• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 517 Views, 6 Comments

In another reality - Makahin

I had a 'experience' with MLP universe. Here I'll tell you the details.

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Chapter 2: Life Change

Life isn’t only dreams, or a beautiful garden. Sometimes it needs have changes here and there, but we must keep it going.

When I turned 12, I reached my majority, so I can leave the orphanage and have a life, a job. I started working in a small book store, while time passed, I met Octavia and Lyra, and they asked me if wanted to make part of the small Ponyville's Orchestra. I accepted. In a few months, I had my own house in Ponyville, and with Twilight’s arrival, I've started to intermediate the books' arrives from others places of Equestria. In two or three weeks, I already had an “employee”, a mare gray unicorn, who helped me when I left the book store, taking care of it, every time I went to a presentation, or vacations.

Playing the violin turned more of a hobby than a job. I know, I used to play in the orchestra, but sometimes I went to a hill, outside Ponyville, just to play, or when I wanted to be alone for a while, usually when I was sad or when my bad memories came from the depths of my mind. One day, I decided to go there, just to be alone, and watch the skies, like every time I went there, but in that day I was so sad, if I was dead, it didn't matter for me. I sat there and started crying. I cried like never before. The tears dripped down so painfully in my face, and my heart was beating so intense and painfully, thing that I couldn't support. At that same time, memories appeared when I was a colt, and when the other ponies bullied me.

A sound picked my attention. My eyes were closed, and the sound of wings beating in the air, made the memories disappear, and inside my mind was nothing, just the sound. I opened my eyes, and I saw her. Rainbow Dash was on front of me, a few meters, hovering in the air, staring at me, worried about what was wrong with me.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” She said coming near me. That moment was the worst to talk with my crush, but I couldn’t run away now. I was reactionless; she suddenly appeared in front of me and started to talk.

“May I sit here?” She asked, and I nodded.

With my hoof I tried to clean the tears in my face. She sat in my front, and said to me:

“First, take a deep breath, and tell me your name…”

“ F-Flying… Fi-Fiddler…” I said between sobs.

“Why you are crying Flying Fiddler?”

“Please… call me on-only Fi-Fiddler…”

“Why?” Dashie asked.

So I told her my story. About my colthood, the bullies, about my problem with my wings. Everything. And she was there, listening carefully to every I word I spoke, or I tried to (when I started talk about, I started cry and sob again). When I finished, Rainbow Dash pick my head with her hooves, and made me look inside her eyes. Her beauty red-pink eyes.

“So… Fiddler, I know have saw me flying trough the skies before, aren’t you? Well I, the best flyer in all Equestria, will teach you everything you need to know to fly like me, but since now I warn you: you can be the 2nd best flyer, because I’m the 1st! Ok? Together we will make a pair of unbeaten flying ponies!”

Those words cheer me up a bit. My life love was worrying about me and my problems. My dreams were coming true!
We arranged to meet in the same place next day, after the lunch. When I was going to there, I was thinking to myself: ‘well… I guess she won’t come…but, what we will lose?’ When I arrived the place, I saw her, sitting on a cloud, waiting for me.

“A bit late, Mr. Fiddler” She said giggling.

“I had some costumers in my library, and my assistant, Lady Gray Magic, wasn’t there, so I apologize for being late” I said, continuing with the joke.

She started to train me. She started with some wings stretching, and some exercises for they. Every day was a new “class”. A day was about fly theories, another some exercises. And day after day she was more interested helping me, with the flying problem and about my shyness, that made me love Dashie more and more. After two weeks, ours meeting became more usual, and we were meeting not only for my training, but to hang out, to walk around Ponyville, or admire the sunset. Sometimes she placed a cloud near the hill, so I could climb it and she would “drive” us to a distant place, just to lie down, look at the sky, and talk. Talk about many things, about how she loves the Wonderbolts, and how she wanted to be one of them; about how I love the classical music, but I never told her my feelings.

Sometimes when we were in Ponyville’s park, Pinkie suddenly appears near us, hopping and saying:

“Rainbow Dash is dating! Rainbow Dash is dating! With Flying Fiddler!”

Every time, Dashie just got blushed, and she said:

“No Pinkie! We are just… just friends!”

And every time that happens, I just laughed. By the time passes, she started to ‘don't care’ about the situation. We both know the truth, so what's the big deal?

We were together since 5 or 4 years, and I was completely in love with Dashie, this feeling was so strong inside me, that I decided to compose a song for her, and tell everything about what my feelings.

We set to meet at the hill, in a beautiful day, after the lunch, like always. I arrived a half hour earlier than the combined, to set up my stuff, and to encourage myself.

Dashie arrived flying like always, with a happy smile in her face. I was afraid that she didn't like my song, because she didn't like so much the classical music, – but she started to like since she met me, I guess the reason is because I talk so much about it when we were together – but I had to do it. She landed on ground, and said to me:

“Hi Fih! How you're doing?”

“Fine Dashie! And you?”

“I'm fine too... I'm curious to know what you want to show me!”

“Amm.. Yeah!... Of course...” I said embarrassed “Well... I was working hard on this... I hope you like...”

I've picked up my violin, looked on my sheets, and I started to play. My heart was beating hard, and I was looking to her. She was in front of me, listening carefully. I decided to close my eyes, and I left my arms play for me. The music was going so deep, romantic and melodic, that I could listen the nature around us singing with my violin.
When I finished, my legs were a bit shaky, and Dashie was looking at me. I was waiting for the worst thing, when she said:

“Fiddler... You know I don't like so much this kinda music..." I froze when I heard these words "but... it was beautiful. I... I don't have words to say how I'm feeling right now...”

My heart was beating so quickly, so wildly, that I couldn't find the right words.

“Well Dashie... I made this... to... say something to you...”

“Yes...?" She said curious.

“Well... since five years you are, well... taking care about me... worrying with my problems...” ‘Come on!’ I thought with myself ‘You have 17 years! Doesn't matter her answer, just do it!’ “And these years were the best five years of my life... So… I want ask you...”

“Yes?!” She looked into my eyes. She was on front of me, raised, with the wings open, very close to me. Her spiky mane was touching my face. In that moment, my face became so hot, that I could fry an egg in it. My heart was beating quickly and irregularly, and I was breathless.

“Well... Do you...” I were gagging “Want to be... to be mine...”

She didn't let me finish. She just kissed my lips for a while, and then looked at me, with a loving expression, and said slowly:

“Yes... I want... Is that the answer you were waiting?”

“Amm... It’s...” In that moment I my face was hotter than before, my heart was looking like a train and my wings were open, and I was with a silly smile on my face. “It’s...it's way better Dashie... I-I just dunno what say now... I just want... want do a thing!”
Before Dashie say a word, my heart taken the control of my body, and I ran to the ledge of the hill, and I jumped. I knew it was madness, but a part of me was confident that everything will be fine. I was with my eyes closed, but I felt something moving at the both sides of me. I part of me was moving frantically. I opened my eyes, and I saw my wings beating. I was a few meters of the ledge, floating in the air.
“Fiddler! Never scare me like this again! – Dashie said a bit nervous.”

“Dashie! I flew! I finally flew!” I said happily while I was trying to go nearby her “I flew! Did you saw this?”

“Yeah... I saw Fih...” She laughed.

We hugged, and kissed again (this time was a bit longer), and then we went to a “happy trip”, giggling trough the skies. I wasn’t flying so well, sometimes Dashie needed to help me, and we decided do lie down on a far away cloud.

Our “dating” was a bit hidden; because we didn’t want everypony knows about… Dashie never liked to talk about her feelings, I don’t know why, I guess because she consider this a weak or something, and I don’t like when everypony knows about my particular life. But we couldn’t hold it so longer, we knew that, but we just prefer to let it just between us. And we kept that way about it. Sometimes we went to Cloudsdale, to go to a pub, or to "fly" around, and I sometimes I used to sleep in her house, and she in mine, in Ponyville.

Day after day we were closer to each other, I never thought that would be like this… When I was colt, this “love story” appeared to be so far from me, a distant dream, like fly. And I was flying better, by the way.

Author's Note:

The music, that I composed to Dashie, seems like this one here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ707L1lh4I
I've reconized it from a friend's chinese CD, around the end of november, 2013.