Oh, hey, Ship! What's goin' on?"

"Hey, Scoots, how ya holdin' up?" he was light of tone, but I can see the real question in his eyes. Wanna head in?

"My wing feels a little sore; think I pulled it in the Finale," I answered. My wing was fine, and both he and I knew it.

"Alright, you head on down to the lockers, I'll hold face up here for a little while longer, then I'll see ya down there, 'kay?" He gave me a friendly pat on the shoulder with a little squeeze.

I smiled and nodded gratefully, trotting away towards the locker room and away from the fawning crowds. I did feel a little bad for having to leave them all hanging, but I'm a simple pony too, with pony problems just like everyone else. And like everypony else, sometimes, I want to be left alone.

I opened the heavy locker door marked 'Authorized Equinnel Only' and plunged myself into the dark of the maintenance way. I had to stand there for a bit and wait for my eyes to adjust, but once they did, I started moving along.

It was slow going, no spring in my steps, heart heavy, and soul broken. I just wanted to go home.

After what felt like an eternity, but was probably no more than thirty seconds, I hung a right into a more lit hallway, a door marked 'Private' to my left.

With a heavy sigh, I pushed the door open and made my way inside, reaching up with my free hoof and yanking my goggles off. Once inside, I tossed them roughly to the side and sat down heavily on the bench, gritting my teeth and resisting the urge to scream.

Finding a small way to vent my frustrations, I slammed my hoof against the bench, the sound echoing through the entire locker room.

Again and again, my hoof slammed down against the wood. It was hard enough to make my hoof ache, but I kept going, eventually turning around and kneeling down to slam both hooves into the bench, alternating their impacts.

Tears spilled out with each halt of inertia in my body, and it wasn't until about five minutes after that I finally slumped over, head cradled in my arms, and with unrepressed sobs echoing throughout the room.

Why? Why'd it have to be this way? Did I do something wrong? Was I not good enough? I did everything I wanted! Just like you told me to do! To make all my dreams come true! When I said I had the same dreams as you, that didn't mean I was gonna be the one to replace your dreams! Why did you give up on them? Why'd you give on me?

For a while, I cried, letting out my sorrows to the walls of the room. Letting my pain be known to the silence. It felt a little comforting, but I needed so much more than this. I needed her here with me. To rub my head like she used to. To give me that same wink she always did. Needed to hear her saying, "Good job out there, squirt!"

Just the memory of her voice saying those words almost got me to grin… almost. It was just a memory still. It wasn't really her. But I so desperately wished it was her.

For a moment, the tears stopped, allowing me to think a little more clearly. My brain began noticing that my body felt itchy and that I kinda stunk a little. I did just fly for almost two hours straight. And those stunts at the finale really take it outta me.

With grueling slow motions, I began wriggling my way out of my Wonderbolt Flight suit. I fumbled with the zipper at the back of my neck for a bit until it finally came lose and flew almost perfectly down the middle of my back, just out of my normal reach.

Already not in the mood to be dealing with anymore bullshit for today, I just walked over to the showers. The head piece hanging below my chin and the flaps of the suit hanging over my wings. I threw on the cold water and plunged myself underneath the torrent.

I bit back a scream of shock when the cold washed over me, but I didn't come out of the streams, letting the water run over my mane, face, neck, and into my suit.

I didn't care enough to notice the fabric clinging to my moistened fur, but I knew it would be an even bigger pain in the ass now to pull it off. For the moment, I just let myself go under the refreshing waterfall.

It was an enjoyable relief from today's tensions and struggles. Washing away my pains from only moments ago.

"Not even gonna take off the uniform this time? Well, at least you took the goggles off," Tight Ship said from nearby Scootaloo.

My eyes had been closed and the noise of the water hitting the floor drowned out his approach.

I opened my eyes and looked over to him, watching him leaning against the lockers and staring at me with a disapproving stare, "Just dealing with a lot right now."

"I can tell. You know, you're gonna have a helluva time getting out of that," Ship said.

"I'll fly over that bridge when I come to it," I sighed.

"You know, Scooter, you should go see her. I'm pretty sure she'd like to hear about today," Ship offered.

I scoffed, "Not if she can't even come see me, I won't."

"Scooter, you know she—"

"Stop, Tight Ship, I don't wanna hear it," I growled.

Tight Ship sighed and sat down on his haunches. I remained standing under the cold stream, turning my head away from him.

"What happened that day wasn't Rainbow's fault, Scooter. All the time, things like that happen. We can't control it."

"You know what is her fault? The reason why the Wonderbolts don't have their Captain," I said aggressively.

"You're the Captain now. This is your team—"

"No! No it's not!" I turned to him, glaring. Suddenly, the cold of the water didn't feel so comforting anymore, "I'm still just the Co-Captain! This is her team! Her team that she abandoned! I'm only standing in for her because it was her dream to be a Wonderbolt for as long as she possibly could. That can't happen if we fall apart!"

"Scooter," Tight Ship started, standing back up, "You know it wasn't like that. She didn't abandon anything. You know that. It's like I said: things like this just happen."

I didn't respond to him, taking a seat under the water and feeling the familiar burning return to my eyes, "I just want her back; I can't deal with this anymore, Tight Ship. It's too much. It hurts too much. I'm not as tough as she is."

I felt something warm grip me and pull me against something that was even more warm. When Tight Ship spoke, his voice was soft and right above my ear, "You're every bit as tough as you need to be. I know it hurts, I know sometimes it can be overwhelming, but that's why you're still here. Somepony decided to keep that from landing on somepony who couldn't take it," I leaned against Tight Ship's chest and felt his chin come to a rest on top of my head, his hoof stroking my mane, "You know Spitfire would have taken her position back. And if she couldn't, Soarin would have happily taken it. But why didn't they?"

I sniffed, trying to keep from crying again, "I didn't want them to, and they respected me too much. More than I deserved. I took the position for Rainbow and they knew it. Otherwise, nopony would have taken it."

"Go see her. Alright? I know she probably misses you," Tight Ship pushed me away and gently held my face in his hooves to make me look him in the eye. It was then that I finally noticed that he was soaking wet too. He hadn't even taken off his hat or whistle.

I forgot I was in the shower, "Sorry for draggin' you in here with me," I apologized, "but I appreciate it. A lot."

"Anything and everything for family. You shoulda seen Soarin when he was the Co-Captain. Blubbering like a big ol' soft baby made out of marshmallows."

I giggled, "Why marshmallows?"

Tight ship gave me a serious look, "You ever hug the guy without his suit on? Like silk."

"It's disturbing to know that you know that," I gave him a goodhearted frown.

"Hey, I know every disturbing thing about you all. Its my job. Like, I know your cycle starts in a month on the fifth," Ship winked at me.

I blushed fiercely, "Yeah, that was a really awkward conversation."

Tight Ship laughed loudly, "You're telling me!? I was the one who had to pull you off of poor Charcoal Sails when you tried to mount him like a stallion and—"

"Stop! Don't wanna relive that moment," I winced, shuddering at the horrid thought. That was not one of my prouder moments.

There was silence in the locker room, save for the constant rush of water hitting the floor. Neither of the two of us said anything, but Ship reached over and knocked the lever for cold water back into the 'Off' position.

There was a moment more of silence as he took his hat off and flung it about, flinging any excess water off. Finally, he looked back to me, "You asked him to have your foals."

I'm pretty sure all of Cloudsdale heard my scream of indignation and him laughing his flank off.

An hour later found me cruising through the streets of Ponyville. I hadn't been here in a few months, but it seemed mostly the same. Ponies were walking about, waving eagerly when they noticed me. To them, Ponyville just wasn't the same without their own Crusader to liven things up, so it was a pleasant surprise when I showed up.

I wasn't sure if the other girls were back yet, but I wouldn't count on it. I flew straight here to escape Tight Ship's antics. They probably haven't even finished the post-show meet-n-greet yet. I wondered how the team was holding up without me, but figured they were in good hooves with Tight Ship nearby.

Aimlessly, I wondered Ponyville, smiling and reminiscing when I came over memorable landmarks.

Sugar Cube Corner still looked as delicious as it did when I first moved here. That was where I got to meet Applebloom for the first time with Sweetie Belle. It was so comforting to see another filly our age without her Cutie Mark as well. This was the birthplace of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The start of my journey with my two best friends on whacky adventures to get our Mark in the most creative ways possible.

With a fond smile, I looked over my Cutie Mark, looking at the Flaming Scooter Wheel with a helmet on it. It had a large menacing grin and pointed eyes where the bearing was, adding to the intensity.

With a nostalgic sigh, I walked up to the door and made my way inside. Immediately, the smell of baked sweets and goodies made my stomach growl. This was totally not good for my calorie count, but screw it.

"Welcome to Sugar Cube Cor—Scootaloo! Oh dearie, how are you!?" Mrs. Cake, the pleasantly plump mare that was the unofficial grandmother of every foal in Ponyville.

So many times did she come to memory as the mare who comforted me and fed me good food when our Cutie Crusades failed miserably.

"Hey, Mrs. Cake! I'm doing pretty okay for now. Could be a lot better," I said, returning the warm hug she gave me when I approached the counter.

"Why is that? Didn't you have a show recently?" Mrs. Cake asked, concern apparent in her eyes, "You didn't hurt yourself, did you? Nopony on the team was hurt either, right?"

I shook my head, "Nah, just… Rainbow wasn't there. It never feels right when she's not leading us."

"Oh dearie, I know what you mean. It felt so strange when my mother let me run her bakery for the first time and she left to Germaneigh. There was nopony I could turn to for help and it felt like a hole I couldn't fill."

Hole I couldn't fill… that perfectly described what I felt. I nodded solemnly, "That's exactly it."

"Have you gone to see her lately?"

"No. No, I haven't," I said, a slight edge coming to my voice.

"Oh. It's alright, Scootaloo, we don't have to talk about it," Mrs. Cake put a reassuring hoof over mine. I smiled at her, appreciating her respect and concern, "Now, what can I getcha? You don't just fly from a Wonderbolt show and then from Cloudsdale and not be hungry!"

With a wider smile, I looked her dead in the eye, "I'll have the Pink-ocalypse."

Her smile vanished instantly. Her eyes shifted from side to side, making sure nopony was nearby.

Secretly, Mrs. Cake withdrew a slip of paper from under the counter and slid it over, pushing a pen cup over as well.

I picked up a pen in my teeth and quickly glanced over the Waiver.

Yadda yadda yadda not responsible yadda yadda occurrence of diabetes yadda sudden shortness of breath yadda yadda yadda hospital finances are primary's responsibility, all in all, the same waiver I've filled out countless times before.

With a flourish, I signed over my pancreas to the horrible amount of sugar I was about to ingest.

Mrs. Cake took the waiver back and filled out an order slip, "It'll be right out, dearie. And may Celestia help you… again."

If there was a hangover for sugar intoxication, I'm most definitely not going in for after show conditioning tomorrow. Before me was a half eaten confectionary abomination of cupcakes, cookies, brownies, candy, ice cream, and powdered sugar.

It was the most I'd ever eaten of the thing. Usually, I'd be able to take it back to the team and there would be enough for everyone to have seconds with the few brave souls going back for thirds. This time, it might not last for everypony to get seconds.

It was absolutely delicious, but by Luna's Glorious Fun was the calorie count and sugar levels ridiculous on this monster.

The whole thing was over forty-thousand calories… easily. And I just ate half of them. And the sugar? Probably for the best that I don't know how much exactly goes into it. What I do know, however, is that Mr. Cake runs out the moment it's finished and returns with a full set of saddlebags. I wouldn't be surprised if they were full of sugar.

"Mrs. Cake," I groaned, trying to hold my stomach in from exploding.

"You signed the waiver knowing what would happen," Mrs. Cake said from behind the counter, "I'll be right over in a minute, dearie. With milk and alka-seltzer."

I just grunted. Too full to risk speaking again.

For the moment, my emotions had been successfully eaten away… and they were delicious. Hazardous to my health and almost definitely lowered my life expectancy…again. I really need to stop doing this to myself.

Minutes passed by, me just sitting there and contemplating my life and thinking about the Wonderbolt Itinerary. We had two more shows to suffer through before the season was over. The end of the summer and the start of fall. I was going to be in Manehatten with Babs for the first part, but the rest was us coming and staying at Applebloom's for the Running of the Leaves and the Winter Solstice Celebration.

I belched loudly, scrambling my train of thought. But I felt leagues better. I worked up another belch, letting that one flow out too, but much longer than the last one.

It was a good thing that there were no other ponies in the shop, because that would have been embarrassing—

"The Pink-ocalypse, huh? Wow, squirt, never knew you were that low in life," a very familiar mare's voice said behind me.

With only the slightest of trembles, I turned. And there, standing in all her glory in such a casual closeness to me, was none other then the Role Model of my life herself.

There, with her hoof resting on my seat, looking down at me with a happy smile on her face, was Rainbow Dash.

My mouth worked up and down a few times, but nothing came out. There was so much I wanted to yell out at once. I wanted to vent, wanted to apologize, wanted to scream at her, wanted to listen to her tales, wanted to throw myself into her arms, and oh so desperately wanted to slap her.

"So how ya been, Scoo—Oof," and slapped her I did.

Her eyes were lowered and she hadn't returned her head back to her original position. It was a few moments before she sighed and began moving to look back at me, "Listen, Scootaloo, I—"

And slapped her once more, this time, from the other direction and with my other hoof.

Her head whipped in the other direction and stayed there, just like previously.

When she finally looked back up to me, I was glowering. I was not happy. First she ups and leaves and now this!? I think another slap is in order.

"Keep going," Rainbow sighed dejectedly.

And suddenly I felt like an asshole. My hoof stopped in its collision course with Rainbow's reddening cheek. "You're angry. I deserve this. I'm not gonna stop it."

Rainbow kept her eyes closed, not looking at me anymore. If anything, she looked like the one who needed to eat their emotions away. Part of me really itched to hit her again but—slap.

I wound up hitting her again, her rainbow mane flaring with her head's motions. It was longer and more matronly in style since I last saw her.

I hit her again, harder, forcing her head back the other direction. Then, I hit her a third time, grunting with the effort and the stinging pain growing in my hoof joint.

After my boxing match with the locker room bench, my hooves couldn't take much more punishment.

"Any harder," Rainbow panted, "and we'll need to take this outside." Her speech was sounding slurred and I noticed her cheeks were beginning to swell up.

I don't know why I continued beating on her… but I wasn't done yet. With a shout, I launched myself across the table, knocking her to the floor, me on top of her.

Again and again, I brought my hooves down on her. She never once made an effort to block anything, never once made an effort to move out of the way. She took every last hit.

At first they were just slaps. Then, they turned to true strikes. After that, they turned to wild, overhead bombing punches. Her grunts and mine filled the little shop and my eyes began to sting with tears. I couldn't hear much more than the impacts of flesh striking flesh and couldn’t' feel much more then anger and pain.

Then I became aware of something else. There was a sniffling.

My nose wasn't running, it didn't belong to me. Rainbow was leaking blood from her snout, but it sounded too far to be hers.

My punching slowed to a stop. I panted, tired from beating the mare beneath me to a bloody pulp.

"I'm… so sorry… Scootaloo," Rainbow rasped out.

The sniffling again. This alerted Rainbow to crane her head up and look back toward the entrance.

"Starlet? It's alright. Mommy… was a really bad pony," Rainbow said soothingly, but the effect was lost with her appearance.

"Mommy?" I breathed out, eyes going wider.

My head finally jerked up to see a little filly with a bright blue hair, streaked through with a green and white lightning bolt. She was the same cloud blue as Rainbow. Her purple eyes were wide with fear and brimming with tears. She was standing near the doorway watching me beat the living crap out of Rainbow.

"Yeah," Rainbow wheezed, "I came to your show… you did good. But… you left suddenly. I wanted… to introduce you," Rainbow weakly tried to sit up.

I looked back to her, eyes still wide and in a state of disbelief, "Mommy?" My brain was having a hard time starting a new sentence.

"Scootaloo, I want you to meet Starlet. The reason why I lift the Wonderbolts," then Rainbow wrapped Scootaloo in her arms, holding her tight.

All the while, I didn't budge, eyes locked on the poor, crying filly, with a single thought stuck in my mind: what have I done?

"She's also the reason I came back to you," Rainbow whispered into my ear, "because, she's your little cousin."

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Comments ( 6 )

Ma gerd this is so good!

5668763 Thanks a lot! It helps to hear these kinds of praises! We hope you'll keep reading as we keep writing!

5668769 I'm definitely gonna keep reading

5668774 Well, Sir/Madam, that means we'll most certainly keep writing. :moustache:

This is good stuff.

5676904 Thank you. That means a lot to us. We hope to keep your interests with our story!

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