• Published 1st Jan 2015
  • 513 Views, 15 Comments

In a Life Unspoken - Thunderstorm823

Due to Scootaloo's stubborn behavior she follows a man by the name of Midnight who's life is out of control. It's only a matter of time before it becomes personal.

  • ...



No one really knows what it can do, it could cause insanity, fear, rage, chronic depression, or pleasure. But some try the best to stash it away in the back of their minds where only their dreams will make them relive the pain from the past.


A voice shouted as Midnight's vision slowly shows a young girl that resembled his little sister, giving him a very angry look. "I'm sorry." Midnight's voice echoed through out the white room he was in as if it was a memory replaying itself.

"My son is a failure."

Midnight turned to see his father behind him, blocking his way to walk away from his little sister. "I'm trying my best." He argued.

"You've ruined this family! Get out! Get out and never come back!"

Midnight turned to his mother with a stern look, noticing that he was being surrounded by the people that caused him serious trauma throughout his life. "Fine! I'm getting sick of hearing your voice anyway!" The same tone of the replaying memory echoed.

"How could you?"

"It wasn't my fault!" Midnight shouted, as he turned to the one person that caused his life to crash. "Sunny... Please?" His voice cracked as he noticed that all the other figures had disappeared except Sunny.

"Don't! I thought you loved me!"

"But I do..." Midnight put his hands on her shoulders, only to be pushed off.

"You've lied time and time again! How do I know if your not lying to me now!"

Midnight opened his mouth but nothing seemed to come out, having no excuse of what to say.

"Typical... How easy is it to manipulate the girls your with? How could you do such a thing to me and your friends, it's always been you who ruined the fabric of our relationship and were always so picky!"

Midnight finally snapped. "You know what... NO! I have always been sick of your shit, I fell in love with you because of your cheery personality!" He shouted as he took a step back. "I'm not as happy as you were when we broke things off! You've got weight off your shoulders I just traded in for a bigger dumbbell and have to deal with it for the rest of my life! It was your fault my life fell apart, you spread that stupid rumor that people thought was real!" Midnight clenched his fist out of anger, watching as Sunny smirked evilly making the environment change to black as her eyes changed as well from light brown to dark red.

"That anger..." A dark voice spoke. "It's breathtaking to watch you flounder into what will soon be me!"

Midnight's eyes widened in fear as he began backing away from the red eyes that burnt the inside of his heart. "Get out..." He muttered before shouting at the figure. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"

"I can feel your insanity start to build and I'm enjoying the taste. Admit it, you want revenge against your father, your mother, your little sister, and the one girl that broke you into pieces... How does it feel Midnight?"

Midnight reached up to his head as he began shaking from frustration and dread as he fell to his knees. "Leave me alone..." He begged.

"If I did that then there wouldn't be a soul to torment!" The figure tackled him down, making Midnight stare into the face of fear himself. The figure reached up and grabbed the sides of Midnight's head. "I am the being you hold back, I'm the being you just want to get rid off! I am the being that everyone has! I AM THE EVIL OF YOUR MIND!" The voice caused Midnight to start to scream as he felt excruciating pain as the figure dug it's fingers into Midnight's mind. He felt like his whole head was being crushed like a grape while blood started to trickle down the corners of his face. His vision slowly began to show the figure hurting him, he gasped to witnessed a tall scrawny white bald figure with long arms and giant hands with blood dripping out of its teeth that were complete of razor sharp incisors. His bright red eyes stared into Midnight's inner soul. The fear was so great it caused Midnight to freeze and stop screaming with his mouth still open in shock. "YOU'RE BODY WILL BE MINE!" The figure smirked as it opened its mouth completely, launching his face towards Midnight's head to bite.


Midnight tossed and turned in his sleep, then soon screamed himself awake. He instantly jolted up and remained sat up in his bed as the moment continue to pass with every slow second, the pain in his chest was unbearable from emotional trauma he has to live with. He looks at his bare arms to look at the scars that he had gained throughout his twisted past, it all started when he had to deal with the pain and regret of leaving his home and the people he once loved.

Midnight closed his eyes as he panted from his heart racing like a jackhammer on rocks, he sat there and began to calm himself down. He felt his fingers start to tense up, giving it that numb feeling as his arms began to shake in a short hyperventilation before he laid back down.

After a few minutes of freaking out, Midnight managed to keep himself from letting the beast out if he didn't console himself. Midnight just continued to stare at the ceiling as he began to recall what had happened yesterday before pulling the covers off of him.

He looked around his small apartment that seemed dark and dim from the window being covered by a sheet of cloth, it was also a bit messy and dirty from being a really old apartment. Midnight never went with the big apartments since he mostly didn't want to waste his bits, if there's a bed he'll sleep anywhere.

Midnight turned on a lamp and moved the sheet that was covering the window away to look outside, he let out a sigh and closed it as he headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

Midnight really never had the decency to wash the old dirt off of the bathroom walls or that dust that covered the bathroom mirror, it never really bothered him and some people don't understand how he can live like that. All Midnight would do is shrug and say he wasn't bothered by it in the slightest, but in the end he just never seemed to clean it up. It's not like he was going to live there forever, he was probably going to die sooner or later with the path he chose.

Midnight left the bathroom after a quick shower and got dressed with the casual black shirt and black jeans with black shoes to match. It was his favorite color since it symbolized nothing, to finish the touch he wore the one thing that he had for years. His black zipper jacket.

Midnight sat back down on his bed and stared at his clock. 4:52 It was the usual time he was up and ready since it was always exactly 4 o'clock that he would actually get up. He never knew why, he never actually cared but it still annoyed him in the back of his mind where the one thing he has kept hidden all these years. His demon.

Midnight let out a sigh, standing up after eight minutes of thinking and left his apartment building with his mind racing with questions that soon began to die down as Midnight let the wind feel the essence of his face and hair making him forget the nightmare that had haunted him.

Midnight began to walk with nothing on his mind as he began to focus on the task at hand, until he stopped after hearing a sudden noise coming from the alley next to him. It sounded like a broom bounced off the ground, Midnight could barely see what was in the alley but he knew what hit the ground.

Midnight stayed quiet and slowly entered the alleyway, trying to focus his vision to see what was in the darkness until he heard a cat meow and he began to chuckle. "Dumb cat." He said before leaving the alley and heading back in the direction of he was walking down the first time.

He then noticed people when he entered the market area, he then realized the people were setting up shop for the day as he began to walk through it. No one bothered to stop him and annoy him with 'Wanna buy this?' Since he wasn't really looking for anything or they weren't ready to sell anything just yet. That's how it is in Ponyville early in the morning, not many of the people were out and about but mostly sleeping till the morning actually starts.

Midnight continued out of the marketplace and continued towards a giant warehouse that had been abandoned for years, it used be a factory for things like furniture and other appliances. But over those years it was where the Jaguars's had started and soon became infested with them as more and more joined them each day, Midnight can easily remember when he first joined, it was only because it was the day his life finally took a turn in a new direction.

Midnight got up to the door and knocked in a password pattern.

Knock twice. Pause. Knock five times. Pause. Knock once. Pause. Knock four times.

After a few seconds the door opened as a man peered his head out to see Midnight there, making him open the door completely. Midnight shook the mans hand with a smile before heading to the stairs to the office, but was stopped by his friend Lance. "I wouldn't go see the boss right now." He warned.

Midnight raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

Lance chuckled as he looked up at the office. "He's a bit busy at the moment if you know what I mean."

Midnight shook his head. "He's going to get a disease if he keeps this up."

Lance shrugged. "Still, I would go see Iris. She's been looking for you."

Lance is the typical go to guy for jobs and was there when Midnight left the club after his little 'talk' with the owner Scruffy. Now Iris, she was the kind of girl that actually had standards and she. Was. Bad. Ass. She took on five guys with her hands tied behind her back and she even caused a mans arm to dislocate by using only one finger. One. Finger.

"Why is she looking for me?" Midnight asked.

"She said she saw something she wanted to talk to you about." Lance answered, patting Midnight on the shoulder before heading leaving his presence.

Midnight sighed looking up at the office to see certain motions that caused him to look away, heading in towards the place Iris hung out at. It was an empty part of the warehouse and she had claimed it as her own, one person who entered it without her permission had ended up with a broken arm before he even realized what had happened.

As Midnight entered he looked around, seeing her easily through the pipes that connected to the walls of the room. "What do you want Iris?" He asked, looking straight at her.

Iris jumped off the pipe she was on and landed on both feet before looking up at Midnight. "How is it you are the only one that can find out where I'm hiding?" She asked.

"I just have great vision." Midnight smirked jokingly.

Iris gave an menacing grin. "You didn't last night."

Midnight raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Last night, two guys were harassing a girl and guess who comes to her rescue?"

Midnight let out a sigh as he shrugged. "And?"

Iris scoffed. "Come on, I saw the way you looked at her. You always have it out for the innocent ones."

Midnight put a hand up and pointed at her. "Don't start." He warned.

Iris chuckled darkly and turned her back to him walking and swaying her hips as she did. "I can start whatever I want, I have that itch of curiosity that always must be answered or else I get a damn headache." Iris paused, turning around with the same grin. "Why is it that I don't ever see you walk into your apartment building with a girl, or when your in a public place and a drunk girl asks you to do something that men like, but you turn them down?"

Midnight took a step back, surprised how she would know this. "Have you been following me?"

Iris let out an obvious sigh. "And somehow you never noticed cause you are always focusing on something else that you don't have the nerve to look around, that is a weakness that could get you killed." She warned.

Midnight began thinking, it didn't stop his instinct in fighting but the only thing it did defect is his peripheral vision. "Why did you want to talk to me about this?" He asked.

Iris smiled. "Cause I can. Plus I thought you might want to know." She crossed her arms with sass.

Midnight chuckled softly. "Whatever."

Iris began to walk backwards. "See ya." She smiled, before jumping onto a pipe and quickly climbing it like it was easy.

Midnight sighed and left the room without further notice until he remembered That exact room was when he was accepted into the Jaguars five years ago. It gave him a little nostalgia as a smile crept onto his face as he began walking upstairs to his boss's office, let's hope he has good news today.

Author's Note:

A little hint of what had happened to Midnight in his past and what lies in his mental state. :applecry:

BTW, I freaked myself out writing the nightmare portion... Well, I don't need sleep. :pinkiecrazy: Thank you guys for the support! :pinkiegasp: I am really going to enjoy writing this for you guys! :pinkiehappy: ~Enjoy :moustache: