• Member Since 28th Dec, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2022

Vineyl Scratch

Comments ( 64 )

Loved it, can you write one about the other 2 ponies who fluttershy said she used (or suggested using)?

Wow. You surprised me here, Vineyl. You wrote Fluttershy as plenty willing to mind-control Twilight, but she didn't come off as evil or manipulative or power-hungry. She was just scared, and so she devised a way to get what she wanted without having to deal with the terrifying implications attached to that. I was waiting for her to go power-hungry, but she didn't. It actually seemed like a nice, pleasant little afternoon visit. I'm greatly impressed that you were able to keep her so in-character!

Any plans for what comes after? I'd like to see what happens with Rarity and/or Twilight... :pinkiecrazy:

This came to mind while reading:


You surprised me

I love surprising people! :)

Any plans for what comes after?

Yes! A sequel is already underway. :yay:


Loved it


can you write one about the other 2 ponies who fluttershy said she used (or suggested using)?

A sequel is planned (although it won't be quite the same as this). As for prequels involving what happened with Rainbow Dash, Pinkie and Applejack, I've left that open-ended for now. I don't have any plans for those at the moment.


Hah, this was actually something I tried very hard to avoid. A mind-controlled character parroting back the exact words of their controller sounds a bit goofy. Instead, I was inspired by how Wintermist did it in Friendship is Mind Control, where characters repeat instructions in the mode of speech most familiar to them.

Incidentally, Friendship is Mind Control is awesome and basically inspired this story, so if you liked this you should definitely read that.

Also, is this in any way related to the other story you wrote?

>first chapter 7,557 words
>6,207 words total

5770076 I sat here for about five minutes trying to come up with some witty justification for this and couldn't so I just decided to admit defeat and tell everypony I've failed.

5770610 that's ok at least you tried , that's more than i would have been capable of....

Very good story. You've earned a watch, a thumbs up, and a favorite :twilightsmile:

5770076 - yeah, I don't get it either. :)


Also, is this in any way related to the other story you wrote?

Technically no, there's no relation. Spiritually, yes - this is a similar Fluttershy to the one in Flutterplant.

This was wonderful. The mind-control itself was very fun to read, and you kept Fluttershy and Twilight so well in character!

You've instantly got me interested in seeing more exploits using this mysterious and powerful MC-Tea.

I thought that Twilight's grammar seemed familiar. I totally agree that it sounds much better when controlled characters paraphrase commands. Less silly, and generally just flows better inside the dialogue.

You did a great job with it here.

5771906 - thanks very much! I was a bit nervous about this one so I'm glad people are enjoying it. :yay:

This is a beautiful piece, and I'm very grateful for the mention! I have some ideas for Twilight-Fluttershy with the power flow being in quite the opposite direction, I really enjoyed seeing it from another angle. Write more!

And I was glad to have the chance to read it!
I never expected that a story about tea could be so sexy!

YES! :pinkiecrazy:

Ok, this version of Fluttershy is a bit scary.:fluttershysad:

hmmm, this kind of mind control is different from a lot of the stuff i've read on here. Typically while controlled the individual will lose all personality and will. In your story the mind control seems to work like heavy suggestion, with the personality remaining conscious. I don't recall reading a mind control fic staring Fluttershy before, I like it:pinkiecrazy:


Thank you, and you're very welcome. :raritywink: More is on the way!

This part was always the most nerve-wrenching for her, but she had to test that the tea was having its effect.

Tell me about it :moustache: it's also actually kinda exciting right? :rainbowkiss:

it was a sort-of-right wrongness, if that made sense.

took it out of my mouth XD. This whole story felt exactly like that.

A good read, not enough to get me off but certainly one of the interesting clops i've read.

Good story. I love how Fluttershy was written.

But even though she can make ponies think what she wants she can give them suggestions
like loving her more no matter what or having an activation trigger to do what she wants.

[but thats my opinion, even if you wish to continue this story]


The effect of the brew is only temporary, so normal hypnotic things like implanted triggers don't work (at least, not after the brew's worn off). Erased memories stay erased, however, which is why it was so important for Fluttershy to make sure that happened while Twilight was still under the influence.


Good story. I love how Fluttershy was written.

Also thanks :)


I don't recall reading a mind control fic staring Fluttershy before, I like it:pinkiecrazy:

Thanks! I'm really pleased that people are liking it :)

5778017 Ooh, nice
5775758 there is one with the same carachters but diferent method. Timid Dominaion


Wow, I'd never heard of Timid Domination before, but I'm amazed at how similarly it starts off!

5778356 It's one of the few were Fluttershy is the hypnotist...

oh wrong here is other one. the secret of the stare

Umm... Is it bad that all I want now is to find what was in that "tea"?:pinkiecrazy:

It's always the quiet ones...

5778735 - the sequel will go into a little more detail on that, although you already know the most important thing about it (ie. what it does) :trollestia:

Not very arousing to me, but that is probably because I don't have a mind control fetish! It was well written, and I enjoyed it... Strange, I was sure mind-control was not my cup of tea. :trollestia:

ummmmmmmmmm........im unshur how to feel now dirty or indifferent:rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh:

Comedy ending: Twilight musing to herself on the way out the door whether or not she should mention that Alicorns are immune to poisons and drugs. :rainbowlaugh:

I was half-hoping Twilight Sparkle would burn through the poison less than halfway through with her alicorn high-energy burning, but manage to keep up the charade. :rainbowlaugh:

5824949 - this didn't even occur to me. :rainbowlaugh:


It didn't?! Man, you totes should make that, like, an alternate ending! :raritystarry:

Please please PLEASE write more stuff for this! PLEASE!!!

Cute... appropriate given the main character is Fluttershy.

Other alternate ending idea:
Twilight starts obsessing over the details of the imagined conversation because she normally has an eidetic memory and the idea that she can't recall those facts bugs her. She looks up a memory spell and it gives her a perfect recollection of what really happened.


That's a neat idea. Not what I have planned, but it's good. :pinkiesmile:

I wonder...what if Fluttershy accidentally drank the wrong tea?

Is the drug we're talking about (something like) Scopolamine? =3
Edit: looks like it, but.. a little off.
Edit edit: Please, please, PLEASE make those stories about rainbow dash pinkie and applejack too =3 That'd be amazin'.

Fluttershy's heart began to pound as she reached a hoof toward Twilight's nethers and rubbed the tip of it between down between Twilight's labia it down between

Eh, not sure on the believability but it was still a nice read. It was fetish fuel but at the same time it felt more like a character building fic than just a mindless clopfic.


Did you know this is a real drug that can be found in Columbia? it's called devil's breath or Scopolamine, no? well the more you know Mhmhmhhmhmh...


Except not. There's no documented drug that causes this kind of effect. The best you get, which you quoted, is a small child like state or, as it'd probably be viewed more commonly on the internet, as a retard. Complex mental processing is out and detailed memory recall is gone while you're under the effects. Additionally, you flat out don't form memories, you can't be 'commanded' to form or not form them. The physical side effects are also pretty noticeable.

It is, however, commonly used to rob people blind and, as shown here, date rape them, though it's only commonly used for that in South America. We've got better quality drugs in the States and Western Europe.


6294131 Have you ever been subjected to it, if you have then I feel very sorry for you.

I have a friend who had this kind of thing happen too her it's not so much the strength of the drug it's who is subjected to it, you can say many things, but every person will have a different effect in a big or small way. an analysis doesn't have a lot of say on this type of thing only that you should try and avoid it, the problem lies in this drug it makes it possible to control people in a big or small way. don't you see? it is a terrifying subject.

Science can't explain everything my friend but it can be used as a weapon against us. sometimes the only real evidence we have of something is the experience of life. science can only come after we have lived. and living is the most terrifying thing of all. sorry don't want to sound mean or anything I'm just trying to make a point, I just find this is something we all should fear. As for the author if he/or she wants this comment deleted then I will do so. good fic btw

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