• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 2,228 Views, 88 Comments

I refuse to admit I'm a brony - BlueSkyHeadLeft010

OC Tales story. Human gets turned into their OC pony, has to deal with never being taken seriously again... Cuteness be darned! I WILL NOT BE UNDERESTIMATED!!!

  • ...

Chapter 6: Chicago at last!

The plane shook as I snapped awake from my day dream and braced as we finally landed on the runway.
"Huh, only 10:30... That was a short flight". I said as I checked my watch.
"Everyone ready?" Mom asked as the engines cut off.
Despite the flight only lasting roughly forty-five minutes, a lot had changed since then.
Turns out Jacob's eyes glow in the dark, creepy but neat at the same time. I practiced my magic briefly on a few pieces of luggage, and managed to lift roughly thirty pounds before I gave out. Ariana was practicing what she called 'hoof jabs', and mom used the wi-fi to book our hotel while we were stuck here.
We knew getting out of here was going to be no easy task. It was most likely the police were on high alert and already had our mugs plastered about, not to mention they had tazers, so we had to be careful.
We sat in silence for what seemed like eternity before voices were heard climbing up towards the cargo lock and we sprung to life.
"I keep telling you Joe! Every time I come to work, something odd always happens! I-" The man called Joe opened the latch with a ear grinding noise as he crawled his way inside.
We went into hiding, snuggling ever deeper within the luggage as I tried to even my breathing. The doorway, our exit, was right there! But we needed to wait.
Joe scooted in as his face burrowed in confusion before latching the conveyor belt down. "Huh, seems like we've got a lot of luggage in here Mike. I think more than regulation permits..." He frowned as he started hauling down bags.
That was Jacob's cue...

Joe froze as he whipped his head over to where the animals were still laying half asleep.
He blinked for a moment, looking around before cautiously unloading more luggage.
I don't know if you guys know this about me, but I'm really good at making all sorts of animal calls.
I carefully swallowed my spit as I shifted my vocal cords to the back of my throat and took a deep breath...
SCRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I shouted at the top of my lungs as Joe just froze in horror and put his hands over his ears and grimaced.
The sound echoed throughout the cabin, waking up the animals as they started barking and hissing and even growling, before Joe scoooted towards the entrance of the cargo lift.
"Hey Mike! Something odd's going on in here! There's a funny noise and the animals are in a tiz! Can you come up 'ere and look? My eyesight ain't as good as it used to be..." Joe hollered down as the clanking of Mike's shoes could be heard before he too jumped into the cockpit.
It was getting uncomfortably crowded now...

Grrrrrrrrr.... Jacob let out another deep throaty growl as both Joe and Mike whipped around to the source of the noise.
Mike frowned as he undid his flashlight, "Probably some f****** pitbull that got loose" he swore as he carefully made his way over to Jacob's hiding spot.
Jacob rustled the bags around him a bit more as he let out another growl.
"What the-?" Joe said as he obviously looked spooked.
Mike edged forwards as Jacob rattled the luggage even more...
Mortalssssss... He hissed as Mike blinked before his face turned to one of mock humor.
"Alright kid, get out!" He growled in warning as Jacob continued to rustle even more.
"YOU DARE?! He shouted as he suddenly sprung up to full height and turned his glowing purple eyes at the man.
Mike must've peed himself right there because the two men swore as they froze in shock for a good half moment.
I AM SATAN INCARNATE! WHO DARES?! He bellowed, as he suddenly burst in height and two leathery like appendages sprung out from his back.
Joe fell out of the plane and hit the ground, and Mike just dashed out without a word as his face said it all.

I laughed.
Oh Luna! Did you see their faces?!
No time to bother though, we grabbed our things and ran.
Joe was passed out on the ground from the fall, and Mike was long gone as the quiet surrounded us...
Jacob about didn't make it out the cockpit, seeing he just grew twelve feet with wings!, but clawed his way out and we grabbed the cargo van and just booked it.
I barely made it in when I suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and realized Ariana was doing the same, before I released my contents of my stomach onto the asphalt.
A loud ripping was heard as my feet suddenly fell out of my shoes and I couldn't feel my toes, and then my pants ripped as my toes bent and warped in an inhuman way.
Ariana beside me sprouted a tail and grew a muzzle before she screamed in horror as mom pushed down on the gas.
"Uh guys, this is really uncomfortable.." Jacob said, as he put on another burst of size and suddenly broke the seat in his cart as the line snapped and his wings became more defined. His ears suddenly sprouted fan-like membrane and two small horns poke from his head.
The cart screeched as Jacob grew to the size of a plane suddenly and I was lurched out like a toy doll. Luckily, I managed to catch myself on the back end of a wheel spoke, so I didn't fall hard.
"What the-?" I blinked as Jacob shook off the broken cart from his leg and stood up full height.
"Whoa... I guess I forgot how big Scorch is..." He commented as his voice seemed to reverberate as I looked on in shock.

"You there! Halt!" Some security guards suddenly shouted as stun darts were fired.
We dove to the sides as everyone screamed and Jacob whipped around his eyes wide.
What to do? What to do?! We were hoping not to get caught by them!
The guards fired more shots as Jacob tried to swerve behind a plane and the men charged.
Like a lightning bolt, a thought hit me as I looked from our luggage, to us, to Jacob again who's wings seemed twice as long as his body.
"Jacob!" I shouted as he whipped his head towards me in confusion. "Can you fly us with those things?!" I called as the shots got nearer.
Jacob's eyes went huge, "I honestly don't know! How do these work?!" He called as he winced when a bullet came a little too close for comfort.
"Good enough!" I shouted as I grabbed the luggage closest and turned towards the rest.
"Everyone! Pile onto of Jacob! We're going!" I called as they opened their mouths to no doubt protest another crazy idea, but obliged since the guards were firing.
Jacob sat as close to the ground as possible as we climbed on his ripped jeans, thank Celestia for elastic all the way through, or else we'd *ahem...
He helped as much as possible as we used his spikes to hold on and plopped the luggage between our legs.
I sat in the front to help be the 'co-pilot' and told him to go.
"Head towards the run ways! You'll get a good start!" I called as Jacob stood up and ran!
"Stop!" The guards called as I could see police cars running down the road at us, but Jacob was faster.
In front, a Boeing 747 was preparing to land as Jacob's wing tip nearly brushed the side as it swerved out of our way.
He started flapping, but we were getting no where other than a big gust of wind.
"Emily! This is crazy! I-I can't do this!" he croaked as his speed faltered and the cops were coming...
Panic welled up in me. This was the last shot we had!
I bit my tongue. "No! Jacob you have to do it! We don't have any other choice! You can make it! You can!" I shouted as Jacob panted in fear.
Another plane was approaching as Jacob started making flapping motions clockwise and we gained some altitude and then fell once more.
"I-can't!" He wailed as the plane came even closer.
I practically yelled as I pulled on his scales, "Yes, you, CAN!" I screamed as the roaring of jets overtook anything else and I realized we were about to become a pancake.
Something must've suddenly registered with Jacob, as his eyes narrowed and he spread out his wings wide...
The plane came ever closer, a mere four yards! Before with a flick of the wrist his wings twitched down with a hard thrust and we shot straight up like a bullet out of the plane's way.
Everyone screamed, but Jacob wasted no time flapping once more with his powerful wingspan.
"This is amaziiiiiinnnnnnnnggggg!" Ariana laughed as we flew over the Chicago's night life...
Well, here's hoping...