• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 517 Views, 6 Comments

In another reality - Makahin

I had a 'experience' with MLP universe. Here I'll tell you the details.

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Chapter 5: The strange lifetime

Years have passed, I was 25. Dashie still full of life: always flying around, going in missions, training rookies’ wonderbolts, but I was different. I felt like a 40 year old pony. My energy was not the same as when I was younger. My mane already had one or other white hair, and when I flew for much time, my wings started to ache. Sometimes my bones had a slight pain in it. Dashie noticed that, but without telling me, I knew that: I was getting old, earlier than the normal. She was the best mare for a pony like me. With her loyalty, she was always taking care of me, more now than before.

Another strange thing: usually I had some strange dreams (or nightmares?). I was in a different world. The things had fewer colors than the normal, and I was a strange animal. Not a pony. An animal who walks in two legs and speaks a weird language.

“Fiddler, darling… are you alright?” She asked a day.

“Nothing honey… just a recurring weird dream…”

“About what…?”

I told her the entire story. Since from the strange thoughts till these dreams.

“We should see Twilight. She probably knows what to do.”

“I don’t think so” I said when I was picking a cup of daisy tea “It’s just some dreams… Some dreams…” I said thoughtful.

The dreams has started to be more frequent than the usual. A day I gave up, and decided to go with Dashie to see Twilight. We were a bit nervous to know about what were these weird stuff.

When we arrived, Spike opened the door and said:

“Are you searching for Twilight, right? She’s upstairs, in her room.”

We entered in the library, and I saw all the bookshelves full o’ books, sort of then I’ve sold to Twilight years ago, when I had my bookstore. Equestrian History; First Battle against the Changelings; The life of the grand wizard Starswirl; Everything and a bit more about harmony… were some titles that I knew well… I’ve read some of these books. That moment was nostalgic. I remembered the “old” times, when I had the bookstore, when Lady Gray Magic helped me… I started too, remember my colthood. The time I spent with Autumn Prince, especially when we were talking about our crushes. And now, there I was. Standing up in front of a bookshelf, looking to nothing, and remembering the sweet and old times.

“Fiddler?” Dashie called me “What are you doing down there?”

“Ammm… Nothing…” I said embarassed “I’m coming up in sec…”

I walked through the stairs, to the superior floor, where was Twilight room, with her personal table, bed…

“Hello Fih… Dashie told me that you aren’t so good nowadays…”Twilight said while she was walking towards me.

“Yeah… That’s true…” I answered.

“So… Let’s sit, and how about you tell me everything? Wanna drink something?”

Neither me nor Dashie wanted have some drink, we just sat in couches in the living room; and I started to tell to Twilight all the story: since the weird thoughts, till my dreams, and about my premature aging. When I finished, she wasn’t surprised at all, she just look at me and said:

“Well… I thing Celestia already told me that could happen…”

“Wait…What?!? Did she knew about this all this time, and she didn’t warn me or nothing?” I was astonished and confused.

“Calm Fiddler…” Dashie said putting a hoof in my shoulder “The best we can do now is write a letter to the Princess, and wait for her answer…”

“I’ll do this right now” Twilight said going to the stairway door, and she yelled “Spike! Come here a sec!” Turning to us she said “You two can go, if you want… I’m certain that she won’t answer today… Tomorrow I think I’ll have her letter…”

I and Dashie decided to go home. We spent the rest of the day together, doing nothing at all, just enjoying ourselves. We talked about our memories… how we met, our secret dating, our first kiss…

In the next day, I woke up more tired than when I went to bed last night, but I needed to know Celestia’s response.
Dashie, like always, was with me, when I went to the library after the lunch. I was so tired that I couldn’t fly, so we went on hoof. When we get there, Twilight said that Celestia didn’t answer yet. So Dashie suggest a visit to a place: the hill. We walked to the top of it. And she did a thing that she didn’t since years ago… She flew away, took a cloud nearby me, to I climb up, and she drove that cloud to place far away… For we just lie down, and watch the sky. The birds flying, the winds moving some leaves… We spent a lot of time there, and soon the skies became be a little orange… It was the sunset. We decided to go back home.

In our way back, when we were near the center of Ponyville, a blindness white light appeared in front of us. Seconds after that, Princess Celestia were in front of us. Immediately everypony revered, including me and Dashie. My back hurt a bit, when I revered.

“You don’t need do it, my little pony. I know your pain. I know everything.” said a serious, soft and feminine voice.

I looked up, and saw who was talking to me. The white legs, with golden and big horseshoes, showing that was a member of the Canterlot royal family, gave me the clue. Princess Celestia was in front of me, standing up, looking at me, with a happy look.

“My princess…” I said, but she interrupted me.

“Shhh… Don’t say anything now… May I follow you and your wife to where you were going?”

“Sure…Sure... It’s an honor for us” Rainbow said.

“You ponies can rise now… You don’t need stay like this… I’m just visiting a friend here; it’s not a Royal survey…” Celestia said to all the other ponies, so they rose up, and started to argue about what’s going on. While we was walking Celestia was talking, and we were listening attentive every word. “It was better if my sister tells what I’m here to, but the night is coming, and with it, she need guard the night, as I do with the day. You Fiddler, you know, better than nopony else, that dreams can come true, don’t you?”

“Yes” I answered

“The dreams, Fiddler, are so magical than me, if you want know. If somepony dream with faith in something, that thing becomes true, no matter what is. It can be a dream to be a part of the Wonderbolts, play violin, get married with the “mare of your dreams” or just know how to fly.”

I was astonished. How could she know about everything? When I was going to ask about, Celestia started to talk again.

“Well… I have a secret. Can I tell it for you?”

“Sure” I and Dashie said, a bit curious

“My dream was having my sister back, and thanks for your wife and her friends, she is now in Canterlot, taking care of the night, and watching out the ponies’ dreams.”

“Princess… Talking about dreams… I need to ask…” I tried to ask, but she interrupted me again.

“Fiddler… You don’t need ask anything now… Soon you’ll have all the answers…Where I was? Oh yes, about the dreams… So Fiddler… if you dream with faith in something, you’ll see: your dreams will become true. Nothing is impossible, my little pony, nothing. You can have everything you desire, either marries somepony, or be part of the Wonderbolts, you just need believe in your dreams.”
In that moment we were in front of my house, it was dark, around 9-10 hours. Celestia talked again:
“It’s late now, you look tired, and you should go sleep… I’m sure you will feel way better tomorrow” She put a hoof in my shoulder, she leaned over, looked me in the eye, and said “No matter what happen, don’t forget this: the magic only will be reality if you believe.” She kissed my forehead. “Now go…And you Rainbow Dash, I need talk with you, just some words, and I’ll let you with your husband… Fiddler” I stayed there, waiting for Rainbow “It’s a mare subject…”

“Ah… okay… sorry…”
I entered in the house, wanted to know what they were talking about, but is not correct hear the others’ chat. As Celestia said, I was tired, all what I wanted is a good night of sleep, so I went to the bedroom, lied down in the bed and some minutes after that Dashie entered in the room. She wasn’t happy. Her ears were down, but she was figuring out that everything was okay.

“What Celestia told to you darling?”

“Well…” She said in a tearful voice, and quickly she was with me in the bed, at my side “Nothing different than what she told to you at the door…” She was holding something to me. She wasn’t a good liar. I knew she was holding something, and some tears too “Celestia just… Just said the same to me: you need a long… long night of… of sleep” this moment a tear dropped from her eye, her beauty red-pink eye “That will make you feel better…”

“But… I don’t want have those dreams again…”

“Don’t worry Fiddler, I’m here with you” She involved me with her wing “No matter what…I will be always in your heart…” She put her hoof in my chest, and kissed me “Goodnight Flying Fiddler, I love you.”

“I love you too, Rainbow Dash.”

And my eyes were closing slowly, letting me see her beautiful eyes… Those red-pink eyes, now with some tears dropping, but still the same eyes that one time, years ago, made mine stop cry.

And the inevitable happened.

Author's Note:
