• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 3,058 Views, 114 Comments

Changes from the Far East - MC BR0N3

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Chapter 2 Part 2

Changes from the Far East- Chapter 2 Part 2

Author's Note: Wow, I know I said chapter 2 was getting long, but I didn't expect the second part to be this long! Well, hopefully this doubly long chapter will make up for the doubly long wait.

‘Uuugh.. That’s a hell of a migraine.’ Wincing, I slowly brought myself to a sitting position, despite my body’s protests. After some fumbling about, my hands finally locked onto the familiar shape of my glasses. ‘Now where the hell am- oh.’ I was in a barren stone room underground, with bars surrounding me. In other words, I was in jail.

‘…Shit. I’m not dreaming.’ I looked behind me, and saw my two insect wings trailing down my back like a cloak. I gave my new…limbs an experimental buzz, and they instantly whirred to life, kicking up clouds of dust in the cell. “*Cough* *Cough*…Yep. Definitely not dreaming. Still half bug.” I muttered. “Haaagggh…”

Then again, was it really a surprise I was locked up? After all, I did face off against royalty upon first contact, and quickly beat the tar out of the guards. Seriously; these ponies were clueless when it came to close combat. But then again, I don’t think they’ve seen humans before. And they learn fast. I remembered one of the unicorns wrapping me in glowing ropes, while another bucked me in the gut (strange that I don't feel much pain there...) I guess I hit my head on the ground and passed out.

‘But was it really because of the fight? If you recall, they did try to lock you up minutes after you regained consciousness.' A voice in my head spoke up. It’s true though. The one called Twilight imprisoned me in a bubble when I did nothing wrong, and alerted the Princess, who then instantly ordered my arrest. ‘Huh, but is that all to this? What if-’

My thoughts were cut short by a low screech as a door swung open, followed by clopping hooves and chatter. Leaning against the bars, I saw that they were Shining Armor and the Doctor. Strangely, Derpy wasn’t with them.

They approached me, and I gave them a nod in acknowledgement, before speaking.

“Hey Doc. care to explain why I’m sitting in a jail cell?”

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. “ Hello there. Glad to see you're taking this better that I expected. Officially, you're locked up for unprovoked assault on Law enforcement.”

I snorted at that. “Seriously? It was self-defense! I know I kinda lost it back there, but I didn’t hurt them that bad, right?”

Shining Armor answered that one. “According to the medical reports, we have a guard suffering from muzzle fractures, one from a concussion-”

“Whoa-wait-wait-wait-wait.” I shot him a disbelieving look. “How did that happen?”

“You slammed your hands against his ears, and he dropped like a rock. Fortunately, his eardrums are intact.” The Doctor replied. “As for the third chap…well, you kicked him in the jewels.

I winced. “Oh. Well…shit.” The thought of (unintentionally) causing this poor soul excruciating pain made me feel quite guilty. “I didn’t make him sterile, did I?”

“Thankfully, no. Or we’d really have to leave you down here. ” Shining Armor replied.

“Oh well that’s a reli-wait, what? I can go now?”

“Yes and no.” The Doctor replied. “After explaining the situation to the princess, she has agreed that she may have…jumped to conclusions. She wishes to talk with you before making her verdict.”

I shrugged. “Works for me. Shall we go?”


I have to say the castle is damn fine. Stained glass windows, marble floors, magnificent architecture…the works. Compared to the dungeon I was in, it was like stepping into paradise.

As I was escorted through the halls, I saw many ponies bustle about the castle doing various things…were they servants? Some stopped to gawk, others were to busy to notice me, and carried on. Strangely, I felt something akin to a tank slowly filling up inside me-just from being around the ponies. ‘The hell? That’s another thing I’ll have to ask about- Along with why the fuck they wanted to arrest me!’

“Hey, Shining?” The Captain’s ears perked, and he turned to face me. “I-uh, wanted to apologize for what I did to your guards. Especially the last one.”

He shrugged. How do ponies do that? “I won’t hold your actions against you, given your friend’s testimony,” He jabbed a hoof in the Doctor’s direction. “ And the fact that my guards will be back in service within the week. Now come on, we’re almost there.”

The two ponies led me to a lounge room of sorts, with a massive window opposite the doors. In the center was a round table, where Princess Celestia and another winged unicorn sat waiting. However, this one was smaller than Celestia, was indigo and black, and had crescent moon on her flank. Her ethereal mane and tail reminded me of a clear starry night, filled with shining stars. The only other ponies in the room were the guards that watched over the entrance.

As I entered, Celestia and Luna quickly engaged each other in hushed conversation. And don’t ask me how, but I could sense that the blue one, as well as several ponies on the other side of the door were…curious about me. Strange.


“Well, there he is Luna. What do you think about him?” Celestia whispered, as the Hybrid was brought into the room.

“He is the Changeling hybrid thou spoke of” Luna replied in disbelief. “We can see the Changeling resemblance, but what manner of creature is his other half?”

Originally, Celestia didn’t want to involve Luna in this, especially at ten in the morning. However, when Luna, overheard a servant whispering about this strange, sentient creature, her curiosity and desire to know more about it overpowered her fatigue. In other words, she did a Twilight.

“He’s a Human...or was one.”

“And thou said thou tried to arrest him, thus leading to his escape, and the violent dispatching of thy guards?” Luna recounted, earning a rather sheepish nod from her sister. “We must say; it is most unlike thee to make such hasty assumptions, dear sister.”

“Oh quiet, you.” Celestia huffed, before taking on a more serious tone. “Don’t forget Chrysalis’ invasion was only weeks ago. We cannot afford to take chances.” She reminded Luna, before turning to the waiting Hybrid.

“Hello again, Hybrid.” Celestia said. The Hybrid just sighed, and rolled his eyes in annoyance, drawing several gasps of shock and anger from the ponies in the room.

“Hey Celestia.” He replied, giving a casual wave “Thanks for actually letting me explain myself. And can you all please stop calling me the “Hybrid”? It makes me sound like a lab experiment.” It was then that he noticed the amount of attention he was getting. “Uh…did I say something wrong? I get the feeling they’re either shocked or angry.” He asked, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck.

Celestia just gave a soft chuckle. “Ignore them. They’re usually like this…um, I’m afraid I don’t know your name.”

“Call me Marco.” He held out a hand, the black shell segments glinting in the daylight. “It’s nice to meet you under more…civil circumstances.”

Celestia smiled, and shook his hand. “Likewise, Marco.” She then turned to Luna, who was still staring at him with that amazed look still plastered on her face. “We’ll get down to business as soon as my sister Luna snaps out of it.”

Marco just shrugged. “I can wait.”

He didn’t have to wait for long, thanks to Celestia’s impatience and a well-aimed cushion.


“…And that’s when there was a bright flash, and we found ourselves in the alleyway.” Marco said, concluding this morning’s events. “She sent her guards to capture me, and…well, I guess I didn’t take that very well.” He chuckled in embarrassment. “So yeah. Next thing I know, I’m in a cell.”

Celestia nodded in acknowledgement, her mind busy drawing up a detailed profile of the Hybrid. By obtaining information from a subject through questioning, then cross checking it with already-known information, or Intel provided by her own network, she could tell if the subject was being dishonest, or withholding information. It was an ability that had served her well over the millennia.

In the meantime, she continued listening to the conversation, as Luna began asking her own questions, while Shining Armor and the Doctor listened, and occasionally chipped in.

“How did thou defeat Sister’s guards?”

“Martial arts. I took lessons for a few years. Never thought I’d use it though.”

“What are Martial arts?” Shining Armor was interested in leaning about the technique that beat his subordinates so easily.

“Basically, it’s the study of close combat: How to take down you opponent in the most efficient manner.” Marco explained. “There are many styles spread across the planet, some involving weapons.”

“Planet?” Luna asked, now even more intrigued. “Thou hails from another world?”

“He does, Princess.” The Doctor replied. He comes from the planet Earth. Marco’s kind- the Humans, are a race more technologically advanced than Equestria.”

Luna wanted to know more, but was cut off by a knock outside the door. Moments later, it opened, and a servant mare walked in.

“Excuse me, your highnesses, but lunch is about to be served. Will the other guests be joining you?”

Celestia gave her trademark smile, and nodded. “They will. Thank you for informing us.” She turned back to the group. “Shall we continue our discussion over lunch?”

Marco blinked in surprise. “You mean I’m not going back to jail”

“I see no reason to do that, as you’ve given me no reason to doubt your testimony.” Celestia replied. “So? Will you join us?”

Marco beamed. “Of course. Lead the way!” As they passed by a group of servants outside the room, he bent down and grinned at them, his inch long incisors giving him a slightly menacing look. “You know, eavesdropping on royalty’s a very dangerous habit.”

Sensing their nervousness, he chuckled. “Relax, I’m not gonna snitch on you lot. Just try to be more discreet next time.” He then stood up, and jogged down the hallway, quickly catching up with the group.


On the way, we bumped into a noble. He was a tall unicorn with a white coat, blonde mane, and wearing a tuxedo.

“Good afternoon.” The unicorn greeted us with annoyance. He looked up at us, frowning. “ Aunt Celestia. Aunt Luna. Captain Armor. And…” His gaze moved onto the Doctor and me. “Who are these two? Lower-class commoners?” Wow. No need to rub it in, you prick.

“Blueblood! Show some respect.” Celestia chastised him. “This is the Doctor, an associate of mine. The Biped is Marco, a traveler from a foreign land.” Traveler? Is that what she calls aliens these days?

Blueblood snorted in irritation. “Whatever you say Auntie.” He stood up, and began moving past us. “I really must return to work now. See you at dinner. Oh, and you two.” He stopped in front of us, and my eyes widened at the dark rings around his eyes. “I…” He looked like he was swallowing a tennis ball. “I apologize for my abrasive behavior. Old habits die hard, and as you can see, today has been absolute shit for me.” With a curt bow, he trotted off.

“Wow…he's a charming guy.” I sarcastically remarked.

Celestia snickered. “Believe it or not, his attitude’s far better now, compared to last year. Back then, you had to have the emotional level of a rock in order to tolerate him.”

“You’re serious!? What the hell could have changed an ass like him?”

“Would you believe a one-way trip to Stalliongrad?” Shining Armor said, chuckling. “After a certain fiasco in Canterlot four months ago, Princess Celestia finally grew fed up with his behavior, and dumped him in the middle of Stalliongrad, with a note telling him to make his own way back…on hoof. Took him five weeks before he staggered into the throne room.”

“Wow…” I was amazed. “And he changed for the better, just like that?”

Luna snorted in amusement. “Define “better”. Our nephew has always been a jerk, and nothing can ever change that. The entire castle is simply grateful that he has deflated his ego, and is actually getting his work done.”

“He’s lucky he did, or I’d have bucked his sorry flank out the castle.” Shining Armor growled.

“He looks like shit though. Doesn’t he get any sleep?”

“Ignore that. He’s still getting used to seven hours of sleep. Now come on.” And with that, Celestia cantered off to the dining hall, clearly eager for food.


“Say, what do you ponies eat anyway?” We were sitting at a table in one of the smaller dining rooms. While waiting for the food, I decided to make some small talk.

“Flowers, hay, cakes, fruit and the like. Why’d you ask?” The Doctor replied.

“Just curious...” I frowned. 'Damn. That doesn't leave me with much to choose from. Unless...' “Hey, have you heard of Tofu?”

“Tofu?” Celesta asked. “You mean the white jelly-like food from Dragon Kingdom?”

Dragon Kingdom? Must be what they call China here. “Uh, I guess so. Do you have some in the castle?”

“We do.” A servant suddenly appeared beside me, causing me to jump out of my seat. “I apologize for startling you..."

'Yeah right. Wipe that grin off your face, then we'll talk.'

"...but lunch will be served soon, and the chef asks if the newcomer has any preferences.” She finished

I frowned in thought. It wouldn’t be good to eat red meat in front of herbivores. ‘I’ll skip the meat. For now…’

“I’ll have a green salad. Oh, and a bowl of cold soft tofu, with some brown sugar on the side please.” The servant blinked at my request, but bowed and headed off. 5 minutes later, another servant came wheeling in a cart. My eyes lit up as the bowl of white, nourishing goodness was placed in front of me.

‘Looks…so…tasty…’ were my last thoughts before attacked my meal like I had been on a 4-day fast.

[15 minutes later…]

“So I assume you enjoyed your meal?” Celestia asked, making no effort to hide her amusement.

“Hah! Words do it no justice.” I replied. Who knew salad could taste so good? That was soon followed by a burp, followed by gout of emerald fire. “Holy mother of- What the fuck was in that salad!?”

“Oh, that wasn’t the salad. You’re simply able to do Flame magic now!” The Doctor clarified, suspiciously unsurprised at my sudden imitation of a flamethrower.

“I can do WHAT now!?” My mind was somewhere between disbelief and excitement. “I must have missed something. Did you say Flame magic?” Seriously, why is it that just when I’m starting to get used to this world, some more crazy shit pops up to make me question my sanity?

“You heard the pony correctly, Marco.” Princess Celestia assured me. “You are now able to control, shape and manipulate raw magic at will, as well as disguise your…Marco, are you okay?” She sounded concerned, but I could see the mirth in her eyes. ‘Wow, I wish I could see my own face now.’

“I’m good…for someone who had the shock of his life.” I replied, standing up. “Well, let’s see what I can do.”


As the ponies (and hybrid) made their way out of the dining hall, nopony noticed another guard trot away from his post, and through a side door.

Nor did they notice when his eyes flashed green.

Going down a winding flight of stairs, he entered a small cave. Stopping, the guard looked around, resting his gaze on a black, bug-like pony.

“Covert drone #18 reporting. Bipedal creature identified as “Human-changeling hybrid”, and responds to the name Marco”. The guard reported in a monotone. “Assumed to be allied with our enemies. Drones #12 and #5 report overhearing that he defeated three royal guards effortlessly, presumed a future threat.”

The Changeling replied with a series of hisses and clicks, but the guard seemed to understand it.

“Orders received and understood.” He droned. “Covert drones will neutralize threat.” With that, he turned and began making his way back to the castle.

As always, constructive criticism is always appreciated!