• Published 24th Jan 2015
  • 1,697 Views, 139 Comments

Trixie in the Gryphon Empire - Phaoray

Trixie has failed twice now to prove herself to Equestria and to fulfill the promise made to the one she cares most for. It's time for a new approach. One few ponies are crazy enough to try.

  • ...

Past Memories and New Friends

Just what was wrong with those stupid guards!?

Trixie grumbled to herself, creeping her way down another small side street. As much as she hated it, Trixie was all too aware of her new position as prey in this city. Though she'd never been hunted like this, she did have a bit of experience to fall back on. To Trixie, being prey meant the same thing as the aftermath of a botched performance. You quietly snuck away, peeked around corners, and avoided open areas, particularly ones occupied by large crowds with torches, pegasi feathers, and oil.

Though pegasi willing to donate their feathers due to Trixie's shows was flattering, in an odd sense.

She continued to mutter to herself as she quickly ran into an opposing alley. "Honestly, why is Trixie the only one this city is after? Surely there is somepony more deserving of being targeted by every murderous gryphon in this city than her, right? Why is only Trixie suffering like this?"

Her response came in the form of a long, drawn out scream.

Trixie takes it back!

Looking up, Trixie saw a donkey with red markings along its body frantically flailing in the claws of a large gryphon.

The gryphon flew over her head while she stayed as still as possible. The sound of the gryphon landing was apparent to Trixie, and she realized he must be directly on top of the three story brick building she was currently hiding against. The sounds of a light scuffle on top became quickly apparent.

H-he's not really going to do anything, right? M-maybe they are just friends, and he's giving him a scare. He couldn't possibly-

Trixie heard the sound of something being struck hard above her, the slightly wet noise of claws tearing into flesh, a little gurgling, and then, nothing. She quickly clamped a hoof over her muzzle to prevent any screaming and tried to control her now rapidly out of control breathing. Less than a moment later, the sounds of flapping were heard as the gryphon departed. Trixie was dry heaving into a trash can seconds after.

"Heh, lucky you're a lot better at the hunt than that donkey was, huh?"

One loud yelp later, and Trixie was slowly backing away from the voice's owner. He was a gryphon covered in golden brown feathers, with several red ones, probably dyed, along his crest. A small silver necklace adorned his neck, in the shape of a claw grasping a red marble. He was only slightly taller than Trixie, but that didn't mean much to her at the moment as she tried forcing her shaking body to keep inching away.

The gryphon gave a sharp whistle as he peered over Trixie and up at the building with his large green eyes. "I think that donkey was one of the Shattered Claw clan's. Pretty sure the markings were red at least. I guess they are looking to start something up again."


Trixie had almost managed to get a rear hoof around the corner when he looked back at her. "Woah! Your eyes are like saucers! Are you feeling okay? I was kinda expecting somegr-er, pony like you to have better nerves."

With a grin on his beak, the gryphon took a step closer, causing Trixie's breathing to visibly speed up.

"Woah, look at you. Huh." He cocked his head inquisitively at her. "You seem terrified, but you can't be. Or...is that why you chose to be hunted? Are you doing this for the adrenaline rush? Are all ponies interested in that kind of feeling? Nothing really gives quite the same thrill as the hunt. I suppose it could be the same for the prey. But..."

Trixie forced herself to swallow the lump in her throat. " I-I don't understand ... A-are you not after Trixie? I-is it because your too u-m...old to hunt ponies?"

"What? No, who told you that? I'm not because it wouldn't be 'proper' for me to yet. Heck, I'm not even a noble, so it'll be some time. Wait, do you not know the full rules of this?"

He took another step closer, causing Trixie to take a few more back.

The gryphon held up a placating paw. "Look, I'm not here to hunt you, okay? My name is Grendel, and I think you may not have been explained everything properly about hunts like this. D-did you actually think I was hunting you?"

Trixie nodded, causing Grendel to let out a low whistle of appreciation.

"Woah, you're even more surprising than I thought, coming into a hunt like this thinking every gryphon would be after you at all times of the day and night. I don't think I'd have the guts for that. You are one impressive plant eater. C'mon, let me buy you a drink and explain what you don't understand yet."

Trixie shuffled her hooves a bit, clearly uncertain. "W-why would you explain anything? What are you getting out of it?"

Grendel rolled his eyes. "Nothing really, but I don't like the thought of someone being hunted without a clear understanding. Most prey, on some level, understand they are being chased out of another creatures need to eat, but that's not the case with you. There's a whole system around hunts like this that an out-of-towner like you can't be expected to fully grasp on their own. At least, if you wandered into town looking like that."

Confusedly, Trixie looked herself over. Was it the hat and cape? "You mean Trixie's attire?"

Shaking his head, Grendel turned so his back was facing her. "Like I said, I admire you, especially for wearing something so visible and still managing to sneak around somehow. If you don't mind, I'd rather you be a bit more relaxed for this talk. Let me just say that currently, you are off limits at night. I know a nice little bar, a lot of nongryphons go to it. And if you are with me, at least, for now, no gryphon should bother you. "

"But earlier, some gryphon was talking to Trixie, and another swooped in and-"

"Woah, hold on. Look, you're being chased by fledglings at the moment, right? Not all of them understand the rules, or grasp why they should care about them. Right now, none of them should be out, so you'll be fine, okay? I'll even help out if one does show up for some reason. It'd be very poor of me to say you'll be safe and turn my back if you were hunted unfairly."

Trixie really doesn't understand him too well. But, he's offering a drink and an explanation. This is the first friendly face Trixie has found here. Friendship. That's the element they say binds the others together. Maybe this is Trixie's chance to explore it a little?

She gave her whole body a shake in an effort to strip away the fear and doubts she had before attempting to give Grendel a piercing look. "Very well. Lead the way. But, if this is a trap, Trixie promises she will make you regret it."

"Heh, there's that backbone I heard so much about. Happy to see the fledglings didn't sever it from the rest of you today."

His word choice is a little too dark for Trixie's liking ... she'd better play up the confidence for now.

"As if some children could really succeed against her! Trixie has more than enough spine to deal with a few little whelps."

Grendel started to walk off with Trixie now in tow a few feet behind him.

"Woah, that's good to hear. Every child in Gryphus is taught the hunt is over when the prey's backbone breaks. It can mean spine or spirit, it doesn't really matter which goes first, so long as you sever one. Good thing both of yours are strong, eh?"

Note to self: Do not raise foals here.

Ten minutes later and with a few more assurances from Grendel, Trixie found herself in a bar. The sign had a boar on it balancing a mug on each of its tusks. Inside was decent, with everything inside being made of stone minus the chairs. A few groups of different races appeared to be loitering at several tables, her and Grendel being the only pony and gryphon to occupy the room for the moment. While the bar didn't exactly go silent, it did get quieter once the others noticed them sitting down at one of the tables.

Trixie thought they were at first disturbed at a gryphon being in the bar, but, as her and Grendel talked, she became well aware that most of their stares were for her. Ignoring them as best as she could, Trixie focused back on her conversation.

"So, by Trixie's attire, you meant-"

"Yep, no dye equals no protection."

"And it's too late to-"

Grendel shook his head, resting it against one of his paws afterwards. "Way too late for that now, you couldn't pay any of the families for that kind of protection at this point, even if you wanted to."

"And if Trixie were to simply color herself in one of the dyes?"

He laughed at her, picking up his mug and taking a drink before answering. "Woah, that would be really funny, it might even work for a day or two. But, you'd get found out, and then whichever family you faked being protected by would have full rights to come for you in force to pay back the insult. Still, if you survive another two weeks, it probably won't matter anyhow, so I'd save that trick for then if you think you can pull it off."

Trixie took a small sip of her ale. It was a little strong for her taste, but since she wasn't paying, she wasn't going to complain.

"Right, two weeks, and that's because...?"

"Then any gryphon who wants can come after you." Grendel held up a talon. "The first week, the king's children, and the upper nobles children are allowed to hunt. " He held up a second talon. "The second week, the upper nobles, regardless of age, can hunt." He then held up a third talon. "And, if you haven't fallen by then, you're open game for any gryphon who wants to try. If you survive for a month, well, you win the hunt."

She shuddered. "Does this kind of thing happen often here?"

He shook his head. "No. My grandparents told me, long ago, that hunts were a lot more commonplace before we began working to get along with some of the neighboring countries. War and mass hunts were the norm. Prey came to the cities, big and small, seeking to test us, and gain fame and various rewards or favors if they survived. That was all before their nations became strong enough to no longer be ignored. Asides from personal hunting, there are only three types of special hunts still in practice. The most common, is the 'Criminal's hunt'. Maybe every year or two someone, gryphon or other, gets dumb and gets himself into trouble with the nobles. Either by stealing, or trying to kill one, or a dozen other things. The sentenced is given ten minutes to flee, then, he is open game to the entire city. For the nobles, it gives them something to brag about if they win the hunt. For other gyphons or other races, there is a reward for winning the hunt. The criminal wins if he can make it to the border. So far, none have made it, from what I understand."

A donkey came by, and refilled their drinks, giving Trixie a moment to digest what she'd just heard.

"The second, is the 'Last Hunt'. Its not as popular now, but it still happens from time to time, especially with the nobility. A gryphon, nearing the end of his life, will choose to enter a neighboring country that the empire dislikes, or is at war with, and hunt that territory until they are killed, or die naturally."

Trixie rolled her eyes, slightly disgusted and irritated. "How that was ever considered popular, Trixie will never know. Did you have to save the hunt Trixie is actually interested in for last? She's not exactly thrilled to find out how many different ways you like to kill others."

Grendel sighed and held out a placating paw to her. "Woah, now look, I know you're excited, and perhaps a little disturbed. But hear me out. You need to understand the fact that hunting is important for us. Its a combination of tradition, instinct, and, well, gryphons needing meat to live. Gryphus isn't near the ocean, unlike Equestria, so fish aren't so abundant that we can just live off of them. And even if we could, we wouldn't. It'd be like asking you to only eat carrots for the rest of your life, or something."

"Hmph, at least carrots can't scream, or be missed by their families."

"The point is, the hunt is important to us, as are the rules around each one. I'm not sure why you are acting so angry at the concept, the main reason the hunt you're in is even still around is thanks to Equestrians like you having such an interest in it."

She raised an eyebrow at this news. "E-excuse Trixie?"

"You know what I mean." He waved a paw in Trixie's direction noncommittally. "Or, well, maybe you don't. There is next to no communication between our two nations after all. All we know is that we shouldn't trust your ruler, and that you still have enough backbone to send some pony to challenge us every few generations."

"You mean Princess Celestia? Why wouldn't you-"

"Look" He said, nodding at the clock. Trixie could see it was near midnight. "I'll happily go over the rest of this with you some other time. I have kind of a penchant for history talks, my grand dad loved telling me about it when I was little. But, for now, wouldn't you rather know about things that might, you know, keep you alive till our next meet up? I'd hate to hear you were caught due to not getting enough sleep."

Trixie's ears wilted a little at the thought of what being caught meant for her. "R-right. So, the hunt?"

"The Hunt of Glory, actually. I'll explain it from the start so you can compare it to what you were already told, all right?"

Considering this is the first Trixie has heard of it, that should be easy enough.

Getting himself comfortable, and ignoring the obvious stares of those around him, most of them still for the unicorn at the table, he began.

"The Hunt of Glory. The rules are fairly simple. Should a nongryphon race enter the capital without seeking the protection of one of the great clans, the prey has then issued a challenge to the king and nobility. Of course, this doesn't apply to fledglings, there is no glory to be found in such a hunt. Once the traveler enters the city, they are granted until the first morning to do what they wish, and then, the hunt begins. From what I understand, you came in quite close to midnight, so the hunt began shortly after you walked through the gates."

"Hmph, well, that explains that gryphon who tried to break into Trixie's room. If Gretta hadn't been there, Trixie might have ... that is ... Trixie would have had to buck him through the wall, which she is sure Gretta would have made her pay for."

Grendel's nodded soberly, his claw necklace bobbing with the action. "There are some who will ignore the rules. Equestrians are incredibly rare, unicorns more so. And the rumor mill makes you out to be well worth the breach in rules to hunt for some."

"Rumor mill? Just what do they have to say about Trixie? She's been in this city for what, a day?"

Another nod. "The event is very special and rare, so a lot is reported, I'm sure if you grabbed a newspaper, you'd most likely see something about your challenge in it already." He looked away for a minute, as thought choosing his next words carefully. "As for what the rumors are, well, the most common one's are about your horn."

"Her horn?" Trixie went cross-eyed for a second trying to look at her horn with little success.

"Rumor is, if a unicorn horn is ground into a meal and eaten, well, the gryphon on the receiving end will be putty in your claws for the night."

She growled at this, almost blushing at the implication, if it wasn't for the fact of how her horn would be acquired for such an act. "Trixie's horn is not something to be grounded up! Especially for that purpose!"

Grendel shrugged. "Hey, if it helps, the other rumor is, if eaten, a gryphon will gain some of your magic. Either way, worry more about preventing either from happening, okay?"

Trixie grumbled, but agreed with his words. Grendel then continued.

"So, as I already said, the first week is for the higher nobility's fledglings to try for you. No fledgling can be over fourteen years old, and most of them will be accompanied by an adult to make sure the fledgling doesn't get too hurt during the hunt. The adult is allowed to follow, but cannot go after the prey, only coming in to care for the fledgling after the prey leaves it alone, short of the prey trying to kill the fledgling."

Trixie thought on how it'd look if any pictures of her beating up a young gryphon like that got back to Equestria.

"Trixie isn't one to hurt foals like that, she thinks she'll just continue to outsmart them."

Grendell gave her a beaky looking smile. "I'd tear into one of them the second I could if I was being hunted, as a warning to the others. Admittedly, there is less respect to be had in the long run with actions like that, but I value my life over my reputation. Prey with honor like yours is rare."

"Yes, well ... Trixie always strives to be an honorable pony ..."

"I would not seek to disagree. Now, since this week is just fledglings, it means that you will be free to travel safely once the sun goes down. They are not allowed to hunt after dark. If one is breaking curfew and comes after you, just look for a guard. If you are being hunted dishonorably they will help you, and escort you back to your inn if you desire. Also, for now until the third week, If a gryphon hunting you were to walk in now, you would be safe."

"Why is that?"

"Because, I am not participating in the hunt. Being hunted while distracted by an outsider is considered bad form. They could wait outside of the bar for you, but, until we part ways, you would be safe. That won't be true in two weeks, as every gryphon will be considered to be participating. At that point, the only 'safe' spots for you would be the king's keep, and the inn you're staying at."

"Right, because Trixie hasn't had some gryphon try to open her door in the middle of the night already..."

"Ah, yes. Well, that shouldn't happen again. Rumor has it that your inn has declared itself a safe haven for you."

Trixie took another drink, feeling a bit warm and fuzzy as it traveled down her throat. "A-and what does that mean for Trixie?"

"Well, like the King's keep, it is illegal to attack you in that inn. Traps can't be set for you there either, and it's illegal to use any kind of bait or poison on you."

" And Trixie's inn wasn't made safe any sooner because...? "

He shrugged. "My guess is the innkeeper hates paperwork and was hoping you'd already have been caught."

Trixie sputtered at this, feeling unusually outraged at the moment. Probably due to the alcohol. "Why that stupid-If Trixie had claws right now, she'd-"

"Woah! Woah! I was kidding! You arrived late last night, right? She wouldn't have been able to, considering everything was closed already for the evening!"

"...Oh... Trixie supposes she should be grateful that-"



"Trust me, your innkeeper is making out like a bandit on you staying there."

"W-what!? So she IS overcharging Trixie! She knew it! Gretta! You selfish-"


Trixie was getting tired of this. "No?"

"No. She's more than likely renting the room out to you fairly cheap, actually. She's selling any gryphon who comes in there information about you. What you eat, when you sleep, when you leave in the morning, when you come back. Trust me, everything she can find out about you is coins in her pocket. Keeping you alive as long as possible, and her inn undamaged is probably the reason for her declaring her inn a safe haven for you."



"Trixie...doesn't know whether to be upset or not now. All she knows is gryphon innkeepers are greedy."

Grendel chuckled and nodded at that. "Oh, its not just innkeepers, all gryphons are like that. I am expecting to make a little bit out of our conversation tonight, actually."

"What!? So all that talk about 'admiring Trixie' was-"

"Oh no, all of that was true. I'd never have the balls to do what you Equestrians do every time one of you comes to this city. I DO respect you, but what's a few coins made between friends, right? I'll even give you a cut. Cubs honor."

"Y-you wish to be Trixie's friend?"

"If Trixie is willing to trust a gryphon in this city a little, then yes."

"....fine, as she said before, if this is a trap, she will make you regret it."

"Duly noted, now, how about a few more rounds before we call it a night?"

Trixie stumbled a bit on her way back to the inn, giving out a high pitched giggle as she walked. She was enjoying the slight haze everything had around it for the moment, and the way things kept coming in and out of focus for her made everything she stared at far more interesting. The taste of alcohol was still strong on her lips as she thought through the day she had.

"S-stupid gryphons, sending foals out after a mare like Trixie? Th-then kicking her out of line, l-like some c-common nopony! S-stupid s-silly gryphons."


"T-the schtupid elements werked finally! K-kinda! Trixie met a friend, an is g-gonna meet him tomma-tommor....later."

M-maybe all this hard work is paying off? C-could it all come together in this crazed town, after so many years of trying? Would she be proud of Trixie right now?

Trixie was having a hard time concentrating on her thoughts, gryphon ale being much stronger than she had given it credit for. Not to mention her drinking several on an empty stomach wasn't helping. She didn't even notice the stares of several gryphons on the darkened street, or the one in front of her until she nearly rammed into him.

"Going somewheh' my little blue friend?"

Trixie looked up from the ground with a short gasp, stumbling backward a few steps from the gryphon. She couldn't focus too well, but he was big, and dark. Like some big, dark thing, standing in her way.

Minor details weren't high on Trixie's capabilities at the moment.

"T-the great and powerf-powerffffff....Trixie is not your friend! Shoo!" She waved a hoof at him.

The big shape laughed a little. "Oh, no reason to be like that now, I know a nice little alley where we can become friends, little blue. It's nice, quiet, and no gryphon'll bother us." She was preeeety sure it was a gryphon she was staring at. The supposed gryphon took a look around, glaring in the direction of any other shapes near them. The few other blobs in Trixie's vision left shortly after with a few mumbled sounds.

Trixie shook her head, slowly trying to walk past the gryphon-shaped blur in her vision. "Thanks, but s'mother time. Trixie has to make it back te sleeeep fore all the little gryphons come after er. "

The blur latched onto Trixie's shoulder tightly, causing her to give a sharp hiss of pain. Slowly, the large shape began pushing her off of the road.

Getting annoyed, Trixie pulled back, but couldn't unlatch the gryphons hold on her. "T-Trixie jus told you, s-she-"

"Come now, I promise the 'little gryphons' will get over not seeing you again. I doubt you'd have made it back to your inn in your shape anyways."

Ugh....which element is this kinna situation for? L-Laughter?

Trixie began laughing loudly. The blur stopped for a few seconds and seemed to stare at her, before Trixie felt something grasping onto her muzzle tightly.

"Stop that, we've gotten enough attention tonight already."

S-so a no on laughter. Umm..how about....

"Here we are then, now...."

Before Trixie knew it, the blur grabbed onto her and rammed her hard against the wall.

"Gonna just savor this for the moment, feel free to start laughing again, if you like..."

The blur was towering over her now, its claws on her shoulders and holding her up against the wall. Her back hooves swung uselessly in the air, giving a slight twitch every so often. She heard heavy breathing, felt a breath on her face. Something wet ran its length along her cheek, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"Mmm...I've been thinking of this moment since I first started tracking you...shame you aren't fully here to appreciate the effort..but, prey like you always have its weakness. Something easy to use against you."

W-wait...did he just call Trixie easy?

Slowly, Trixie tried to get the slightly blurred world to come back into focus. It felt like her thoughts were working their way through molasses in her head though. The wet object was on her other side now, tickling her neck and causing her to squirm a little. As her vision cleared, she noticed the gryphon on her was almost shaking with some kind of pent up excitement. His claws dug into her shoulders, upon the precipice of drawing blood.

The scene brought back a vague, cherished memory of hers. Only, there were no claws, but soft hooves, a gentle voice, the moans of a mare she had done so much for, and would do so much more still. The thought brought a light blush to Trixie's cheeks, as well as causing her to remember the last words the blur in front of her had said. Or, at least, what she now thought he had said.

Something easy to rub against you.

W-w-wait ... he isn't talking a-about...

With a grunt, Trixie's horn started to give off a soft glow, causing the gryphon to rear up from her face and look down at her. Trixie didn't notice however. Now that she could see a little better, her attention was drawn to something wobbling lower along his body.

Much lower. Much wobbling.

Trixie's eyes turned to pin pricks. The sight in front of her caused her face to turn bright red. Her first instinct kicked in, quickly followed by the second.


Vere is zat shtupid pony?

Gretta was not looking forward to the thought of losing her most important patron just yet, not with the amount of coverage her inn was expected to get from her presence. She was growing uneasy, especially with the sudden tremor that ran through the ground not five minutes ago. Gryphus was not a city known for its earthquakes.

A loud groan interrupted her thoughts, causing Gretta to glance at the now open door of the inn.

"Hmph, I vas sinkink you had been eatink already. About time you came back."

Gretta looked over the sweaty pony from her vantage point at the bar. Trixie had just stumbled in clearly drunk, or high, on something. Gretta couldn't tell. The pony looked over at the sound of her voice. Trixie's face was flushed, and her tail was tucked between her legs while she swayed back and forth through the crowded inn to the bar.

"T-trixie is just fine. There isn't any g-gryphons in her room looking to make out with her or anything, right?"

"....Vat? Umm...not since last I checked."

Trixie reached the bar and gave Gretta a glare. Then, just as suddenly, her face went slack and teary. Before Gretta knew it, Trixie had put a hoof around her and had pulled Gretta close enough to bury her head in Gretta's chest.

"...Soo....rough night I take it...?"

"Thank you for not having a member."

"A...member....a member of vat?"

"Awwww!" Trixie cooed, nuzzling into Gretta and causing her to stiffen up at the awkward situation. "You don't even k-know w-what one is yet! Y-you've always been so adorable, ever since the time we met s-so long ago..."

Gretta sighed, massaging her head with a paw.

"Zat's just great. You schould probably go to your room and rest sough. You are makink a scene at my bar."

Trixie stiffened at this, and quickly looked over her shoulder. At least a dozen gryphons looked away as quick as they could, pretending to be occupied with other things. Gretta could hear a low growl come from Trixie, and Trixie's tail clamped between her legs even tighter.

"R-right, Tr-Trixie shouldn't stay around those kinda of gryphons. S-she'll see you later, Gretta."

Trixie let go of Gretta, and walked to the stairs, trying to keep an eye around the inn all the while. Slowly, she turned and walked up the steps, much to Gretta's relief. Just as she was about to get back to speaking with a patron however, someone at one of the tables spoke a little too loudly.

"Can't wait to get my chance to tear into that flank."

Gretta gave a small groan of annoyance as Trixie turned back around, having only made it halfway up the stairs. Once again, several gryphons quickly looked away. Trixie's ears went flat against her skull as she gave every patron around the bar an angry, flushed look.


With a loud snort, Trixie turned around, holding her muzzle high in the air, and proceeded to walk back up the stairs. After taking several steps however, she tripped. The sound of skull hitting stairs was heard throughout the inn as she fell. Trixie didn't get up.

Groaning in irritation, Gretta walked out from behind the bar, and then up the steps to where Trixie's still form lay. She gave the lifeless pony a quick poke with a claw.


A moan was her answer, as Trixie clumsily turned over on the stairs, slipping a few steps down with her movements and ending up half way under the agitated innkeeper.



Looking up at Gretta, Trixie put on a pouting face, while holding a hoof to her head. Her eyes were tearing up, and Gretta was pretty sure she wanted no part in causing that dam to burst. "T-Trixie hit her head."

"Uhm...yes, sche did. Let's get you back to your room, and I'll look it ofer, okay? Just try to shtand up, and-"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Trixie cried out, startling Gretta enough that her hackles raised at how high-pitched the mare below her could be. Trixie's back legs pawed at Gretta's stomach, while she spread her forehooves out wide. "Caaaaaaarryyyy me!"

Oh for zee love of-

Twenty minutes later, a bedraggled Gretta came back down the stairs. Trixie was locked up and unconscious in her room for the night after trying to make several unreasonable demands of her. She had fallen asleep midway through drinking a glass of water Gretta had given her, causing yet more nuisance for the innkeeper as she then had to clean it up.

She mumbled in irritation to herself as she went back to the bar. Less than a moment later, an orange spotted gryphon gently tapped the bar to get Gretta's attention.

"So, how much to find out what that was about?"

Gretta looked to the gryphon's coin purse, then back to the other gryphons at the bar, all of which seemed just as eager to find out. She gave a grin.

Business was good.

Author's Note:

Crow: 5/28/2015 8:50 PM

I like what happens here and how it looks like rape

Crow: 5/28/2015 8:55 PM

You can put that quote on the box. I have no shame xD

Allright then. :pinkiecrazy: