• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 2,229 Views, 88 Comments

I refuse to admit I'm a brony - BlueSkyHeadLeft010

OC Tales story. Human gets turned into their OC pony, has to deal with never being taken seriously again... Cuteness be darned! I WILL NOT BE UNDERESTIMATED!!!

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Chapter 5: Fly Barney! Fly!!!

"Stop in the name of the law!" Two TSA members were yelling behind us, since I had used my magic to bust down the kid's lounge door previously, as we made a break for it.
Briefly, I snuck a glance behind me to find them still hot on our tails with the panicked looks of everyone around mirroring it.

"Was it really a good idea to bust down the door Emily?" Mom huffed as we kept on running.
We had made it past the food court area into our respective flight zone, with just enough time to maybe actually make it onto the flight thank Celestia, but if we didn't shake these guys we'd never get anywhere.
I shrugged as I kept on running, "Maybe?! But what other choice did we have?" I shouted as I skidded right and ran through a more congested section of people to slow down the TSA agents.
Mom would've finished, but she was too busy trying too keep up.

I hate to admit it, but I was getting tired too... I'm more of a sprinter in nature, and while Jacob was clearly in the lead for being the most psychically built, carrying Ariana on his back not withstanding, he too was barely outpacing these guys.
"I need backup on floor C!" One of the TSA members shouted into his Walkie-Talkie.
I cringed, our flight was another mile's walk ahead, but if we didn't loose them now, we were goners.
Briefly I began to panic.
Was this how it went down? Perhaps I had been a bit delusional in thinking we could actually outrun trained professionals, not to mention my feet could become hooves at any second... Let's face it... This was hopeless to start with; I frowned.
I was about to call it quits when by some miracle I spotted the one thing that could be our saving grace.
A few feet ahead, sitting idly off the sidewalk, was one of those mini carts used for the handicap and the wealthy.
I veered that direction as I turned left, "Jacob! Cart up ahead!" I called as he nodded and put on a extra burst of speed.
Me and mom were right behind him as Jacob practically launched Ariana into a seat, and turned the ignition key on as he quickly maneuvered it out into the walkway.
Me and mom dashed over to it and jumped in, well more like mom jumped, I tripped at the last possible second (stupid feet) and fell in painfully but managed to miss my horn.
Jacob then hit the gas, and for effect turned on the sirens, as we practically sped down the walkway at a speed close to 35mph.

As I finally sat up, I noticed the TSA getting farther and farther behind before they stopped to radio in more help.
I would've smirked if it weren't for the fact we were steadily running out of road ourselves.
"Uh Jacob?!" I panicked as I poked him, while we edged closer and closer to the end of the hall where there was nothing but a glass window up ahead.
There was no time to stop. If we did it might've been much worse.. Instead Jacob narrowed his slit eyes and shouted, "Hold on! We can make this!" As he did probably the second most bravest, or stupidest, thing I've ever seen him do before...
The cart sped up with us and our luggage in tow (forgot to mention we had been dragging it with us the whole time, oops!), as the window ebbed closer and closer.
People around us screamed as they ran out the way in a panic, including one dude who had been reading a newspaper when he looked up to see what the fuss was about and hurled himself out of the way, before we hit the window pane dead on and flew out of the airport onto the runway with a thud!.
I held on for dear life as Jacob quickly recovered and spun the cart left before he hit the gas once more.
"Is everyone okay?" I shouted as we sped down the airport parking lane.
"I'm fine! The cart took the impact of the glass shattering and the hood fended off the rest!" Ariana called as mom nodded in confirmation and I sighed in relief.
Next came Jacob. I smacked him on the head. "What the hay were you thinking?! You could've gotten us killed!" I screeched as Jacob yelped and ducked to keep me from smacking him again. "Hey! You blew apart a door! I'm just taking notes from your book of crazy and dangerous!" He scoffed as we continued to speed down the parking zones.
The thought occurred to me, "So uh, where are we going?" I blinked as zone c-73, 72, 71, etc. zoomed by our vision.
Jacob shrugged, "Well, I thought we'd just head on over to where we were gonna board anyways and snag a ride then.
"Without our tickets?" I questioned as the numbers of the zones kept going down.
Jacob grinned as he stole a glance my way, "More like we hide in the cargo." He said, which earned a 'what' from me.
"Again, this could've gone much better..." I grumbled as here we were, packed and hidden in between carelessly thrown about luggage in the bottom of the plane.
"Honestly, I don't know how much better it could've been." Mom sighed sadly as we made ourselves as comfortable as possible amongst the hard suitcases.
I was sitting closer to the animal cargo, and was petting a sleeping dog while groaning simulatenously. "I guess the bright side is we've still got our luggage." I said as I pointed out the fact that we still had them with us.
Everyone nodded as Ariana played fort and Jacob laid down, careful not to bend his spikes. "This is sometimes a little to much to handle. Did we really manage to pull it off?" He tittered, his face twisted in between a nervous laugh and downright shock. Welp, I guess the adrenaline finally wore off then...
I shook my head, "Not yet Jacob. We gotta get there first and leave this place without being detained." I sighed once more. There was no telling what would happen to us now. We were wanted felons, and-
"Right." Mom said as she donned a serious face. "I'm not usually for going against the law, but I think our circumstances warrant it." She said.
I just blinked in surprise as she grinned at me.
"What?" She said, "This is a national crisis! I'm not just going to let you all fail at the one chance of figuring out why this is happening!" She said bravely, though none of us felt really brave right now.
She turned towards Jacob who was donning some more purple scales near his ear holes. "Right, now listen here everyone! This is the plan..."

Author's Note:

Alright! Enjoy the chapter everyone! More to come soon! :yay::twilightsmile: