• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 2,227 Views, 88 Comments

I refuse to admit I'm a brony - BlueSkyHeadLeft010

OC Tales story. Human gets turned into their OC pony, has to deal with never being taken seriously again... Cuteness be darned! I WILL NOT BE UNDERESTIMATED!!!

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Chapter 1: One Good Turn Deserves Another...

"And so, if we turn to page five hundred and nine, you will find an image of the frontal lobe; which is where most of the sensory processing is don-" blah, blah, blah.... It was a typical Monday afternoon in my Psychology class...
The teacher was horrifically boring, and lectured in a dull monotonous voice.

The clock showed it was currently 2:20pm, just ten more minutes until we got out of here!
I had spent most of my time doodling today instead of taking notes... I didn't really need to pay attention since I had already read the same thing in the book last night.
So instead I was drawing ponies.
They covered every inch of college ruled notebook paper with only a few spots left; soon to be drawn on as well...
Today felt kinda like an OC day, so I was working more on my design for Sunstripe, my unicorn/zebra pony.
I chuckled as I drew different aspects of her imagined lifestyle.
[Here is teh pic :P]
She was a carpenter by trade. Her talents involved inventing and building new things using her magical blue aura. Much like the cartoon Phineas and Ferb, she had sort of a knack for envisioning big things. In my drawings, she donned a mechanical set of wings she had built herself... They were powered by the users magic, and gave her the appearance of a small alicorn; if only because she looked similar in appearance. Her white stripes took the effect away though. They ran across her yellow coat like bleached clothing, giving her the name Sunstripe.
Like my other OCs, she was treasured as I took the time to draw her out carefully; the drone of the teachers voice already long forgotten about.
Even though I had to take this College Psychology class to graduate, my one true passion was art.
I had intended to pursue a career in Graphic Design before fate threw me a curve ball.

The time was now 2:23pm, when I had turned my attention back to the classroom.
Suddenly, as if a massive earthquake had shook the building, I felt a surge of power go through me followed by a flash of light as I jerked in response and fell out of my chair.
I heard someone laughing from behind me and then another crash before the voice of my psychology professor could be heard.
"Miss Sugar, are you alright?" She asked, utterly confused as to why there were a bunch of chuckling students and some kids in the floor.
I groaned as I picked myself off the floor and tried to steady my inner inertia. My sense of balance was off, but I managed to crawl back into my chair...
"Y-yea. I just slid off my seat for a moment.." I breathed as I tried to keep myself from repeating the same process again...
"Well, as long as you're alright we shall continue." She said as she turned back to the blackboard.
The students snickering behind me finally died down as the other woman who had fell too picked herself up and went back to writing...
I would've too, but something felt off.
I realized my hat that I wore, often times so I could sleep in class without anyone being the wiser, was pushed upwards too far on my head, so I reached upwards to grab it back down.
It didn't want to budge, like something was hung on it, but I didn't have the patience to ponder why as I just pulled it down harder, resulting in a loud 'rrrrriiiiiiiiiiip' to resound in class as I tore a hole in my hat by whatever was blocking it.
I dead panned as everyone just stopped and turned to look at me. Slowly, I reached up for my hat and wretched it off my head.
Sure enough there was a big fat hole right through the center of the darned thing, but that was nothing compared to the added weight up there.
My hand shot up to grab it, and I froze when I realized I was actually touching solid skin on bone.
I have a horn. I panicked, as I tossed my purse over my shoulder and flew out the classroom; not caring if I got in trouble.
I headed for the bathroom first thing to look at this anomaly and bit my tongue to keep me from screaming once I saw it...
Roughly six inches in length was a yellow spiraled horn sticking clear out of my acne faced forehead.
I have to be dreaming. I thought as I recalled some of my previous vivid dreams about dinosaurs and time traveling devices.
I tittered, yeah that was it! This was all a dream!
Except I never have been able to realize if I was dreaming in a dream. I froze as I thought about that.

I had never been blessed with the gift of dream realization. So, therefore something was up.
I quickly held up my phone and took a snapshot of the out of place appendage and texted my mom, who is a very good social worker and has seen a lot of weird diseases, to ask her what she thought of this.
The response was, "I can't get picture texts from you because I don't have a smartphone..."
Crap! I started to panic as I just dialed her to see if she would pick up, while also locking myself in a stall.
The phone rang once; twice... Come on. Pick up, pick up please. I repeated the mantra before I heard it click.
"Hey Emily? What's going on?" Mom asked, knowing I was worried.
I swallowed some spit down my tight throat as I tried to remain in control of my emotions, "M-mom. I have a horn." I spoke rather rushed as I tried not to have an anxiety attack.
"A what? You watched porn?!" She said confused, thinking we probably had a bad connection.
I shook my head no even though she couldn't see it, "No! I've got a unicorn horn on my head!" I raised my voice in a panic as mom said something.
"Emily! Emily! EMILY, calm down!" She said stern but reassuring as I took in a large gulp of air...
"Now what's this about a horn? Do you mean you're having another breakout of acne on your face? I-"
"No, no! A real horn... Like it's six inches long and yellow.." I explained, calming down slightly for a moment...
There was silence on the phone for a long moment before she finally spoke up again...
"... Well, that is odd. Did this just happen right now?" She asked me.
I let out a painful sob as the last of my walls came down, "Yeah... I was in class when this burst of power came rushing through and I fell and ripped a hole in my favorite hat a-"
On the other side of the call mom was laughing.
I stopped to ponder why she thought this was hilarious, "S-sorry. It's just kinda comical to think about. Are you in any pain?" She asked me.
"No." I replied instantly. Growing a horn should've hurt, but it surprisingly didn't.
"Ok. Well I don't know much about what to do, and sweetie I've got coustomers, so I'll have to get back to you.. In the meantime just head back home and text your professors and we'll go from there, ok?" She reminded me.
"Ok." I breathed as we said our goodbye and I hung up and came out of the stall.
I looked at the hat again and then to the horn. Since it already had a hole in it, I put my hat back ontop of the horn and walked out of the bathroom.
Truthfully I was terrified, but my talk with my mother had reassured me that despite this bumpy point I would still move on.
I walked out of the community college as composed as I could be and headed over to the parking lot to find my car.
Despite being eighteen and a freshman at the college, I never once complained about how understanding my mother was.
I could always rely on her when things went south.
Now maybe I can keep it together for another forty five minutes as I drove over the Sylva mountain...
Man, what is up with people on the road today?!

On my way back across the mountain at least four semi trucks had nearly rammed into my rear as they swerved into the next lane and sped on by. I get sometimes Monday's are busy on this road, but it's usually not this crazy and WHERE WERE ALL THE COPS WHEN YOU NEEDED ONE!? OUTTA THE WAY BOZO!!!
I barely avoided a dude in a corvette as she swerved in between traffic like a mad mare.
Wait, did I say mare?
I couldn't dwell on it at the moment as I swerved to miss a car that had decided to FLIPPING BREAK TEN FEET IN FRONT OF ME CAN YOU AT LEAST PULL OVER BEFORE YOU STOP COMPLETELY?!

Anyways, like I was saying besides the crazy drivers out there I discovered that my new 'horn' really hated the tight arrangements.
It was currently trying its best not to scrape the roof as I suddenly felt my left ear itch and I absentmindedly reached up to scratch it.
Wait, where are my ears?
Oddly the sides of my head were bare, not even an ear hole, but I could still hear.
Worriedly I pulled down my mirror to find two yellow leathery like objects perched ontop of my head flicking to and fro at the traffic noise.
I tried not panick as I pushed harder down on the gas peddle and sped up.
Please tell me this isn't going to get any worse i whimpered as I finally made it into town.
Meanwhile at the Crystal Empire....
A large jolt of energy pressed against Cadance's horn as she shot up in a cold sweat from her sleep.
"Shining?" She asked blearily as she used her magic to turn on the lights.
The stallion in question simply rolled over in his sleep snoring away as Cadance stared at him puzzled before gently nudging him awake.
"*yawn* What is it my princess?" He said sleepy as he cracked open an eye and rubbed his hoof over his face.
Cadance looked at him troubled, "Did you feel that?" She asked concerned.
"Huh? Feel what?" He said still half asleep.
"Nevermind... It was probably nothing." She shook her head as she laid back down under the covers.
Shining yawned as he leaned over to turn off the light and snuggled back in, "Ok. Well get Colonel Peanut Brittle to investigate in the trail mix..." He muttered as he fell back asleep.
Candace just shook her head as she too felt the lull of slumber.
She didn't know what the sudden surge of magic was about, but she would ask Auntie Celestia in the morning...

Author's Note:

Yay! Chapter one is done! Welcome to my Contribution to OC Tales! :3
If you're confused with what exactly is OC Tales, please read MidnightChaos' story, or go check ut the group here ==> https://www.fimfiction.net/group/205029/oc-tales

Thanks! And I'll return soon! ^^