• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 3,057 Views, 114 Comments

Changes from the Far East - MC BR0N3

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Chapter 1

Changes from the Far East- Chapter 1

“So Twi, why'd ya ask all'a us to come to yer place?” Applejack asked, She and the rest of the Mane 6 were at Twilight's library, all staring at the newest addition to the building. “Is it b'cause of…it?”

Lying there on the floor was a large, furless, bipedal creature, nearly twice the size of a full-grown pony. It had a short black mane, yellowish skin, and wore a black shirt with cargo pants. Despite the amount of chatter in the room, the creature was still fast asleep. it's hands and forearms were clad in a tough, black armor of sorts. Earlier that day, Twilight had found the creature knocked out on her doorstep, covered in bruises and scratches.

Rainbow Dash was hovering above it,. Fluttershy was busy tending to it's injuries. Rarity was silent, completely focused on it's clothing. Over at a corner, Pinkie and Spike were checking out it's bag and glasses, which they had removed earlier on. Meanwhile, Twilight was flipping though at least a dozen books, muttering under her breath as she watched the pages fly.

“Yes” Twilight finally replied, her horn glowing as the books levitated back to their original positions. “I noticed the creature was covered in injuries, so I called for Fluttershy, since she have the most experienced in caring for other creatures. You and Rainbow Dash, need to make sure it doesn't harm any ponies, or itself. The creature may be disoriented after waking, and may attack. I have faith in you two to handle whatever comes next.”

AJ nodded, and Rainbow puffed up her chest in a show of bravado. “You got it Twilight! If that two-legs tries anything funny, I'll deal with it in ten seconds flat!”

Rarity had insisted to accompany them upon hearing the creature was wearing clothing (“This may be my only chance to discover fashion styles from other worlds!” she gushed.) As for Pinkie Pie, she was bouncing all over the place (literally) with joy (“Omygosh! I get to plan a party for an unknown creature! This will be THE BEST PARTY EVER!!!”)

Twilight nodded, and turned to Fluttershy, who was still bandaging it's wounds. "Is the creature going to be fine?" She asked. "Oh yes, The wounds were minor, but the creature is quite fatigued. It needs to rest so it's muscles can heal.' Fluttershy replied. Twilight thanked Fluttershy, and trotted up towards the still-sleeping creature. "I'm going to cast the awakening spell now. Get ready girls. Oh- and Pinkie?" “She faced the bubbly pink pony. “Try not to assault it with your questions just yet. Okay?” Pinkie Pie gave a huge grin, and a mock salute. “Okie Dokie Lokie!”

Twilight stood next to the creature's head,, and pointed her glowing horn at it's face. As the glow faded, she lifted her head, and saw it stir, then open it's eyes. Wincing, the creature got into a cross-legged sitting position, but then noticed the group of ponies staring at it. It squinted it's eyes, felt it's face, then looked around, resting it's gaze noticing pinkie, who was staring at it, the glasses in her mouth. Rising up, it made it's way over to her, knelt down, and extended its arm. AJ and Rainbow prepared to charge, in case it attacked, but then before they could move, it spoke.

"小妹妹,你可不可以换我的眼镜阿?" <Little girl, can I have my glasses back?>

Pinkie, nor anypony else had the slightest clue what it just said, but she saw it was staring at the glasses, and placed them onto it's outstretched hand. The creature smiled, and ruffled her mane in a playful manner. "谢谢。" <Thank you.> It said. Pinkie grinned widely, and the Mane 6 relaxed a bit. Even though they couldn't understand it, it seemed to be friendly. The creature put them on, the legs of the glasses resting on top of its ears. When it faced them again, it's expression changed to one of total shock. It's mouth opened, but then no sound came out. Trying again, the creature produced short wheezes, like it was being strangled.

By now, nopony had the foggiest what to do. Twilight decided now would be a good time to inform Princess Celestia about the strange creature in her house. "Spike!' she called, snapping him out of his thoughts. 'I need to write a letter." At the word "letter", it snapped it's head up, and Twilight. "You understand what I'm saying?" she asked, surprised that it would understand Equestrian. The creature nodded, pointed at the blank scroll and quill Spike now had in his hands, then pantomimed a scribbling motion in the air. "You can write!?" Rainbow blurted out in surprise.

It shot her an irritated look, clearly offended by her comment.The creature then picked up a spare scroll and quill, and began to write. After a minute of writing, it handed the scroll back to Twilight, who read it and frowned. "What? What does it say?" Pinkie asked, as she and the rest of the mane 6 crowded around to read the scroll;


"I…don't know." Twilight replied. "It looks a bit like Neighponese. Wait, I got it!" Twilight's horn flashed, and the characters glowed purple, then morphed into Equestrian.

< Where am I? Why do I see Pegasi and Unicorns?>

The creature's eyes widened in surprise, and stared at the new words on the paper. "It's a Translation spell" Twilight explained. "I normally use it for old texts or to read foreign works. And to answer your question, you're in Ponyville." It's narrowed it's eyes and pinched it's brow in frustration. Clearly this was not helping. Applejack walked up to it, and poked it's leg with a hoof. "S'cuse me Mister…are ya even a guy?" The creature nodded. "Yeah, so Mister, y'all mind answerin' some' o our questions?" He wrote down his response, and once again, the complex characters shifted into equestrian.

好。但是回答问题之前,你们可不可以帮我做一件事? <Fine. But can you help me with something first?> "We'll do what we can, as long as you answer out questions.' Twilight said 'What do you need help with?" The creature smiled sheepishly, and jotted down his request. 我的声音消失了,你们有没有办法解决这个问题吗?用这个方法来回答你们的问题很痛苦。 <Somehow my voice disappeared. Can you help me fix it? It's hurts too much to keep writing down the answers. >

Twilight nodded, and stepped up, pointing her horn at him. "I can try to find the problem, but it'll take time." As she scanned the creature's anatomy, Twilight was astounded that there could be creatures so different from the ones found in Equestria. 'I must ask him to tell me all about his land' she thought 'Wait, what's this- Oh sweet Celestia!'. she gasped, and her horn flared, wrapping the creature in a magic sphere. "What the-!!" He shout.ed, not noticing he could talk again. Ignoring his protests, Twilight turned to face her friends. "Spike!" Twilight's urgent tone made him jump. "Prepare to send Princess Celestia a letter. He's a Changeling."


“Look, I've told you again and again! I. Am, Not. A. Changeling!” I sighed. 'What's the use? Eight tries, and I still get "Save your words for The Princess." Tch, Rainbow-hair's got quite the attitude.' I sat down in my cell, and looked around, bored out of my mind. ‘天啊,闷死我了。<God, the boredom's killing me,> 我的袋在哪儿…阿!<where's my bag… oh right!>’ “You- uh…the purple one.”

“My name is Twilight.”

"Okay then, Twilight. If I give you solid proof that I'm not one of those "changelings" you think I am, will you let me out of this…bubble of yours?"

Twilight lifted a hoof, then motioned a hoof, beckoning the other ponies to gather around. A hushed discussion went on for a while, before Twilight spoke up. "Well, we'll decide after we see your proof." she said. Well, that's good enough for me!

“Great! So-“ A rumbling sound drowned out my words. We all turned to see Spike (or so Twilight calls the little reptile) puff out his cheeks, and let loose a stream of fire which then faded, revealing a scroll floating in midair. Twilight levitated the scroll towards her, and read its message. “What’s it say?” Rainbow dash asked, hovering just above Twilight.
“It says ‘Keep the changeling there. Shining Armor and I are on our way.'” Twilight gasped in surprise. "My brother's coming too!?" Suddenly, the door flew open, and several armored ponies rushed in, horns glowing and swords drawn. “Stand down, changeling!” One of them barked “The Princess and Captain have arrived!”


Preview of Chapter 2:

"What she means is that you are no longer what you think you are. Not changeling, nor a human. You are now both- A Hybrid."

“Say, what do you ponies eat?”
“Flowers, hay, cakes, fruit and the like. Why'd you ask?”
“Just curious." I frowned. 'Damn. that doesn't leave me with much to choose from. Unless...' "Hey, have you heard of Tofu?”

"You're saying I can do WHAT now!?