• Published 1st Jan 2015
  • 513 Views, 15 Comments

In a Life Unspoken - Thunderstorm823

Due to Scootaloo's stubborn behavior she follows a man by the name of Midnight who's life is out of control. It's only a matter of time before it becomes personal.

  • ...


As of every night, Midnight screams himself awake at the same time as always. 4 o'clock. Midnight took a few minutes to calm down and left the covers of his bed.

He spent awhile in the shower and was dressed as soon as he was out. He sat at his bed, covering his face with both of his hands trying to remember when the last time he was actually fine and not having to deal with this personality that tormented him. He was soon distracted by a sudden light that was reflecting off the cloth that was covering the window, Midnight stood up and moved it out of the way to see a group of people outside... with torches.

"We burn the place he lives in.."

Without warning the group threw bottles that resembled a Molotov towards his window, Midnight ducked out of the way as the bottle smashed through his window and set the cloth on fire.

Midnight quickly got to his feet but as he noticed the fire starting to spread more bottles were thrown inside, a blast sent him into the wall and he slid down onto his bottom. He opened his eyes and once his eyes caught sight of the fire it had widened as he gripped his chest and his entire body shook, he felt his heart beating hard in his chest with his breathing slowing down to the point where he couldn't barely breath anymore. Fear surged through every part of his body causing him to freeze in place, the phobia of fire lodged in his brain that wouldn't let go.

Midnight tried hard to regain his sense only getting slight adrenaline so he acted fast as he noticed the fire blocked his exit, the only way out was through it. He quickly grabbed his jacket and put it on, he also grabbed the phone and shoved it in his pocket. He then staggered and fell onto the end table as smoke entered his lungs making it even harder to breath.

He lifted himself back up and looked into the fire towards the exit, he took one deep breath as his blood ran through his legs giving him the push he needed. He ran through the fire amd got through it unscathed.

As he busted through the door he looked down the hallway to notice that the entire apartment was on fire, but he wasn't done yet as he continued running. A pile of burnt wood blocked the stairs so he entered another room filled with fire, he looked towards the window to notice that no one was on that part outside and it was the only exit he saw. So he took the chance and drove himself towards it, he put his forearms in front of him and crashed through the two story window to find himself feeling a giant breeze as he fell.

He groaned as he landed on his backside, he hurried to stand back up and stumbled to get back up only to notice that the fire left part of itself on Midnight's arm. But he noticed the fire had already burned through his clothes and began to smolder his skin, the sudden pain caused him to scream.

He quickly fell onto the ground and began rolling on the fire to put it out. But it was already too late, as he looked at his arm to notice it had already burned part of his skin to the point where you could see the muscle sizzling with heat. Midnight groaned in pain and brought himself to his feet getting out of there before the people who burned him found out they hadn't finished the job.

But where should he go? That was the only place he lived and I don't think people would let a gang member live in their home. Plus their was no way Midnight would stay at the warehouse considering the conditions. A thought popped into his head that caused him to scoff. But their were no choices in the matter as he limped down the road, luckily their wasn't anybody around to see him in trouble. As his eyes set on the building he sighed in regret and began limping towards the building.

The sign in front of it. 'Ponyville Orphanage'


Scootaloo couldn't sleep. She could not let go of what Midnight had said. "Killed...?" She mumbled.

Without her noticing her window slowly opening as a hand grabbed onto the ledge, Midnight pulled himself in and his foot got caught and he fell in on his burnt arm causing him to let out a pained groan.

Scootaloo gasped as she jolted up, looking to see Midnight on the ground writhing in pain. "Midnight?!" She shouted in a whisper, she got up off the bed and down to him. "How the hell do you know where I live?"

Midnight chuckled. "I followed you the night you got attacked." He looked at her and smirked still breathing heavily from the pain. "Nice nighty." He joked.

Scootaloo blushed and grabbed the arm that wasn't burnt. "Shut up, now come on." She helped him up and laid him down on her bed. "I'll call the ambulance."

Midnight instantly grabbed her arm. "No... No hospital."

Scootaloo groaned and rubbed the back of her head thinking, she then remembered. "I know where I can find a first aid kit. Stay right there." Scootaloo left the room, leaving Midnight to relax on her bed.

"Yeah... like I'm totally going to go somewhere..." Midnight grumbled, he looked at his arm and his eyes began to flicker, the pain was too much for him and he soon passed out from it.


Midnight slowly opened his eyes as he found himself in a hospital bed, he looked at himself to notice bandages all over his body. His back burned painfully, he turned to the door which slowly opened. "Nurse? Where is he?" Midnight asked.

"Who?" The nurse asked, taking his chart and looking at it.

"Shade! Where's my brother!" Midnight shouted.

"Calm yourself, Shade is in the ICU. His burns are too serious, if you want to see your brother you'll have to wait." The nurse explained.

Without thinking straight, Midnight started to get up but the nurse tried to stop him but he pushed her out of the way. "I want to see him!" Midnight finally got to his feet, pain instantly shot through him and he fell to the ground. The nurse called for help as a few doctors entered, Midnight struggled against their grip but was soon given a shot that caused him to slowly pass out. "Shade..." He mumbled before his entire body went limp.


Midnight's eyes slowly opened as he found himself on a very comfortable bed. His eyes were blurred slightly as he continued to look around, luckily Scootaloo listened to him and she didn't send him to the hospital.

As Midnight slowly regained his vision he noticed a very stern looking Scootaloo in a chair, staring right at him. He now takes it back, she should have sent him to the hospital. "Morning." Midnight smiled.

"What happened?" Scootaloo said with a dark tone.

He chuckled as he kept his mouth shut, he looked down to notice his arm in a cast. He then noticed his shirt wasn't on, he then decided to talk. "I got burned." He said sarcastically.

"I wasn't talking about that." She said, crossing her arms. "I'm talking about the scars."

Midnight looked at his chest and took a deep breath. "Do you think I'm just going to talk?"

Scootaloo scoffed. "So says the guy who told me staying away from you would help me, till the very next day you show up injured like nothing ever happened. Yes, I expect you to talk."

Midnight lifted his uninjured arm and rubbed his eyes. "Got me there."

Scootaloo soon leaned forward, waiting for him to answer her questions.

"Plenty of knife fights, no big deal." Midnight lied.

Scootaloo shook her head. "Those are burn scars."

Midnight looked at her with a concerned look. "Since when do you know what-"

"I go to school moron." Scootaloo snapped.

He looked away. "No."

"What was that?" She asked standing up.

"You are not changing my mind!" Midnight snapped. "That is my personal business."

Scootaloo paused for a few seconds. "Fine." She then pointed at him. "But you owe me."

Midnight rolled his eyes, staying quiet.

The room was now filled with silence, Scootaloo was surprised that no one had heard that conversation but she never bothered with it.

A familiar ring came from Midnight's pocket, he pulled it out and read the message on the screen. He let out a soft sigh and pulled the covers off him, luckily his pants were still on.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?" She asked more concerned than controlling.

"Away." Midnight set the phone on the nightstand, leaving it where it was and looked around for a shirt. "Where's my clothes."

Scootaloo walked passed him and picked it up off the dresser and handed it to him, also a fixed black jacket.

Midnight looked at it. "How long was I out?"

"Four hours. I had a favor for my friends sister who is fortunately a fashionista, I got a new one for you." Scootaloo sounded more aloof then most.

Midnight smiled softly. "Thanks." He then started dressing up, he zipped up the new jacket and sighed comfortably. "Wow, fuzzy."

Scootaloo chuckled. "You're welcome."

Midnight then left through the window, his arm didn't hurt as much anymore with the cast now on it. He grabbed onto the pipe that was aligned down the edge of the building and he proceeded to slid down it.

Midnight stayed in the shadows because since his apartment was attacked he decided to keep out of sight, he began looking around to see if the coast was clear. He then saw Lance running up to him. "Midnight!"

Midnight came out of the alley only to be grabbed by Lance. "The boss needs to see you right away!" He shouted. "He is NOT happy."

"What? What's going on?" Midnight asked, concerned.

"He only wants to talk to you." Lance looked him straight in the eye.

Midnight started nodding. "Okay, take me to him."

Back in the orphanage, Scootaloo crossed her arms slowly and her smile faded. She then sat down on the bed and stared at the wall in front of her. "Damn..."

A sudden ring caused her to jolt slightly her head turning towards it, she stood up and looked at the phone that Midnight had left accidentally. Or so she thought?

"What?" Scootaloo grabbed the phone, clicking the button to turn it on. A message popped up, she thought it was for Midnight but it was actually... for her?

'Scruffy's Bass Drop' Club; Wear something Sexy Scootaloo.'


"DAMN IT!" The boss shouted as loud crashing sounds and stuff hitting the floor, Midnight opened the door only to be viciously grabbed and slammed into the wall. "FIND HER!"

Midnight put his hands up. "Who?" He asked defensively.

The boss screamed and let go of Midnight, grabbing the nearest item and slamming it against the wall. "AGH!"

"BOSS! Calm down!" Midnight shouted.

The boss turned to him, giving him the death look. "She deserted us Midnight!" He shouted with unbelievable anger.

Midnight leaned forward trying to understand who he was talking about. "What are you talking about?"

"She stole from me that f***king whore! She is trying to tear this gang down Midnight!"

Midnight finally had enough. "WHO?!" He shouted.

The boss groaned frustrated as he sat down, he soon calmed himself down and looked up. "Iris."

Midnight took a step back shocked. "What...?"

"Find her, Midnight." The boss stood up, quickly making his way to Midnight. "You find her and you snap that slut's neck!"

Midnight nodded. "You can count on me sir."

"I trust you... Midnight. You are the only one I trust." The boss tapped him on the shoulder and collapsed onto his chair, covering his burning red face.

Midnight left immediately after, making his way outside. He then thought back to what the phone had said. The Tech had told him to go to an abandoned house near the castle, once this is done he is going after Iris.

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be a bit mature, so prepare for that...

Thank you for reading. ~Enjoy :moustache: