• Published 24th Jan 2015
  • 1,697 Views, 139 Comments

Trixie in the Gryphon Empire - Phaoray

Trixie has failed twice now to prove herself to Equestria and to fulfill the promise made to the one she cares most for. It's time for a new approach. One few ponies are crazy enough to try.

  • ...

Intelligent conversation: If you want it done right, do it yourself.

Magic supports the virtues, but it never stands on its own. It is power, but with no higher purpose beyond the wielder's base desires. It is bereft of what is right or wrong, unlike the virtues. This empty power is a inherent weakness exclusive only to unicorns, one that the unicorn race deals with on a daily basis.

Trixie mulled this over. Once Starlight's book got into magic, it always left her confused and disheartened. Still, this section personally spoke to her the most. It made her ask questions she wasn't sure of. Was it wrong of Trixie to enjoy entertaining others with her magic, considering the pleasure all the praise gave her? Did this mean the bearers of the virtues didn't have their own will, or did it mean that the way they acted and thought was just naturally always in line with their chosen element? Because she'd heard some interesting stories about Loyalty's temper in her travels...

She sighed, placing the book away as she inched forward in line. She'd only brought it with her to keep her mind off of...worse things. It wasn't that she didn't wish to work on being a pony that Equestria could stomach better, but, it was hard to think she'd ever get back there again now. Not if today didn't pan out for her with the king.

The attack last night had her on edge. Ironically, her tenseness was more her 'rescuer's' fault than the one who had attacked her.

But, in a few days, he'll be taking that gryphon's place. He didn't rescue Trixie, he just made it so he would be able to kill her instead.

His words had haunted her most of the night.

All I ask in return is for you to not die until Tuesday.

Do not die until Tuesday.

You die on Tuesday.

She shuddered and shook her head to banish the voice. With a discreet glance down, Trixie rubbed the medal underneath her cloak for comfort.

Soon I'll speak to the king, and this will all be over. If he won't help with the trade agreements, then maybe he can help Trixie get out of the hunt, or escape Gryphus.

As much as she didn't like the thought of it, there was just no way she could stand up to that giant gryphon and live. She was good, but she wasn't that good.

Oh, so you're good now? Is that because a pack of foals haven't killed you yet? Need I remind you how many new scars you've gained over the last few days? Nopony spends bits to ogle at a scarred performer!

Okay, so maybe Trixie isn't as good as she claims, but she's held up pretty well, right? And Trixie'd rather her audience's eyes are on her magic, not her flank.

...You're an idiot.

Damnit me, work with Trixie here!

The inner debate was called off when Trixie's ears heard sniffling coming from in front of her. A vaguely familiar looking donkey was hiding their muzzle in a handkerchief and trying to cry quietly. From the pained expression on his face, it looked like he was slowly losing the battle.

Trixie swears she's seen this donkey before. But when? Feathers, why is it so hard to tell them apart!?

Does it matter? For once since coming here, mind your own business and wait quietly. You've got enough troubles as it is.

But what if-

A giant gryphon is going to tear your head off without breaking a sweat in a few days! YOU. HAVE. ENOUGH. PROBLEMS!

Trixie inwardly groaned and shuffled a hoof along the ground in agitation. A few minutes passed, with the sniffling getting a little worse, and no one else even batting an eye at it, to Trixie's annoyance. Another few minutes only ended up with them getting several hoof lengths closer to the door. At this rate, she was going to have to listen to the donkey's sniffles and sobs for at least another hour. Throughout this time, the argument in her head was repeated, again and again.

The virtues, this is exactly the time for Kindness. Trixie should-

Getting involved is going to just get you deeper into trouble, you know it! You won't just listen, you'll try to help!

W-well, is that so wrong? What if Trixie does find a way to help?

What, like that gryphon that tried to kill you? The one you tricked into smacking into a wall? Remember how 'happy' he was to wake up and see all the bandages you used on him? How are those claw marks on your shoulder feeling?

...Buck it.

What? Really?

With that last thought, Trixie stopped the one-pony conversation. She was just using it to try and stall herself, anyways. That and the whole 'waiting her turn in line instead of just barging into the front' thing was probably slowly driving her insane. She knew she was going to at least find out what was wrong with the donkey before she even started talking to herself.

What could she say? The virtue's were all bleeding hearts, and Kindness the biggest of the group.

"U-um, excuse Trixie. But, she could not help but notice that you seem a bit upset. Is something wr-, well, that's obvious, isn't it? What is wrong?"

Turning his head around, the donkey regarded Trixie with one eye, while still holding the handkerchief up and dabbing at his face.

"O-oh. Good to see you again, Miss Trixie. T-thank you for letting me in line a few days ago. I-it almost helped." The donkey took a few seconds to compose himself, emotion making it hard for him to continue. "B-but I'm afraid it's all over for me and my f-family. M-my times up."

The donkey couldn't speak again for the next few minutes, despite Trixie's urgings. A few more hooves of progress were made towards the door as she waited for the donkey to calm down and continue.

I told you Trixie knew this donkey from somewhere!

All she got in response from her head was a very slow clap. Her inner voice was kind of a jerk, apparently.

...No wonder Trixie doesn't talk to herself more often.

"S-sorry about that. I-it's just, I've been talking to the magistrates for months, ever since the mistrial. M-my son was accused of pilfering from a noble's pocket. I-I don't know if what he did is true or not, b-but the noble managed to drag my entire family into it. H-he insisted that we put him up to it, and that we were all part of the crime. M-my daughter, she's only five! H-how could she be part of anything like that!? I-I was trading outside of town at the time, I only found out my family was in prison when I got home that night and read the note left behind!"

Well, look whose back! In over your head a little?

T-Trixie is never in over her...her...yeah, okay, no clue how to help on this one.

"I-I managed to hire an investigator and get evidence that should be able to overturn it, b-but, the guards, they've been bribed and stopped letting me through the gates a few days ago. Now it-it's too late for the chancellor to overrule it, my family gets sent to the mines today! I-if I could get to the king, I could save them, but..." The donkey looked over to the two guards at the doors forlornly.


Give freely, the more dear something is to you, the more likely that it can help another more.

No no...

"W-well...umm..." Trixie's hoof caressed over the medal under her cloak nervously.

No No No No!

The gryphon in front of them was called up and began speaking with the guards. The donkey sighed in resignation and begin trying to dry his face and put on a brave front. "W-well, wish me luck, miss. I-I don't think we'll meet again after this. B-but thank you for hearing me out, at least."

Don't you bucking- NO!

"Good luck." Trixie said, grasping the donkey's hoof with her own. As she pulled away, the donkey looked down to his hoof, and at the strange medal resting in it. "Show them that, it...it may help."

We're dead.

The donkey eyed the token curiously, and nodded. "I...don't know how, but, well, it's not like I have much of a plan besides begging now. Thank you, Miss."


With one last nod, the donkey moved forward. Trixie was too far away to overhear anything, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

We are dead. You literally just killed us.

Oh come on, that had Generosity and Kindness written all over it, how could Trixie not do it?

You could have, I don't know, decided your own life was more important, maybe?

What, and left a family to get sent to some mines for the rest of their lives? That's not something the Great and Powerful Trixie would do.

Neither is getting killed by a gryphon that could bench press a house!

One of the gryphons at the door *Greg and Non-greg must have had the day off, as these two were new to Trixie* gave the donkey a small bow before ushering him inside the palace. Looking back, the donkey gave Trixie a small smile before disappearing.

Look, Trixie did the right thing.

Because that'll keep you alive. Do you really think gryphon's are just going to stop trying to kill you because you are doing the right thing?

Well...it works for the elements, so...maybe?

...Get a plan B. Fast.


Trixie moved forward, but the gryphon at the door halted her with an upheld paw.

"You've been asking to see the Uber king the last few days, right? Sorry, but he is going to be a little...occupied for the next few hours. Come back tomorrow."

She sighed. "Really? Trixie doesn't even get to explain her situation this time?"

He shrugged. "Hey, don't blame me, blame that donkey that just went in."

You really should have seen that coming.


Trixie began the walk back to the gates, taking her time and spying the half dozen fledglings hiding in various areas just outside of the entrance to the palace grounds.

This is gonna hurt...

At least it was for a good cause, right?

Remind yourself of that on Tuesday.

I can't believe I'm actually here.

Jericho looked around the plush waiting room. The guards told him to wait here, and he wasn't going to argue. Even if it had already been over a half hour. At least the refreshments were good, and the couches were incredibly comfortable.

Yes. He thought, while leaning back on one of them. Perhaps I'll buy one like this after I make my first thousand talons or so. I can't believe those chancellor's kept refusing my trade contracts. Idiots. Let's see how they look when the Uber king himself is on board with my plan!

Grinning, he sipped at the mint drink the servants had left him while thinking over his good luck. I knew keeping tabs on her would pay off. I'm just lucky she didn't notice it was me at the bar the other night.

A light rapping brought him to attention as the silver gilded double doors into the room opened. In stepped two guards, covered in black chitin. Jericho's eyes widened at the sight of that black, shining armor in recognition. He quickly hopped off the couch and dropped to a bow, knowing who was to come into the room next.

Jericho knew not to raise his head, and quietly watched the Uber king's clawed paws as he slowly walked into the room. The iron rings made to resemble the various shapes of several prey species confirmed who it was to him. The Uber king stopped several feet in front of Jericho. From behind him, two more sets of unadorned paws entered the room, and quietly shut it behind them. Surprisingly enough to Jericho, the room wasn't cramped. But, then again, Jericho's entire house could have fit comfortably into this room.

"Germaine, is this the one?"

"That's him, my King."

Jericho was surprised to hear such a casual tone off of one of the royal guards, not to mention the shortening of the Uber king's full title. They must be very close.

"Good. How many others know of this in the castle?"

"Just the two guards who let him in, and those in this room, my King."

"Keep it that way. make sure the ones at the front tell no gryphon of this. You two, you have your orders."

Two sets of paws approached Jericho as the Uber king stepped back. Confused, Jericho let his eyes wander up, and the sight before him caused him to nearly lose his bowels. Two scarred gryphons, with red masks over their head were staring down at him. R-Royal Inquisitors? H-hold on a minute!

"W-wait! I haven't done anything wrong! There's been a misunderstanding!"

One of them gave a nasty laugh. "I hear that one all the time. Did you really think you could steal something like that and get away with it?"

"What? I didn't steal it, I-"

"Save it. None of those medals have ever been giving to a non-gryphon. Did you really think the kingdom didn't keep track of who has those things?"

"W-wait, it was the unicorn! She-"

"Don't care, it's your problem now. We're your problem now."

One of them reached into a small bag on his side and began searching for something. Frantically, Jericho looked over to the king and his guards for help. They seemed to be completely ignoring him though, and in their own discussion.

"This is still the best way to meet her discreetly. Try again tomorrow, Germaine, and let no one see you."

"Yes, my King."



Germaine looked over at the sound, only to see the donkey slumped over, unconscious. One of the inquisitors was putting away a sap, while the other picked the donkey up and hefted him over his shoulder. As the king made his way out of the room, Germaine waved them over.

"Make sure that donkey doesn't speak to any gryphon about any of this. Ever. The same goes for you two. Got it?"

They gave him a small bow. "Yes sir."


He gave a small sigh as the two inquisitors left, and set a quick pace to catch up to the King.

This plot is already dangerous enough without any problems. I hope the King knows what he's doing.

Though he was panting from the heat, Gristle refused to be deterred. He would search every alley and street corner if he had to to have his chance at taking down the unicorn!

The sound of a stick cracking drew his attention. As he approached the alleyway, he heard it again, and grinned.

No gryphon went down that alley yet, it must be her! She fell for my stick trap!

Rounding the corner, Gristle's grin became a frown of confusion. Nothing was down the alley.


Gristle flinched back in surprise. Gathering his courage, he slowly walked into the alley. Like most of the alleys in Gryphus, this one held a few dumpsters, but was fairly clean, save for the several dozen sticks scattered in it. Here and there, a few of the sticks he had placed were broken. Looking them over, it seemed like they had been stepped on, but, from what?


Gristle barely stifled a yelp and pressed himself to the side of one of the buildings at the sound. His nostrils flared as his panting grew heavy. Looking ahead of him, he could vaguely make out some shimmers of heat rolling off of one side of the alley up ahead, but aside from that, there was nothing.

Ghosts aren't real. Grandpa said so. Ghosts aren't-


With a short cry, Gristle ran out of the alley.

Seriously, did somepony drop an entire campfire worth of sticks in this alley and leave the mess for Trixie to deal with!?

Trixie slowly inched her way along the alley, keeping her side close to one of the buildings, but making sure not to touch it. Her eyes tracked the location of the sticks as she did her best not to step on anymore of them.

What is Trixie going to tell him?

She felt her horn continuing to pour out magic, and cautiously wiped a bit of sweat from her brow. Leaning forward, she peeked out of the alley, and looked in both directions. Three fledglings were pacing around the street in nervous anticipation, obviously looking for her.

Trixie's getting too predictable, she might have to talk to Gerard about meeting at a different bar.

She was, admittedly, an hour or two earlier than usual. The sun was still up, meaning she was fair game for a little longer to the young gryphons of the city. But, she didn't think she could have held this spell long enough to have made her way back to the inn. She didn't really have any other safe areas to go that were closer. Not to mention the new marks along her back were starting to burn.

Hopefully Gerard is inside. Trixie isn't sure how much longer she can hold this spell together.

Slowly, Trixie creeped across the street to the bar, gauging her movement to not walk into, or in front of any gryphon coming her way. She had to stop consistently as eyes roamed over where she should be, but, inch by inch, she managed to work her way to the doors of the bar.

You really need to practice your illusions more. You're lucky no gryphon has caught that shimmer yet.

Trixie mentally grunted in response. A unicorn making themselves entirely invisible was a rare skill, one Trixie was proud to have. But, for a mare who had craved the spotlight for years, not being seen was more often than not, counter productive. the audience didn't want invisible mares, they wanted more flair, more color, and more explosions.

Huh, perhaps Trixie has an idea how to survive the first day of next week after all.

Wonderful. Get back to me when you figure out the second day and I'll care.

Remind Trixie again why she thought talking to herself was a good idea?

Patiently, she waited for a patron to walk out, and then grabbed the opened door with her magic, causing it to seemingly slowly close as opposed to snapping shut again like normal. She was in.

Looking around, Trixie spotted Gerard sitting next to two other gryphons. She grinned and gauged her magic reserves.

Yeah, I still have enough for this. He's joked about the hunt often enough, maybe Trixie should hunt him for a few seconds?

Mentally laughing, Trixie began to cautiously make her way over to him. She had to silently move a chair or two with her magic here and there, but she managed to stay unnoticed right up to the point of getting a table away from Gerard. Creeping closer, Trixie started to make out what Gerard was saying to the other two gryphons.

"Don't worry, has my family ever let you down?" Gerard grinned at the two gryphons opposite of him, before taking a small sip of water.

"Hmph" The one with a golden crest of feathers muttered. "Perhaps not, but we have never entrusted your family with something this important before. To have a full grown gryphon claim that they can bait the prey in, but be unable to handle a little alcohol does not fill me with confidence."

"Woah, I already told you, I spend several hours drinking with her every night as it is. I need to at least match her drink for drink, ya know. And considering the watered down drinks she gets, I'm lucky to be able to walk back home as it is, let alone fly."

"Nervous you'll let something slip if you get too drunk?"

Gerard gave a soft glare at the gold crested gryphon. "I'm more nervous about you two insisting we meet up here to talk about this. She hasn't come early yet, but I'd rather not have to explain you two to her. She'd probably buy whatever I said, since she seems to be quite fond of me, but I'd rather not test that trust."

The third gryphon at the table decided to speak up.

"That's something else we are concerned about, actually."

Gerard chuckled. "Pfft, what? You think I'm going to fall head over paws for her like in that book? Don't you be worrying about that. I know how to keep business and pleasure separate. And yeah, it's been fun with her, but shells, if I didn't enjoy my time with her, it'd be easier for her to tell something was up, right? You know the rumors of how they train in those camps."

The other two exchanged a quick glance, one Gerard managed to catch. "For eggs sake! She already agreed to go there with me tomorrow, okay? She doesn't suspect anything. Really, the whole thing will be technically legal by that point anyways, so I don't know what you two are so worried about. My family has a lot riding on this too, you know."

The golden crested gryphon nodded. "you're right. Sorry, these cloak and dagger tactics just have our family a bit...nervous. Not to mention how agitated the backers are getting, let's just say that your Unicorn friend has stirred up the bee hive. We need that hive calm again. There's been quite a few deaths over the last few days, noble and otherwise. Just hold up your end of this, and we'll hold up ours."

Gerard smiled. "That's all my family can ask for. Now, if that is everything. Let's pick this up tomorrow night, shall we?"

The other two nodded and stood up. They walked right past the table Trixie was now hiding under as they made their way out of the inn.

After they left, Trixie made her way to the doors of the bar, and sat down next to them. Her eyes never left Gerard, but her mind kept going over what he had said.

So, what are we doing about this?

Thinking it over silently for a little longer caused Trixie to break out in a nervous grin.



Remember Loyalty? Be true to your friends, and they will stay true to you in return. This is a test. Trixie will let Gerard think she doesn't know what's going on, and in the end, our friendship will win out, and he won't go through with it.

...Delusion much?

Trixie snorted in irritation. Deep down, she felt it to be far fetched as well. But, she was trying to walk a new path, right? Surely it'd take a leap of faith or two from her to move forward. Maybe this was one of those leaps.

More like a leap right into a gryphon's open talons.

Well what else is Trixie supposed to do!? Believe the one friend she's made here is going to sell her out for money? This is just like some of the tales the Element Bearer's went through, and one of them became the Princess of Friendship out of it! Besides, isn't it about time something went right for Trixie?

I hope you're right about this.

Trixie sighed, and stood up, preparing herself mentally to undo the spell and meet with Gerard like nothing had happened. Like the friend Trixie knew he really was.

Me too...

Author's Note:

While I enjoy writing these, I also feel the need to experiment and become a bit better at different writing styles. Especially if I read through another story I really like and feel I can learn from it. While it is not a new tactic, Sucker for a Cute Face reminded me how nicely done internal talking can be, and how comical you can make it. So I decided to give a try. Lemme know what you think. :pinkiehappy:

Also, this story has a dark/sad tag for a reason, and well, fair warning, it goes downhill from here. I'll let you know it's fairly light, but that's all I am going to say on the matter. Thanks for reading!