• Published 24th Jan 2015
  • 1,693 Views, 139 Comments

Trixie in the Gryphon Empire - Phaoray

Trixie has failed twice now to prove herself to Equestria and to fulfill the promise made to the one she cares most for. It's time for a new approach. One few ponies are crazy enough to try.

  • ...

Far Off Goals and Unending Dreams.

The minute Luna entered Trixie's dreams, she knew that she was in for a long, rough night.

The world she emerged into was the same one as the last time. A dark, gloomy forest stretched across the dreamscape. The only things in the sky was her moon and the stars. At least she had good light up here, but she knew she would have to go down into the forest to find Trixie.

Luna sighed and gave herself a moment to prepare herself mentally. She knew ponies would find it ridiculous if they ever found out, but Luna was not prepared for this. Oh, she'd helped countless others in the past, in a very different era. But problems had been...simpler. A thousand years of cultural development had made even the most mundane issues into an incomprehensible mess for her.

Trixie was the first adult she was trying to help since being freed from Nightmare Moon's grasp as well. A troubled mare that was an untrained dream walker to top it off. Already she could feel the dream darken, simply due to Trixie subconsciously reacting to Luna's presence. To make matter worse, Luna had entered into a nightmare in the making. She had spent hours looking through this forest a few nights ago for Trixie, the odds of finding her tonight were-


Luna came out of her musings, listening for what had disturbed her. She flew a few circles, before darting towards where she believed the small murmur of sound was coming from. As she grew closer, the noises grew louder and louder, until Luna could clearly make out what was being said.

"Just survive a few days longer, Trixie. I'll end it all for you then."

"Woah, look, I had fun, but, I really need you to die for me."

"Stop squirming! Somepony grab the feathers!"

"Are you really going to embarrass our family like this? You really are worthless..."

Dark words. Sinister tones. Dozens of other voices rang out across this small section of forest Luna was hovering over. An anguished cry let her know that she had found who she was looking for. Luna carefully dove in between the trees, and to the forest floor. She only had to walk a few hoof lengths forward before finding Trixie. At least, she was pretty sure it was Trixie.

Luna had to marvel at the sight, memories of her own blunders when first learning to dream walk surfacing. Trixie was being barraged by leaves, feathers and sticks while wind kept trying to blow her off of her hooves. Roots and large rocks would appear in front of Trixie, causing her to stumble and give out short groans when she collided with them. Half of her was covered in tar, though none appeared to be falling on her from anywhere. Luna knew she should find a way to help, but this was like the time Celestia had stumbled on her way towards the banquet table at Equestria's first diplomatic procession. She had cracked the table in the middle with her misstep and had ended up entirely covered in cake. Were Luna not gawking at the time, she might have been able to spare Celestia the worst of it, but, well, some things take more precedence when you are the younger sister. Like laughing at your older sister.

Well, maybe it's not quite the same, actually. It was still an awe inspiring mishap.

Luna walked past Trixie, who was struggling for every inch she made through the forest. She couldn't hear much through the tormented voices that surrounded the area, but she saw sweat and tears pouring off of the poor mare. After circling her a few times, several flashes of light from above signaled to Luna that the nightmare was about to get worse.

Luna looked up to see images winking in and out of existence far above them. Thankfully, the trees had thinned out on their own, allowing her to catch brief glances before each one disappeared. Carefully, Luna was able to trace a few of the images to the voices shouting at Trixie as she struggled across the forest.

"Just a few more days, Trixie. That's all I ask."

A blood covered alley. A black, blurred outline of a gryphon towered over a bloodied and broken Trixie, glaring down at her.

"Stop squirming! Somepony grab the feathers!"

Dozens of colored outlines in the shapes of ponies pinned a struggling Trixie to the ground amidst torchlight. Several more slowly approached, carrying a barrel filled with black liquid.

Luna wished she could look on, to better understand the mare she was trying to help. But, the dream was getting too unstable, and any hope for her to help Trixie tonight would require Luna to intervene soon. With regret, she wrenched her eyes from the sky, and onto the besieged show mare. Luna approached Trixie, getting about ten hoof lengths or so away before giving her neck a stretch and cracking her jaw. As Trixie made her way to the five hoof mark, Luna hummed a few notes in order. By the time Trixie was two hooves away, Luna was ready.

Luna placed her hooves an even distance from one another, pressed them hard into the ground, took a deep breath, and bellowed not a hoof length away from Trixie's face.


The effect was almost instantaneous. The leaves, tar, and rocks all disappeared as Trixie flew backwards, tumbling along until she hit back first into a tree.

Crude, but always effective.

Trixie was sprawled on her back, facing away from Luna. She groaned and weakly kicked her back hooves in the air futiley for a second.


"Greetings to you as well, my little pony."

Trixie snorted at that, and stumbled to her hooves. It was with some amusement and apprehension that Luna noted the distinct little Alicorns hopping around Trixie's head before fading away as she recovered.

"L-Luna...? I,I...Trixie thought she told you-"

"And since when do we take orders from you, hmm? I will also commend you for thinking we are on a first name basis."

Trixie gave her a hard glare, causing Luna to inwardly groan at her own actions.

I know she is a tad arrogant, but why am I so bad with her? I have never acted this way with any pony else I have tried to help. What makes me desire to keep antagonizing her like this?

Well, she might have had a small idea why, but, she wasn't ready to accept the reason just yet. Luna still wasn't sure which Alicorn Trixie had her heart set on, and since Luna cared deeply for all of them, not to mention the problems with Trixie trying to be with ANY of them would cause, Luna recognized that she might be acting a tad overprotective. Like a father dealing with his daughter's newest boyfriend.

Perhaps more like a father dealing with a stalker his daughter doesn't know about yet. She grumbled.

"Well-" Trixie started "excuse Trixie for thinking that you would respect her desire not to see you in her dreams. What was she thinking? Asking the Princess of Interfering Where She Isn't Wanted to stop interfering where she isn't wanted like that."

Luna kept a passive face, only raising an eyebrow at the comment. Slowly, Trixie's face turned a slight shade of crimson.

"That...sounded better in Trixie's head...which we are technically in...so...shut up."

She smirked. "I had no intention of saying a thing, Miss Bad at Name Calling."

Trixie sighed and looked away. "This meeting is going to end badly, isn't it?"

"...Probably, if the last two are any indication."

She shuddered, the forest getting darker by the second as the wind began blowing through her mane."You really shouldn't keep coming back here. Though, maybe it doesn't matter. Trixie isn't really sure if 'here' is going to exist after tomorrow anyways..."

"We don't want you here."

"As if a fool like you deserves to eat."

"Liar! Cheat!"

"Trixie-" Luna quickly grabbed Trixie's muzzle with her hoof and forced her eyes up. "Look at me. You need to calm down. Your fears are easily manifest here. Think of something else. You're a smart mare, if what I've found so far is true, you just need to calm down to find a solution."

"What solution? After tomorrow, I-I-"

"-Will still be in a city filled with gryphons looking to hunt you down and claim your horn for their own. That hasn't changed. It just means you will need to be more careful and come up with a plan."

"A plan!? Gryphus WAS Trixie's plan! And look how well it turned out!" She sighed. "I knew this might not work, but, Trixie didn't think she might actually die."

The wind picked up again as a tear slid down her cheek. "So stupid...even hundreds of miles from Equestria, Trixie is still the odd one out. The "abnormal" mare who needs to be removed so everything can go back to normal again."

"Idiot! Traitor!"

"Such a waste of talent."

A second tear slid down her muzzle, turning to ice mid trip.

"What was I thinking, trying to be with her after all these failures?"

"That you could still attain this, normality that you keep thinking of, make your name, and return to Equestria, a hero?"

The forest ebbed to pitch black. The unicorn held in Luna's grip slowly started to shrink in size. "I-it really sounds stupid, doesn't it? Why did-"

Like in the waking world, surprise is always best to disrupt a destructive line of thought. Now what do I...Oh, well, that should be amusing.

Luna bent down and slowly set her tongue to the base of Trixie's horn, before giving a long lick up to its tip.

Halfway through Luna's 'distraction' found Trixie furiously trying to tug her muzzle from Luna's iron grip. The darkness instantly disappeared into a blinding light for a few seconds, before being replaced with the brightly glowing moon. The surrounding trees briefly changed from pine to cherry blossoms, only going back to normal half a minute after Luna's tongue was safely away from Trixie's horn.

Trixie's face was only slightly less pink than the cherry blossoms had been. "humabuh-huh?"

Luna chuckled deeply, a smirk on her face. "Well put. Glad to see I am not out of practice."

"Y-you, I-I,b-but-"

"What's the matter, dear Trixie?" Luna licked her lips and gave a slow wink. "Alicorn got your muzzle?"

Trixie looked down at the hoof still holding her muzzle, then up to Luna with a glare, her embarrassment slowly being replaced with anger.

"D-Do you have ANY idea what you just-"

"Pfft, I am quite aware of what I just did. You should feel honored, you know. You are the first I have been so...intimate with, since my return."

"I-I, Trixie doesn't want you!"

Luna rolled her eyes. "That is, what? The second time in nearly as many nights that you have rejected me, yes? A normal pony would be counting their blessing that-"

"Well for once Trixie is happy to not be normal! And let go of my muzzle, you pervert!"

Luna shook her head. "Not just yet. You are likely to run off, and I will have a horrid time catching you again. Plus I feel it might be best to explain my actions."

"Perverted moon goddess, Trixie understands!"

"For the love of-no you fool! You were close to falling apart and into a nightmare again, I had to do something drastic! Now, listen to me for once, and answer my question, or I WILL tell your, umm...'interest' what happened tonight."

Trixie struggled harder.

"And I'll lie about it ending with just the horn lick."

She stopped struggling, but kept up her glare.

"Much better. Now, let us start with a question, if you don't mind."

She rolled her eyes. "What?"

"It's about your ideas of what is normal and what is not. Do you feel a normal unicorn would survive in Gryphus? Do you think that a normal pony, who you believe to be able to just 'naturally' follow the six virtues the elements represent, could have survived this long?"

She shook her head. "No. W-well, perhaps the element bearers."

Luna looked at her for a long second. "I am beginning to think that your definition of what is 'normal' may differ from our own. Nonetheless, you are correct. Most would have already lost their lives. What does this say about you?"

"That Trixie still has a long way to go before she can become anything but hated in Equestria?"

She snorted. "Hmph, you know that to be a half truth, at best. Let us try this again. You are already aware of how little 'normal' applies to you, yes? I believe your exact term was abnormal?"

Trixie closed her eyes, hurt written over her face at hearing her thoughts confirmed. Luna, however, shook her head back and forth until Trixie's eyes locked with hers again.

"Trixie, how many stories about normal ponies have you told your audience in the past?"

"I thought you said there would only be one question?"

Luna fluttered her eyelids at her. "Indulge your princess."

Trixie gave small groan, a light crimson on her cheeks again. "P-plenty. Trixie, would, w-well...often put herself into the story, but they were all true. Starswirl, Firefly, Heart throb-"

Again, Luna interrupted. "Yes, there is a definite difference between your idea of normal, and, well, the rest of Equestria's. Let me explain to you what 'normal' consists of, Trixie."

Trixie squirmed a bit, feeling awkward at having Luna holding the bottom of her muzzle and being forced to look into her eyes for so long.

"Normal-" Luna began, completely oblivious to Trixie's concerns. "There are several types of normal. Normal is a pony who grows up, gets married, and, in all likelihood, never leaves that village more than a hoofful of times. While it is a good life, it is not the most exciting of one."

Luna tilted her head and looked at a spot away from Trixie as she thought. "Another kind would be the lives of soldiers and traders. Both still can have pretty dull lives, but they have more travel, more risk, and more chances to get involved in something, well, bigger."

"Then-" She looked into Trixie's eyes again, hiding a grin at how uncomfortable she was looking. "There's you. And me. And the element bearers. None of us are normal."

Trixie let out a small huff of irritation, squirming in Luna's grasp again. "Don't patronize Trixie by putting her on the same level as you and them! While being a princess, or a bearer isn't a normal destiny, it is still closer than Trixie ever has been!"

"Why do you consider yourself abnormal, and yet, us as normal? Starswirl, Firefly, Heart throb, while the last two you mentioned were merely legends, even to me, I knew Starswirl. I can tell you he was anything but normal. And I can tell you that the element bearers are as abnormal as they come. One of them gives bears massages, Trixie. Bears."

She wasn't buying it. "B-because, they all did what they did to help other ponies. Not for themselves. Luna, I-i'm not here for anypony else's sake but my own."

Luna sighed and finally let go of Trixie's muzzle, only to give her a sharp rap on the head with her hoof. "That is only half true."

"N-no, I-"

"While I do not fully understand the situation, are you not here so you can be with somepony? Is that not what this is all about?"

Trixie dug at the ground with a hoof, clearly nervous and blushing. "M-maybe it is."

Luna rolled her eyes and slowly started circling Trixie like a shark, her tone becoming lecturing. Trixie continuously turned her head, trying to keep track of her.

"So, if this is all to be with somepony, then could you not say that what you are doing is for that pony?"

She weakly held up a hoof in denial. "W-what? No, this is about me being with...with her."

Luna shook her head and whipped Trixie's side with her tail, causing her to yelp. "Stop. You are smarter than that. Stop refusing to think and listen to what I am telling you for once. Are you saying that this other pony has to do nothing to be with you?"

She nodded, head spinning too much to even think about not answering. "S-she's fine the way she is. Tr-I-I am the problem..."

Luna nodded, keeping to her circling as she thought. "So, everything up to now, illegally crossing the border, this business in Gryphus, the crazy antics, it's all to be with this pony? You are trying to do this to become a pony worth being with them?"

Trixie nodded, receiving another hit from Luna's tail in return.

"You're still speaking in half truths."

"Trixie didn't say anything!"

"Your nod wasn't fully sincere."

Trixie briefly glared at Luna, but her heart clearly wasn't in it. "Trixie will admit...she loved the attention. Performing in front of crowds, causing those two gryphons to crash into eachother and bowing to those watching. It was thrilling. I-it was wrong, and selfish, but-"

Luna hit her again.

"Starswirl loved research. He loved books, he loved what he could do with his position. He didn't just do everything for somepony else's sake, he did it because it was what he loved and he enjoyed."

Luna stopped in front of Trixie, giving her a hard glare that would brook no argument.

"You can enjoy what you do too, Trixie. Every pony does. They even use their talents to show off to the pony they care for sometimes. You may even enjoy some of the more...crazy moments you have been through, but in the end, you are doing them for two reasons. The first, because they are what you love. The spotlight, the laughter, the looks of wonder on the faces of your crowd. The second, is for the one you love. None of this sounds like the actions of a mare out only for themselves. And no, you are not out for yourself if your goal is to be with that pony. Love is selfish, but even being selfish at times isn't wrong."

Trixie still hesitated, hope clear in her heart as the light from the moon grew to illuminate the forest. "A-are you sure about this..? You're, you're not just saying this to make Trixie feel better?"

Luna shrugged. "I am not Cadence, and it has been some time since my last lover, but emotions are perhaps the only thing that has not changed since my banishment. Love causes ponies to do silly things. Admittedly...your actions are, well, a touch extreme. They may even border on obsession. But it is still love. Your love is normal, Trixie. Even though you are not. At least, by my definition."

Gently, Luna placed a hoof on Trixie's shoulder. She could feel the gentle trembling coming from the mare and sighed. Is this really what has plagued you this whole time? How can you have such a fragile heart, yet easily rush head long into such drastic actions?

"If you trust me on nothing else, trust me on this. I would not trick a mare over her love. Your feelings are normal, and you should not feel guilty over what you have done to express them."

Trixie leaned forward a little, gently resting her head against Luna's shoulder as it started to rain over the forest.

Build them up, just to knock them down again. Is that what I am about to do to Trixie? Please, let this not be the case.

Once the rain ceased, both ponies decided to rest against a nearby tree. Not close enough to touch (Trixie quickly became leery of Luna's proximity once the rain passed), but enough to easily talk to one another. They both took a few minutes to relax and deal with recent events in their own way.

For Luna, it was time to give herself a pat on the back before worrying about the next step. She had gambled hard, and somehow it had paid off. While she had only helped in a small way, it was more than she had expected, considering how bad their last two exchanges had ended. She wouldn't label them as friends, but Luna was pretty sure Trixie's opinion of her had shifted for the better.

And for Trixie, it was a silence only in the sense that neither of them were talking. Luna didn't point it out, but there was, at least, three tiny Trixie's at any one time over her head, silently bantering back and forth as she tried to come to terms with everything.

You really shouldn't trust her

Trixie knows she should be careful, but, maybe she should give Luna the benefit of the doubt. At least, for tonight?

One nice act doesn't change anything else she did, you know. Your confused enough without her making things more complicated.

And how does Trixie thinking that Trixie might not be as strange as she first thought make anything more complicated?

Luna's not your enemy, she's not a fan, she's not a bystander, she's not your friend, and she isn't the one you love. So what is she now?

She didn't have an answer.

If your love is normal, then doesn't this mean you are still to blame for it all falling apart? All you wanted to do was make it big and get the mare. That's fair, right? So why did it all blow up?

...Trixie's heart is in the right place, but everything else is imbalanced about her still...

So you are the reason you aren't with the one you love in the end. Well, at least some things are still the same, right?

Shut up...

Looks like all you'll have is your memories of her for some time to come, huh?

Her memories. It was true. The few pictures she had became so much kindling after the Ursa, all she had were faded memories of their time together. Light touches, assuring words, nervous acceptance, Trixie would always treasure the last time they had been together.

One does not forget the moment they lost their virginity so quickly. Especially under such unexpectedly talented hooves.

"T-this isn't just a one-time thing, is it? Y-you really want to be with me?"

"That is entirely up to you. I would be quite...honored if this became a more common occurrence between us."

She was nervous at the time, that was clear. But, a few light kisses, ones that Trixie could almost feel trailing up her ear right now, and Trixie was assured that nothing could go wrong between them. And nothing did. Trixie's first time was amazing, and ruined her for any other stallion or mare. She had found who she wished to be with. If only there wasn't a catch.

"C-can we really be together?"

"T-together?" The tired voice answered. "W-well, anything is possible, Trixie. If you manage to become as great of a pony as I know you can, then yes."


The voice was slurred, and a little mumbled, as sleep was slowly claiming her lover. "You know...powerful...admired...a-all the things a...leader.......needs..."


Trixie came out of her daydream at Luna's single word. Opening her eyes, Trixie saw the scenery around her shimmering and changing back into the forest she had just been sitting in. A bright blush blazed across her face as she looked over to Luna, who was looking away and muttering angrily.

"That idiot...we warned her she would hurt somepony if she kept that reprehensible behavior up! It's bad enough that-"


"Huh? O-oh, sorry, Trixie. We weren't expecting to see such a...significant memory tonight."

Trixie fumbled a little as she quickly stood up. "U-umm...y-you saw that?"

"Yes..." Luna started slowly, getting to her hooves and not looking directly at Trixie. "C-could we ask you a question on it? Just one? W-well...two. But it-It's...kind of important."

Trixie warily nodded, wishing she knew how to stop the waves of heat rolling off of her face at the moment.

"Have you...been with anypony else since then...?"

"O-of course not! Trixie may be alot of things, but a cheater is not one of them!"

Luna cursed silently. "All right. Last question, we promise. Have you ever heard the term...pillow talk?"

Trixie looked at her confusedly. "No."

Why is this never easy! Just once, just ONCE throughout this could we catch a break!?

"Okay." Luna wiped sweat from her brow and put on a awkward smile that did nothing to calm Trixie's nerves. "L-look, sometimes, after, well, sex, ponies say thing, things they may not fully remember...or..."

Trixie frowned a little, not liking what Luna was starting to imply. "Or...?"

"Or..."Luna looked Trixie in the eyes, expression changing to one of pity. "they may say things they do not actually mean."

So, still wanna give her the benefit of the doubt?

"Get out."

"Trixie, please, we know it hurts, but-"

"No! I don't think you really do!" Trixie stomped a hoof on the ground, the forest becoming dark around them. Is this how the 'Princess of the Night' helps ponies!? By trying to make them feel as worthless as she did when her sister was the only one every pony cared about!?"

Luna went rigid for a second. "I was wrong back then, Trixie. I am not trying to hurt you, but you have to understand that-"

"Trixie understands more than enough!" She stomped towards Luna and roughly shoved her, causing Luna's rear to hit against the tree behind her. "Especially about you! The Night Mare! Manipulator! Liar! It's no wonder no pony is stupid enough to trust you with anything important still!" She shoved Luna again.

Luna was losing her patience. Fine. If she wants to play it like this, then I will gladly accept. Sticks and stones, Luna. We have learned to be stronger than mere words, haven't we?

"I am NOT a joke, Trixie!" Luna's form began to grow. "Nor am I a liar, nor a princess who plays with others emotions!"

Luna kept on guard as she grew, refusing to let Trixie win like she did the first time. There would be no lucky shots for Trixie.

"Just what is going through your mind!?" Luna bellowed, cutting Trixie off as she tried get away. Luna caused several trees to appear behind Trixie, removing any chance she had to flee.

She glared down at the small Unicorn, towering over her like a giant. She only hoped that her sincerity would make it through the anger in her tone. "I have been kind, I have even been playful, and above all I have tried to be tolerant of your disrespect! When we say you have mistaken empty words for the truth, Trixie, we are not lying! We are sorry, very sorry! but, you must listen to us on this!"

"I-I don't have to." Trixie said, glaring up at Luna. "I don't have to listen to you now, or ever! It's Trixie's heart, and she'll believe what she wants!"

Trixie turned from Luna and blasted a pony-sized hole in one of the trees before running through it and away.

Well spoken. Luna lamented. But why must she use such words to defend something so untrue? I don't understand this pony at all. Why can't my words get through to her? Why does my anger mean nothing to her!?

Luna roared after Trixie, the sound shaking the forest itself. Quickly, Luna lumbered after her, bashing trees down like kindling in her pursuit.

Trixie ran as fast as she could, emotions reeling in all directions. Fear and anger being the primary drivers, with a good dose of denial mixed in for good measure. Fear won out quickly after she took a brief glance behind her.

She was being chased by an Ursa Major.

The trees began growing larger and taller as she fled, the world darker. She stumbled and had to twist and turn as huge trees kept getting in her way. The Ursa was catching up.

Panicking, Trixie quickly began feeling her control slip. Images of Twilight started popping up around her as she fled the roaring beast behind her. She found herself jumping over broken wagons and ignoring the mocking laughter of two insufferable colts that she remembered all too well.


Trixie forced herself to just look upwards and keep running. She willed the sky to open and show her the only companions that had never betrayed her.

The stars.

They had been her only constant throughout the years, guiding her across Equestria, and away from Ponyville on both of the nights where she had been at her worst. It might be a little odd, but she never counted the Ursa's in the same manner as the stars, much like how she couldn't blame the Alicorn she loved for Luna's actions.

She didn't trip over broken wagons, she didn't hit trees, and she no longer had images of ponies from the past harassing her. It was just her and the open sky.

It was beautiful, with the only distraction being the Ursa major making its way into her peripheral vision.

Luna cursed, feeling the dream shift again. Her own control of it kept the dream steady, and allowed her to catch up to Trixie quite quickly, but, she felt Trixie starting to recover.

Still, Luna always loved to see when a Dream Walker took their first steps. While a powerful and well educated unicorn like Twilight could color her dream to express even the tiniest detail, Luna could rend it if she wished with ease if she wanted. Such was not the case in the mind of a Dream Walker, inexperienced as Trixie was. For example, Luna was, unfortunately, stuck in this Ursa Major form until Trixie stopped concentrating on Luna being an Ursa Major.

As Luna watched, Trixie's neck arched upwards, looking for something in the sky. Seconds later, the dark clouds parted, revealing a bright, moonless sky. Despite the lack of a moon, hundreds of starts were still present and twinkling down at the landscape.

The trees in front of Trixie parted, fading out before she hit them and fading in after her passing. The trees continued to space out, making the sky easy to see for Luna. Eventually, the trees worked into long, organized rows, much like an orchard.

Unfortunately for Trixie, this made it even easier for Luna to chase her. They both ran on in straight lines, almost coming parallel with one another.

If I can just break her concentration, I'll be able to get out of this form and talk again. Maybe I can still salvage this, somehow. I just-what is that?

Movement to her left caught her attention. A star in the sky had grown far larger over the last few seconds. As it streaked down, she realized its target. Luna desperately dodged to the right as it crashed into the spot she had just been running, leaving a small crater in the ground before swiftly disappearing behind her. More movement in the sky signaled another falling star.

Dream or not, I am going to have words with her about using the stars against me like this. It's just...wrong!

Trixie gasped as another star fell, missing the Ursa Major, but giving her a little more breathing room. She knew the moment the Ursa got close to her again that the chase would be over. A part of her knew it was Luna, but that knowledge did little good considering her current dislike for the Moon Princess.

She needed something more, and thought back to old tales of the stars for help.

Long ago, there was a great stallion. He was born to a sea god and a great huntress. His name was Orion.

After the third star fell, Luna somehow had a small reprieve. Gazing back and forth, she saw no other stars preparing to launch themselves at her. Assured of her safety for the moment, Luna let her eyes roam to her intended target. Trixie was now at least a hundred hooves ahead of her.

Luna gained ground quickly, but something was off. She couldn't quite place it, but Trixie was doing something Luna knew she was not going to like.

At less than twenty hooves away from Trixie, Luna's attention was grabbed by a large, glowing blue shape suddenly appearing directly in front of her.

Orion, save me now!

This is bucking ridi-

Luna's line of thought was abruptly cut off as a Earth Pony entirely made of stars rammed into her, knocking the wind out of Luna and causing her to fly backwards.

Well, Luna thought, seconds before she was about to painfully hit the ground. I suppose there's always tomorrow night.

Polaris, guide me now!

The sky lit up for a brief second over Trixie. One star quickly grew larger and brighter than the others. Trixie centered herself and galloped towards the invitingly glowing star. The trees gave way to an open, grassy plain before her. Slowly, the star in front of Trixie became brighter and brighter, until it's light encompassed everything around her, and led her to the new dawn.

Author's Note:

Oh Celestia I don't know how this happened. This chapter was meant to be out days ago, and contain alot more than just a dream sequence. These two scenes? They were meant to be 1/3 of the chapter, 1500 to 2000 words max, and it somehow ballooned into this, the largest chapter of the entire story so far. I like the way it developed, but I was not expecting this in the least when I started writing. :twilightoops:

Last two references to a song I did my best to secretly sneak into this fic are in this chapter. Been planning out their use for months, as if you shoehorn in a lyric, no one is happy with the end result.

As per Crow's suggestion, I am adding a romance tag to this fic, due to this going deeper into that aspect of the story than I first anticipated. Lemme know if anyone disagrees with it's presence as I have been on the fence about it for awhile.