• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 3,057 Views, 114 Comments

Changes from the Far East - MC BR0N3

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Chapter 2 Part 1

Author's note: Hey, I'm sorry about the giant absence. Guess trying to write a decent chapter during exam month wasn't the best thing to do after all.
Anyways, I decided Chapter 2 was getting a bit long, so I split it up into 2 parts. Enjoy!

Changes from the Far East- Chapter 2, Part 1

‘Now the law thinks I’m the bad guy. Fan-fuckin’-tastic.’ The good news was that Twilight had let me out of that magic bubble she conjured as soon as the guards arrived. The bad news was that the six guards had surrounded me, their weapons aimed at my throat. I wondered if this was how I was going to go; Stabbed to death by little ponies. Suddenly, I heard a calm voice from the doorway. “Stallions stand down. Princess Celestia and I can take it from here.” In a flash, the soldiers sheathed their weapons, and stood to attention.

In strode a unicorn clad in a red military uniform. His blue mane stood out against his white coat, and I spotted a mark on his flank- a six-pointed star inside a shield. This must be the Captain the guards mentioned. I noticed that his eyes flickered towards Twilight, and a smile flashed across his face before he turned his gaze back at me. I returned his gaze, only breaking eye contact for a brief moment to look at the other pony.

Right behind the Captain was a tall, slender pony that sported both wings and a horn. Her multicolored mane somehow managed to stay afloat, despite being indoors, and she had the image of a sun on her rear. The crown helped peg her identity as The Princess. The winged unicorn bent her head down to exchange a few words with Twilight, before focusing her attention on me. “Greetings. I am Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. This is my Captain of the guard, Shining Armor.” The pony in red gave a brief nod.
‘I really don’t like where this is going…'
“We have some questions we’d like you to answer, so could you please-" The rest was drowned out by a deafening crash, as I knocked the door clean off its hinges in my run from the law.
‘I can tell this day is going to be FAN-FUCKIN’-TASTIC already.’


“Halt changeling, or we will fire!” Oh, great. Even the cops back home just shut up and take you down.
“Come back here ya varmit!” yelled another pony. The Stetson-wearing one, most likely.
“Ain’t happening!” I yelled back. “There’s no way I’m gonna be locked up for being different, you racist bastards-AH!” I dove through a market stand narrowly missing the rainbow-haired Pegasus’ dive-bomb. After dodging magic bolts, screaming ponies and teleporting unicorns, I somehow managed to shake them off and hide in an alleyway behind a small, conveniently placed Police Box. Once the sound of thundering hooves had faded, I peeled my cheek from the glass, and exhaled. ‘Thank god that box was just tall enough to hide me. It’s almost like it was built for huma-wait a minute...’ Looking closer, I realized I had previously seen this box before. My English teacher once showed my class an episode from a British tv series, featuring a blue police box, and…
“Excuse me, but I’m afraid you’re blocking the enterance to my TARDIS.” A brown pony with a british accent spoke up, his blond Pegasus companion staring at me with interest. I turned to face the speaker, and my eyes widened.

Brown mane and coat.
Time-related symbol on his flank.
British accent.
“…You’re Doctor Who?”

The brown pony raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Doctor Who... I haven’t been called that in a long time…I go by Whooves here. Now tell me, what’s someone like you doing in this Universe?” I sighed in relief. “Look, Doc, you gotta help me. There are racist ponies out to get me, and-” I heard a guard yell “Over there, in that alley!” ‘No! I don’t want to go to jail!’ Frantic, I gave the Doctor a silent plea, and after a few tense moments, he finally nodded.

“Very well, I’ll hide you for now.” From his companion’s bag, he took a metallic tube-like object in his mouth, and aimed it at the door of the TARDIS. It emitted a blue light and a whirring sound, and I heard something unlock. “Quick, get inside!”

Seconds later, the approaching ponies saw a bright white flash appear from the alley, but when they arrived, it was completely empty.

“Wh-what the” Twilight spluttered. “Where did he go!?”

Celestia just closed her eyes, and activated a scanning spell. As she sorted through the ambient magic and energy levels, she discovered the reading she was looking for. “One moment, my little ponies. I found him, along with an old acquaintance of mine.” She said, charging a teleportation spell…

“What just happened?” I asked, as the loud hum began to die down.
“Oh, we teleported back to the Doctor’s house!” his companion replied. She was a grey Pegasus with a blond mane, and bubbles on her flank, and one of her eyes occasionally strayed off. It was quite cute, to be honest. “I’m Ditzy Doo, Ponyville’s mailmare. Although most ponies call me Derpy.” She offered a hoof. “Nice to meet you!” Grinning, I shook her hoof. “Likewise Derpy. I’m Marco…” I trailed off, before realizing I was staring at her lazy eye. “Oops, heh. Sorry about that. Your eye kinda distracted me. Is it hard to go around like that?” Derpy shrugged. “Sometimes. It makes me miss objects, and so I crash into them. But it’s not too bad…they did rebuild the town hall, so it’s okay…right?” Ignoring my dumbstruck expression, she continued. “So Marco, what’s it like walking on two legs?”

“Um…” I scratched my head. “Never thought about that.”
“What are these?”
“Hands. Pretty useful, really.”
“Can you still see out of that blue eye?” Wait, what? Blue eye?
“What’s it like being a halfie?” A Halfie? As in mixed race? “Derpy, what are you talking about?” I asked. She flew off, and came back with a full-body mirror. “See? Halfie.” When I saw my reflection in the mirror, I swear I could feel my sanity straining at its limit. ‘WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ME!?’

My left eye was no longer brown, but an electric blue eyeball, with a pale blue iris. My hands and forearms were wrapped in a pitch-black exoskeleton, replacing the skin there. But the change that caught my eye was what grew through my shirt – Wings. Two giant insect wings.

“Hey, hey. Did you hear me?” When I didn’t respond or react, Derpy flew up to me, and waved in front of my face. “Hellooooo, you okay?”

At that moment, The Doctor reappeared from...where was he? I didn’t notice him leave. “Ah there you…are you okay?” No answer. Frowning, he turned to Derpy. “Do you know what’s wrong with him?” She just shrugs. “Dunno. He just looked at a mirror. Guess he doesn’t know he’s a halfie.” This seemed to perk The Doctor’s interest, as he took out that little screwdriver-thing of his, and used it to scan me. “Interesting combination…” I heard him murmur. “The readings say that he’s a human, but with traces of Changeling DNA.”

“Wait, what?” I snapped out of my daze. “I have what in my genes now? And what’s with this “Halfie” that Derpy keeps calling me?”

“That would mean you’re a hybrid.”

“Excuse me?”

"What she means is that you are no longer what you think you are.” The Doctor explained. “Not changeling, nor a human. You are now both- A Hybrid." I stared at my reflection, taking in my new features. ‘New hands, new eye, new limbs…what else is new?’ “So now that’s over with…what-”

“-Now?” I blinked from the light, and found myself back in the alleyway. Only this time, my pursuers barred our exit. “What the heck just happened?”
“Ah, yes. I forgot Celestia could track the TARDIS’ with thaumic displacement generated.” The Doctor cheerfully replied, waving at the Princess. Looks like him and Derpy got dragged along too. “Hello again, Celestia. You haven’t aged a century since our last encounter!”
“Doctor.” Celestia curtly nodded “I see you’ve gone for a new look. Is this your ninth regeneration?”

“Tenth, actually. I-”

“We’ll save the chit-chat for later, Doctor. I have a Changeling to question.”

“Actually, You may have made a mistake here, so-”

“Save it.” Celestia interrupted again. “I’ll hear it later, along with your explanation for assisting him. Guards.” She stepped back, and the six guards that accompanied her began to close in on us.

“Doctor.” I said. “Are the guards trained for close quarters combat?”

“Well, they usually use spells to subdue threats, so…not really. Why?”

“You’ll see…” I cracked my neck, and took a fighting stance. ‘Now…which is better? Magic or Martial Arts?’

“YOU WANT ME?” I yelled, feeling slightly more confident at their hesitation. "THEN COME AT ME PONIES!"