• Published 1st Jan 2015
  • 513 Views, 15 Comments

In a Life Unspoken - Thunderstorm823

Due to Scootaloo's stubborn behavior she follows a man by the name of Midnight who's life is out of control. It's only a matter of time before it becomes personal.

  • ...

Location One

Author's Note:

I wrote this while listening to the Turret Song from Portal 2, let me tell you it was fantastic! :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for reading. ~Enjoy :moustache:

The Kiss Inn, a place to bring lovers. A place that is just like a normal hotel but with "Special" services. Midnight wasn't too fond of wanting to walk in there when Iris could be potentially watching, it gave him cringes just thinking about it.

As he felt the phone in his pocket go off he immediately pulled out the phone and read the message. 'Walk to the right side of the building.'

Midnight sighed and did as the message said, to find himself in a dark corner where the giant dumpster was. Until his phone had rung again, only to display another message. 'Behind the Dumpster."

Midnight shook his head and looked behind the dumpster to find a silver suitcase, he looked around to see if anyone was coming this way and grabbed the case. He left the area behind the dumpster and kneeled down to open the case, what was revealed inside was a tiny earpiece and a card to get in.

He picked up the earpiece and set it in his ear, easily hidden from vision making it easier not to get noticed. The earpiece beeped and the tech responded. "Earpiece in, we are ready to begin."

Midnight shook his head. "So, when are you going to tell me what I'm doing at a brothel?"

"That is not the right word for it."

"'The Kiss Inn' sounds like a place to get tang." Midnight vented.

"It's a hotel Midnight."

"Whatever." Midnight closed the suitcase and picked it up, putting it back where he found it left the side of the building.

"Enter the hotel and talk to the receptionist."

"Got it." Midnight turned the corner and up to the buildings door, he took a few deep breaths and entered.

Midnight took a look around and examined the room, two stairs on other sides of the room that had doorways but with no doors next to them that would lead to the bar and resting area. He looked up at the second floor that had a railing connecting to both the stairs, it was smooth wood and felt as if there were no ridges or rough edges on them making it safe to not get splinters.

"Excuse me?" The Receptionist spoke as she stood up from her chair, her brown hair was tied in a ponytail and hung onto her shoulder. She gave a small smile as Midnight walked over returning it. "What can I help you with at the Kiss Inn?"

"Uhh..." Midnight reached into his pocket and pulled out the card, handing it to her. "I have this."

"Say it's to talk to the Manager." The Tech helped.

"I was hoping to speak to the Manager." Midnight cleared his throat.

The Receptionist smiled. "She's not here right now."

"Ask if you could stay in the office till she gets back." The Tech helped once more.

"I could wait in her office if you don't mind?" Midnight gave a charming smile, the Receptionist opened her mouth but closed it after a few seconds and softly nodded.

"Come with me, I'll open it for you." The Receptionist pulled out the keys from inside the desk and exited the booth, Midnight followed her up the stairs and up to a door on the left. She stuck the keys in and opened it, she gestured him to go ahead and enter which Midnight followed. Taking a look inside gave him the general idea of what an office looked like, the desk in the corner of the room with a lamp sitting on top of it with various items. "Alright, you know where to find me when you have a question."

He nodded at the Receptionist and she left closing the door behind her, leaving Midnight in there alone. "Okay, Now what?" He asked the Tech.

"Start searching, It has to be there somewhere."

Midnight sighed, heading over to the desk and began rummaging through the drawers. "What am I looking for?"

"A flash drive."

Midnight sighed as he continued to search, checking the door once in awhile to see if anyone was entering. Midnight pulled out a flash drive, it was brown and seemed scratched with the number '1' on it. "Is it brown?"


Midnight nodded and shoved it in his back pocket. He froze as his eyes was set on a little leather hardcover book, curiosity got the better of him and he quickly skimmed through it. It seemed to be a list of customers who had "paid for fun" and Midnight stopped on one page and a shiver was sent down his spine, he reread the words over and over.

It was the boss's name, repeated to the same girl. "Cherry?"

The Tech intervened. "Someone's coming!"

Midnight ignored him and continued to turn the page to reveal more of boss's intentions here. "Why did he keep coming here?"

"Midnight, we don't have time for this. I don't want you getting arrested!"

Midnight scoffed. "You sound like someone I know." His body then froze for the second time, his eyes widened as he stared into space. "Wait a minute, you DO sound like someone I know." Midnight began thinking on who this could be but nothing came to mind, it started to bother him.

The Tech groaned. "This isn't the time!"

Midnight slammed the drawer, shoving the book into his other back pocket. "Who are you?" He asked deliberately and walked around the desk.


"No! Right now, who are you?"

The Tech sighed. "Midnight, we don't have time for this. We can talk about this later."

"Do I know you!?" Midnight shouted.


"Do. I. Know. You? Yes or no?" Midnight asked darkly, waiting for an answer.

The Tech didn't say anything, until after a few more seconds there was a response. "Yes."

After he spoke the door to the office opened, the Manager took one look and crossed her arms like he knew he was there. "What are you doing in my office?"

Midnight put on a smile and chuckled nervously. "I actually wanted to talk to you, I had this card and-"

"That'Card'is for employees only, last time I checked you don't work here." She stated.

Midnight stuttered. "Uh... Well, I... sort of-"

"Security!" The Manager shouted.

"Crap..." Midnight said under his breath.

A man in a black suit walked in with a grin on his face. "This is my favorite part of my job." He grabbed Midnight's arm and began to restrain him.

Midnight chuckled. "Mine too." He grabbed the man's arm that held him and twisted it back, the man groaned and threw a punch. Midnight ducked, raising a fist and hitting him in the ribs. The man bent down from sudden shock of pain in his side and regained his senses as he raised his arm to try to hit Midnight only to find himself on the ground. Midnight had kicked him in the shin and kneed him in the face. "Huh... Thought he would be better."

The Manager took a step back, shaking slightly. "What do you want?" She asked.

"Oh, don't worry, I got what I came for." Midnight passed by her and left the office, he looked downstairs and saw another man in a black suit run up. Midnight shrugged his shoulders, but was caught off guard when his arms were held back by the same man from the office.

The men chuckled darkly, Midnight began joining. "Yeah, I got caught. Very funny." Midnight was met with a fist to the stomach, breaking the wind out of him. He began to take slow breaths as the man tried to hit him again, Midnight kicked his fist hard hearing a few fingers snap. "Okay then." He used the man that was holding him's strength and lifted both his feet and kicked the man in front of him, sending him back down the stairs.


Scootaloo found herself at the entrance of the Kiss Inn and raised an eyebrow. 'Why did Midnight come here? Guess he's just one of those guys...' She opened the door and looked around, she jumped when she heard a tumble on the ground next to her. She found a man on the floor who was holding his side, groaning in pain. She heard more noises and looked up the stairs to see Midnight being held by another man in a black suit.

Midnight headbutted the man behind him and fell to his knee, he gripped the man's arm and threw him over his shoulder. The man got back up quickly only to be met with a punch across the face, and a boot to his chest. The man fell back hearing wood break as he noticed he had broken through the railing and was falling, the man fell on his back on the booth only to bounce off of it and hit the floor with a loud thud.

Midnight ran down the stairs, not noticing Scootaloo standing in the doorway since he was focused on the men on the floor. As he turned to the door he met Scootaloo's dumbstruck expression, all he could do was let out a soft tone. "Uh, this isn't what it looks like."

The man that was recovering from the stairs started to get up. "I'm going to beat the hell out of you."

Midnight turned around to notice more men in suits heading after him, Midnight turned around to Scootaloo with a smirk. "This is the fun part." He grabbed her hand and booked it out the door, running as fast as his legs could take him. Scootaloo met his pace and slightly blushed when she realized he was still holding her hand, they continued to sprint down to Ponyville's streets.

Midnight glanced back to notice the men were farther than he thought but were catching up, so Midnight picked up the speed and cut a corner. He took the chance and darted into a dim alleyway that seemed darker even with the sun was out, he held Scootaloo to the wall and pushed his body to her to camouflage in the darkness.

Midnight heard footsteps and whispered to Scootaloo who was blushing like mad. "Hold your breath."

Scootaloo nodded and closed her mouth, holding in the breath that wanted to escape but she kept it in. Out of the corner of her eye she notice the men in suits run past the alleyway, not even looking their direction.

As the sound of running faded away Midnight let out a sigh of relief. "Well then, that was fun." He then realized he was still pressed up against her and he smiled as he pushed himself off of her. "So, what was a girl like you doing at the Kiss Inn?" He asked.

Scootaloo noticed he was talking and snapped back into reality, putting on a smile. "I should be asking the same thing."

"That isn't important." Midnight leaned back against the alley wall.

Scootaloo sighed. "So... those guys in black where just your friends then?"

Midnight chuckled. "Nah, I just met them. They wanted to kick me out cause I was getting to 'handsy' with one of the girls." He lied.

Scootaloo saw through it and chuckled to herself. "Whatever."

Midnight stared at her for a few seconds. "You followed me." He blurted.

Scootaloo looked at him, no use hiding it. "Yeah and?"

Midnight's expression changed to grim. "Don't." He said darkly.

Scootaloo was surprised by his sudden change in tone and opened her mouth to speak but was cut off.

"Listen, I'm not who you think I am. Following me is a dangerous thing to do, in doing so you'll get yourself killed." Midnight got off the wall and exited the alleyway cautiously.

Scootaloo moved slightly, processing what he just said and softly pushed herself off of the wall. She continued to stand there with a sad look and left the alleyway after a few minutes, she was so overtaken by the word 'killed' that came out of Midnight's mouth. Only making her more curious, but terrified.

Midnight sighed as he looked at the time on the phone. '2:30 Woah, that took a long time.'

"That was pretty harsh." The tech guy responded, Midnight had forgotten he was still listening but shrugged it off.

"So? I spoke the truth, I wasn't going to tell her with a smile on my face or she would think I wasn't serious." Midnight explained.

"Why not be nicer about it?"

"I've tried... trust me..." Midnight said angrly. "I'm DONE being the nice guy."